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Fantasy Mirror Dimension

masked innocence

New Member
in this role play its high school but not a regular high school of course, we live in the mirror dimension where everything is reversed and all mythical creatures, monsters, hybrids, creepy pastas all that good stuff exist, but there is a mirror that crosses to the human dimension guarded by the principal which is something that we really can tell what it is, i guess a chimera is suitable name. In this name i am Yukimura Mao a devil i have white hair and pink eyes i'm scrawny looking i am strong and fast but not overwhelmingly strong i am an otaku i am average sized my horns come out at will and so do my wings but my tail always hangs there we also live in a mirror version of Tokyo but humans do not exist in this dimension there are a select few of residents that own the mirrors but must be trustworthy and highly respected.

if you wish to join this rp send me a message of a character description no characters that already exist can be used, no over powered people/god modders, no controlling other peoples characters unless they give you permission, and the number one rule is have fun

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