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Fandom Mad Father Dr Devis Clinic


Senior Member
Hey Guys i'm looking to do a quick Mad Father RP basically theirs this kid who's lost in the woods (me) when he stumbles upon Aya's Clinic can he escape being turned into a doll?
Of course, that would be great!

Also, sorry for not responding, I was out and I left my account open!
Okay i'll post be warned though server's a bit doggy i'll reply as much as I can tonight tomorrow it should be fixed though

replying now

( :) )
Okay that's cool just give me a bit to pm the other girl who's doing the rp you might have to wait till tomorrow is that okay


( :) )
Yep, we sorta like horror imdi game, so i just HAD to show her this!

I'm totally cool with it, don't mind me!
Oh, you two know each other That's cool she can join just wanted to make sure you were cool if that's the case i'll get to posting . By the way when you guys get this message could you both give it the thumbs up so I know both you got it

( :) )
Yeah, I would be cool with anyone really xD anyway, but it's better with it being Night, sure, i'll make sure to give it a like

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