
So this is where the character sign ups and information for each character is going to go! In order to be approved,please send your character sheet to either @Redemption or me, @Caldwell so that we can either approve it and give you tons of compliments on how great you are, or remind you of certain changes.

This here is the character sheet for sign ups, we are looking for over 4 people (since you know, including myself and Red we have 6) and we are hoping you guys are active. Each post should be about 2 or more paragraphs, you guys decide what kind of length that is (If it is too short, we'll pull you aside and just point it out so it doesn't happen again).

Character Sheets:

Character Name:(First and last, middle is optional)

Age:(17-Reasonable age) (If you want to put a very young character, please create a separate older guardian, but we will allow some cases depending on your character.)

Appearance: (Picture and Anything Else)

Personality: (What kind of person is your character?)

Element: (Each character may have one element, Earth, Wind, Light, Fire, Water, Darkness)

Strengths: (Anything natural that your character is good at.)

Weaknesses: (Fears, Anxieties, Handicaps, etc. We want to create a roleplay where everyone is balanced, this is a team effort to save the world after all!)

Family: (We all have those! Don't be that one person who entire family is dead and now you're super angsty!)

Occupation: (Job before the call to arms)

Bio: (Please include where you're from, why you want to save this world, how does mana returning affect you or your family, etc)

Weapon of Choice: (We're going on a dungeon hunting run, it was bound to happen)

Equipment: (Ranging from armour, to books, to even toys. Anything your character packed for the long journey. Please include gold, the currency, if you brought some with you!)

More info will be provided by Red as to what's happening right now. Once you've been accepted, feel free to post your info right on this thread for everyone else to read! @Redemption  
When Choosing an Element:

The element that is given to you by the goddess closely aligns towards your personality. For example, one with a strong, passionate character would be ideal for fire, one with adapting flexibility would be aligned with water, one with a generous, caring personality would be light. One with an unmoving resolve would align with earth, while a free roaming spirit would be correct for wind, and someone aligned with darkness would have a cunning intellect. Remember, how you choose your element shows how you control it as well.

Using the element:

Just like every person on the planet, your character is new at using magic. You'll grow greater at it over time.
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[QUOTE="Їṽαη ℕαḱαʝїмα]Could you please reserve me light~?

My pal Red reminded me that I reservations are a bad idea, and it's more of a if you fill out the character sheet well enough so that we can confirm we have someone in the light category. Thank you kindly for your interest!

Sebastian Othres


Age: 20

Element: Darkness

Personality: Sebastian manages to be a charmer that keeps his distance from others. He seems nice enough, and has a weakness for kids but this guy has his guards up and learning of his past is out of the question.

Strengths: Somewhat versatile he is capable of both physical and mental feats, but his intellect is what shines through most.

Weaknesses: Not one to form bonds

Family: Father and younger sister, mother deceased.

Occupation: works with The Protectors of The Faith

Bio: Grew up on an island and was taught about the god Ander and all he had done for the people, bringing them magic and keeping balance in the world. Was quite devout to his beliefs, even with magic no longer part of his world, until when he was young and he lost his mother to an illness and he wanted to hear nothing about gods when they would let good people die. When his father deemed him old enough, he was told the truth, that magic could have cured his mother, and that his father was working to restore magic, and had hopes for bringing her back. He started working with him and the Protectors from them onward. It was discovered that his younger sister is showing symptoms of the same illness that killed their mother recently.

Weapon of Choice: Twin daggers (Until he finds his katana)

Equipment: Always has a book on him, survival essentials, personal effects.
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Character Sheets:

Character Name: Kaine Gestalt

Age: 17

Personality: A kind and caring soul, Kaine's personality comes off as gentle. Always attempting to think around conflict, people throughout Kaine's life has called him a wuss, and a weakling. Goes out of his way, even for strangers, to help others. This may seem like a burden to many, to Kaine it seems like it's just one of those things you just do.


Has more of a curly hair style, along with heterochromic eyes. One blue one brown

Element: Water

Strengths: Great at swordplay and the shield, although mostly the shield. Proficient in map reading and strangely enough, the flute.

Weaknesses: Has a very distinct fear of harming another human being, thus being very hesitant when it comes to battles in a life and death situation. Also, tends to be pushed around, especially by anyone taller, older, or female. Just a guy who does anything for anybody willingly.

Family: Vannessa Gestalt, sister: Twin sister who once traveled with Kaine, now somewhere in the mountains under the guise of "training."


Occupation: Although he prefers to be called an adventurer, Kaine is a map seller who attempted to be a knight, but couldn't get over harming others. Currently with no home.

