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Fantasy Magic of the Elements Character Sheet



derek hale deserved better
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check

Welcome to the character sheet for 'Magic of the Elements'. Here, you will post your characters and what makes them, them! You're more than welcome to do a character sheet or just follow this format, just make sure all of this info is included please!

FACECLAIM (Name or photo)
AGE (18-22)
BODY MODS (tattoos, piercings, scars, etc.)
PERSONALITY (either bulleted list or 1-2 paragraphs)
BACKGROUND (2+ paragraphs that include how they found out about their powers)

NOTE* Writing samples will be given in the Discord server : )


;; lyric

FULL NAME ⎯ lyric arielle black
NICKNAME(S) ⎯ none | her name is short enough as if and she refuses to let people call her Ariel.
AGE ⎯ twenty
GENDER ⎯ cis female

lyric has a rather athletic build from a active lifestyle. she has visible muscles from a life of running track and wrestling. lyric continues to keep in shape to maintain this figure. at 5’9” she is on the taller side.
lyric started her natural hair journey when she was in junior high. she keeps her hair cut low, preferring her short curls over anything longer. in it’s natural state her hair is dark brown, but she tends to dye it. the current color is pink.
russet, warm brown with hints of red. Her eyes are slightly almond shaped and upturned. they’re often lined with black eyeliner and winged, sometimes smudged if she either forgets or doesn’t care to remove it.

the person who is often at the back of the classroom, etching words and symbols on wooden desks. the person who has her head down while class is in session, yet somehow maintains a decent grade point average. catch her at the side of a building, cigarette hanging from her lips. lyric is alone but why no means lonely. she prefers to be by herself. there peace in her own company,

stoic is the word that people tend to describe her as. things that normally seem to upset most people, tend to roll right off of her back. lyric never lets someone make her act out of character, she won’t give them the satisfaction of letting them get to her. in the face of confrontation others are typically given an eye roll or raised eyebrow, as if she’s amused by them. lyric is the embodiment of “it is what it is.” her skin is thick, holding all the likeness of a honey badger.

lyric is the type of person who doesn’t like to dwell in the past too much. she prefers to focus on the future. the past is meant to be learned from and that’s it in her opinion, there’s no use in wishing that things were different. looking behind her means that she can trip up, that she’ll be blinded by what’s ahead of her. she doesn’t need that type of obstacle in her life.

it’s easy for others to assume that lyric is a pushover. they look at her tendency to avoid confrontation and her willingness to forgive as weaknesses, something that they can exploit. lyric is no fool however. she may forgive but she never forgets, if someone crosses her they don’t get the opportunity to do it again. so far she has been successful at figuring out peoples’ true intentions.

lyric is a rule breaker but in a sneaky way almost. she’s smart about how she does it. she’s not out stealing cars or anything but she has gotten into a fair amount of trouble. lyric is definitely the type to read the rules before she breaks them.

LIKES ⎯ late night drives, malboro cigarettes, high up places, neo-soul, rainy days, naps
DISLIKES ⎯ unnecessary aggression, motor mouths, takings things slow, cats (allergic)
FEARS ⎯ experimentation: a fear manifested from the thought of individuals wanting to study those with powers. humanity has a cruel history of experimenting on individuals with little care for their well being.

lyric is a prom night baby, having been conceived during her palyrict’s senior prom. their relationship was strained after her mother, rochelle, discovered that she was pregnant. lyric’s father was in and out of her life, oftentimes only seeing her a few times a month and after a while, even less than that. lyric’s mother spent her time working and caring for her daughter. though their relationship was also strained as she secretly blamed lyric for how things went down between her and her baby daddy. rochelle was bitter about losing her youth, wasting it on caring for a child all by herself. she would often leave her daughter with her sitters in order to go out and party or do whatever she pleased. as a result lyric was left alone, which caused her to become independent. it wasn’t long before she became a street rat, staying out late at night for a few days even, as her mother would often “forget” to pick her up. from time to time a family member would spot her and pick her up or she would make
Her way home herself.

things changed when her father suddenly became more involved in her life, spending time with her and dropping her off to school. life was bliss. she never complained about the strange people who approached her after school or when they approached them when they were spending time together. didn’t take note of her father reaching into her backpack for the little bags of white stuff or in her pockets to give to the people. she was only told that she was helping take care of the house, of her and her mother. so when one day she was pulled aside by police and her backpack confiscated, she broke down. she had been used as a drug mule the entire time and her father was sent to prison, never to be seen again.

lyric became quiet for a while, still in shock and dealing with emotions she never had to before. the community she lived in was a harsh one, looking down on signs of weakness. her own mother did little to comfort her. and the authorities viewed her as a criminal like many other childlyric in her community. she wasn’t viewed as a little girl who had been through something traumatic. as she grew older lyric donned the title like a cape, a shield to use against others.the world already viewed girls like her as aggressive, saw them as adults far before they actually were.

it’s safe to say that lyric had only herself to rely on for a long time. she did what she had to do in order to survive, taking on many hustles in order to survive. the one that stuck with her was doing hair, quickly she began to use it to make money.

