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Fantasy Mirror Rules and Info

Esper Alucard

Fleur's Pervy Neko Bot


OC'S ONLY! Any body trying to join the rp as a character they didnt make will be exiled and shall not return.

No NPCS. People can take roles, let them take them. (If there is nobody in that role, like no Coffee Shop Cashier, then make the NPC until someone takes the role

No fights! Verbal aggression is fine, as long as its not causing issues with the rp or its unintentionally unordinary for your character. 

No ordinary humans. Umbra Hill is a place where monsters are safe from humans.

If you're going to have a verbal OOC Argument, 1: Take it into a DM or 2: Keep it civil, that means no insults. A good way to keep a positive argument is some good old memes that work well with the situation

Dont cause any unequality issues within the rp. We don't want fish people being slaves while nekos are the almighty god them self

Any edge or sadness will be kept to a minimum to the level of excluding a character from groups. AKA No edgelords bringing down the rp

Dont turn Mirror into a Dating Sim. A character having a relationship with another is completely ok, but the point of 20 people being desperate for a girl (Should be in CS for being desperate, if so then go ahead and beg like you need money) is something that will not be tolerated.

No "Bad characters" (Character of 100 animals blended together, Mary Sue's, Jesus children, Kirito 2.0s). If your character is a "Jesus child" or something that would probably be hated by other rpers, come see me and ill look at it.

Dont control others without permission

Do whatever the hell you want. There are no limits to posts, or anything else


Mirror is about a small city called Umbra Hill, a shelter for intelligent life that isnt human.

The date, time of day and weather conditions will PRECISELY reflect Central U.S (I will tell you guys if i can), but the year in the rp is 2057

There is no join deadline! This RP is completely open for new rpers all the time, for theres no story involving the characters that join!

This might be my first group rp to kick off

I am always open to rule suggestions!

Mirror will have rooms based on the location they are in throughout Umbra Hill

For now, a link to the Hub

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