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Fantasy MAGE Academy // Magical Academia Roleplay

Just after adjusting the zoom-in feature of the ring before some stranger bumped into him. He nearly fell but luckly or unluckly, Melody was standing beside hime causing him to fall on her. "Woops, I am so sorry, Melody," He apologised to Melody, bowing and making sure that her sphere wasn't knocked away from her. He turns to the male that bumped into who seems oddly familiar, "Uh, it's quite alright..."
Hiroto knocked into Melody as some strange guy bumps into him. Luckily, her sphere didn't knock out of her hands but was thankful that Hiroto still made sure that she was alright. "It's quite ok, Hiroto," She bows back to Hiroto, matching his mannerisms. She walks to Mirabelle, "Do you want to ask around? Seems like Hiroto is a bit busy." She looks back at him, "Make sure to contact me when I get one of those rings too, alright?"
Hiroto waves back at Melody, he was growing fond of her and was slightly dissapointed and sad that he had to leave. "Well, take care. Teachers would probably give you one," he said as he watched her leave leaving with the person in front of him.
The Lycan shook off the encounter with Noelle, giving her a strange look before resuming his duty, carrying Minji towards the infirmary. The halls were a bit crowded, and he had to navigate carefully to avoid bumping into anyone else.

"Excuse me," he apologized politely to a blue-haired student blocking his path. "I have to get her to the infirmary," he gestured towards Minji in his arms, hoping to clear the way swiftly.
The Lycan's foot tapped impatiently as he glanced back at Hiroto. "Not sure," he replied with a hint of uncertainty. "Ever since she brushed past our dark arts teacher, she didn't look too hot." His expression troubled.
The Lycan looked down at Minji in his arms, considering Hiroto's offer. "I appreciate it," he replied, "She needs to get to the infirmary as soon as possible. Can you make sure she gets there safely?"
Maxwell looked with slightly raised eyebrows at the exchange happening in front of him. Don’t they know who I am? Not even a single bow or acknowledgment. He gazed at the girl in the lycan’s arms. “Dark arts teacher?” He asked, looking up at the boy. “What’s the professor’s name, pray tell?” Glancing back at the blue haired boy, he could feel that tingle of recognition but couldn’t quite place where he knew him from.
The Lycan glanced at Maxwell, "Yes, the professor is Professor Wulreth. And as for this lady, that's Minji Del Lune."

The Lycan's voice carried a note of concern as he gently shifted his grip on Minji. "She seemed to be in a bad way, passed out cold," he added, his brows furrowing slightly with worry.
Hiroto nods as he opens the ring hologram. He points to a place in the academy, "I believe the infirmary is here, it's just across that hallway then turn left." He points left of the hallway.
It wasn't a normal occurance that Hexyl would wake up in the daytime, his long, white hair spead out on his bed as he gazes on the ceiling. The darkness of the room was heavy as Hexyl could barely see the slight light from under the door from his position. Much to his dismay, he had to approve the re-establishment of the Aesthetics Club to the Head Administrator and Club Supervisor today. He got out of bed, his head throbbing at him to go back to sleep and turned on the lights. After doing his morning routine and tying his hair into a ponytail, he took his new schedule from his bedframe and umbrella and walked out of his dorm.
With her first class being done, Kiva decides to go for a walk throughout the campus. She has a habit of walking around to get used to an area. That way, she wouldn't get lost in the future. After making a stop at her dorm to get ready for her next class, she notices the barrage of students heading in an out of several buildings in the distance. She stops and puts her hands on her hips. Kiva sighs as she talks to herself. "Aw man. I should've left sooner. I didn't expect it to be THIS congested between classes. Guess I'll have to squeeze my way through."

