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Realistic or Modern Mafia Man


Minster of Sinister Implications
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PB: Abbey Lee Kershaw

NAME: Bailey Grace Moren

AGE: Twenty-two


GENDER: Female

APPEARANCE: Bailey stands at five foot five in height and is slender in build. Her hair is a beautiful blonde which reaches down to her waist and has a slight wave to it, her eyes are almond in shape and are a captivating green in colour. Her skin tone is pale and she has a spattering of freckles across her nose that give her a soft touch to the normal pissed off look which seems to be normally on her face when she is concentrating. On the inside of her left wrist Bailey has the words 'La Mort' written there in cursive it was a tattoo she got with a friend when she was eighteen. Bailey also tends to wear more laid back clothes ie: jeans, tank tops and boots but she will dress up to impress when she really needs to. She also has a couple of scars on her stomach and chest from when she was in an abusive relationship but she doesn't let them bother her.

PERSONALITY: Bailey is a bit more of a straight forward talker, she isn't one to back down from confrontation as she is the youngest child in her family with two older brothers who tended to make her life a little more uncomfortable then they really should have. Often when people talk about Bailey they say she is stubborn, and honestly she is, when there is something she wants to do she will do it even if someone tells her not to. If someone stands in her way when she is going off to do something Bailey will shoulder them aside and keep going, this tends to make people think she is a bitch but Bailey doesn't really care what strangers think of her since she has spent most of her life worrying about what people thought of her because of her father being the high up lawyer he is.

JOB: Waitress

LIKES: Coffee, chocolate, pasta, wine, sleeping late, watching sunsets, doing things her parents would disapprove of, bacon, living on her own.

DISLIKES: Tea, the smell of bacon cooking, iced tea, being lied to, being used by people around her.

HISTORY: Bailey was born as the youngest child to her parents, her mother Elouise Moren a trophy wife and her father Jackob Moren a fat cat lawyer. Bailey was raised in the lap of luxury but it wasn't really her thing, she never told anyone she was friends with what her father did for a living and told her parents she wanted to go to public school while her two older brothers went to private school. All through her growing up her brothers were always rough with her and didn't treat her gently because she was a girl; this helped harden Bailey enough that people swearing or trying to swing at her didn't bother her at the slightest. At eighteen she got her first tattoo against her parents wishes but it was something her and a friend of hers wanted to do for the hell of it, to pay for the tattoo Bailey worked as a waitress, during this time she was dating a guy who she thought was amazing and half way through dating him he became abusive with Bailey which put her in hospital a few times after he had thrown her into a glass table and also thrown glasses and plates at her leaving her with scars on her stomach and chest. At twenty she left him and didn't look back. When she turned twenty-two she told her parents she was leaving home and left without a second thought. She managed to find herself a decently priced apartment and found herself a new waitress job for a laid back but still classy cafe that paid her well enough to make her rent payments.

PB: Timothy J. Alex

NAME: Arlan-Vedran Medenica

AGE: Twenty-seven


GENDER: did u just assume

APPEARANCE: Arlan stands just under six foot, coupled with his mesomorph stature makes him appear more broad than he is perceived. His hair is dark, yet not black, and combed slightly back despite it's scruffy appearance. His eyes are a hazelnut brown, yet the shine one might seen in others is not present in his. His features are well defined, his expression is usually solemn and mellow in a way.

PERSONALITY: Usually charismatic, coupled with his looks, yet rarely displays this as he is always occupied with some line of work, and can't spare much time for people. He has a cynical view of people and the world having been betrayed once by an associate, this is where he developed trust issues, and can't particularly relate to people emotionally (sympathy//empathy). This collides with his sociopathic behaviour, he is in constant search of someone. After losing his mother, one whom he held most dearest and could actually feel comfortable with, Arlan spiraled into a deep state of depression. His mum was his role model, and because of this he has undeniable respect for women, relating to the struggle in some way.

JOB: Loanshark for the Mafia

LIKES: Espresso, Smirnoff (vodka), Slivovitz//Rakija (Plum Brandy), Yugoslav rock bands, incense and evening.

DISLIKES: When people lie to him, especially in his line of work, untrustworthy people, people who are obnoxious, loud and ignorant.

HISTORY: Born in the Eastern Bloc during the last years of the Soviet Union, conceived in Yugoslavia during it's breakup. His parents were working class, yet his father forced into conscription in North Sarajevo with the Republika Srpska, his mother a stay-at-home parent in Belgrade, Serbia. As the years went on, the abusive trace of his father had diminished and it was noted he had perished during the war, instead was found in Bucharest, Romania with a severe drug-related problem after defecting from the frontline. His mother had to cope with five children, him, his two elder brothers and his aunties two daughters. He was the second child of three, he has lost contact with both brothers, let alone his family after his mother had deceased. Arlan went looking for his father though found out he had been shot dead and thrown into a pit with others. After that, Arlan left the Balkans and travelled to Portugal. There he ran a few jobs to help with debt and renovation for his flat. Yet after being dragged into the criminal underworld through illicit associations, Arlan was used as a hitman, extortionist and loan shark, well as an arms trafficker. After a police raid on a 'corrupt' factory Arlan was collecting debt from (a counterpart of the crime family he was working for), he realised someone must have betrayed not only him - but the family. Arlan seeks that person, in need of clarification, a sense of closure.

Arlan was brought into America covertly.

(fuckin immigrant)

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