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"I'm glad," Aqua said fully sitting on the sand. "This is a very interesting place.....the fishes look nothing like in real life" she commented as she took one of the drinks and took a sip.
Emily looked at Earl, the feeling for what happened was evident in his eyes. "No Earl you aren't going bad...I know you could never....there is no comparing you to them...you are nothing like you-know-who or let alone like my father.." she said.
"if you say so, though you should really rest...that cough does not sound good.." Gwen replied.
He smiled as he watched her. Suddenly there was an explosion nearby. Peter groaned. "Of course..." He said his suit went around him, except the sleeves were short sleeved and he had no gloved just his webshooters.
"You sure?" He asked.
"The touch was infectious. Within the hour the ward was infectedz within the day the qhole hospital." He coughed.
He smiled as he watched her. Suddenly there was an explosion nearby. Peter groaned. "Of course..." He said his suit went around him, except the sleeves were short sleeved and he had no gloved just his webshooters.
"You sure?" He asked.
"The touch was infectious. Within the hour the ward was infectedz within the day the qhole hospital." He coughed.
Aqua quickly sat up as the sound of the explosion was heard. She sighed of course, this was supose to be their vacation. She got up and also morfed into her suit. Though she noticed the short sleeve style he was going with and just simply smiled. "Lets go!.." she said ready to check out said explosion.
"Of you always..." she replied looking up at him confidently.
"....by touch..." Gwen repeated as she looked back at the patiences on the bed. She did not like this at all it was something out of a zombie movie.
Aqua quickly sat up as the sound of the explosion was heard. She sighed of course, this was supose to be their vacation. She got up and also morfed into her suit. Though she noticed the short sleeve style he was going with and just simply smiled. "Lets go!.." she said ready to check out said explosion.
"Of you always..." she replied looking up at him confidently.
"....by touch..." Gwen repeated as she looked back at the patiences on the bed. She did not like this at all it was something out of a zombie movie.
Peter took her arm shot a webline to a building and yanked. The building's were too short for effective webswinging but close enougb that roof traversal was easy.
He smiled. "Your the best." He said.
"They must be... Kept... Contained..." He said sounding like he was choking. "The young lady... She knows more... Than she... She.... M..... M..... Mmmummy....? A-are you m-my m-m-mummy?"
Peter took her arm shot a webline to a building and yanked. The building's were too short for effective webswinging but close enougb that roof traversal was easy.
He smiled. "Your the best." He said.
"They must be... Kept... Contained..." He said sounding like he was choking. "The young lady... She knows more... Than she... She.... M..... M..... Mmmummy....? A-are you m-my m-m-mummy?"
Aqua leaned into his hold, grabbing on to him as they shot up towards a close building. Landing on the roof the travel towards the explosion was quick.
"Oh naturaly..." she replied with a proud smile. "Though your not so bad yourself" she added pokeing his side gently "your nothing but brilliant, loyal and with a true kind heart I never dought you love" she said leaning up to give him a kiss on the cheek.
"The young lady?..." she repeated wondering if this man ment the girl they saw when the tardis phone was ringing. Gwen's eyes went wide when the man transformed horrorficly. "Oh no...Doctor.....he turned!" She said taking steps back nothing but horrified for what had happened.
Aqua leaned into his hold, grabbing on to him as they shot up towards a close building. Landing on the roof the travel towards the explosion was quick.
"Oh naturaly..." she replied with a proud smile. "Though your not so bad yourself" she added pokeing his side gently "your nothing but brilliant, loyal and with a true kind heart I never dought you love" she said leaning up to give him a kiss on the cheek.
"The young lady?..." she repeated wondering if this man ment the girl they saw when the tardis phone was ringing. Gwen's eyes went wide when the man transformed horrorficly. "Oh no...Doctor.....he turned!" She said taking steps back nothing but horrified for what had happened.

