• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fandom M͟y͟ ͟N͟i͟n͟j͟a͟ ͟W͟a͟y͟ -「Naruto Universe Inspired ‣ CS」



Your Friendly Neighborhood Weeb

My Ninja Way!

Naruto Universe Inspired

Character Sheet Info


Disclaimer: Anything posted in the character sheet will be final, and any edits will need to be cleared by the GM before they can be made. Make sure to list EVERYTHING about the character in the character sheet. If you do not, and use it in the roleplay then you will be asked to change your post due to not having it in the character sheet. I have done my best to provide detailed explanations on every piece in the sheet as well as keep the CS organized and easy to fill in to avoid this issue. If you have any questions my Co-GMs and I are here to help!

- You can add sections to your character sheet, but the sheet must at least have the information down below.
- If you want to partner with anyone else interested then please do! This will show me that you're willing to work in groups and game plan ideas. However, keep in mind that being accepted isn't a guarantee, and you may not end up on the same team either if you're both accepted. So, do this at your own discretion.
- No canon character relation. This is going to be centered around a new storyline, and any canon character in the RP are NPC secondary characters with no emphasis on their own lives.
-You can use other anime/game face claims but keep in mind it needs to match the theme.

Shinobi Spots




Would you like to be a ninja from one of the well known Shinobi clans down below? Or would you like to be a ninja who will set their path independently, in honor of Konoha? Whichever path you choose, your character will have graduated the academy and already have missions under their belt. (This section is the total number of characters we can accept for the RP. For Example: We can have 9 spots filled, but only 6 clans taken. That DOES NOT mean we have 3 more spots open. Once the GENIN spots are filled then the RP will be closed until additional spots open up).



The clan is well known in Konohagakure, and are the strongest clan in the entire village. The Estate compound is the 2nd largest in Konoha, right behind the Uchiha compound. All members born into this clan possess the Byakugan, a kekkei genkai that gives them extended fields of vision and the ability to see through solid objects and even the chakra circulatory system, amongst other things. Members of this clan also possess an innate ability which allows them to expel chakra from any of the tenketsu in their body.



The clan is the most well known clan of Konohagakure. It's reputed to be the village's strongest, the Hyuuga following right behind, because of their Sharingan and natural battle prowess. After helping found Konoha decades ago, the Uchiha grew increasingly isolated from the village's affairs, though they still are in charge of Konoha's Police Force to the current day.



The clan is well-known in Konohagakure as one of the most loyal, right behind the Hyuuga clan. At birth, members of this clan are offered to several special breeds of insects as a nest, residing just under their host's skin. These insects will then live in symbiosis with their host from that point on. Because of this, its members are characterised by their use of insects as weapons. The clan members may also carry additional insects in jars or gourds with them on missions. The insects can leave and enter their host's body through various pores. They feed on chakra as a food source, making them quite deadly. The relationship between the shinobi and the insects is mutually beneficial.



The clan is a well known clan of Konohagakure. Many of their clan's techniques revolve around the manipulation of their bodyweight and size through the use of Yang Release. Members of the clan possess great physical strength and are able to quickly convert calories into chakra, which they then use in their various secret techniques. Most of these techniques rapidly consume the user's chakra during use, and maintaining them during a prolonged battle can be tiring. For this reason the Akimichi have high chakra levels and eat a lot in order to build up or replenish their chakra reserves. As a tribute, members of the clan wear the kanji for "food" (食, shoku) on the their clothing. If standard calories aren't enough for a battle, Akimichi can use the clan's Three Coloured Pills to convert excess fat into chakra, at the cost of one's health.



The clan is also known as a Family, and are shinobi in Konohagakure known for their use of ninken as fighting companions. They are easily identified by the distinctive red fang markings on their cheeks. The members are given their own canine partner(s) when they reach a certain age. Thereafter, the shinobi and their dog(s) are practically inseparable.



The clan also known as a family of shinobi in Konohagakure. They specialise in mind related techniques, and they own and run a flower shop in the village. They traditionally lead the Konoha Barrier Team. The members of this clan specialise in mind-related techniques which makes them experts at intelligence gathering, espionage and interrogation amongst other things. They have also displayed sensory abilities and their techniques include transferring their consciousness, reading minds and communicating telepathically. The flower symbol of this clan is the bush clover which symbolises a "positive love". Most members of the Yamanaka clan wear their hair in a long ponytail, which appears to be traditional.



This clan, or family, is one of the many clans of Konohagakure. They are known for tending deer and their ability to manipulate shadows through the use of Yin Release. A few of its members are well known for their high-level of intelligence, and have served as advisors to the Hokage in the past. The clan has kept a book with various medicine preparations and effects for generations, implying that they are skilled in the area of medicine and healing arts. Among the medicine described in this book are the secret pills used by the Akimichi clan. The Nara also have a special bond with the deer of the Nara Clan Forest, and only members of the clan are allowed inside without the deer attacking unless an outsider is given permission.



The clan was one of the clans responsible for founding the first shinobi village: Konohagakure — the other being their rival Uchiha Clan. Although the clan itself no longer appears to exist as a group, the Senju continue to influence Konoha's politics through their philosophy of the Will of Fire and the corresponding interpretation of the role of the Hokage position. As such, three Senju have achieved the position of Hokage.



This clan is an influential clan from Konohagakure. It has produced several renowned members who have held positions of high authority, including the Third Hokage. All known members have also been devout observers of the Will of Fire.

