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Realistic or Modern Mafia Man


Minster of Sinister Implications
Roleplay Type(s)
Bailey had been raised in the lap of luxury her whole life, her father was a top lawyer who represented the rich fat cats around and her mother was simply a trophy wife who never had time for her children. Now she was twenty-two and had moved out of her parents overly large mansion and started to rent a decent sized apartment while working as a waitress at a pretty laid back cafe, she was half done moving her boxes into her apartment when she caught sight of one of her neighbours. He was tall, well built, dressed well with a six o'clock shadow on his face but he also had a slightly disgruntled look on his face. Giving him a small wave Bailey sighed a little and rolled her eyes when the man simply hmphed at her and walked away, "Nice to meet you too mister grumpy pants" she muttered to herself as she shoved the box at her feet through her apartment door. She spent the rest of her day unpacking most of the boxes putting things where she wanted them, she was in her own little world until the slamming of a door made her jump and look around confused for a moment until she realised that the noise hadn't come from her apartment. 

Getting to her feet from where she had been sitting on the floor Bailey jumped a little once again when she heard shouting coming from the apartment with the attractive man, groaning she looked up at the ceiling "Really?". Walking over to her couch Bailey knelt on it and banged her left hand against the wall as hard as she could trying to get her point across she wanted him to be quiet. When the shouting stopped she smiled to herself and got off of the couch and set about taking a shower, once she was clean and clad in a pair of black short pyjama shorts and a black tank top she plodded out of her bedroom and into the kitchen and grabbed the bottle of wine she had bought herself to enjoy while she unpacked, her waist length blonde hair was left down to do as it wished and it had a slight wave to it. Her pale skin stood out starkly against the darkness of the clothes she wore, her friends had always told her that her skin reminded them of porcelain and that she would make a good model. Just as she opened the bottle the shouting from next door started up again, dropping the cap of the wine onto the counter Bailey grabbed up her keys for her apartment, walking to her door she pulled it open and stepped out into the hall. Standing in front of her neighbours front door she raised her right hand curled in a fist and hit it against the door. She had grown up being the only girl with two older brothers and knew how to bang on a door, "Can you stop shouting?" Bailey called through the door and banged her fist again for good measure; she highly doubted though he would do what she asked.
[this is the offical thread I haven't made anywhere to sign up characters haha :3]
[Yes it is. You don't see anything related to it as the RP itself hasn't started yet]
In his dilapidated, run-down black Honda CRX, ornaments and rear-view mirror accessories jambled vigorously on each bump or crevice in the road, lashing back and forth with aggression. Arlan peered through the windscreen with a louring gaze up at the apartment complex, the sunshield casting a slight shadow over his features as a ruby sun melted yonder the palm treeline. His vehicle's radio blared tunes from his CD, one notably https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nh1XhRFqhec from his mothers personal collection. Yet this was his most dearest, reminiscent of more peaceful moments during his childhood, even though he could not comprehend Ukrainian, it was still pleasant.

The vehicle rolled up, it's engine purred delightfully as he parked into the shade. Arlan disengaged his keys, the Honda CRX spat and ticked as it eventually settled down, resolving to a tranquil repose. He checked over his Makarov, chambering an eight-round magazine. Arlan exhaled a sigh of brooding temper, before finally unclipping his seatbelt and wandering from the vehicle, locking the door in his wake.

Arlan strolled toward the reception, already he could perceive the tremors of calamity upstairs, people yelling with caterwauling shouts of desperation, some saying "Shut the fuck up!". The shouts and irritance grew more apparent as rows of people emerged from their apartments to see the occurrence. Arlan sift through the crowd, before eventually realising his contract was where the shouts were coming from. Yet as it came more apparent, he noticed a timid, but pretty looking lady, obviously pissed - and rightfully so. Arlan sauntered over toward her, resting a shoulder against the wall as he situate himself by the door.

"You know this man living here?" he spoke with a heavy eastern European accent, made worse by his demeanour. When really, he was unable to suffice emotion, enough to portray in a friendly manner. Yet he meant no harm - even if he did look somewhat intimidating.


[shit that was short ,sryy x
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