Mia- Ricia and Desu

Hoit didn't answer her question. She asked When the meeting was, not if she couldn't leave. She would have gone home whether they wanted her to or not. She was an assassin and would have escaped, especially if they hired her. "I'm use to being on call..." Sage answered back with not much thought.

They continued down the hall and to Sage's displeasure it almost seemed like they were never going to get to their destination. She was immediately proven wrong when they seem to stop by a door, though what happened to her next she was not expecting.

Batter moved a lot faster then she thought he could in a tight space. It didn't help the fact that the Batter knew what was behind the door, therefore he knew Sage was not going to like it. Which means behind the door... is the reason they handcuffed her.

Sage we already on the verge of freaking out. Now 'freaking out' was an understatement.

Sage immediately parted her legs, getting into a stance ready to push her body in any direction she needed. It was a practiced stance that had kept her alive on many occasions, including the her first meeting with the Batter. However, it was far too late to try and escape, the Batter had way too much of a head start.

The bat made its way across Sage's neck, touching her throat, threatening to suffocate her. She could feel it push her backwards, summoning her to the Batters side so he could escort her without her having any chance of fighting back. This was bad.

Sage felt like her heart was going to jump out of her chest. What felt like fast and uneven beats forced her to let out light panting breaths as if she had just sprinted down the hallway running and the Batter had caught her. Only, she didn't get that head start.

Sage closed her eyes for a moments peace, trying to get herself under control. Whatever mask she had placed over her panic she had earlier was completely crushed by the Batter's quick movements. It was very apparent that Sage was scared, but she was sure the moment the fear passed she would move directly into being absolutely livid again.

Hoit's words grace Sage's ears for a moment, giving her just a tiny, almost insignificant, reassurance. His words earned him one of her witty remarks that sometimes just left her mouth without much thought at all, "Fantastic observation...." She manage to say thought her slight panicked breaths. It didn't sound sarcastic, so the statement itself had little meaning to it except to confirm that she was, indeed, freaking out.

Lucky just about jumped out of her skin at the unexpect hostile approach for the bluenette. It really seemed like no one was expecting the sudden movement. It was quite apparent that she was pretty scared. Lucky almost felt a bit of pity for the girl. If she would just relax and got with the flow, things would have gone much smoother.
(( Eh, Hoit meant that... well, he didn't care enough to answer her directly, only tell her that she's free to be anywhere she wants to be after she's recruited.

Gah I wasn't clear enough. ))

Paris was correct- he knew that Batter would be the first to act. Grab Sage. Terrify the poor girl.

He let a snarky chuckle escape his lips, and he almost wanted to provoke the Batter in some way, for in this position the older could man not hurt him. He kept his mouth shut though, and instead approached Lucky.

"I see you're not afraid... Heh. It's cool then, I won't restrain you as long as you promise to be good." At his wink, Paris could she Hoit shoot him a disapproving scowl. That man followed the rules wayyy to blindly. This girl was completely under their control, there was virtually no need at all to restrain her further beyond the point of handcuffing her.

"Alright..." The German spun around, and knocked on the door. His knuckled rapped against cold metal only twice before an indescribably deep voice ushered them inside.

Batter's hold on Sage suddenly became much more stiff, much more restraining. It was almost as if the man was nervous, though his eyes were hidden by the baseball cap atop his head. He was still wet from the rain, but as he grew dryer, the blonde locks of hair visible under the cap were curling inwards, towards his ear. Like withering leaves.

Hoit had opened the door- he had moved into the office already before Paris grabbed Lucky and followed him. Now it was his turn.

"Sage." He attempted to gain her attention.

His voice was incredibly calm, despite his physically apparent nervousness. The gravely whisper continued, "Don't do something you'll regret. Spade is not a forgiving man."

This was the most he had spoken today, and ever to an apprentice. God knows why Batter suddenly decided to try and warn Sage, perhaps to throw her into a state of submission. No matter how much he hated the girl, Batter's respect for Spade and desire to follow his every order was greater than his pride and sense of self.

He continued forth.