♡coded by uxie♡

Character sheet:

(Please place any images in a Spoiler if you're not using a code for your character sheet)


(Between 13-15)

Birthday: (Month and Day only)


(I am looking for full body, completed art. If your character doesn't come with a mission outfit then place a specific mission outfit down below in the section. I have examples in the discord.)

  • Body Type:
  • Hair Color:
  • Eye Color:
  • Headband Placement:
  • Ninja tools bag placement:
  • Any Jewelry Worn:
  • Fashion type:
  • Distinguishing Marks: (Scars and Marks go here. If none, remove this.)
  • Piercings: (If none, remove this)

Ninja Specifications:

Clan: (If applicable, if not then remove this)

Kekkei Genkai: (Explain what yours is, only if you’re from a clan that has one. IE: Hyuuga. If not, Remove this)

Companion: (If you perform collaboration justu with non-human companions. IE: Inuzuka. If not, remove this.)

Chakra Type: (There are 5 main types of chakra output; Fire Release, Water Release, Earth Release, Wind Release, and Lightning Release.

There's plenty of sub chakra types, which are all listed here. You can only choose 1. For now. Keep in mind that if you ever progress to learn more chakra types then you may never learn your weakest chakra type. EX: Your strongest chakra release is lightening, but if you become Jonin you may never master wind release.)

Jutsu Technique(s): (List all available techniques your character has down below and a brief description. An example is provided. Techniques for Genin are limited up to 4.

FYI: I absolutely don't mind if you use some Boruto ones for this. I also don't mind if you make them up as well, but keep in mind to have the information down below when doing so:
-The name, brief description, if it's close/mid/ranged combat, and damage.)

  • Lightning Ball - The user creates spheres of electrical energy and launches them at the enemy. When they makes contact with the enemy, the spheres electrocute them. This technique can also be used in rapid succession or fire multiple balls at once.
  • Lightning Flash - The user launches a lightning-infused fūma shuriken at their opponent, knocking them back. The lightning trail it leaves behind is also capable of temporarily stunning their opponents. This attack can also be used mid-air, albeit at a shorter range. Requires a large shuriken. (This means you would need to list a large shuriken to the Gear down below.)
  • Lightning Release: Lightning Rod - After coming into physical contact with the opponent, the user raises their arm into the air, generating a powerful bolt of electricity which travels through their body transferring the electricity to the body of the opponent.
  • Shadow Clone Technique - The Shadow Clone Technique is a clone technique created by Tobirama Senju. This jutsu allows the user to create one or more copies of themselves. (At most, Genin can create 1-2 shadow clones.)

Gear: (Any tools that you carry on you that do not fit inside your ninja pouch. IE: Sword(s), Axe, Puppet Dolls, Gorge, ect. Limit 1.)

Ninja Pouch: (List the exact tools that are in your tool bag, or what tools you have to assist you. There are 2 types of pouches;

  • The black case on the leg that is limited to a max 2 scrolls, 4 shuriken, 6 ninja stars, 5 thin snack bars, and other thin or small items.
  • The brown pack on the waist is larger and consists of three slots for keeping throw able and attachable tools with its base maximum per slot being 10 tools. That means 30 items total.

You can have a max of 2 packs, but the limit total will still be 30, and everything must be listed on BOTH bags.

Down below is an example that you can use, edit, or reference:

    • 2 water technique scrolls - (List the technique)
    • 1 summoning large shuriken scroll
    • 10 Shuriken Daggers
    • 5 Star Shuriken
    • 3 Smoke Bombs
    • 2 Flash Bombs
    • 3 Granola Bars
    • 1 small water bottle
    • 1 Card Game pack
    • 100 Ryo (Currency Money)
    • 1 Collector Ninja Card (For Inspiration and safe-keeping)

Mission Outfit: (If it's different from the photo you posted in Appearance; if not, remove this)

Personality: (Minimum 1 Paragraph)
  • Likes: (Minimum 4)
    • Here
    • Here
    • Here
    • Here
  • Dislikes: (Minimum 4)
    • Here
    • Here
    • Here
    • Here

History: (Minimum 2 Paragraphs)

Future Profession: (What job would you want to see your character end up doing? EX: Jonin Active Duty, Konoha Border Patrol, Ninja Chef, Interceptor Barrier Division, Delivery Ninja, Jonin Squad Leader, Hokage Bodyguard, etc.)

Extra: (Anything you want to add like workout routine, favorite foods, theme song, doesn't like hot springs, will scream at the sight of a rat, anything)

(Do not edit my post)

The Hokage placed your genin application in front of her to read the specifics of your application, and to take a look at the photo you submitted for your file. Sitting to the right of her was the head of the ninja academy school where you learned basic shinobi skills, and to the right of him was your instructor for the years you attended. “So,” she glanced up at you. “What are your thoughts on Konohagakure?”

