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Fantasy Mercenaries of Deretor (Fun Chat Thread)

But anywho, I must be off to respond to Senpai's violence~ I shall be back shortly ^w^


[QUOTE="Kirito Kei]Can you really blame him though? If it wasn't for his constant moving along, we would probably still be on the first mission.

That's very true ^-^
I know but there's some potential for greatness in the downtime. I feel like we should at least get 3-4 days of it per battle.
I feel like the plot is being rushed way too fast and it isn't fun when I can't keep track of anything or get to know my characters better. I have half a mind to get rid of perala because she's so weak and I had plans for her to get stronger slowly over time and i just can't do that or have fun with rping her since the rp is so fast and doesn't allow room for character development. that's why I wanted sunny - I wanted a punchy character like everyone else because peralas not gonna be like that for a while
I guess all we can do is tell him we want some more next battle. I'm sure he'll listen.
I agree with you @Witchy

Though it would kind of break things to have him roll back now. I'll pass it to him to slow down or something to keep things cool because I definitely want more char development options and stuff which dont happen over night.
@The Mythic Dragon Oh good, you're just in time. I was just going to tell you that a lot of us have been talking and want to take it slower this battle than the others. There are a lot in the roleplay who feel pressured and struggling about keeping pace with the way the plot is going. I was going to ask if you would mind slowing it down just a tad to help out with that?

I have read back through to OOC... and I apologize. I am trying to find a happy medium for those who post faster, those who post slower, those who need more combat, and those who want more downtime. And it isn't easy, it really isn't. I have been trying my best, and am willing to slow to allow everyone to be happy. I have not really been trying to hurry to anything but keeping the RP moving. So, I can slow if we want.

However, I have one request. I would like to know how fast you want me to go. How many posts a day minimum, how many RL days per battle and per downtime. I dont think that is unreasonable, as so far i have been trying to wing my schedule... and it seems it has not been working.

Again, I apologize, and hope we can all work through this.
@The Mythic Dragon

I'm sure we can find something. It's just hard on players like @Witchy and @Yonsisac who can't post all the time and require lots of character development to get in. I'm here everyday posting frequently and I'm finding it hard to keep track of what is going on sometimes. For now, I think the best thing to do is give some time for people to respond their own thoughts to the battle plans and then meet Kyou outside. We can skip to where Curze is without incident and then go from there?

Oh .. and what's happening with @snowy raven & @FlawlezFalcon? They're going to have one helluva time catching up. LOL.
I feel like we can make anything fun and surprise you. :P

Maybe you can even jump in with your own characters for some fun like you did in this battle thing going on here.

@The Mythic Dragon

When you say "Skip to Curze" Does that mean that you would like to not have a tracking scene, and just go directly to him?

< @Kirito Kei @Whisker @ChristinaXIV @Daimao @LeSoraAmari @Fezzes @snowy raven @FlawlezFalcon @Witchy @bourgeoisiemustache @Macbeth @Calibutcher @Yonsisac >

Okay all, I apologize. I will try to slow this down. If we need to roll back, please let me know. I also will plan on more downtime.

On the topic of timeskips, there will be one after every mission, during long, uneventful journeys, and maybe once a special event is happening. Other than that, during downtime we may have to deal with eternal day.
@The Mythic Dragon

I meant to say go to hunting Curze. Just not a million travel posts going to the scene of the crime. Tracking scene is a yes.
I'm going to wait to post cause I'm interested in what some of the others have to say before I have Aedan go off muttering about 'bad luck' and shit. xD
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Man, I need some coffee. I'm stupid when I don't get any sleep.

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