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Mount Olympus Games

October Falls

The One Who Laughs


Once every year, an island rises from the sea. This island is known to historical scholars as Insula Thesaurum (Island Treasure). Insula Thesaurum is the sacred home to grand temples, intricate statues and art mirroring it's ancient creation.

However, not everyone is able to gaze upon this beautiful treasure, for it is not meant for everyone. Only those who's of Ancient Greek or Roman decent, straight from the almighty gods themselves can access Insula Thesaurum.

Though it may be a unique spectacle to the special eye, it's true nature for its uprooting from its yearly sleep deep underwater is far more dark. At the beginning of time when Gaia's children, the Titans betrayed their father and chopped him up into billions of tiny pieces, Gaia swore an oath; a curse for every year a bloodbath of 2 tributes, preferably direct offspring, between 12 and 21, of every major and minor god would have to battle each other in a bloody battle to the death where only one or 1 team could exit alive as revenge for her husband/brother's death.

Over the years, the Titans did as instructed, curious to see whose offspring were more powerful and stronger than the other. When the Olympians took control as gods, it wasn't so simple. The precious humans soon lost their faith after several millennia of empty prayers. For fear of fading away into nothing, the Olympians now take sincerity to this curse, participating for their lives.

This massacre is still a curse. If the games are not held once every year the earth will undergo a series of natural disasters, bringing upon an apocalypse to rid the earth of humans all together.

Who will rise on top?

Who will bring honor and glory to their patron?

Who has what it takes?

What will they do?

"Who Wins? You Decide"


@Stasia Luna
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Lilith Rosaline Aidoneus

I could already hear the loud cheers from the excited spectators of this years Games. My father loomed behind me in the shadows of the forest, just off a secret passageway over the sea to the mystical island the Olympic Games are held, Insula Thesaurum.

"I expect a lot to come of you Lilith" Hades announced with his powerful yet soft whisper.

I nodded, his deathly breath tickling my ear.

"Yes Father" I answered, resting my right hand on my sword hilt. I've been spending all my time practicing for this challenge, this tournament, this Game of the Gods. I watched as the long stone bridge from the mainland led countless numbers of all making their way to the Colosseum and or to corresponding cabins for participants to prepare for the deadly bloodbath.

As my attention was on the growing crowds, I didn't notice Thanatos arrive.

I finally felt his aura, darkness and death, sickness and pain.

Behind him stood my best friend, Nico Di Angelo, Thanatos's only child. But, even so he felt like a brother to me. We were even around the same age, he was only 2 years older than me, making him 21. This would be his last Olympic game. I turned to find him in full battle armour, a small smile on his lips. I smiled and bowed to Thanatos. Thanatos nodded, giving me permission to embrace Nico in a welcome hug. "Are you ready to be defeated yet again?" I asked proudly. He chuckled and tapped the hilt of his sword, "Only if it is you who defeat me" He answered in his deep cold voice.

Every time he spoke, I felt as if I was warming up from the inside. I felt my cheeks burn and quickly turned away. I always felt this way in Nico's presence and I denied the fact that I may have romantic feelings for him. Thanatos cleared his throat and gestured to Insula Thesaurum.
"May we proceed?" Thanatos asked in his similar deep deathly voice. Hades nodded, and led the way across the specific black and silver stone bridge that was build just for us.

All around the island there were 3 bridges just for the big three and their close companions. Thanatos followed my father, which left Nico and I trailing behind. Nico's father, Thanatos, was the minor god of Death. This meant he was in control of every death in the world. He was the one to deliver it, and was responsible of leading them to the underworld. He was the first worshiper of Hades and is somehow a trusted adviser.

He has similar powers to Hades, such as death and summoning the dead, but he isn't nearly as powerful and neither is Nico, although he will never admit it.

Like me, Nico is also Italian, but has black shaggy hair and blackish dark eyes that are so stunning if you gaze in them for too long you can feel your life slipping away. Trust me.

He was in his full black Stygian Iron Armour with his black cape with falling broken silver skulls flowing in the cold breeze behind him. It mirrored my black cape with falling red rose petals.

I was watching our parents whisper amongst themselves when Nico asked,
"You know the celebration ball this afternoon?"I frowned and nodded, confused. Of course I knew, I've been going to these tournaments since I was younger.

I said slowly and suspiciously.