(Answer here)

Letting the response simmer in the air for a moment the Hokage continued on to the next question. There wasn’t a required interview process for these simple approval proceedings as they were to only make sure their basic information, family affiliation, and scores were up to par. Otherwise the Hokage was simply congratulating them for passing, and to welcome them into the Shinobi forces. But, from time to time she wanted to gauge what kind of shinobi she was approving. Was the academy truly preparing these young ninja, or were they going to get a rude awakening? “I see,” she simply said. “Then let me ask you this.” Readjusting in her seat the Hokage leaned forward. “Say you’re on a mission, and your comrade got hurt badly enough to bring the mission to a dead stop,” She paused. “The enemy is right on your tail as this happens. Stopping to tend to your comrade will mean a battle with the enemy, but you’ve both agreed that you all will do anything to complete this mission. On top of that, it’s vital you complete this S-Ranked mission as Konohagakure is relying on your success.” Pausing once again to let her words sink in the Hokage proceeded. “What do you do?” She raised her arms to provide 2 scenario examples. “Do you leave your comrade to complete the mission with the rest of your squad, or save your comrade and run into the enemy?” There was no wrong answer as both tended to happen more often than not when in the field. It was up to this Genin to decide where their values lie.

(Answer here)

As the genin provided their answer the Hokage took in each word. The academy can never provide real world scenarios that truly tested their inner epiphanies, but it did start opening these children up to what they may face on the battlefield. The Hokage nodded once and picked up the stamp of approval. Swiftly stamping the genin application in front of her Taubaki moved the paper aside as she glanced once more at the new genin in front of her. “Anything you’d like to add before we complete the meeting?”

(Answer here)

Tsubaki gave the genin a genuine smile "Congratulations. I hope for success on your journey." A journey that will no doubt come with trials and tribulations, but one that will be worthwhile, she thought as the genin left the room for the next to enter.

Down below I've also provided a raw code for the character sheet:
[I](Please place any images in a Spoiler if you're not using a code for your character sheet)[/I][/CENTER]


Age:[/U] [I](Between 13-15)[/I]

[U]Birthday:[/U] [I](Month and Day only)[/I]



[*]Body Type:
[*]Hair Color:
[*]Eye Color:
[*]Headband Placement:
[*]Ninja tools bag placement:
[*]Any Jewelry Worn:
[*]Fashion type:
[*]Distinguishing Marks: (Scars and Marks go here. If none, remove this.)
[*]Piercings: (If none, remove this)

[CENTER][B][SIZE=6]Ninja Specifications:[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER]

[U]Clan:[/U] [I](If applicable, if not then remove this)[/I]

[U]Kekkei Genkai:[/U] [I](Explain what yours is, only if you’re from a clan that has one. IE: Hyuuga. If not, Remove this)[/I]

[U]Companion:[/U] [I](If you perform collaboration justu with non-human companions. IE: Inuzuka. If not, remove this.)[/I]

[U]Chakra Type:[/U] [I](There are 5 main types of chakra output; Fire Release, Water Release, Earth Release, Wind Release, and Lightning Release.

There's plenty of sub chakra types, which are all listed[URL='https://64.media.tumblr.com/acef34592d980fb5550e9a828bc38043/e05a029266220cd6-26/s540x810/a718acc5b842e6ba234b16c9a4008293721270b3.pnj'] here[/URL]. [B]You can only choose 1[/B]. For now. Keep in mind that if you ever progress to learn more chakra types then you may never learn your weakest chakra type. EX: Your strongest chakra release is lightening, but if you become Jonin you may never master wind release.)[/I]

[U]Jutsu Technique(s):[/U] [I](List all available techniques your character has down below and a brief description. An example is provided. Techniques for Genin are limited to 4.

FYI: I absolutely don't mind if you use some Boruto ones for this. I also don't mind if you make them up as well, but keep in mind to have the information down below when doing so:
-The name, brief description, if it's close/mid/ranged combat, and damage.)[/I]
[*][B]Lightning Ball [/B]- The user creates spheres of electrical energy and launches them at the enemy. When they makes contact with the enemy, the spheres electrocute them. This technique can also be used in rapid succession or fire multiple balls at once.
[*][B]Lightning Flash - [/B] The user launches a lightning-infused fūma shuriken at their opponent, knocking them back. The lightning trail it leaves behind is also capable of temporarily stunning their opponents. This attack can also be used mid-air, albeit at a shorter range. [I]Requires a large shuriken. (This means you would need to list a large shuriken to the Gear down below.)[/I]
[*][B]Lightning Release: Lightning Rod -  [/B]After coming into physical contact with the opponent, the user raises their arm into the air, generating a powerful bolt of electricity which travels through their body transferring the electricity to the body of the opponent.

[U]Gear:[/U] [I](Any tools that you carry on you that do not fit inside your ninja pouch. IE: Sword(s), Axe, Puppet Dolls, Gorge, ect. Limit 1.)[/I]

[U]Ninja Pouch:[/U] [I](List the exact tools that are in your tool bag, or what tools you have to assist you. There are 2 types of pouches;[/I]

[*][I]The [/I][URL='https://www.pro-costumes.com/cdn/shop/products/1_0005_right-arrow-icon-black-arrow-symbol-vector-27873977.jpg?v=1655795576'][I]black case[/I][/URL][I] on the leg that is limited to a max 2 scrolls, 4 shuriken, 6 ninja stars, 5 thin snack bars, and other thin or small items.[/I]
[*][I]The [/I][URL='https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Y7yP4OYJvrQ/hqdefault.jpg'][I]brown pack[/I][/URL][I] on the waist is larger and consists of three slots for keeping throw able and attachable tools with its base maximum per slot being 10 tools. That means 30 items total.[/I]

[I]You can have a max of [/I][URL='https://64.media.tumblr.com/e3b738f4a1b481ca1cfce9ce6704937b/tumblr_ooib945e7O1trt8x6o3_500.png'][I]2 packs[/I][/URL][I], but the limit total will still be 30, and everything must be listed on [/I][URL='https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1GkabwLuSBuNkHFqDq6xfhVXaE/Milky-Way-Anime-Ninja-Bag-White-Waist-Bag-Black-Leg-Bag-Cosplay-Accessories-For-Kakashi-Hinata.jpg'][I]BOTH[/I][/URL][I] bags.