They entered a large space, the hum or gears and strange machines rising around them. Somewhere overhead, the whooshing hiss of steam could be heard, but the area was almost too dark to locate where the sounds found their origins. Gears, huge metal gear protruded from the ground of the oversized room, clanking and grinding against unseen underground things as they slowly revolved in place.

A little podium stood in the centre of the mechanical array, and it took the group a while to reach it.

The metal stage was vacant, save for a few gloomy lights that only added to the rather threatening atmosphere of the place. In the shafts of artificial light, Paris could see little particles of dust swarming upwards to where he knew a few vents resided.

He always found himself awed by the room, in it's grand and mechanical splendor. It was originally a generator, but Sade had adopted the room for himself, and Paris was utterly dumbfounded by the decision. While it was a threatening wonder, it was not a place he would feel comfortable sleeping in, or even dwelling in for extended periods of time.

Speak of the devil, a red silhouette appeared on the platform.

The man was clothed in a bright red Kevlar suit, his eyes surrounded by black shapes much like butterfly, or moth wings. Matching black bands ran around both his wrists and ankles, and his boots bore an obvious metal tip, built to inflict obvious damage during the act of kicking.

But the most striking thing about the man was his physique- muscles jutted out from beneath the suit like rock formations, his form so sturdy and protein-engorged that most would have thought him to use steroids. But the mafia knew better- Spade had earned those muscles.

(( Psh, yeah I used Deadpool and Slade Wilson's voice, problem? xD ))
(Not a huge fan of deadpool like a lot of people are, though I don't hate him... however... Slades voice is pretty sexy... I think I am ok with this. (lololol))

Lucky looked at Paris when he winked at her and made an immediat disapproving face. How gross. Men where gross. Lucky thought men were rather unattractive physically. Not only where they rough and bulky, they were hairy and sometimes smelly. Men sweat a lot too, usually near their armpits and neck. The mental image made Lucky's skin crawl on the inside. Don't even get her started on the lower regions of a man, that was the worst part.

Yuck and no thank you.

Women on the other hand. That was a piece of art. Walking perfection and beauty. Not to mention skin as soft as kittens fur. Women were just far better than men when it came to the need to be touched and payed attention to.

She mentally nodded at the approval of her choice in her romantic preference. Now... if only Sage was much sexier and didn't look like a boy. She almost looked back at Sage to silently judge her again, but she was push forward by Paris.

Sage watch as they started to enter the room one by one. She was ready to move forward again, but because of the Batter's new grip on her, there was no way to move on her own without getting her windpipe crushed. When the bigger man caller her name, she looked up to him, the shade of his hat still not allowing a clear view of his eyes. His warning some how infuriated her.

However Sage wasn't stupid. She was not going to taunt the man by telling him to shut his trap. That, would get her hurt. She didn't want to get hurt. Not that she wasn't going to avoid that today.

As they moved forward Sage tried to let her eyes wander around the room while they walked. She tried to do it in a fashion that did not make her head move with her eyes, making it seem like she was well trained on the path ahead. Of course her attention was brought immediately to center stage when a man with a bright red suit a little like her own when she went out on missions came out.

Sage immediately started to compare her suit to his. Hers was black, covering her entire body. Though she looked slim and swift, she carried packs around her waist and small plates in her arms that doubled as shields and hidden daggers. Her mask was a skull. She didn't choose her costume... her boss did. It just grew on her while she wore it. She was meant to blend in the dark, for a sweet silent kill... He looked like he was trying to get shot, all eyes on the walking red tank.

When he spoke Sage had to admit, he had somthing about him that told her he was king of this family. He demanded respect and he would rip it from you if he had to. At least thats what it was looking like to Sage.

For a moment Sage reconsidered her rage and reflected back to Batter's words. She was terrified of the situation she was in, and she felt like they keep adding on things that can only make it worse. She just wanted this to be over with, someone kill her already or tell her who she needed to kill for her initiation. She also swore if they tried to put her in training, she was going to be thoroughly upset. She was a trained assassin, not some thug off the side of the street. There was a difference.

Inwardly cursing herself for the drifting of her mind, she pushed herself back to the current situation.