Bio: Born into the middle class, Kaine once lived in Cul'riah with his family. There, his parents worked the fields while his sister and himself studied in the local school. One day, a small burglary occurred in the village late at night. In a place with no knights or guards, this was common. However, when Kaine's father put up a fight, the men decided to kill him. Hoping for no witness, the men killed Kaine's mother as well. Luckily, that night Kaine and Vanessa decided to play around the houses late, but returned to witness the aftermath of the gruesome scene. Years pass, and the twins entered a knighting school in Luriah, hoping to arm themselves so as they could protect what's dear to them. Unlike his sister, Kaine was a lot more hesitant in the more hands on lessons, and was eventually kicked out. His sister, dropping out so Kaine wasn't alone, journeyed with him to different towns and such, living off of the cheap maps Kaine sold for a living. Eventually, reaching the ages of 17, Kaine had become well known for his map making, and his sister well known for the amount of bandits she's captured. They soon split ways once Vanessa received a letter from the King's stewart, hoping for her to enroll in the kings guards.

Weapon of Choice: Broadsword and a heater shield, which is just plain with no decorations nor engravings.

Equipment: A wide array of his finest maps, along with plain parchment and ink and quills. Also carries around a small canteen of water, a sheathe for his broad sword that he carries on his hip, and some pocket change of gold. Along with a long wooden self carved flute with many animal and fairy tale etchings. All carried in a pack.
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Character Sheets

Character Name:

Menma Shizukina




[[Forget all the bandaging]]



Menma is at first a soft-spoken girl to those who are a stranger to her but she has learned to open up quickly to those who come off as kind and gentle. Like any child, she gets excited easily and has energy to spare. Menma is a kind soul that gains happiness when seeing others are happy with her. She is a bitdependent on others but tries hard not to bother people to much; she doesn't think her problems are worth bringing up and desires to do things on her own without any help.





- Climbing

- Hiding


Is very frail and weak; gets sick easily

- Has a fear of the dark


Mother and a baby bother, her brother was put up for adoption though. Her father is deceased; worked in the mines and got caved in.




Menma was born and raised in Inuei with her family. She and her family lived normally and somewhat poorly; it was sort of common. Her father worked as a minor while her mother sold goods on the streets. Growing up Menma never played outside like other kids, she easily got sick and was always very frail. Due to the weather Menma's parents never let her out there sight, they were always worried about her. Around the age of 12 Menma was left without a father and her mother was left with two children to feed. Her mother had no luck in landing a good job because of Inuei slowly falling apart; her mother finally resulted in giving her youngest child up for adoption, it pained her but it was for the best. Menma had only her mother left. The economy continued to get worse but one day a young man soon gained the friendship of Menma. The young male gave food to the unfortunate and helped those in need; Menma admired him and viewed him as a 'Hero'. Menma believes a world with magic is a world worth living in and a world with no problems; that's how she's always imagined it.

Weapon of Choice:

A small pocket knife


She brought along her stuffed bunny that she cherishes dearly; her father gave it to her.

Character Name: Luna Jewels

Age: 18


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/Screenshot_2014-01-10-21-39-22-1.png.274b3556ff7878659a872424c29a6bd9.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="11795" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/Screenshot_2014-01-10-21-39-22-1.png.274b3556ff7878659a872424c29a6bd9.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Luna is a kind and intelligent person. When she speaks, it is usually something helpful and smart. She is unpredictable and is a bit open-minded. She is adventurous, which was a reason she became a merchant, but she can be insensitive to other people. She is independant, and likes to do things her way.


Strengths: She excels in speed, agility, stradegizing, and analyzing. She is good at hiding her emotions and thoughts, and has quick instincts.

Weaknesses: She fears to meet her father, spiders, to be alone, and to be seperated from her mother. She can get lost in thought easily and she sometimes does things without thinking. She doesn't like people touching her and is stubborn.

Family: She has a father and mother, but she only lives with her mom.

Occupation: She was a merchant (trader).

Bio: Luna lived with her mother and father, and she lived and was born in Pontarious. Life wasn't all that great for her, though. Her mother was kind and loved her very much. Her father, on the other hand was the opposite.

Luna and her mom was always abused by her father. He would hit them and yell insults at Luna, her mom would protect her, but in the end he locked her in the bedroom. He almost never worked, since he was constantly being fired because he's always drinking and gambling.

When Luna was 17, she took her mother away from that wretched house. She roamed around the streets, and finally found a room she could rent with the little money she saved over the years. She went to work at a cafe and her mother worked as a maid until they saved enough money to buy a horse and a carriage. They then traveled the world, buying things somewhere, then selling them elsewhere. Even though times were hard they still had fun.

Weapon of Choice: She uses throwing daggers and dual wielding swords.