Down below is an example that you can use, edit, or reference:[/I]

[*][SPOILER="Pouch Items Example"]
[*]2 water technique scrolls - (List the technique)
[*]1 summoning large shuriken scroll
[*]10 Shuriken Daggers
[*]5 Star Shuriken
[*]3 Smoke Bombs
[*]2 Flash Bombs
[*]3 Granola Bars
[*][URL='https://canary.contestimg.wish.com/api/webimage/5f97985a9685dd031ff9797b-large.jpg?cache_buster=490df80ff961aaaf1e5d4689bb95a764']1 small water bottle[/URL]
[*]1 Card Game pack
[*]1 Collector Ninja Card (For Inspiration and safe-keeping)

[U]Mission Outfit:[/U] [I](If it's different from the photo you posted in Appearance; if not, remove this)[/I]

[U]Personality:[/U] [I](Minimum 1 Paragraph)[/I]
[*]Likes: [I](Minimum 4)[/I]
[*]Dislikes: [I](Minimum 4)[/I]

[U]History:[/U] [I](Minimum 2 Paragraphs)[/I]

[U]Future Profession:[/U] [I](What job would you want to see your character end up doing? EX: Jonin Active Duty, Konoha Border Patrol, Ninja Chef, Interceptor Barrier Division, Delivery Ninja, Hokage Bodyguard, etc.)[/I]

[U]Extra:[/U] [I](Anything you want to add like workout routine, favorite foods, theme song, doesn't like hot springs, will scream at the sight of a rat, anything)[/I]

[I](Do not edit my post)[/I][/CENTER]

The Hokage placed your genin application in front of her to read the specifics of your application, and to take a look at the photo you submitted for your file. Sitting to the right of her was the head of the ninja academy school where you learned basic shinobi skills, and to the right of him was your instructor for the years you attended. “So,” she glanced up at you. “What are your thoughts on Konohagakure?”

[I][COLOR=rgb(235, 107, 86)](Answer here)[/COLOR][/I]

Letting the response simmer in the air for a moment the Hokage continued on to the next question. There wasn’t a required interview process for these simple approval proceedings as they were to only make sure their basic information, family affiliation, and scores were up to par. Otherwise the Hokage was simply congratulating them for passing, and to welcome them into the Shinobi forces. But, from time to time she wanted to gauge what kind of shinobi she was approving. Was the academy truly preparing these young ninja, or were they going to get a rude awakening? “I see,” she simply said. “Then let me ask you this.” Readjusting in her seat the Hokage leaned forward. “Say you’re on a mission, and your comrade got hurt badly enough to bring the mission to a dead stop,” She paused. “The enemy is right on your tail as this happens. Stopping to tend to your comrade will mean a battle with the enemy, but you’ve both agreed that you all will do anything to complete this mission. On top of that, it’s vital you complete this S-Ranked mission as Konohagakure is relying on your success.” Pausing once again to let her words sink in the Hokage proceeded. “What do you do?” She raised her arms to provide 2 scenario examples. “Do you leave your comrade to complete the mission with the rest of your squad, or save your comrade and run into the enemy?” There was no wrong answer as both tended to happen more often than not when in the field. It was up to this Genin to decide where their values lie.

[I][COLOR=rgb(235, 107, 86)](Answer here)[/COLOR][/I]

As the genin provided their answer the Hokage took in each word. The academy can never provide real world scenarios that truly tested their inner epiphanies, but it did start opening these children up to what they may face on the battlefield. The Hokage nodded once and picked up the stamp of approval. Swiftly stamping the genin application in front of her Taubaki moved the paper aside as she glanced once more at the new genin in front of her. “Anything you’d like to add before we complete the meeting?”

[I][COLOR=rgb(235, 107, 86)](Answer here)[/COLOR][/I]

Tsubaki gave the genin a genuine smile "Congratulations. I hope for success on your journey." [I]A journey that will no doubt come with trials and tribulations, but one that will be worthwhile[/I], she thought as the genin left the room for the next to enter.
Last edited:
OIG3 (2).jpeg
Name: Saito Senju


Birthday: 10/19

Gender: Male


  • Body Type: featherweight boxer build (skinny, but with incredible muscle definition and tone.)
  • Hair Color: White
  • Eye Color: Silver blue/pale blue.
  • Headband Placement: Wrapped around his left wrist. His headband is elongated to resemble bandaging. The metal head guard sits neatly across the length of his wrist.
  • Ninja tools bag placement: the left BUTTOCKS.
  • Any Jewelry Worn: none save for his headband.
  • Fashion type: Dark/Gray colors. Often wears a hooded rain jacket unzipped. Paired with a mesh ninja tank top and black harem pants tied by a white cord string.
  • Distinguishing Marks: an elongated horizontal scar across the bridge of his nose. He was being an idiot. Some small scars are emblemed across his knuckles from extensive training.

