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Chaos swirled around her and she felt like the eye of the storm. Eight could feel the presence of the creature boy who had hugged her back off for a moment. She just didn't understand his intention, is all. Her fort was infiltrated when someone from the outside lifted the blanket and a flood of light came in. Eight raised her head, pushing her wild hair out of her pouty face and squinting at the being standing above her. "Geewilikers, what are you doin' under here?"

The beast, now exposed scrambled to her feet, dusting off her knees and flattened out the bottom hem of her gown that developed a wrinkle. Eight turned her head and raised her hand to point at the first creature that surprised her but was cut off when the female grabbed her by the arm and took her to join the others. Eight opened her mouth in protest and furrowed her eyebrows, she was getting too close to the others too fast, she wasn't ready! Next thing she new, she found herself seated amongst the rest. The female that brought her had a caring energy about her, and was proved right when she took a couple moments to fix up Eight. She was a little confused and didn't really understand but she let it happen. "You hungry? I'm hungry. Mama Lumi is on the case." Hunger, that was something Eight new all too well.

The previous boy who greeted her began to approach, rather sheepishly too, "Wolfy ok? Didn’t mean to scare."

As he drew closer, Eight's head started to slowly sink into her blanket-covered shoulders, was this guilt? She didn't think she did anything wrong yet some how his body language and facial expression showed he might have been hurt and concerned. She studied his face for a moment with a still stare. He was...frowning. Eight felt bad, but decided to turn it around. Her emotionless gaze melted into a gentle smile and she stuck out a hand out from the protection of the blanket to pat his head three times. letting him now it was okay and he was forgiven. Clunk! The sound of the plate placed in front of her made her head whip around to face it. The smell, the look, ohh it was so inviting. Eight promptly placed her elbows on the table, sat forward, and used her hands and teeth to tear into the meat. Her head was low to the plate, instead of bringing it to her face, she....looked like a starving dog. Too ravenous to care, the blanket slipped off her arms, neck and shoulders, revealing the bruises and scars on her wrists and neck, ghosts from her past. "So what's your name? Do you got one?"

Eight ignored her momentarily, until she realized the question was directed toward her. With her cheeks full of meat, she sat up and chewed, wiping her mouth with her sleeves. She looked at Lumi, then swallowed, licking her lips. Eight nodded and thought for a moment. Snapping her fingers she remembered! Looking down at her open hands, palms up, one by one she counted the fingers then held up eight fingers to her with a smile. She was proud she remembered she could do that, and if she had a tail in this form, it would be wagging with glee.


Eight's hands shot up to cover her ears from the hollering voice that echoed in the room and winced. She looked at the source with her eyebrows pinched together and a frown, was the ruckus necessary?

"Now SIT DOWN, and WE'LL serve ye breakfast. GOT IT!?"

The silent beast raised her eyebrows and sat back in her seat wide eyed. Was he the alpha here? Eight looked around at the other faces, trying to read the room for any indications, before she looked back at him. She didn't like him already, with all his yelling, it didn't help that he looked like one of them, a scientist. A low, gurgle rumbled at the back of her throat, a sorry excuse for a growl, but her human vocal chords never had the practice. She sat in her chair with the tiny hairs on the back of her neck standing on their ends and her face a little pouty. If he was the alpha then she can't do anything but listen.

Interaction: Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm
Mentioned: darkborn darkborn

Asmodeus | Asmo

For the first time in weeks, a rough purr unfurled from the beast's throat. It was weak, scratchy at best, but the familiar sign of gratitude did wonders for his tired, homesick soul. Asmodeus could feel the relief that settled in as the aquatic creature walked off with his meal in tow. His instincts and pride soothed by that he was capable of feeding one of his clan- . . . The good feeling was quickly swallowed by another wave of loneliness. This wasn't his clan. This wasn't anything like home. Nor could he assume that even though they traveled together that they could be a clan. They probably had families somewhere. Or perhaps they preferred being alone... A slight frown graced his features. The Cacodemon shook it off a once, but the feeling simply sat like a hard pit in his throat. And if it wasn't for Leviathan's unfortunate fall, and Silas' arrival, he would have stewed longer in them then necessary, probably causing the Itchness to start again. After checking on his fallen comrade, he simply helped the monster set up a tad bit more comfortable on the ground with his food. Perhaps instead of making a chair for Leviathan like Silas wanted, maybe he could set something close to the dining rooms of his clan. A low set table so the beast could comfortably sit his food on it, but cushions so he wasn't sitting directly on the ground. Or maybe Silas could make him a chair that could stand his weight, but be easily carried for when the beast kept watch near the entrance. Although no one asked him to, Leviathan had become their security, something that Asmodeus would remember to thank him for at a later time. Anyways, with that possible design choice to discuss with the scientist at a later time, the beast waved off the mechanic's apology.

"It is fine. Is 'too many cooks in the kitchen' not one of you humans' phrases? I will check the supply room in case, but I have noticed the lack of fresh ingredients. I do have an idea to address that, but it would be best to discuss after breakfast."

With that, Asmodeus walked into one of the accompanying rooms in hopes that it hopefully held food to sustain the group. Only to make a cough-like noise of disgust in his language as the smell of food past its date greeted his nose. This place had been abandoned, it would be foolish to assume that time-sensitive foods would not spoil in that time. Especially with no power. However, there were some good things to note from this room, like the fact there was a preparation area for ingredients. Or at least, that was the idea, what with the hooks and some old meat stains. Satisfied with what he found, and to escape the sickly sweet stench, he returned to rattle off what he found to the self-imposed... Master chief? Cheif of the kitchen.

"Any fresh food that used to salvageable is beyond redemption, but there seems to be an area for meal prep. At least I think. Do you use hooks in meal preparation?"

Mentioned: @RedLeftHand36
Interacted: darkborn darkborn

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