Aqua leaned into his hold, grabbing on to him as they shot up towards a close building. Landing on the roof the travel towards the explosion was quick.
"Oh naturaly..." she replied with a proud smile. "Though your not so bad yourself" she added pokeing his side gently "your nothing but brilliant, loyal and with a true kind heart I never dought you love" she said leaning up to give him a kiss on the cheek.
"The young lady?..." she repeated wondering if this man ment the girl they saw when the tardis phone was ringing. Gwen's eyes went wide when the man transformed horrorficly. "Oh no...Doctor.....he turned!" She said taking steps back nothing but horrified for what had happened.
They stopped and saw the source of the explosion. A huge hulking creature on a glider. (Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon goblin)
They stopped and saw the source of the explosion. A huge hulking creature on a glider. (Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon goblin)
(I thought I did...)
He smiled more. "If you two kiss I'm going to retch." Liam said
The Doctor backed off as well.
(No worries ^u^ you know it happens to me alot) (a very buff goblin)
Aqua's eyes went wide under her mask at the sight of the huge hulking creature. She wondered why he was attacking, what had these people done to provoc such action.
Emily looked over towards Liam after she peeked Earl on the cheek. She frowned at his comment and without a second thought and to want to go against his annoyed comment. Emily reached up and pulled Earl down to her height and kissed him on the lips.
(Oh you dare comment on me loving my boyfriend and making him feel better after something modifying happened to him...ill show you! Go on and suffer!)
"...careful Doctor we can't let....ahh...they are all getting up!...don't them tough us!" She said as the others on the beds shot up and turned towards the two. Doctor we have to go "she said quickly backing to the door.
(No worries ^u^ you know it happens to me alot) (a very buff goblin)
Aqua's eyes went wide under her mask at the sight of the huge hulking creature. She wondered why he was attacking, what had these people done to provoc such action.
Emily looked over towards Liam after she peeked Earl on the cheek. She frowned at his comment and without a second thought and to want to go against his annoyed comment. Emily reached up and pulled Earl down to her height and kissed him on the lips.
(Oh you dare comment on me loving my boyfriend and making him feel better after something modifying happened to him...ill show you! Go on and suffer!)
"...careful Doctor we can't let....ahh...they are all getting up!...don't them tough us!" She said as the others on the beds shot up and turned towards the two. Doctor we have to go "she said quickly backing to the door.
"Hey big guy! People are trying to enjoy the sun, get lost!" He said shooting web in the monsters eyes.
He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her back. Liam looked at them. "Ugh." He said.
They opened the door. More zombified people in gas masks.
"Hey big guy! People are trying to enjoy the sun, get lost!" He said shooting web in the monsters eyes.
He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her back. Liam looked at them. "Ugh." He said.
They opened the door. More zombified people in gas masks.
"Yeah what the deal terrorizing these poor people when all they are doing is enjoying such a lovely day" Octi commented as well
(the web in the eye would definitely piss him off)
Emily held back a snicker as Earl was all for the sudden kiss, smiling as he wrapped his arms around her to pull her in closer to him as they kissed. Emily felt nothing but delight as she enjoyed every second of the kiss.

Amelia looked towards the two younglings embracing there faces before turning over towards Liam seeing how discusted he seemed but the act. The woman chuckled bumping his side. "Oh come on you old bag of bones, that ain't so bad....you can't tell me you never done that before yourself...." she said with a chuckle before turning back to the two kids. "Alright you two save it for later for when ya two are alone....we got to keep going!" She called out to them
"Why is there so many?!" Gwen gasped holding back a scream as they confronted many more gas-masked zombies. Gwen caster a wall of energy and pushed the zombies away from them so she and the Doctor could run the opposite way down the hall.
"Yeah what the deal terrorizing these poor people when all they are doing is enjoying such a lovely day" Octi commented as well
(the web in the eye would definitely piss him off)
Emily held back a snicker as Earl was all for the sudden kiss, smiling as he wrapped his arms around her to pull her in closer to him as they kissed. Emily felt nothing but delight as she enjoyed every second of the kiss.