Ninja Specifications:


Kekkei Genkai: WOOD RELEASE: MOKUTON-NO-JUTSU. (currently locked until awakened during a specific training session before/during the 3rd part of the Chunin Exams)

Chakra Type: Water Release.
Secondary: Wood Release. (LOCKED)
Third: Fire Release


Jutsu Technique(s): (List all available techniques your character has down below and a brief description. An example is provided. Techniques for Genin are limited to 4.
  • (CREATED) Water Style: Jet Jaguar - Saito's water chakra envelopes his feet entirely, pressurized water spewing out much like a jet. Accompanied by a series of kicks. This jutsu is also used for traversal/agility and maneuverability. Considering his feet literally become jetpacks. The power of Jet Jaguar is strong enough to cause cutting damage due to the incredible pressure of the water. If Saito slams his feet to the ground it will cause a water bubble to burst around him, gifting at max 5 seconds worth of defense. Or a strong final hit on an enemy (Speed boost/Close-range attack jutsu)
||Water Style: Jet Jaguar Zero Point||
An upgrade of Saito's original Jet Jaguar. This upgrade concentrates Saito's chakra in his feet to allow the water jets to be far more precise. His speed is buffed, while the sharp edges of the water around his feet become more sturdy like a real blade. Now, Saito is capable of thrusting a kick outward to send a sickle-like projectile of water with his upgrade. Or cause multiple projectiles to release from his kicks.
  • Shadow Clone Technique - A descendant of the Senju Clan should always know this famous technique. Saito can summon 2 clones currently. (Clone Jutsu)
||Shadow Clone Wood Shrapnel Technique||
Saito infuses his shadow clones with Wood Release. When the clones vanish (After being hit) the cloud disperses shrapnel of wood to pierce foes. Saito was inspired by Melia's Thousand Bee Stings Jutsu to create this upgrade path.
  • (VARIATION) Water Style: Water Dragon Piercer/Water Dragon Bullet - Saito uses his chakra to wrap a miniature version of the Water Dragon around his arm instead to drive his fist into his opponents. The dragons maw will open upon impact Causing massive damage while his fist connects. (Close-Range Jutsu)
||Water Style: Water Dragon Binding Chain||
This upgrade is due to Saito realizing power is not everything during his journey as a Ninja and decides to learn how to better control his chakra without wasting it. This technique allows the Dragon wrapped around his arm to become a water whip, that binds its targets when shot towards them. This allows Saito to pull his opponents towards him or just to keep them bound and restricted.
  • (CREATED) Water Style: Decree of the Southpaw - A jutsu that buffs Saito and imbues his fists with razor-sharp water gloves. Water wraps around his entire hands giving him a small power boost. Razor sharp pointed edges are at random covered throughout the surface of the water glove for more striking power. (Self-Buffing Jutsu. -Power Increase-)
||Water Style: Order of The Flowing Southpaw||
Inspired by Haruko Hyuga's Gentle Fist, Saito upgrades his Decree of the Southpaw to its true form. A significant change is undergone. A long jacket of Water wraps around Saito's body, with his gloves now becoming gauntlets. A significant power boost is achieved, while whenever Saito connects his fist with an opponent, internal damage is received alongside external. An example would be feeling the punch burst or pierce into the body rather than just getting punched and feeling it upon your skin.
  • (LOCKED) Wood Style: Entangling Sea of Trees - A weaker, more ineffective version of the Sea of Trees Erosion technique. Though on one hand, Saito makes up for it with ingenuity and creativity. Saito summons smaller, more vine-like tree roots that he can skate upon the roots, bundle them into a intertwined dome or shield for cover, use to tether opponents , pull them towards himself, or be pulled towards them. This technique is less about damage and more about evasion/trapping/defense/establishing zoning. (Traversal/Defense/Trapping Jutsu)
  • (LOCKED) Wood Style: Hotei Technique - A weaker version of the original Hotei Technique. Saito summons wooden arms from the ground up. These wooden arms are not gigantic in size, but being able to use them to grapple opponents, slam them into the ground, or crush them between another arm make them useful enough. Their structure is rather weak, and are best used to hold an enemy in place or damage them on the spot. (Mid/Close-range jutsu)

Ninja Pouch:
2x Black Case

You can have a max of 2 packs but the limit total will still be 30, and everything must be listed on

    • 10 Kunai Daggers
    • 10 Star Shuriken
    • 4 Wire Strings
    • 3 Granola Bars
    • 1 small water bottle
    • 1 Senju Symbol Shogi Tile (a Shogi tile etched with the Senju Clan symbol)
    • 1 roll of bandages


"A man who rules with his left, rules the world."

Ever inspired and truly passionate about keeping the faith, trust, and love for the Senju Clan alive. Saito is a steadfast, loyal, but mildly infuriating friend. His intelligence is often disputed by some considering him a complete idiot, or a hidden genius. Saito doesn't seem to care much either way. Words speak loud, but action speaks louder. That is how Saito lives his life. If people need him he won't shout at the top of his lungs, he will simply do it. Saito is often very trusting in people to a terrible fault, as he puts immense worth in those he considers close. Saito fights the frontline so his allies stay protected.
  • Likes: (Minimum 4)
    • Rain
    • Food, particularly spicy or sour. Sometimes sweet
    • Training/Boxing
    • Hanging out with Friends
  • Dislikes: (Minimum 4)
    • Bullies & Injustice
    • People who yap too much
    • Insulting those he cares about
    • Haunted Houses