Sage chanced a quick look to the little leprechaun to see what she was doing or reaction. She looked like a kid in a toy store who saw the most amazingly new invention of a toy ever. She had a sparkle in her eye, almost as if she had just found her superhero. It was very apparent that Lucky was impressed.

Sage inwardly groaned and looked back to Spade. She will admit... she was impressed too.

Sage opened her mouth as if she was going to speak, reply to Spade's welcoming to the family, but she failed to come up with anything that wasn't going to sound like a direct challenge or would not reflect her anger or fear.

So instead, Sage choose to look mildly upset with having her throat coddled by the Batter.

(Yep towards the end there I started to fumble with words... so sorry. Hope that was acceptable. )
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(( That was wonderful. ))

No, Spade was not the kind of man that would wave off disrespect, and blame it on some likely cause, such as personal matters, or stress at work. No, Spade demanded the utmost highest mirror of discipline, nothing short of worship.

Well, at least from apprentices.

Hoit made a motion to continue walking, to lead the group towards yet another point in their journey- but Spade suddenly stopped him. "Not this time." He was referring to the cages.

When his stare was met with a concerned look, Spade only added, "They know it would be suicide to attempt anything. Though I am a little bit more concerned about the trained assassin." He folded his beefy arms behind his back, masked eyes assumingly scanning the bluenette, judging her level of compliance.

While his face remained mimicking the expression of a pleased overlord, Hoit could see the little muscles around his eyes twitch, signaling a subtle feeling of curiosity. The German had learned to read Spade, for it was one of the only things he could do to predict the leader's actions.

Nearly nothing could betray Spade's motives, plots, or ideas. And Hoit could only determine the former, leaving a whole area reserved for questions and distrust.

Spade was a man capable of masking his desires with a talent the weapons master found almost disturbing.

"The thief, we picked her up on the way." Hoit added, voice wavering as he grew more unsettled by the room they were in at each passing moment.

"Yes, Zachary told me." Ah, of course he would. Zachary had gone ahead of them, the little puppet reporting to its puppeteer. Not that Hoit wasn't a puppet- everybody here was, after all.

Spade hopped off of the stage, a dainty leap that barely differed from his stride.

He was approaching Sage now, arms still held behind him.

"You and me are similar, my little murderer. So, so similar." A chuckle that sounded like the boom of a waterfall- before one would fall over the cascade of its edge. "I wonder, what made you start? What threw you into motion? What inspired you to kill?"

"Maybe the better question is, who."

He expected no answer.
(Ahhh I like Spade already. xD !)

Sage felt them start to get herded elsewhere before Spade stopped them. Not this time? This time what? What were they going to do?

Taking a slight breath Sage looked over to Spade and watched him, she watched him with the same judging gage he seem to be watching her with. He started to walk over to her, reflecting his concern for her. What kind of concern?

That she will get loose and kill him? The might happen. She was capable of doing so, though not now, only a bit later.

Was it her obedience? Besides the fact she has a smart mouth, she felt pretty 'obedient' right about now. Which meant do as she is told till she is out of danger.

The questions came to a quick halt as Spade seem to approach her. She was the center of attention though. They were the ones who tracked her down and brought her back, Lucky was just the unlucky soul who got dragged along. Spade wanted her for some reason, the only reason possibly keeping her alive at the moment.

"I would have to agree with you. Beside the obvious lack of muscle on my part, your own personal army of family members and the fact I wear a black suit instead of red. Well, we might very well have a lot in common." Sage said with a slight smile. She was ready for whatever smack or kick for the witty remark was going to bring on herself. She thought the joke was well worth it though.

Sage felt like Spade was baiting her, throwing her hints that he wants her to prove herself to him.

She debated quickly whether to start picking the lock her her cuffs now, escaping the Batter's grasps, than handing Spade her cuffs herself. After that she would ask him if she was what he expected. Though... there was a little sliver of doubt that in reality, he just wanted to break her to be as obedient as his other little assassin Zachary. At least he looked like an assassin.
The girls' got guts.

"Batter, Hoit, Paris. You've done your job."

"But Fath-"

"Go." There was a certain boom in his tone, a loudness that drove Batter's bat away from Sage's throat. The baseball fanatic's body moved away from Sage, with bat lowered and head bowed in a careful retreat. Paris simply strutted out of the room, moody and flustered- and especially confused. Hoit followed his friend out, throwing one last curious look behind his back before closing the door.