Amelia looked towards the two younglings embracing there faces before turning over towards Liam seeing how discusted he seemed but the act. The woman chuckled bumping his side. "Oh come on you old bag of bones, that ain't so bad....you can't tell me you never done that before yourself...." she said with a chuckle before turning back to the two kids. "Alright you two save it for later for when ya two are alone....we got to keep going!" She called out to them
"Why is there so many?!" Gwen gasped holding back a scream as they confronted many more gas-masked zombies. Gwen caster a wall of energy and pushed the zombies away from them so she and the Doctor could run the opposite way down the hall.
He wripped the webbing off and looked at Peter taking note of his suit. "Not the Spider-Man I'm looking for, but one dead Spider-Man's as good as any other." He said.
Earl looked at the two of them. "We do what we want." He said. "We'll save it, But not because you told us too." Ra'Zeem just rolled his eyes as he turned back into his normal self. "A little help?" He asked covering his crotch. "This one's clothes got destroyed.:
They kept coming getting closer. The Doctor looked at them. "Go to your room." He said. They paused. "Go to your room. I mean it. I'm very very cross... I'm very very angry." Nothing. "GO! TO! YOUR! ROOM!" He said angrily. Unbelievably this worked.
He wripped the webbing off and looked at Peter taking note of his suit. "Not the Spider-Man I'm looking for, but one dead Spider-Man's as good as any other." He said.
Earl looked at the two of them. "We do what we want." He said. "We'll save it, But not because you told us too." Ra'Zeem just rolled his eyes as he turned back into his normal self. "A little help?" He asked covering his crotch. "This one's clothes got destroyed.:
They kept coming getting closer. The Doctor looked at them. "Go to your room." He said. They paused. "Go to your room. I mean it. I'm very very cross... I'm very very angry." Nothing. "GO! TO! YOUR! ROOM!" He said angrily. Unbelievably this worked.
"....so many beings want you dead Spidy...." Aqua commented having taken notice, though of she had any say she wasnt allow such thing.
Emily had a smirk on her face as the kiss was broken looking over at the two bounty hunters and gave a nod agreeing to what Earl was saying.

Amelia held back a chuckle at the two younglings response. "Good...if you say so young one...." Amelia replied to him before turning towards the now very naked Ra'Zeem as he spoke out. Amelia bit her lip holding back a laugh. Emily looked over and took notice the man was back and naked as she covered her eyes and looked away.

"You are right...they are gone..." Amelia said unsurewhat she could do but took off her cloak and tossed it to him.
(Love this part really did)
Gwen did her best to hold them back, why were there so many of them? She wondered. Then the Doctor yelled sending the mob to their room. Gwen looked over at the Doctor questionally then back at the mob of maskwearing humans as they stoped and looked at him before just leaving as the Doctor spoke again more firmly. "I cant belive that worked......" she said in amazement.
"....so many beings want you dead Spidy...." Aqua commented having taken notice, though of she had any say she wasnt allow such thing.
Emily had a smirk on her face as the kiss was broken looking over at the two bounty hunters and gave a nod agreeing to what Earl was saying.

Amelia held back a chuckle at the two younglings response. "Good...if you say so young one...." Amelia replied to him before turning towards the now very naked Ra'Zeem as he spoke out. Amelia bit her lip holding back a laugh. Emily looked over and took notice the man was back and naked as she covered her eyes and looked away.