Equiptment: She has metal arm bands she uses to block attacks, a pouch on her belt to store daggers, a small one-band backpack that has medic supplies, 1318 in currency, 17 gold coins, a picture of her mother, an extra outfit, and a cloak that has a hood.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/Screenshot_2014-01-10-21-39-22-1.png.bdb6fdd52c06e4ca0f69c0c117c8d59a.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="11794" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/Screenshot_2014-01-10-21-39-22-1.png.bdb6fdd52c06e4ca0f69c0c117c8d59a.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Character Name: Roxxane Lexanna

Age: 17



(Profile pics rule xD )

Roxxane can be hollow and stubborn, a protective shell she uses as a defense. If you stay with her long enough (if she lets you live) you'll discover she's intelligent and clever. Once she's attached to someone, she defends them and grieves deeply if they somehow perish or become deceased. If you think you're stronger than her or smarter than her, you'll be soon tied to a chair with a knife to your neck. She has a certain way of knowing what gets through to a person the most, so you wouldn't want to be on her "list".

Element: Fire

Roxxane is highly skilled in sneaking and assassinating others, striking at weak spots near and far.

Weaknesses: She fears the day her father may come back and abuse her, and can be easily tricked by the people she loves and trusts.

Family: She has a father that used to abuse her, and (if you count it) a boyfriend, Jake, who is away at the time.

Occupation: She recently quit her job as an assassin, but made sure she had enough money.

Bio: Roxxane was abandoned by her parents, and was woken up by her new colleague, Jake. She was supposedly knocked out by her parents, and they carried her away... for a reason? Roxxane can't remember her past, declaring it "not important" as the years went by. The only thing she remembered was the beatings she used to suffer. On a date with Jake, she discovered that he was a vampire... Just like her. They ran away, faking their deaths, and have been running ever since. Jake began a job as a merchant, and had to stay in her hometown of Foutloos.

Weapon of Choice: She carries a staff she calls her "Doom Staff" around wherever she travels, spreading rumors it holds her magical abilities as she goes, to protect herself from danger... Her enemies go for the staff first.

Equipment: She brings about 1500 in currency, her Doom Staff, her mother's wedding ring, and the essentials needed for a camping trip, such as food that will not rot.
Just a heads up for those who have been accepted or are pending acceptance, or wondering on applying! Please read the OCC of the roleplay, as tidbits of lore has been posted on the world of MANA!
UPDATE! The RP has begun! So if you didn't know, you know now!

Wind has been accepted. Acceptees as of today are: @Roxxane Lexanna @Elf @Ivan(I can't ever tag this person because I don't have such letters on keyboard
xD ) That is Wind, Fire, Light, Water, and Darkness all filled! Earth is still open!

If you'd like to join the RP, but let's say Earth does apply, then feel free to ask one of us, since we can probably think up of a way to open the door to you!

Thanks kindly!

-Caldwell, coauthor
Character Name: Ryrun Kotros, nickname the goddess gave him, The protector

Age: 26

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/aaaa.jpg.69ee12def7e61cff8e966dfdb6b2f7d4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12278" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/aaaa.jpg.69ee12def7e61cff8e966dfdb6b2f7d4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Calm almost all of the time unless something is done to anger him he tends to be quite shy and jumpy when he is really relaxed. He is the person to tell if someone else is hurting and help them even if they refuse it

Element: Earth

Strengths: He is excellent a hand to hand combat as he was trained by his father who was once a blade master, he is also good at sensing things like weather changes and can fro a while anticipate his opponents by reading their body language.

Weaknesses: Being snuck up on even though he is a tank he hates it when people walk up behind him as he has a hard time hearing.

Family: Father, sister and mother.

Occupation: Mercenary

Bio: He grew up as a child outside a major city and lived on a small farm with his father and mother. When he was in the barracks training to be a knight at age 7 his sister was born. She became the center of his life and he loved playing with her everyday. A few years passed and he was 15 and she was 8, he was about to complete his training as a knight when he had heard that his sister was being picked on by some of his classmates. Grabbing a sword in a red haze he dashed out to where she was and he killed her tormenters and got caught by the city guards and was banned from the city and told he would be unable to join the knighthood as he had killed other students. When he had arrived home his father had already heard of it. His father did not discipline him he thanked him instead for helping his sister, and told him that he would be the teacher instead. So father taught son how to be a sword master, during those 9 years he went through much physical training and forms before he finally bested his father in a fight. Now with his father's sword offered to him he had smiled and refused it saying that he wanted to make his own sword because then it would be his own. So he set off with a haversack of food and a small gold pouch to make his own sword he left his house and went to the next city where he went to the black smith and became his apprentice for a few months to earn enough gold for his armor and sword which he helped create. After that he began looking around for a job and soon he found them and as he went from job to job he got better and better until he received the nickname the white master. When the initial mana outburst occurred there farm became more fertile and others around them wilted so his family was luckily bot badly impacted yet by the mana.

Weapon of Choice: Great Sword

Equipment: he keeps a simple and light plate male which he hides under his clothes, He wears a simple white shirt and a long skirt over his legs and it doesn't inhibit his movement and he actually had his mother make it for him before leaving. He also wears instead of sandals greaves. He is carrying a pouch of 250 gold coins from his last job and carries a small journal and inkwell and quill to record his day in as his mother wanted him to do that so she would know what he did in his travels. He also carries a small haversack of food as he was always careful to have food on him.



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