Now they were alone, and Spade had begun moving away from Sage, bearing his back to her for a miniscule moment before turning. A shadow rested on half of his form, in fashion ridiculously similar to something out of a Batman movie.

"I have different suits for assassination and general jump-in-and-kill missions." The explanation was so out of place it was almost funny. "But I rarely get out these days. Do you want to know why?"

He did not wait for her response before continuing.

"Because I have an entire Famiglia in my control- loyal members; assassins, fighters, murderers. I tell them to do something, and they do it. Because they are well trained, and disciplined." Spade put particular emphasis on the last part of his monologue, more so to introduce his next topic.

"Recruitment." He fully turned to Sage, hands still behind his back. "Is a tricky matter, because not all of the rabble we get is fully accustomed to being... loyal." He turned to Lucky, his eyes narrowing. "As a thief, loyalty is not something you tend to concern yourself with- yes?"

(( I think that Spade might be the most badass character I have ever decided to create from inspiration. I'm still trying to figure out his little quirks and stuff since he's fairly new, but so far he really resembles Slade. xD ))
(Slade and Spade are both cool. :P )

Sage watched at most of them scurried out at his orders, though some looked slightly less willing. Happy about having her throat released from the Batter's grip. Sage continued to listen as Spade gave her and Lucky the spieel. Spade started to seemingly pace and move between Lucky and herself with his small lecture. She was not sure if the pacing was supposed to make Sage wary or keep her attention.

Either way, Lucky's attention was had. Spade seemed so cool. He looked a lot like the red power ranger of the children's show, but more evil! "Nope.. Or yes? Or... Err.. I don't concern myself sir?" Lucky posed more of a question. She seem to move a bit under Spade's gaze, fidgeting almost. If it was out of nervousness or excitement, she was not sure.

Sage chimed it right after Lucky, hoping to earn Spade's attention, "You know... if you really wanted to offer me a job and get my loyalty, you just had to take me out to dinner. Having someone swing a bat at me and push me off the side of a building really doesn't scream: I want your loyalty!" She chuckled after the statement, it was kind of funny after the fact.

Spade had confirmed that all her silly thoughts of being tortured were in fact, silly. Though he was obviously threatened that without loyalty, there is going to be punishment.

She was loyal... to people she liked.
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Another rumble tumbled out from the man's mask, a chuckle at the little thief's reply.

Of course not.

Of course she wouldn't. The girl was a prime example of a habitual stealer; quick-footed, unafraid, and unloyal. She had mostly likely already learned not to trust the world, and the fat, pig-headed men behind desks with their sweat-stained business suits and floppy double-chins. They were worth nothing, but there was one thing that made them stand out: they were filthy rich. They'd promise you a reward, only to pry it out of your cold, dead hands moments after you finished whatever mercenary mission they'd present you with.

Ah, those days had long gone by, and now the entire city was under his foot. He could crush it- milk it dry. Or let it live long enough to pay him.

Oh, now the blunette was talking. She was clearly one of those girls, and he could easily see her taunting and flirting with enemies, dancing around adversaries in one of the Famiglia's uniforms.

And Lucky, jumping down from the rafters to steal a rich man's purse.

Spade suddenly realized that WOW, the mafia had not received such natural talent since Zachary. Hopefully, both girls were much, much more loyal than the merchant, even if Zachary only fraternized with the enemy if selling them things, and Spade only accepted that because through Zachary, he knew who was buying up weapons, and who wasn't.

"Yes- but I was much more interested in seeing how you fought under stress- and paired against a terrifying assailant. You did excellent, I might add. Few cross paths with the Batter and live." The dark voice gave way to something that sounded like pride, though the emotion was very subtle.

"Plus, I have plenty of time to gain your loyalty. I can already see the shine of promise in you... What's more intriguing is that you aren't losing your mind... You aren't afraid, like most apprentices are; you're quite well used to this- aren't you?" He took a step towards Sage, "If I did not think that I was capable of earning your trust, I would have used those." A red-clothed hand gestured towards something in the darkness, a spindly network of bars and chains. They sat close to a gear, well-hidden in the lurking darkness. "Normally, I would lock up newcomers and question them- to make sure that they aren't spies."