He took a quick deep breath and asked,
"Would you like to accompany me to the ball?"

I softly smiled, making my face burn. The ball was only for adult demigods and their selected parent if desired to come to celebrate the games. Since I had turned 18 this year, I was officially old enough to attend, although every year I had to attend, considering I was a child if the big three. Still, I wasn't aloud to dance or go with anyone but sit there and watch everyone have a good time before the battle begun the day after. This was a huge thing for me, and honestly I wasn't thinking he would ask me. Thinking back to it, he refused to dance with everyone when be was eligible to attend. The past few years he had been sitting with me. I nodded.

"That would be lovely" I answered. At that moment we arrived at Insula Thesaurum, walking underneath the giant black iron gates. There were thousands, even in our section of the cabin yards, making it seem claustrophobic. Most were supporters, and others were collection merchants. We pushed our way through, finally making it to our cabins. I felt flustered, being in so much attention. Nico pointed to his cabin next to mine and mouthed over the deafening voices "I will come to collect you for the parade soon"

I nodded and found my way to my cabin door, unlocking it and heading inside. I took a deep breath of relief and found my room with all the belongings I needed.

My thoughts then escaped to the parade, which probably be held shortly. The parade was just a parade of the contestants. Each contestant got to chose a partner to compete with, although they would have to compete against each other in the final rounds. For Nico and I, it was slightly different.
We never fought together, but we represented the same team.

I felt my cheeks burn again when my thought drifted back to what Nico had said before. "Only of it is you who defeat me" , "Would you like to accompany me to the Ball?"

I was then startled when my father entered the room. "I must take my leave and return with the other gods for the Parade." He announced. I nodded, "Yes father " I answered in my slight Italian accent. It has started to fade over the years, but speaking to Nico helped it stay, since he was also Italian. Hades nodded, but before he disintegrated into darkness he said, "Make me proud"

I sighed when he left.

He always said the same things every year.
"Make me proud" and "I expect a lot of you". I've gone well over the years, but after each game I come home to a more disappointed Father. I hope he knew I wasn't perfect, even if I was an immortal god who still hadn't been given the title and respect as a god.

The cries of followers dragged me out if my thoughts. I knew they weren't Hades or Thanatos followers. Our followers usually just sit around bowing to us and threw Drachma at us. They want to pay for their trip to the underworld in advance or try to bribe us into letting them into a certain field of the underworld. Oh well. I frowned when didn't see them when I was outside. Must have been in the shadows where they usually are.

It was then time to get ready. I didn't want to keep people waiting.

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"We're here, Huntresses." Artemis warned. "Stand back."

Obeying her orders, the res of us stood back, the sun reflecting on our silver jackets and almost blinding me. I tried to avert my attention to our entrance.

Glancing at the rippling ocean, I felt the ground shake. Trying my best to maintain my balance, I watched in awe as forest rose from the sea, providing a one-way entrance Insula Thesarum.

We arrived onto the island, and Artemis guided us to a silver cabin, me close behind. Stepping inside, I wasn't surprised to see the bunk beds, rising up to the walls, the 3 nightstands, lamps and a wall-mounted TV. However, we could only watch broadcastings from the Olympus games that night. After that, it was the spectators who watched the television. I was surprised they even had a signal for TV on this secluded island- unless it was the god's magic. Did they have WiFi?

Ignoring my thoughts, I waited for Artemis to claim a bed as her own, before choosing a bed across from her. Watching the Hunters gossip to each other and fight for beds close to their friends, I scowled. The Hunters have always avoided me as much as possible. Artemis was my only friend, if you could even call her that. A demigod and goddess friends? No way in Hades.

"I'm expecting a win from you, fellow Huntresses." Artemis announced, brushing back her red hair, blue eyes sparkling. "We did agree on a win, right?"

"Right!" I responded, along with the others. The Huntresses laughed; I suppressed a smile.

"Good." Artemis stood up, her blue eyes now striking. "We have to get ready for the parade, and fast."

Everyone sighed.

"We'll make it." She smiled, though it looked forced. "I know, none of us are used to wearing dresses, but you'll have to deal. C'mon."
(Yeah, this post is completely different to M&M)

ilith Rosaline Aidoneus

Lilith quickly made herself at home, analysing the simple black cabin somewhat thoroughly. It had been left exactly as she left it the previous year with everything neat and tidy. However, there was a thick layer of dust on almost everything, spiders made the corners of the walls their home and the food in the fridge and cabinets had gotten old and rotten. Lilith frowned, wondering why the cabin had not been preserved as it would have and did in previous years. She shook her head, not wanting to worry about it.