She looks to the side and a man holding an umbrella catches her attention. "An umbrella? Interesting." There must be rain in the forecast. That or he's sensitive to sunlight. Maybe it's both. She had gotten so lost in thought that she didn't realize she said the first two things out loud, though it was in a soft, curious tone rather than a judgemental one.
Hexyl made his way around the dorm corridor before taking a stop where the busiest areas are. He has no intent on interupting the younger students in the MAGE program from going around their classes. Some fourth and third years exchanged greeting with Hexyl and was expression their suprise and concern that Hexyl was out in the day. As the last third year went to their designated classes, Hexyl's eyes follows them to see a dark-haired girl watching him. This was the first time he saw the girl and quickly assumed that she was a first year of a transfer student. He hums, giving her a friendly smile as a greeting.
Kiva freezes for a second when she sees him look back at her. Oh man. He's gonna be angry at me. Surprisingly, he was not. Instead, she received a smile. Relieved, she returns the favor with a smile of her own, adding a wave as a bonus. "Hello. I'm sorry for staring. It's just that I noticed your umbrella and got curious. I'm not holding you up on your way to class, am I?"
"Hello there," Hexyl greeted her as he walked up to the girl. He extends his umbrella so that the shade would cover the both of them, "This umbrella is simply protecting me from the burning gaze of the sun. May I have the honor of knowing your name?"
Kiva looks up at the umbrella as it casts a shadow over her. "Ahhhhh I see. It's a pretty cool umbrella." She looks back at him, amused by how respectful his speech was. "Absolutely. My name is Kiva, and it's a pleasure to meet you. What's your name?"
Hexyl places his free hand over his chest, "My name is Hexyl Griffiths, it's a pleasure to meet you Kiva." He looked back at the crowd of students which have shrunken a bit. "If you ever need instructions of how to navigate this school, feel free to reach out," he said as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small ring, "This is a communication device provided by the academy. I assume that your professors haven't given you one so this one is yours to keep."
Kiva looks at the ring. Her eyes widen as she picks it up. She's still listening to Hexyl while examining the ring. "Whoa..." Suddenly, her attention returns to him. "Wait. I can keep this? For real? Wow! Thank you so much!" The gratefulness in her voice was genuine and fairly obvious. "I like understanding my environment so this will help a lot. I take it by you having this already that you're not a first year? I have too many questions, but if it means anything, I think I can kinda relate to your whole situation with the umbrella."
"Sunlight is my natural enemy," Hexyl replied, nodding in agreement, "I'd think that yoou would find the ring quite useful in your future years in MAGE. If you have any questions, my dorm straight down the hallway to the left" He pointed down the hallway what he left his dorm.
"Sunlight...." Kiva said before observing Hexyl. Suddenly, she gasps lightly and then gently bites her thumb. "I get it now. Thanks a lot, Hexyl. You're really helpful." She looks in the direction that he's pointing in and nods. "Straight down and to the left. Understood." She looks back at the shrinking crowd of students. "Nice. I can make it through without becoming a pinball now." Her gaze returns to Hexyl. "Well, I'm not sure how to repay your kindness, but if there's anything I can do or anything you want to know, let me know."
Hexyl smiles at Kiva, he was starting to grow fond of her, "Your very welcome. My contacts are already programed in the ring so feel free to send me a message whenever you can." Hexyl eyed some of the hallway enterences, "If you would excuse me, but I would take my leave now. I have to hand in an important document to some of the staff."
"Right. Sorry to keep you waiting." Kiva said as she stepped out of the shade of the umbrella. "I should get to class. It was nice meeting you, Hexyl." She waves happily before heading down the hallways. It was much easier now for her to maneuver past everyone.

That was very nice of him. Though I must say getting a ring during my first day of classes wasn't expected. I definitely appreciate it. In fact, this will help me with my exploration tremendously!
"Of course. Have a good day, Kiva," Hexyl bows politely as he walks to one of the hallways that leads him to the Non-Mage side of the Academy. After a few twist and turns he finally made it to a large, Victorian door. He opens closed his umbrella before entering it. The room is one of the many art rooms in the academy, many easels and paint jars was scattered around the room. A lady with a blue off-white hair tied in a bun was standing in the middle of the room, painting...something on her canvas. Hexyls bows before presenting the documents he had brought to her.