History: Saito Senju is a descendant of The Senju Clan. Born into the prestigious Clan, Saito was set for life it would seem. The boy showed clear cut talent, but the hard work was where the boy needed to shine. Getting a headstart on all of the skills a proper Senju should learn before Academy Graduation was Saito's mission as a young child. Though these aspects were hard for Saito, his involvement and dedication just weren't there. Though this caused setbacks, and eventually problems with Saito's teachings- what came to Saito's "awakening" was watching a boxing match with his parents as an outing. The young boy was absolutely enamored by the skill, the fluidity, the strength, control, and application of the challenger against the champion. Though the challenger lost, they won Saito's heart that day. Saito finally applied himself towards his training and even requested to learn Southpaw Boxing mixed with Muay Thai as his Taijutsu. Inspiration from a different source seemed to kickstart Saito's drive to learn his Clan's lessons.

We move onto Saito's academics, though he wasn't perfect- he certainly passed with flying colors after his awakening began. In reality, Saito isn't much of a scholar, and academics in general aren't capable of keeping Saito invested. Thus, when able to skip out of the pencil-pushing work he'll immediately take it.

Finally, after graduation and before being assigned to a Team: Saito dedicated long training sessions at his Family Estate to enhancing his skills to the fullest. Spending hours upon hours creating his OWN techniques and skills that he prefers to use. Saito is indeed one thing - a genius in battle. Even if he's not considered a genius on paper. Saito's deepest desire is to further his training until he can surpass the limits he currently has and move towards becoming the strongest Senju of Today.

Future Profession: Jonin - Anbu - Hokage. Those are among his top three potential futures.

Extra: (will fill in later. Mostly just theme songs.)


(Do not edit my post)

The Hokage placed your genin application in front of her to read the specifics of your application, and to take a look at the photo you submitted for your file. Sitting to the right of her was the head of the ninja academy school where you learned basic shinobi skills, and to the right of him was your instructor for the years you attended. “So,” she glanced up at you. “What are your thoughts on Konohagakure?”

"Konohagakure is my home, it's all I've ever known. What's more, it is the land my ancestors fought tooth and nail to create. I would never abandon this land, nor suffer to see it come undone." Saito clenches his fist in unrestrained excitement "I'll take on anyone who tries!"

Letting the response simmer in the air for a moment the Hokage continued on to the next question. There wasn’t a required interview process for these simple approval proceedings as they were to only make sure their basic information, family affiliation, and scores were up to par. Otherwise the Hokage was simply congratulating them for passing, and to welcome them into the Shinobi forces. But, from time to time she wanted to gauge what kind of shinobi she was approving. Was the academy truly preparing these young ninja, or were they going to get a rude awakening? “I see,” she simply said. “Then let me ask you this.” Readjusting in her seat the Hokage leaned forward. “Say you’re on a mission, and your comrade got hurt badly enough to bring the mission to a dead stop,” She paused. “The enemy is right on your tail as this happens. Stopping to tend to your comrade will mean a battle with the enemy, but you’ve both agreed that you all will do anything to complete this mission. On top of that, it’s vital you complete this S-Ranked mission as Konohagakure is relying on your success.” Pausing once again to let her words sink in the Hokage proceeded. “What do you do?” She raised her arms to provide 2 scenario examples. “Do you leave your comrade to complete the mission with the rest of your squad, or save your comrade and run into the enemy?” There was no wrong answer as both tended to happen more often than not when in the field. It was up to this Genin to decide where their values lie.

Saito smirks, and without a moment of hesitation speaks his answer "Obviously I would save my comrade. If I didn't believe I was up to task for such a mission I would never have agreed to go. I know the stakes of any mission I take." Saito looks onward towards the Hokage, the Will of Fire clearly burning in those silver blue eyes of his. "I will break through any opposition, suffer all the obstacles, and stand unbroken against any enemy who dares to attack me or my comrades. The last thing they see will be my fist driving through their face."

As the genin provided their answer the Hokage took in each word. The academy can never provide real world scenarios that truly tested their inner epiphanies, but it did start opening these children up to what they may face on the battlefield. The Hokage nodded once and picked up the stamp of approval. Swiftly stamping the genin application in front of her Taubaki moved the paper aside as she glanced once more at the new genin in front of her. “Anything you’d like to add before we complete the meeting?”

Saito smiles, losing that spark of the Will of Fire and returning to what one would consider the stare of someone with no thoughts running through their thick skull. "Where's the food? I was promised food."

Tsubaki gave the genin a genuine smile "Congratulations. I hope for success on your journey." A journey that will no doubt come with trials and tribulations, but one that will be worthwhile, she thought as the genin left the room for the next to enter.

Saito stands outside the Hokage room, having realized he did not get his answers. "Damn it... Guess I'll just go find some barbeque.""
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Name: Melia Sherry Aburame

Age: 15

Birthday: March 7th

Gender: Female

Appearance: Whether a side-effect of her Hiden or simple genetics, Melia stands shorter than even her young age would suggest. At just one honey-brown hair over 4 ft 1 in, Melia's thin figure and sweet natural fragrance gives her a unique soft and non-threatening appearance that often puts people at ease. That's why It is then all-the-more unnerving to meet her eyes and find not two, but many pupils staring back in some failed approximation of compound eyes.

As this has happened many times before, Melia tends to favor shades even while indoors.