"You are right...they are gone..." Amelia said unsurewhat she could do but took off her cloak and tossed it to him.
(Love this part really did)
Gwen did her best to hold them back, why were there so many of them? She wondered. Then the Doctor yelled sending the mob to their room. Gwen looked over at the Doctor questionally then back at the mob of maskwearing humans as they stoped and looked at him before just leaving as the Doctor spoke again more firmly. "I cant belive that worked......" she said in amazement.
"Its cuz I'm related to spiders isn't it. That's offensive to Spiders everywhere." He said.
Ealr pointed his wand at Ra'Zeem and his clothing reappared on his body,
"Good thing though. Those would have been terrible last words." He said.
"Its cuz I'm related to spiders isn't it. That's offensive to Spiders everywhere." He said.
Ealr pointed his wand at Ra'Zeem and his clothing reappared on his body,
"Good thing though. Those would have been terrible last words." He said.
"Yes nothing but rudeness.." Octi added as she shook her head. She turned towards the very large green goblin that looked so weird on the flying device. "Why even bother being distructive...its such a beautiful place?....why don't relax big green man....the fruity drinks are quite yummy.." she added
"Well that's a more efficient...." Amelia commented as she look back her cloak and placed it back on. The youngling were quite strange but they did possess quite useful skills, she thought. "Well now that everyone is decent and such shoukd we continue?" She asked.
"I never thought of that....those would have been the worse.." Gwen agreed. "Though Doctor what will we do?....can this even be stoped?..." she asked
"Yes nothing but rudeness.." Octi added as she shook her head. She turned towards the very large green goblin that looked so weird on the flying device. "Why even bother being distructive...its such a beautiful place?....why don't relax big green man....the fruity drinks are quite yummy.." she added
"Well that's a more efficient...." Amelia commented as she look back her cloak and placed it back on. The youngling were quite strange but they did possess quite useful skills, she thought. "Well now that everyone is decent and such shoukd we continue?" She asked.
"I never thought of that....those would have been the worse.." Gwen agreed. "Though Doctor what will we do?....can this even be stoped?..." she asked
"Yeah why don't you try some of the PUNCH!" Peter flew threw the air and punched the monster before shoot a webline and yanking himself back to Aqua.
(Where were we in fairy tail stuff?) "There's not much farther to go. LAst door." Earl said pointing.
As she was talking there was a blue beam and someone appeared. A very good looking man.
"Yeah why don't you try some of the PUNCH!" Peter flew threw the air and punched the monster before shoot a webline and yanking himself back to Aqua.
(Where were we in fairy tail stuff?) "There's not much farther to go. LAst door." Earl said pointing.
As she was talking there was a blue beam and someone appeared. A very good looking man.
The large green goblin roared in anger as he stabilized himself on his glider as the sudden kick almost knocked him down. "You pathetic pest!" He yelled tossing a bomb at the two heros direction.
(Um don't really remember exactly....think Link was changing, while with pinto knocked him out. Lucy, gray and natsu is with them. erza got healing from Emma and they looking for Wendy.....)

"How are we certain that's the last one?" Emily asked wand at the ready for what ever laid behind the door.

"Well last door, then let's get over with it" Amelia said a bit over the whole order this quest had brought.
Gwen just back at the sudden appearance of a man next to them. "Who are you?!" She questioned though quickly did take notice that whoever he was, he was quite attractive.
The large green goblin roared in anger as he stabilized himself on his glider as the sudden kick almost knocked him down. "You pathetic pest!" He yelled tossing a bomb at the two heros direction.
(Um don't really remember exactly....think Link was changing, while with pinto knocked him out. Lucy, gray and natsu is with them. erza got healing from Emma and they looking for Wendy.....)

"How are we certain that's the last one?" Emily asked wand at the ready for what ever laid behind the door.