The mess was easily cleanable. Lilith closed her eyes, and summoned the shadows to engulf the cabin, rendering it into complete darkness. She then let the darkness to recede, taking the dirt and grime with it, leaving the cabin spotlessly clean with fresh food in the cabinets, etc.

Lilith glanced through the blacked out windows (windows that can let Lilith see out but no one can see in) and saw an party of Artemis' Huntresses make their way toward their cabin. As they did, Lilith's eyes settled on a lonely looking one rearing the end, trailing behind in silence as the others conversed amongst themselves. She wondered who this Huntress' godly parent(s) were, considering Artemis is a virgin goddess and doesn't bear children. Lilith sighed, turned away from the window and headed into her bedroom, focusing on situating herself to live in the cabin.

Lilith knew she had to get ready for the parade, but there wasn't much more to do. She was already wearing her formal black Stygian Iron armour and black Stygian Iron sword with her decorative cape consisting of the falling rose petals. She had been set before she left the underworld; a request ordered by her father. She didn't want to stand out as much as she would be.


Lilith sighed and sat down on her bed, contemplating on the possible events that might occur that evening. Nico would come, they'd go to the parade, attend the ball, then get ready to fight the next day. Hopefully her weekend will be the highlight of her life; winning the games were all she was counting on.

Lost in thought, Lilith almost didn't hear a knock on the cabin's front door. Another knock, confirming Nico's arrival. Lilith slightly smiled and greeted him at the door, hurrying him inside, away from the hungry spectators outside. He was also still in his full stygian armour. Lilith led him into the kitchen and offered him a drink. He softly smiled and motioned toward the pomegranate jar sitting quietly on the black granite counter. He wanted the usual. With a small smile, Lilith set to make 2 cups of pomegranate tea; one for Nico and one for herself.


As the water boiled in the tea cup, Nico asked,
"Are you ready to make a fool of yourself in front of millions of people?" Lilith chuckled and shrugged, not giving an answer. She didn't know what to say. Her words were stuck in her throat, like a Pomegranate seed in Death Trance. Why had she choked up? She was so determined to win, for herself and for her father, she wasn't prepared to make a fool of herself. Still, every year as she improved more and more, her father still seemed to be disappointed. Lilith liked to tell herself she could tell Nico anything and everything, but feelings toward her father that she didn't even understand herself she kept to herself. Nico didn't need to worry about her. The kettle started to boil over, saving her from his question.

They then sat in silence, sipping their tea thoughtfully. Lilith could tell Nico was thinking about the games. He wore an expression similar to his fathers when spirits were in denial over the fact that they were dead. His lips were thin, his eyes focused on the counter so fiercely, he could burn a hole through the pure stone with just his gaze. He clutched the hot mug tightly, the heat not seeming to bother him.

"Nico?" Lilith whispered, breaking his concentration. "Hm?" He asked with a sigh. The look on her face was of worry and concern. He shrugged, set the half full mug on the counter and waved her off. "I'm alright. Just thinking." Lilith frowned, not convinced. "What are... you thinking... about?" She slowly asked. Nico shook his head and quickly answered, "Nothing." Lilith knew he was lying, but decided not to press it when Nico abruptly stood and offered his hand, quickly glancing out a high window towards the sky where the moon hung low in the sky, slowly rising. Like mortals track the sun for the time of day, Nico and Lilith tracked the moon for the time of night. The windows helped track it, keeping the sun's blinding light at bay. "It's time." Nico murmured, his tea now completely abandoned and his hand; inviting. Lilith sighed and let him help her up, then clutched onto his arm for their departure to the Colosseum which was to the north, situated in the center of the island.

Lilith let him led her out the front door and down the black stone steps into the busy crowd. As they did, the crowd parted in respect once they realised who they were. Lilith hated the attention, but in times like these, you learn to make the most of it.
With Lilith's hand lightly wrapped around Nico's arm, he led her into the Colosseum with many following in reverence. Soon they found their Chariot; completely made of shadow matter. 2 large shadow horses in position to pull the chariot neighed in greeting. Around them, other competitors of all ages and patrons gathered their belongings for the parade. Nico sighed as he gazed off toward the large chain linked doors where they would exit onto the arena.