"Now, don't gt me wrong. I don't trust you, I don't trust anyone. All apprentices are to be locked up and questioned."

There was a dramatic pause, the silence quickly filled in by the sounds of turning gears, clicking, banging, clinking, and strange machines huffing under the almost palpable darkness.

"But, you aren't normal apprentices, are you?" A smirk latched onto his words, but barely snuffing his impeccably smooth voice.
Sage took a slight breath, it was time to get out now.

She slowly reached into her pants and pulled out the pin and straightened the bend while Spade seem to have some slightly dazed look as he watched Lucky and her. It was almost like he was daydreaming about something, imagine the future, lucky for Sage, she was proububly in it.

Sticking the pin into the lock Sage bent the pin once.

"Yes- but I was much more interested in seeing how you fought under stress- and paired against a terrifying assailant. You did excellent, I might add. Few cross paths with the Batter and live."

Well she did do pretty good, especially for not expecting it and having no weapons. Though the praise was nice for a change from being harassed so far as well. She was unsure where the pride was coming from. It either for the Batter... or the few that lived after the Batter.

The pin went into the lock again for a second bend, but she bent it the opposite direction of the first, only just a little ways up the pin.

"Plus, I have plenty of time to gain your loyalty. I can already see the shine of promise in you... What's more intriguing is that you aren't losing your mind... You aren't afraid, like most apprentices are; you're quite well used to this- aren't you?"

He had obviously not seen her earlier. She was definitely scared senseless prior to the meeting now. Infact the whole way up to this point she was losing her mind, thinking she was about to get tortured for information than possibly killed a bit later. She was good at hiding her fear as well, because if they see it, it give them satisfaction. However, At this very moment, she was hardly afraid because she was use to this.

Spade was not the first man to ever capture her and then ask for her loyalty. In fact he is one of several. They were all the same though, none of them worth following. Her last boss... he was worth following. She followed him almost blindly. Sure.... he was rich, but he wasn't a backstabber and he wasn't defenseless either. He held his own against her, mentally and physically. Sage could be... hard to handle sometimes.

She slid the pin across the tips of her fingers, checking the bends. These felt right, they felt like they way should have been bent.

"If I did not think that I was capable of earning your trust, I would have used those."

Sage paused a moment to look over his shoulder, to try and see what he was gesturing too. It was pointless, there was almost nothing to see. Shadows engulfed the machinery he was using to try and fear Sage.

She placed the pin into the first key hole. She wiggled the pin around, pushing it lightly into the cuff. She tried to be slow so her movement did not give away her actions, also so she didn't bend the pin wrong. If the pin got ruined, so was her chance to unlock it.

"Normally, I would lock up newcomers and question them- to make sure that they aren't spies.-- Now, don't get me wrong. I don't trust you, I don't trust anyone. All apprentices are to be locked up and questioned."

Locking her up would have just made her feel worse earlier. Oh yes, she would have made their lives hell. A small, humorous, image graced Sage's mind. She would picked the lock of her cuffs, just like now, than call her gunman, Paris to her. As soon as he approached close enough, she would immediately lock both his hand across the bars with his own pair of stupid fuzzy pink handcuffs. She would soon after pick his pockets and then pull down his pants, much like she did to the Batter. Of course, more or less, that would not lead to her escape, instead just a temporary entertainment.

The first cuff came off, opening and allowing her hand freedom. She didn't move yet, switching the pin to her other hand and sticking it inside the second lock. There was a long pause, a silence. Sage let it sink in to her, aware of what her next move was going to be.

"But, you aren't normal apprentices, are you?"

The second came off just as easy, the lock popping open and comfort return to her other wrist. When she took both the cuffs into her left hand, side by side, she noticed the fuzzy was a tad damp from the sweat that had accumulated from her wrists.

Sage folded the pin and placed it back in her pants before she let her hands come in front of her, showing Spade that she was now free. She wanted to smirk, but she tried to keep her face serious for now. A well defined frown. This whole time it felt like it was Spade testing her.