"Well last door, then let's get over with it" Amelia said a bit over the whole order this quest had brought.
Gwen just back at the sudden appearance of a man next to them. "Who are you?!" She questioned though quickly did take notice that whoever he was, he was quite attractive.
Peter looked at AquaMarie. "Trust me?" He asked.
Pinto looked at Angel. "What do you want?" He asked.
Adelaide, Leon, and Titus awoke im some kind of pod. Titus was already struggling. "Where the heck are we? Leon Adelaide! You there!?"
"Captain Jack Harkness." He said with a charming smile.
Peter looked at AquaMarie. "Trust me?" He asked.
Pinto looked at Angel. "What do you want?" He asked.
Adelaide, Leon, and Titus awoke im some kind of pod. Titus was already struggling. "Where the heck are we? Leon Adelaide! You there!?"
"Captain Jack Harkness." He said with a charming smile.
Aqua looked back at Peter with intense eyes under her mask, worrying her for a second as they were dealing with a evil doer. But she simply nodded "always" she replied as she didn't trust anyone as much as him.
"Nothing.....really just doing my job and making sure the trash is taken care off...to make a much better world of corse.." she replied
Adelaide suddenly awoke with such confusion, hands out in front of her as she touched the pod. She tried to keep calm but was freaking out on the inside, what had happen? Was she to be sold and harvested for her wings. Her attention was grabbed as she heard a familer voice. "TITUS!...Titus! Your there!....are you alright? Were are we? Is Leon with you?..." she asked
"Captain?...greetings Jack" Gwen gently smiled anamered with such a charming smile. "Im Gwen and this is the Doctor....were did you come from?..."
Aqua looked back at Peter with intense eyes under her mask, worrying her for a second as they were dealing with a evil doer. But she simply nodded "always" she replied as she didn't trust anyone as much as him.
"Nothing.....really just doing my job and making sure the trash is taken care off...to make a much better world of corse.." she replied
Adelaide suddenly awoke with such confusion, hands out in front of her as she touched the pod. She tried to keep calm but was freaking out on the inside, what had happen? Was she to be sold and harvested for her wings. Her attention was grabbed as she heard a familer voice. "TITUS!...Titus! Your there!....are you alright? Were are we? Is Leon with you?..." she asked
"Captain?...greetings Jack" Gwen gently smiled anamered with such a charming smile. "Im Gwen and this is the Doctor....were did you come from?..."
"Grab him with your hair." He picked her up and threw her over the bombs toward the goblin.
Pinto narrowed his eyes. "I have two friends out of comission and one being affected by whatever you guys are doing with this nirvana. I'm not in the mood for vagueness."
Ra'Zeem went and opened the door.
"Here..." Leon said across from her. Something with tentacles was walking toward him holding some kind of small creature. "Keep away from me you tentacled freak!" Leon shouted as it reached toward his eye\
"Up there. You guys are the time cops right? Here looking to get the machine that fell into this time? I can get it to you-" He said. "Look around Captain." The Doctor said. "Whatever's n there is causing an epidemic."
"Grab him with your hair." He picked her up and threw her over the bombs toward the goblin.
Pinto narrowed his eyes. "I have two friends out of comission and one being affected by whatever you guys are doing with this nirvana. I'm not in the mood for vagueness."
Ra'Zeem went and opened the door.
"Here..." Leon said across from her. Something with tentacles was walking toward him holding some kind of small creature. "Keep away from me you tentacled freak!" Leon shouted as it reached toward his eye\
"Up there. You guys are the time cops right? Here looking to get the machine that fell into this time? I can get it to you-" He said. "Look around Captain." The Doctor said. "Whatever's n there is causing an epidemic."
"Got it" Aqua nodded understanding what to do. She braced herself as Peter easily picked her up and tossed her. She easily flew over the bombs and over to the large goblin. Extending her tentacles she grabbed onto the globing latching on to him tightly.
"Dose it seem like I care what is going on with your so called friends?....it simply shows how weak they really are..." angel replied "but don't threat...you all will be able to join your friends soon" she added
