Melin i narn gin

Update: I have so many Chem assignments to finish before next week so I won't reply probably till around Wednesday of next week so I can study (I have quizzes and tests in all my classes on the same freakin' day).
Yes, undoubtably. It would be hard to sense at the moment, since he was in the mortal realm with lenneth, but it could be a good reason why those two were chosen to help with the corruption issue - they needed to repent for their actions
It's cool! My next post will probably be hella long. For Rhawon anyways - I'm jutsu waiting for access to a computer
That's fine. Lol. I was sorta working on a Lab Report at the same time and reading the next Lab Report assignment for my lab today to be better prepared since my Chem lab partner is as clumsy and confused as I am, lol. So, reading ahead we should have a better idea of what we are doing this time rather than going "Whut?"
So, I was pondering about the previous brides. Since elves live so long 100 years isn't too long ultimately in their life span, so obviously the older brides haven't died (unless they were killed for some reason). So I began to wonder what if there was some secret "harem" of the previous brides (either in the mortal or divine realm).
Yea, or already says that the previous brides live in temples devoted to him. He just hasn't found one worthy of sharing his immortality with
Yup, pretty much. Basically "exiled" because of being a former bride of Rhawon and therefore to certain factions "sacred" and other factions "tainted."
haha some will see them as not good enough for the wild god, therefore not good enough for the elves. Some will see them as superior because they got chosen in the first place. But only a select few actually know about them.
Yup. That's the jist of it. Also, since you are RPing quite a few characters I can RP as the corrupted "entity" or "god" :D
:3 Yea! you certainly can if you'd like. Isilme probably won't play a huge role though. And I'll probably add in a few other gods as well. Maybe as witnesses to the ceremony.

Gaia, and Mithros, maybe?
haha I like adding in other characters, as long as they don't really stick around too much. adds some depth to the rp :3
I'm not sure what Lenneth should draw on him. T_T Any suggestions?

Also I was pondering a bit about the "corruption" and the entity that controls it. I was thinking that the corruption doesn't really have to be evil but rather is a form of destruction from the God of Ruin and Rebirth who has grown irritated with the world and thinks it should start over; first it needs to be destroyed.

Along this he know the others would interfere, especially Rhawon so he enlists the help of a spurned former bride of Rhawon's who didn't take being sent away and exiled lightly and harbors a deep fury/obsession. However, we'd have to discuss their linked background so they don't seem like strangers. X3 And there is the question of if Rhawon knows or cares about where his former brides end up? Being exiled to a "harem" temple.
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Well, I like that Idea immensely xD

As for how he feels about his previous brides, he might visit one or two, but for the most part he wouldn't have much to do with them anymore. He didn't find them worthy of a soul mate, so why should he spend more time on them?

But at the same time, if they were ever threatened by anything he would immediately come to their rescue.

As for what she should draw, that's all up to you xD

It's based on first impressions, so as short as their meeting has been, it's about what she thinks of him. Don't worry about offending me xD
Hhaha, cause Rhawon is a scary stranger to her basically. She's trying to act like "everything's cool, I was warned about this, I'm a priestess, BREATHE. Hopefully he won't smite me. D:" Sooooooo, she may not really draw very flattering things. >_>;;; But I am glad you like that idea. She'd obviously be one of those bride's he didn't care much for. This bride did love him but in one of those obsessive and unhealthy types of ways.

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