It was her turn to test Spade.

"Thats because I'm not an apprentice. I haven't been one in years." Sage said with as much boredom she could muster. She tried to make it sound like she was done with this situation, bored of everything that had been happening... bored of Spade.

(For once... I feel REALLY proud of this post haha. I enjoyed writing it.)
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(( That post. That post. Just. <3


That certainly evoked a response from the man; a widening of the eyes followed by his muscles going stiff, dangerously so. Spade's arms grew taut as they clutched each other behind his back, and suddenly, any lax thoughts and proud words died in the back of his throat. Battered and beaten by a rough constriction of the muscles, choked by a moment of shock. So instead, a sigh took their place, whipping through the blackness between fabric and flesh.

Something bubbled in his chest, a little exasperation tailed the sign after adrenaline evoked his heart to beat faster. It was completely natural- a prime response evoked by the sudden realization that this girl, this assassin, was free now, and her hands were in front of her holding the fluffy, pink handcuffs. And when she made no move to attack, Spade relaxed. Not completely, but enough to conceal whatever fight-or-flight response had suddenly prevailed against his composure.

"Let me guess... Paris." His gaze was stuck on the ridiculous handcuffs, a.k.a. Paris's latest attempt at pervertedly seducing the girl.

Spade straightened, meeting Sage's gaze with a disapproving glare. He did not appreciate the sudden challenge. But... Spade was impressed by her lock picking prowess. Enough so, that Spade entirely avoided verbalizing any issues with her behavior, and instead decided to praise it. "Impressive, girl."

Even to him, the compliment sounded more menacing than approving.
Sage didn't move. She wasn't going to provoke him, yet. No she was going to let him know of her attentions. She was going to give him a chance. Both of them know that the situation just got increasingly more dangerous. Sage knew that he was waiting for her to attack him. If he wasn't, then he was an idiot.

Ignoring the obvious forced praise, Sage put her hand behind her to slip the cuffs into her back pockets. She will use them on Spade if things get too complicated, which they might in a bit.

"This isn't the first time i've been in a situation like this." Sage started, she straight her shoulders to show Spade she was not going to fight him."I am just going to be straightforward with you. Whenever I get into situations like this, it always turns out the same for me. I end up killing whoever captures me because I escape from wherever they put me after they finish lecturing me."

Sage placed a lazy hand on her hip, she rolled her head to the side just a bit. She kept an even stare to match with Spade's glare. "Most men... are all talk. They say big words, throw in a few threats than I put a knife to their throat and they are suddenly singing a different song. You proububly understand what I am saying because I am sure its happened to you a few time." Sage said holding her other hand out as if to show she doesn't want to offend him.

Sage took a moment to take off her shoulder bag. She slung the strap over her head before letting the bag fall to the floor, the straps falling on top of each other. Sage parted her legs a bit, ready to dodge backwards after her next statement.

"My point... words aren't enough. I want you to show me, physically, right now, that you can hold your own. Beat me Spade and I'll give you your loyalty. I like a Man who can hold his resolve down with actions. There are too many people out there who can't personally back up their words, but have to get someone else to do it for them. I won't follow those people." Sage spoke a bit slowly as if to help Spade understand what she wants him to do.

If he didn't fight her now, she will be pretty upset. He had a lot of choices at the moment. He could easily tell her shes not worth his time. With that, it would make Sage think he was not worth hers, because he wouldn't. He could just call in his athlete and have him dance with Sage a while. That would also make Sage hate Spade more.

If Spade was the real deal, than he would fight her.

(I really struggled with post haha.. but thank you, thank you!)
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He listened to her, genuinely listened. That was the perplexing thing about him. Any other dictator would have had Sage silenced in mere moments, perchance even lashing out at her themselves for daring to speak out while in their presence. No, he wanted to hear what she had to say, and that made Spade different.