Bracing themselves for whatever lay behind the door. Once the door was opened Emily peered from behind Ra'Zeem and looked in.
Adelaide finally spotted him and felt a bit of relief, even if it was for a mere second as they were all accounted for. However, that feeling of relief was quickly taken over by horror. Adelaide watched as a tentacled creature walked over to Leon. She could not really see what was going on anymore, but she could hear Leon's shouts. What were they doing to him "Stop!....why are you doing this?! Why are we here?!" she shouted.
"Wait you know about that....that thing that landed here?...are you the one responsible for what's going on out here?....the people are turning into gas masked zombies!...there are dire priorities then that machine. Gwen replied.
"Got it" Aqua nodded understanding what to do. She braced herself as Peter easily picked her up and tossed her. She easily flew over the bombs and over to the large goblin. Extending her tentacles she grabbed onto the globing latching on to him tightly.
"Dose it seem like I care what is going on with your so called friends?....it simply shows how weak they really are..." angel replied "but don't threat...you all will be able to join your friends soon" she added
Bracing themselves for whatever lay behind the door. Once the door was opened Emily peered from behind Ra'Zeem and looked in.
Adelaide finally spotted him and felt a bit of relief, even if it was for a mere second as they were all accounted for. However, that feeling of relief was quickly taken over by horror. Adelaide watched as a tentacled creature walked over to Leon. She could not really see what was going on anymore, but she could hear Leon's shouts. What were they doing to him "Stop!....why are you doing this?! Why are we here?!" she shouted.
"Wait you know about that....that thing that landed here?...are you the one responsible for what's going on out here?....the people are turning into gas masked zombies!...there are dire priorities then that machine. Gwen replied.
With the opening created Peter fired two weblines on either side and slingshot feet first into the goblins face knocking all of them off his Glider. Peter quickly spun around the Goblin, grabbed Aqua, and shot a webling pulling them back to safety. He let the Goblin fall.
"You better start caring!" Pinto said getting into a fighting stance. He was angry. And excited. His tail shuddered with anticipation.
The wave of freezing cold wind hit them. They were back outside.
The creature shot tendrils at Leon forcing his left eye open. Then it shot forward snd forced itself behind his eye. (this is was turns people into Mind Flayers. Basically Leon's in a LOT of trouble)
"You don't know about it... you landed it. Gwen you can search his mind can't you?" The Doctor asked.
With the opening created Peter fired two weblines on either side and slingshot feet first into the goblins face knocking all of them off his Glider. Peter quickly spun around the Goblin, grabbed Aqua, and shot a webling pulling them back to safety. He let the Goblin fall.
"You better start caring!" Pinto said getting into a fighting stance. He was angry. And excited. His tail shuddered with anticipation.
The wave of freezing cold wind hit them. They were back outside.
The creature shot tendrils at Leon forcing his left eye open. Then it shot forward snd forced itself behind his eye. (this is was turns people into Mind Flayers. Basically Leon's in a LOT of trouble)
"You don't know about it... you landed it. Gwen you can search his mind can't you?" The Doctor asked.
Aqua pulled back as she held on to the monstrous goblin, starting to throw him off balance. They went tumbling back when Peter went feet first into goblin. Falling back she released the Goblin, pushing herself away from him as they free fell. In a blink of an eye she was grabed by Peter to which Aqua held on tightly to him as they shot back on to the top of the building.
Angel simply smiled as in a puff of smoke an exact copy of Pinto appeared in front of him, taking the fighting stance as well.
(Not sure if this will work on him because you said the power is learned by training. As it worked in the anime and she copied the spirits of Lucy)
Emily looks around confused as she lowers her wand. 'That was anticlimactic' she thought.