"Ms. Vertin, I have brought the club regestraition forms and other documents for the re-application of the Aesthetics Club," He said politely as he placed them on a table. Ms Vertin nods, "Good, you are free to go." Bowing and leaving again, Hexyl was finally out. He sighs, What a hassle, off to sleep again.
Kailey, who silently walked to her class of Elemental Spirits Handling, saw a poster with 'Magikal Circus' something something. It seemed like the type of thing she would brush off but tell Blessing about, so she wrote a note for herself and sticked it to her bag. As Kailey got to her class, she saw a male inside the classroom doing some old magic tricks she learned as a child's play. She entered, scanning the room for an unoccupied seat at the back.

"Ms.Kailey, can you tell me why you're late?" He asked, a badge-like nameplate on his clothes. It was read 'Mr.Eric Soulovich,' I guess it's his name then. Kailey took a seat first, seeing there was an empty seat right beside her. "Dammit, I thought everyone was already here. I'll have to wait for another person now." She thought, then heard an insufferable noise of loud clapping. Soulovich was trying to get her attention back to him, tilting his head while waiting for a response.

"What do you want me to say? Sorry?"
. . . . . . . . . . . .
"Continue teaching them your child's play, I don't even know how college students don't know these tricks." She scoffed in annoyance, looking at the nearby window. Being a dragon gave her lots of bonus points to insult as much as she wanted, since dragons are considered to be the fastest learners out of all the mythical creatures.

"Oh? Why don't you come and teach them some better things?"
"Let's show you how work's done, then."

Kailey took his word seriously, standing up with a devilish smirk. She knew she can win, otherwise she would've stayed at her seat. Kailey raised her arm a little, making her palm in front of the class and face-to-face. Her palm suddenly started creating green and black fire, leaving it extend until it filled the room. Although the fire was everywhere, there was no scent of burning or any burn injuries. Everyone kept wondering, how so?
"Touch the fire." She said coldly, making her other palm in front of Mr.Soulovich. Her other palm also had the same fire, but it didn't extend to burn Soulovich.

"Let's see what you've got." Eric smiled, touching the fire with his bare hands. And as nobody expected, the fire wasn't even there. Eric's hand went through Kailey, then the illusion Kailey disappeared the moment everyone knew Kailey wasn't even there. Kailey appeared at the back of the class, still in her seat. She burst out laughing, seeing everyone's shocked faces.

"Was that an.. illusion technique?"

"Indeed, Soulovich. It's been on my palm the whole time, if you just focused a little on what's behind the partly invisible fire."
As the class went on while Kailey felt an unbelievable amount of boredom, Mr.Soulovich asked a question. The only thing Kailey heard was 'Fire,' leaving her wonder what the question was. Kailey was interested in the lecture now, since it had something to do with fire. Of course, the reason she started becoming invested, was because she admired fire and because she has burnt lots of things. The destruction fire causes always seems to keep her interested, and so she loved when teachers talk about fire and it's magic.

"Ms.Kailey, can you tell us what fire is made out of, and how to create it?"

Kailey nodded, immediately standing up so that the class could hear her. "Fire is made out of hot gas that mostly comes out of volcanoes or any material that can produce heat, and turning heat into fire is quite easy since you only need to draw a small magic circle in the air and i'll immediately turn to fire. Creating fire out of thin air needs using your soul, bonding it with your imagination or memories. You need to remember how fire looks like, or even imagine that you've already created fire. Day by day, practicing fire, you then can create it without hesitation or any delays. It'll get pretty easy."

"Good job, Ms.Kailey! This'll be our introduction to our next lesson, Fire. Class dismissed!" Soulovich smiled, leading the class to the exit and opening the door using his wind magic. The class left, leaving Kailey to be the last person leaving. Soulovich stopped her, raising his hand to give her a ring-like machine. "You'll need it, it's Mage's way of communication." He handed her the machine, which she nodded to and wore immediately. The machine uncovered a hologram, and now Kailey had the communication ring of Mage.

Class dismissed.

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