Spade was not a typical man in any way other than the fact that he was made of flesh, for he had been different from the start. Born of Casey and Evan, a politician and a fireman: the genetic combination resulted in Spade's natural intellect and fierce resolve; not to mention a charming face, and powerful body that had mostly taken after his father; strong facial features, low, slightly arched brows, and high cheekbones. His mother wasn't around much, but he saw her just enough to determine that most of him didn't resemble her. Still, there were a few things that he had inherited from his mother, such as; brown hair, a general softness of the face, a pointed chin, and a cold, icy blue gaze.

Remembering them stopped hurting after a while, after he had accepted their deaths as nothing but a mistake- not his fault. Not Adam Stone's fault.

But that was that, and this was this.

He stayed where he was, gaze unblinking. He did not move as she continued on, as she dropped her bag, and got into a stance that foreshadowed an approaching battle. Spade's hands remained behind him, his stature looming and posture rather relaxed, going somewhat slack, even. Spade was in no way unaware of her abilities, of course, and he was not underestimating her. She was capable of quite a lot.

Spade's glare was a lot less hostile at this point, "Hit me." And his tone was even, deep and sure.

It was clear that he was hiding something, what with his behavior. Spade loved these things in particular: games. He would leave out just enough information, just enough behavioral hints (like things such as tone, posture, etc.) to render a person confused, even befuddled- for it was hard to read a man like him, and even harder to determine his goals and motives. Secrets were fun to Spade, and even more so when they were used for personal gain.

What Sage didn't know, was that Spade was a master of the martial arts, boxing, wrestling, acrobatics, and even psychology. He had trained himself past the boundaries that had stopped most others from reaching the peak of physical prowess. Spade had done nothing but sacrifice, and gain, for years now. He was no whelp... Spade was a battle-hardened mercenary capable of utterly devastating adversaries.

And Spade was an enigma worth studying.
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Sage's face looked dumbfounded for just a moment as she started to mentally curse in her head after Spade accepted her challenge. Accepting her challenge wasn't what made her so upset though, it was the fact he wanted her to hit him first. It was supposed to go the other way around!! He was supposed to try and hit her! If he made the first move, from then on out Sage had every confidence that she would dance around him until an opening had presented itself.

Now... Now she was going to get knocked around for sure. Spade was a beefy man, it was obvious that he would muscled Sage. Sure she was not flap or no muscles, she was pretty toned herself, just not Spade toned. There was no way she could get in a fist fight with Spade and actually win, not with her going first anyway. She actually wanted to get ahold of one of his swords.

To chance... or not to chance?

Ah what the heck.

Sage took just two seconds to compose herself before she actually launched herself at Spade. She was light on her feet, ready to move to the side if he tried a straight punch. Sage wasn't going to hit him. No, she was going to pull off one of his weapons.
(( Ok, so Spade now magically has two swords- a cutlass strapped to his waist, and a broadsword strapped to his back.

It certainly would make a lot more sense to arm a mafia boss before he met outsiders, now wouldn't it? ))

He saw the way her face changed, her cocky expression becoming soberingly dumbfounded, and he almost smiled, almost formed his face into a one-sided grin at the girl's uncertainty. She had not expected him to accept her challenge, especially his demand for her to attack first. And while Spade could tell that the girl was at a disadvantage, a certain curiosity wiggled its way into his thoughts, and suddenly he wanted nothing more than to discover her capabilities, even though the fight was not balanced by any means of physical prowess and experience.

Spade remained still, hands still behind him as he waited, watching Sage before she suddenly propelled herself forward at him, her movement surprisingly sudden. Spade had only a moment to spread his legs, turn his torso towards her, and ball his fists before his sternum, slightly lower than his face- a common karate stance. She was upon him after the moment of preparation, but he had enough time to see that she was acting too defensive, too unsure. She was both ready to flee, and ready to attack- and Spade knew that when coupled into on body, both stances could not reside without hindering the person's will and spirit.

This, he used to his advantage as he feigned left, waiting for the girl to pass him before attempting to deliver a merciless punch aimed at her head- the only visible weak spot. Spade reminded himself not to get carried away, to avoid debilitating her with a throw, or a hit to the ribs. To wait, discover what Sage had to offer him in terms of fighting prowess and defensive capability.