when her powers had emerged lyric had been at home. it was during the night that she had been in the process of sneaking out, but for some reason she seemed louder than normal and her mother caught her. during their screaming match lyric had shattered a window with her power while she yelled. from then on she worked on controlling her ability.
coded by reveriee.
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you'll never know dear, how much I love you. please don't take my sunshine away.

j. thompson

solar powers


full name

clarke emory campbell






august 24th





skinny love







134 lbs.

hair c.

bright blonde

eye c.



anya taylor-joy



Being raised by such a sweet woman like Beth Campbell created an even kinder daughter. Clarke is a sweetheart and was always known as such. She was beautiful too, so she had always been well-liked, even in school when so much bullying and harassment happens, Clarke had always been able to avoid it.

It’s not like that’s her only personality trait though, being soft and sweet. She’s also known for her sarcastic sense of humor, which has been known to get her in trouble from time to time if she takes it too far. It sounds cheesy, but she always has a sunny disposition, which no one knows if it’s because of the actual sun or just the way she was raised so lovingly.

Clarke has one of those laughs that makes others want to laugh, even her giggling is enough to make someone smile. She hates seeing others sad and will do everything in her power to make them laugh or smile, even if it seems silly.

Since being at the new school though, she’s struggling to fit in with the knowledge of her newfound powers. It makes her feel like a completely different person that she doesn’t recognize, so how is she to know how to act or who to be? Things are changing for Clarke and she doesn’t like it, which is causing the newfound anxiety in her chest whenever someone talks about her, or sometimes even their own, powers.


sunny weather. the beach. fries. sunflowers. swimming.


puzzles. nuts. hospitals. bugs. surfing.


doctors. sharks. earthquakes. snakes.



The Campbells were a good family, kind and sweet to everyone they’d meet. When Beth Campbell got sick though, everything changed. The cancer came and nearly killed her, until her husband, who was a scientist, brought home nectar from the tree and gave it to his wife unsupervised. Within a day, she was healed miraculously, leaving doctors and nurses shocked until her husband told them what he’d done. Straight nectar, rather than a medicine made from it had healing powers that weren’t quite understood yet and still he brought it home for her, willing to do anything to make her better.

Within a year, the Campbells welcomed a new baby, a beautiful little girl that they named Clarke. To them, she was perfect, a perfect gift after a perfect new life they were blessed with. While her father understood the risks that came with having a baby after being healed with something of the tree, her mother was completely clueless to the possibility, and she stayed that way until Clarke was nineteen.

Clarke’s story is a bit of a different one if you would like to call it that, while many elementals have bad stories of their powers awakening, Clarke’s was like a dream. Her mother had fallen ill again, the cancer had come back, only this time in a different part of her body. Things looked bleak and no one knew the consequences of using nectar more than once on the same person, which kept Clarke’s father from doing what he had done before.

One day, when Clarke visited her mother in the hospital, her mother spoke of having to leave her soon which made the young girl cry. How could she lose her mother? This wasn’t fair, none of this was fair! And in her grief, the sun shone brighter, which caused the room to get darker. While holding her mother’s hand, Clarke’s veins glowed gold like the sun and she watched as her mother’s slowly lit up as well. It only took a moment for the color to come back to the older woman’s face and the glow to come back to her skin.

When told about what happened, doctors began running tests on Clarke and found her to be an elemental. Her father, obsessed with the idea of having a daughter who could heal, began pawning her off to other sick folks, believing himself to be doing something good. However, Clarke was so tired and didn’t have the time to regenerate her powers. It wasn’t long until her mother took note and decided, on her own, to send Clarke to the school for Elemental Beings. It was what they were supposed to do in the first place, and she refused to watch her daughter be some science experiment.

Not all is known about Beth’s powers, especially considering it has something to do with the sun. She’s hopeful that the school will be able to tell her and train her in everything. Being a new student has given Clarke a sense of anxiety, but it’s much preferred to being an experiment or a martyr like her father seemed to think she was.





beth campbell

kindhearted. sunny disposition. clarke's role model.

michael campbell

loving. obsessive. stubborn.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.



body mods

ears pierced. secret sun tattoo on left side of breast.



♡coded by uxie♡
Name – Amanda kent most people call her Amy.


Age – She just turned 20, but she likes to lie about her real age.

Sexuality – She is pansexual

Likes- While she will never admit it to anyone, she loves pop music, but she hides this fact because of her tough, punk rock girl persona.

She loves almost to an unhealthy degree those very, very few people she allows to get close to her. The people she trusts unconditionally, the ones who she would go to hell and back for, with a smile on her face.

She loves it when the sky is completely covered with clouds, and there’s not a hint of blue in it. Days like these relax her, and remind her of her childhood home.

She has an insatiable sweet tooth. She can often be found near or in a candy shop, or with a bag of candy somewhere on her body.

Dislikes – liars, and no the irony isn’t lost on her. That while she dislikes liars, she’s done nothing but lie all her life

Spiders there’s no deep psychological reason for this dislike. She just thinks there’re creepy and doesn’t like them.