Lilith caught his gloominess and asked softly,
"What's wrong?" He shrugged and whispered, "I just don't see the point of these games." The pain on his face mirrored her own feelings. Even if these games were a chance to make her parents proud and bring honor to the gods, to0 many have been sacrificed for the thought of peace and prosperity. The games felt like it was just a way to amuse the gods and their followers. It was a more cruel version of the Roman Gladiator game in Ancient Rome. There wouldn't be any other reason why countless demigods are slaughtered in murderous deaths every year ... "I do." Lilith answered. "It's just entertainment. But it doesn't mean I agree with it."

Nico nodded and straightened his shoulders and back when a large, muscled looking man walked by carrying an axe twice his size.
"I won't be surprised if I'm killed one of these days." He admitted. Lilith softly smiled. "I don't think your father would allow it." She said with a chuckle. "You're his only child; his heir." Like Lilith, Nico was also technically a god. His mother is the minor goddess, Macaria. She is the goddess of blessed deaths. Lilith and Nico both had not been given the honour to be accepted as gods. They are immortal. However they could still die from excessive bleeding of their icor. Nico somberly nodded, but he didn't seem to agree. Something was still clearly bothering him.

Just then, Zeus's booming voice quieted the busy streets and everyone preparing for the events this evening. Everyone, young and old stopped what they were doing and looking toward the sky where his voice resonated. Through Iris' magic, small rainbow screens were located every 200 meters
"Welcome to the 74th Annual Mount Olympus Games!" He announced. He didn't seem cheerful; more like informative, curious and calculating. Lilith knew her uncle to be ruthless, tyrannical and manipulative. However, he strongly believed in justice and honor. When he was in a good mood, mostly when he was drunk, he could be carefree, full of laughter, merciful and prudent. Still, he was unpredictable, like a storm off the horizon.

(This next section is undergoing renovation. It's just a dialogue I was thinking Zeus could say either now in the story or before the games begin. I liked it here tho because in the HG Snow says something like the origins of the games during the reaping and after the parade. It's all good tho, i'll get it done sooner or later. On Wattpad, I want you to read 'Dirge of Hell'. It's about the gods and stuff, it's really good. It's spin off, Sidestories is more about the premidoral gods. READ IT!!



Or you can go to


This site has everything you need to know about the Premidoral gods before the Titans, The Titans and the Olympians.

Anyway, my dialogue was basically what I wrote already on the first post to start this.

"At the beginning of time, there was Chaos; nothing.

War, terrible war. Widows, orphans, a motherless child. This was the uprising that rocked our land. Thirteen districts rebelled against the country that fed them, loved them, protected them. Brother turned on brother until nothing remained. And then came the peace, hard fought, sorely won. A people rose up from the ashes and a new era was born. But freedom has a cost. When the traitors were defeated, we swore as a nation we would never know this treason again. And so it was decreed that, each year, the various districts of Panem would offer up, in tribute, one young man and woman to fight to the death in a pageant of honor, courage and sacrifice. The lone victor, bathed in riches, would serve as a reminder of our generosity and our forgiveness. This is how we remember our past. This is how we safeguard our future.}}

][][][At the beginning of time when Gaia's children, the Titans betrayed their father and chopped him up into billions of tiny pieces, Gaia swore an oath; a curse for every year a bloodbath of 2 tributes, preferably direct offspring, between 12 and 21, of every major and minor god would have to battle each other in a bloody battle to the death where only one or 1 team could exit alive as revenge for her husband/brother's death.

Over the years, the Titans did as instructed, curious to see whose offspring were more powerful and stronger than the other. When the Olympians took control as gods, it wasn't so simple. The precious humans soon lost their faith after several millennia of empty prayers. For fear of fading away into nothing, the Olympians now take sincerity to this curse, participating for their lives.

This massacre is still a curse. If the games are not held once every year the earth will undergo a series of natural disasters, bringing upon an apocalypse to rid the earth of humans all together. ][][][

"... Now. Happy Olympic Games. And May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favour"

The Iris screens turned into water vapour and evaporated, everyone's attention now focusing on finished the last preparations for the parade. For the tributes, Zeus's wish was more like a double edged sword. Yes, may the odds be in their favour. However, as Nico mentioned before, why have odds in the first place? Lilith silently swore she would find out when she won and she was definitely going to win that year.