Spade, unfortunately, did not realize that this move, left strafe and sudden punch, left the weapons he bore completely out in the open- left for the taking. Well, the broadsword strapped to his back might be a harder item to grab, since the hilt was up high, jutting past his left shoulder. But the cutlass was a short, thin weapon placed at his hip for quick and seamless removal, so that Spade could draw the thing and attack in a single, consistent motion.

He grunted, waiting to feel her head against his fist.
(I rolled to see if she would stick the landing, she made it like a champ. Barely made the check to stay orientated though...)

He moved quickly. Exactly how Sage would have moved, which was depended on how she had made her first charge. Unfortunately for Spade, he seem to think she was actually going to attack him. She could see it in his form, the sureness in his eyes. He was in for a surprise however.

Sage let herself get close enough to him, though his sudden dodge was a bit unexpected, she was still able to reach out for the weapon. She saw his fist coming but if she pulled back now for a quick dodge, she would miss the weapon. There was a high chance that he could hit her so hard that it knocked her senseless.

Sage took the few seconds before impact to loosen herself so the blow would not knock her out. When she felt her hands wrap around the handle of the blade, milliseconds afterwords she felt a strong hard knuckles colloid to the side of her head.

He punched like a tank. She had been punched before, by beefy men like Spade, but he was accurate. Her last boss punched her in the gut once. It was the worst feeling ever, so this wasn't exactly high on the list of the most painful things she had experienced, but it could foreshadow that getting his by this guy might not be a good idea.

Sage felt herself fall backwards at the impact, however she also felt the cutlass come with her. Using the impact she allowed herself to fall backwards, hitting the ground and forcing herself into a roll to gain some distance. She pushed herself up, standing up straight in one almost seamless motion. However it took a few seconds for things to come back in focus instead of a slight blur.

When Spade came into focus, Sage finally allowed herself to smirk before twisting her fingers around the handle of the blade and quickly spining it in her hand. "Alright, now I feel like this is a bit evened just slightly." Even if he pulled out his bigger sword, she still would have a fighting chance now. She had a feeling he wasn't expecting for her to grab his blade. She was an assassin, not a hand to hand combatant. Sure she knew a bit of hand to hand, but taking someone two, almost three times the size of her. Forget it.

The side of her head throbbed just slightly, but she was able to ignore the pain for now. She had a Mafia boss to show up, she'll lick wounds a bit later. She also noticed that her shoulder was hurting.

Crap... it was from the fall off the building almost an hour ago...

Sage flexed herself a bit before she parted her legs back into her defensive stance, gaze connected to Spade's, blade in her right hand, just slightly extended in front of her.

Just ignore it like the rest of your ache and pains.

Lucky on the other hand was left forgotten to stand by herself. Feeling just a tad lonely, she looked around before her eye's locked with Sage's bag. Without a second thought, Lucky sat down on the floor and pulled the handcuffs in front of her instead of behind her back, looping her hands under her feet.

Not even standing up, Lucky slid herself across the floor the few feet it took for her to get to Sage's bag. Opening it, Lucky began to go through it to see what goodies she could get her hands on. 
Spade was surprised again by Sage, she was like a sparrow; so fleeting, so quick.

She had dodged his attack perfectly, getting away cleanly and leaving the red-clad figure about seven feet away, held-fast in a punching-stance.

No impact, hitting empty air was almost like hitting solid stone- the momentum leaked from his body and he needed a second to realize his cutlass was gone, a pretty, wicked blade with a red hilt. This surprised Slade, "
I forgot who I was fighting. Forgive me." He uttered somberly, his strange but pleasant voice unwavering.

She was sneaky, quick, and sudden.

He moved back, changing his position. Perhaps he would need to meet her technique head-on. Now that she has a blade, Spade would be on the defensive for a while. Counter attacks are going to be necessary to win this battle, and his years of training emphasised these quick turnaround methods.

If he drew his sword and fought her blade-to-blade, he was
sure that he would kill her, as Spade lacks the ability to judge his power when using the greatsword. The Family knows this well- that once his sword has been drawn, death would surely come to their foes that day.

So Spade raised his hands up, like he was ready to catch something, legs wide apart. He would have to be precise to dodge the assassin's attacks, and thankfully Spade never lacks precision.

(( Meh post. ))
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