She hates being around people, because of her anxiety and trust issues.

She also paradoxically hates being alone.

Fears- Amanda fears many things, but all of her fears stem from one thing. Amanda fears people realizing who she really is, and finding her lacking. That is why she always puts on an act. She needs people to think she’s more than she thinks she is.

Another one of her fears is loosing a loved one to either death, or drifting apart from them.

Her biggest fear is lose of any type of control, be it her powers, her emotions, or even something as simple as the TV remote.

  • Insecure
  • Shy
  • Neurotic
  • Passionate/ obsessive
  • Possessive

Amanda Kent, was born on August 2 2002. She and Her family lived in a suburb outside of London. Her father Alexander Kent, was a renowned architect, and her mother, Sarah Kent was a professor at a small university. Everything was fine, unlit amanda turned seven and doctors found a tumor in her brain. The tumor was inoperable, and doctors gave her just two more years to live. Devastated by the prospect of both loosing his only daughter and a failing career, mister kent took his own life. Hearing of a mystical healer, and being very desperate, Sarah took her daughter to see the healer for treatment. It worked, within a week the tumor had disappeared and Amanda was healthy. Unfortunately amanda lost all of her memories due to the treatment. Viewing this as no different than if her daughter actually died, and reeling from the loose of her husband, Sarah kent became abusive, and blamed Amanda for all the families troubles. As the years went on the abuse became worse and worse, until one fateful day she lost control and blacked out. When she woke up she was covered in ash and surrounded by the police. She’d disintegrated her entire neighborhood.


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love nwantiti






Eloise Latore Crosse


Ellie, Elle, Louise, etc.



hair c.

Dark Brown

eye c.




Eloise is quite a proud woman, confident in herself and her ability to take care of herself. She rarely relies on others, instead opting to help others rely on her, or have them let out their stresses or frustrations on her (in a healthy way, of course.) Stubbornness is a trait that many of her family members have, and it has unfortunately been passed onto her as well. The Elemental is unafraid to speak her mind, often the one who will insist that her friend's coffee order was made wrong. She is quite friendly, though, unafraid of meeting new people and learning new things.

likes: Horticulture, Drawing (mainly sketching, hardly ever digital), Mangoes, the beach, summertime.
dislikes: Closed-mindedness, Sushi, Depending on others, etc.
fears: The dark, commitment, disappointing her father and sisters, etc.



Eloise was born and raised in the southern beaches of Florida (specifically, a small town just outside of Miami). She was accustomed to the long, hot days spent at the beach, and the tourism that came with it. She loved her hometown, finding bliss in exploring sunken gardens and learning about the different cultures she was surrounded by growing up. Of course, it isn't always sunshine and rainbows, especially for those who possess elemental powers. Thankfully, though, her father had never seemed to have a disdain for those possessing special abilities.

Eloise is the eldest of three, taking on the big sister role for her single father. She never knew of her mother's whereabouts, only having a few flashes of memories, mostly consisting of the woman taking her to playgrounds or building sandcastles. Otherwise, the thought of her mother only brings her resentment and emptiness. Clashing emotions that she never seems to have the time to deal with.

Besides being raised by a single father (who always did his best, despite having to raise three girls), Eloise would like to think her life had been a rather great one, even after discovering her powers during her senior year. Her story of discovery is a rather mundane one. A graduation party held in her own backyard proved to be the perfect setting, as a couple of mango trees lived there for nearly her entire life. However, none of the Mango fruits had even begun to grow.
It wasn't until she was taking photos with her sisters, mango trees behind her, that her dad noticed the mangoes growing at an accelerated speed behind the three young women. "Um. Ellie.. baby-"

It looked a bit ridiculous, but it proved to be quite the photo! The discovery of her powers was met with laughter and cheers, everyone taking a ripe mango to snack on, or simply place into cocktails.. possibilities were endless. To this day, she won't admit that she was absolutely starving while taking the pictures, prompting the growth of all those mangoes.

Despite the positive reaction to the discovery of her powers, Eloise knew that she could not do much about it. She already had a scholarship given to her prior to graduating, to a University that did not accept Elementals. So, she kept her powers under wraps, besides helping with gardening at home, and occasionally testing out her abilities on smaller house plants.

Her family supported her, despite her father's protests, but it was no use. the University she was accepted into began the term by giving incoming students a campus-wide test, meant to detect traces of the Original Tree. It did not take long for her to be prompted to pack her things, and be sent back home. Then on, she worked as an apprentice at a floral shop, arranging flowers and designing bouquets.

During this time, at the age of nineteen, Eloise was sent a letter of acceptance to a University specifically for elementals. Considering she had never even applied to any other college, she was extremely confused. That was, until her father explained that he mustered up enough money from his college funds to help pay for her to attend.

Eloise, having a hard time pushing past her pride, fought the idea at first. It wasn't until her father insisted that he already paid, that she stopped budging. It was too late now, so she had to make him proud. Not let her sisters down.



♡coded by uxie♡

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