There was then an announcement for all participants to assemble their chariots and wait for instructions to begin. Nico turned to Lilith and offered his hand to help her up onto the chariot. Once she climbed up onto the shadow matter, it looked as if she was being swallowed by darkness, hovering in the smoke of the damned. Nico soon followed and summoned the shadows to form reigns around the horses.
"What's the path?" Lilith asked softly, wondering which grand entrance the gods had chosen this year. "Along the right edge and spiral into the middle. After a speech from each of the Big Three we spiral back out to exit the way we entered. Then from there we proceed to the ballrooms for tonight's ball." Nico explained as a satyr walked by, carrying his own weight in strawberries.

A satyr is a greek half goah, half human who worships Pan, the nature and woods minor god.
They are usually servants and helpers for demigods and gods, but their Roman counterparts aren't that civilised. They're more like goat bogans or rednecks than anything else. The satyr stopped and walked up to us. He rubbed his goatee and stuttered. "Um.. you'll be f-following Percy Jackson of Poseidon. S-so your third in the line." Lilith and Nico both nodded in appreciation.

"Thank You." Lilith thanked with a small smile. The satyr nodded and quickly walked away. Lilith sighed and looked ahead where a chariot made completely of suspended water and sea foam glistened in the dank light. Curiously enough, there was no charioteer in sight. Was Percy late? Lilith knew Percy from previous games he's had to attend, being the only demigod son of Poseidon and all. Just then, a loud booming voice broke.

"Welcome one and all, to this years Mount Olympus games!" Lilith recognised the voice which belonged to Dionysus, the god of Wine, Parties, all that wild stuff. "This is yet to be another year full of blood and excitement! But first, to start the festival, every year of the Olympic Games, our tributes Parade around the arena to give us a look as to who's competing. Now, without further interruption, our Competitors for this years Olympic Games!" A loud whistle blew, signalling the parade to begin. As it did, a rather tall, black haired boy with sea green armour quickly jumped into his water chariot, seemingly out of breath; Percy Jackson. Nico flicked the reins, signaling the shadow horses to trot forward, following Percy.

Nico firmly grab Lilith's hand at her side as they exited the tunnel.
"Raise them when you're ready" Lilith could barely hear as the yelling and cheering of the millions of people in the crowd exploded around her. Neither smiled, and didn't look anywhere but forward. It made the team look strong and independent; the look that helped everyone know who they were, if not already from previous years. They felt powerful, ready to defeat anything that stood in their way. The children of the Underworld.
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[OOC:That sounds cool, i'll check it out. And fuck, I dunno if this machine will let me INSERT my picture and REMOVE it. Really, iPad. How hard is that??]

Artemis had tried to act cheerful, but she had totally failed.

As she went to shower and change in one of the dressing rooms, I went in first to the next room. I quickly showered and dried, exchanging my beloved silver jacket, jeans and boots for our new outfits that we would wear for the parade and the Ball.


[OOC:Minus the hood. Well, more something like it but not on her head. That hood in the picture reminds me of the Grim Reaper or something. And the dress is definitely more silver looking than that.]

I let down my hair, not bothering to mess with it, since it was a waste of time- my hair never does look nice.

I stopped trying to be pretty a long time ago.

As soon as everyone had changed, we gathered outside around the silver, subtly shining chariot. Artemis's four hinds stood, ready to pull the strong and beautiful piece. We each climbed on; bows at the ready and in poise. Around us were greatly crafted sculptures of wild animals, and above us, fireflies flitted around. (Zeus, strangely, allowed the fireflies, but told us no animals were allowed.)

A satyr approached us, giving us specific information for when we would leave the tunnel- before Apollo, after Athena. Sneaking a glance behind us, I caught no glimpse of the Athena chariot, though I did make eye contact with a girl.

She stared at me intently, like I was some brain teaser she couldn't wait to solve. She was fully dressed in battle armor, and a golden knife hung by her side. Her blond hair was in a practical updo to keep it out of her face, which left her stormy gray eyes standing out- so intense, and so.... Cruel.

I wanted to scream. Somewhere I knew this girl. When or where I had no clue; those facts were on the tip of my tongue. But I knew one thing, certainly, about Annabeth Chase.

She was not good news.

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