"Oh look we made it out..." Amelia replied, lowering her bow.
(Oh no he has been infected by the brain worm!. Are they all?....also Adelaide is like a nature fairy with healing abilities. However, I know she won't be able to do much as she is not as skilled as others with healing magic. So are they all going to get a mind worm?...) Adelaide gasped covering her mouth, tears dripping down her eyes. She could not do anything none of them could as they watched one of their friends get tortured.
(It's been a while forgot what Gwen can even do.....do hope i did it right.)
Gwen looked over at the Doctor and gently nodded. She turned back towards Jack reaching over to him and placing her hand on the side of his head.
Aqua pulled back as she held on to the monstrous goblin, starting to throw him off balance. They went tumbling back when Peter went feet first into goblin. Falling back she released the Goblin, pushing herself away from him as they free fell. In a blink of an eye she was grabed by Peter to which Aqua held on tightly to him as they shot back on to the top of the building.
Angel simply smiled as in a puff of smoke an exact copy of Pinto appeared in front of him, taking the fighting stance as well.
(Not sure if this will work on him because you said the power is learned by training. As it worked in the anime and she copied the spirits of Lucy)
Emily looks around confused as she lowers her wand. 'That was anticlimactic' she thought.

"Oh look we made it out..." Amelia replied, lowering her bow.
(Oh no he has been infected by the brain worm!. Are they all?....also Adelaide is like a nature fairy with healing abilities. However, I know she won't be able to do much as she is not as skilled as others with healing magic. So are they all going to get a mind worm?...) Adelaide gasped covering her mouth, tears dripping down her eyes. She could not do anything none of them could as they watched one of their friends get tortured.
(It's been a while forgot what Gwen can even do.....do hope i did it right.)
Gwen looked over at the Doctor and gently nodded. She turned back towards Jack reaching over to him and placing her hand on the side of his head.
The Goblin landed in the ground. A portal of some kind opened beneath him and he disappeared.
(He could probably copy Pinto's Base Raw strength but that's about it)
"Cheap copies of me won't do you any good "
They were on some cliff side well away fro. Winterhold proper. There was a coffin at the end of the cliff.
(Nothing natural healing can do against an Illithid tadpole, only way to remove one I know of requires magic currently beyond any of them) Titus wasn't going to take this sitting down. Rage fueled him and Adelaide would recognize the familiar glow of blue as his hair and beard caught fire. (using blue flames now cuz he has red skin)
She saw time police. The metal thing they had following. His belief it was empty. And his plan to con them into buying it before destroying it.
The Goblin landed in the ground. A portal of some kind opened beneath him and he disappeared.
(He could probably copy Pinto's Base Raw strength but that's about it)
"Cheap copies of me won't do you any good "
They were on some cliff side well away fro. Winterhold proper. There was a coffin at the end of the cliff.
(Nothing natural healing can do against an Illithid tadpole, only way to remove one I know of requires magic currently beyond any of them) Titus wasn't going to take this sitting down. Rage fueled him and Adelaide would recognize the familiar glow of blue as his hair and beard caught fire. (using blue flames now cuz he has red skin)
She saw time police. The metal thing they had following. His belief it was empty. And his plan to con them into buying it before destroying it.
"Oh...he disappeared...." Aqua commented as the Goblin vanished into a portal.
"They aren't mean cheap copies...they are nothing but the best, know every single move you will make....they are exactly whatever are you.." she commented as Pinto's copy went for the attack.
"...wow... someplace to be barred at.." Amelia commented as she placed her bow on her back and walked over towards the coffin at the end of the cliff.

Emily gasped as the wind blew around them, taking some steps out towards the end of the cliff.
(I figured she was not going to be able to do anything, knowing how this a special circumstance from what I remember of the game while you played.)
Adelaide could not see very well from the pod she was in. However, she did recognize the glow coming from the pod she could only figure incased Titus and she knew he was not pleased at all.
Gwen gasped then her face changed to anger. "You are nothing but a thieving liar....he was planning on conning us Doctor....take us for some kind of fools...the pod is completely empty Doctor... Whatever is in there it's out and about in the city....and like you concluded it has to be what's going on with these people..." she responded
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"Oh...he disappeared...." Aqua commented as the Goblin vanished into a portal.
"They aren't mean cheap copies...they are nothing but the best, know every single move you will make....they are exactly whatever are you.." she commented as Pinto's copy went for the attack.
"...wow... someplace to be barred at.." Amelia commented as she placed her bow on her back and walked over towards the coffin at the end of the cliff.

Emily gasped as the wind blew around them, taking some steps out towards the end of the cliff.
(I figured she was not going to be able to do anything, knowing how this a special circumstance from what I remember of the game while you played.)
Adelaide could not see very well from the pod she was in. However, she did recognize the glow coming from the pod she could only figure incased Titus and she knew he was not pleased at all.
Gwen gasped then her face changed to anger. "You are nothing but a thieving liar....he was planning on conning us Doctor....take us for some kind of fools...the pod is completely empty Doctor... Whatever is in there it's out and about in the city....and like you concluded it has to be what's going on with these people..." she responded
Peter jumped to where the Goblin used to be. "What was that thing?" He asked. "A goblin." A voice said next to them. It was the older Peter. One of their teachers. "Every Spideran has one. You'll get one too. But not that one."
"Jist as strong as me huh? Good! This'll be fun." Pinto said.
There was a roar and an undead dragon made itself shown flying over them.
Titus tore out of the pod and looked st the Mind Flayer. "Come on you slime!" He shouted.
"It has nothing to do with these people I told you its empty. Its scrap." Jack said.

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