  • Body Type: Exo-morhpic – Thin body-type with flexible limbs that struggles to put on either weight or muscle.
  • Hair Color: Honey Brown
  • Eye Color: Brown
  • Headband Placement: Sewn into a shawl across her waist
  • Ninja tools bag placement:
  • Any Jewelry Worn: A Chain Headpiece
  • Fashion type: Melia favors robes and baggy-styles of clothing that allow ample room for her bugs.
  • Distinguishing Marks: As with most Aburame, there are several holes along her body which allow entry & exit for her bugs.

Ninja Specifications:

Clan: Aburame

Hiden: Alvarium — Apis Regina

A revolutionary, and admittedly experimental, new form of bug-related ninjutsu. Alvarium, meaning Beehive, mimics the grub-rearing habits of Bees & other Apidae: when the Hive needs a new Queen a normal grub is chosen and then, through a careful diet of copious amounts of Royal Jelly, a normal grub is transformed into a Queen-grub. Likewise, any user of this Hiden must be transformed by a special mixture of chakra-saturated 'Royal Jelly'. The earlier the user is exposed this special Royal Jelly, the more the mixture can work on their body and the extent of these changes determines the user's 'type'.

Apis Regina, the Queen Bee, is the most extreme form of this Hiden, where Royal Jelly is consumed by the would-be user's mother such that it can perform the greatest extent of changes on the still-developing fetus. This must be done before the second month of pregnancy in order to target the period of time during which the Brain, Nervous System, and Spinal Cord are being developed.

The resulting child is abundantly different and sports several physiological changes that are clearly Bee-adjacent.

Chakra Type: Honey Release

A Chakra Nature born from the Alvarium. It allows the user to produce/secret honey & pheronomes.

Jutsu Technique(s): 7/9
  • « Honey Release: Honey Technique »

    The User produces a sticky, thick and viscous honey to trap or immobilize a target. This technique can be performed through two main methods: the first, the user secrets or releases honey directly from their body via the skin or mouth; the second, the honey is produced within the body of the user's companion bees and when a bee is injured or killed, honey is released its sticky, sometimes explosive, payload.

    Melia often draws this honey from her honey-stomach, which refills overtime as her bees collect pollen and create more honey inside her body. However, she is also able to directly produce honey from chakra at a higher cost.

    All Ranges

    « Honey Release: Ambrosial Font »

    With great practice the user is able to achieve greater mastery of their honey-production and even enhance or manipulate certain properties of their honey. This manipulation is factor of chakra and source. Source being the plant used to produce said honey. For example, honey extracted from a highly toxic flower could itself be toxic in nature, or honey extracted from eucalyptus plans maybe be more flammable due to the higher oil concentration.

    Melia then able to saturate her honey with chakra to enhance its properties.

  • « Wax Release: Wax Technique »{Locked}

    A counterpart to the Honey Technique, this allows the user to produce a quick-hardening Beeswax which is far more sturdy and malleable than honey. While this technique can also be used to immobilize opponents, it's far better used as a defensive tool that can quickly created a flexible, but sturdy 'carapace' to absorb attacks or be molded into more permanent defensive structures.

  • « Coronatione Regina » — {Locked}

    The Queen's Coronation is a full-body sealing and transformation technique where the user casts the properties of a chosen insect onto themselves to enhance their physical capabilities. The User produces a chakra fascimile of wings, antennae, & a insectoid 'abdomen' equipped with a stinger; these new appendages greatly amplify the user's mobilit, senses, and offensive potential. Much like real wasps, the user's chakra-abdomen can concoct venomous and corrosive solutions which they can spray or inject via their stinger.

  • « Float & Sting » — A sword-technique in which the user thrusts their blade at an opponent. The blade may be covered with chakra to enhance its penetrative abilities; though it may now be the equal of wind or lightning in terms of raw penetrative power, the blade may be laced with Bee-venom to cause lingering pain from wounds.

    Close Range.

    « Name Undecided »

    A kenjutsu style derived from Bees & Wasps; it treats the blade is the 'stinger' and strike at foes in waspish flurries. Advanced chakra flow can be applied to build off the base effects already provided in «Float & Sting». The sheath of chakra applied to the blade can be 'flung' or extended to increase the range of strikes.

    Close – Mid Range.

  • « Parasitic Destruction Insect Technique: Apidae Alvarium »

    Also called the Kikaichū Technique, this is the shared Hiden of the Aburame Clan whereby thousands of insects are allowed to colonize the user's body shortly after birth. I exchange for feeding off the user's chakra, the insects follow the host's every command can be used for a variety of tasks.

    Melia's chosen insects are those of the family Apidae: the family of insects that covers Honeybees—eusocial insects who live in groups of tens to hundreds, have a strict social hierarchy and division of labor, and follow a chosen Queen. The physiological changes created by Alvarium enhance this technique in a number of ways.

    First, like all Aburame, Melia is able to communicate with her insects through chakra; but uniquely, Melia endocrine system includes several pheromone glands which enable her to perceive and engage with pheromone language. This allows her to communicate with her insects in highly complex ways.

    Second, Melia's circulatory system also handles the transmission of Bee-by products such as honey, which her insects producue and store within her body. This honey is stored with her honey-stomach, another curious by-product of her bodily changes.

    « Parasitic Destruction Insect Technique: Hymenoptera Alvarium »

    Hymenoperta is the order (classification above family) of insects containing: Ants, Bees, Wasps, Hornets, & Sawflies.
    • « Thousand Bee Stings Technique »

      The User's companion swarm fires their venomous stingers at an opponent. Stings primarily cause great pain, swelling, and irritation, however repeated stings can cause the body to go into shock. Long-Mid Range.

      « Myriad Swarm Technique »

      The User's chakra agitates their swarm and stimulates the rapid-growth and regrowth of their offensive tools. This technique mimics the other jutsu such as the Hair-Needle Technique and takes advantage of the relative simplicity of insect biology when compared to human biology, thereby allowing the user to swiftly regenerate their insect's offensive tools.

      This can manifest differently depending on the User's insects:

      • Bee: Allows them to fire their stingers or to suddenly discharge pollen trapped to their bodies. This pollen-bomb is particularly affective against foes with asthma or allergies—though primarily, it acts as a brief smokescreen.

      • Wasps & Hornets: Allows them to fire their stingers; in certain species, they may instead fire microscopic eggs which—if successful in infiltrating the target's body—rapidily parasitize their new host. These eggs are often accompanied by viruses that suppress the host immune system.

      • Ants: Allows them to rapidly refill their acid glands and release concentrated volleys of formic acid.

    • « Insect Cocoon » — {Locked}

      A Secret Technique of the Aburame clan that utilizes chakra to rapidly grow and populate their insects. This allows the user to dramatically increase the size of their insect swarm if a short period of time but leave them vulnerable while the technique is active.

Gear: Rapier

Ninja Pouch:

Melia carries two pouches—one inside the sleeves of her combat gear which is filled with small projectiles and bombs, and a larger waist-held pouch (more of a holding strap) that secures her Windmill Shuriken.

  • Spool of Wire
  • 5 Star Shuriken
  • 1 Windmill Shuriken
  • 2 Smoke Bombs
  • 2 Flash Bombs
  • 2 Paper Bombs
  • 1 Water Battle

Mission Outfit:



Personality: Melia appears taciturn and reclusive, not because she is but because her Hiden heavily delayed her language development. To be specific, it has delayed her human language development. Melia typically converses through pheromones and most Aburame, through their own insects, are able to converse with her very effectively.

Melia is very community-focused girl, she believes in the greater good of her 'hive' over the good of any individual and further believes in a strict sense of hierarchy and order. As a result, she is perhaps the most politically minded of the Aburame's younger generation and takes great interest in the goings-on of the village's other Clans and families. She views the hive's continued prosperity as their duty to secure and is incredibly pro-active and vocal in doing what she believes is in the hive's best interest.

As a member of one of Konoha's Four Noble Clans, assumes authority she may not necessarily posses and can be bossy towards those she views as being in a lower social hierarchy—namely anyone hailing from a family outside the Four Nobles. Of course, this sense of hierarchy works in reverse and Melia is extremely responsive to anyone she views as above her in that same hierarchy.

It is not entirely arrogance that drives her views, she believes that success and prosperity are hinged on a society's ability to act cooperatively, with each person performing their role as needed. Hierarchy is thus a natural part of society and it ensures society runs smoothly.

But then again, maybe those are just the Bee-instincts.

Likes: (Minimum 4)
  • Flowers/Pollination
  • Children—the more the better.
  • Cleanliness
  • Scheming
  • Being at Work; Having more work to do; Planning to work
Dislikes: (Minimum 4)
  • Lightning & Fire Release—things that produce bright lights in general
  • Non-honey sweeteners—like sugar
  • Lazy, wasteful people
  • The Stone, Cloud, and Mist

History: Melia is a product of desperation. At the height of the Third War, Konohagakure found itself besieged on all sides, engaged in fierce conflict with Iwagakure, Kumogakure, and Kirigakure near simultaneously. Any one of these villages would've been a formidable foe, but all three at the same time? Even for what had long been regarded as the Greatest of the Great Villages, this three-front war had nearly brought the village to its knees: the Four & Five Tail Jinchuriki ravaged Konoha's squads across the Land of Grass, the Eight Tail Jinchuriki and future-Raikage Ay harassed Konoha's opposite flank, Hunter Ninja of the Mist sought to infiltrate and destroy the village from within. Only the Yellow Flash was able to combat all these foes, but even he couldn't be at three different fronts simultaneously.

Amongst Konohagakure's Noble Clans, the Aburame found themselves stationed on the front-line against the Stone and their rival Bug-keeper Clan, the Kamizuru—Beekeepers who matched the Aburame's skill at manipulating insects and greatly restricted their effectiveness on the battlefield. Although the effect was mutual and the Aburame simultaneously restricted the Kamizuru, ultimately the presence of the Stone's dual jinchuriki meant whenever the Yellow Flash was absent the tide turned against the Leaf.

In what was seen as a do-or-die situation, the Aburame began to experiment dangerously with their bug-related ninjutsu. Many new variant-bugs were born: the Rinkaichū, deadly nano-insects who could destroy enemies with but a touch; Kidaichū, voracious beetles who—if fed the incorrect amount of chakra—quickly devoured their host; and, extrapolated from their various interactions with the Kamizuru Clan, the Alvarium.

Melia's mother had been one of those Aburame who volunteered to experiment with this new techniques and this led the Melia's inadvertent transformation as her mother's pregnancy was yet undiscovered.

Upon her birth, Melia was seen as a curiosity. She was among the first to have been changed by the Alvarium to such a thorough degree and her potential was largely unknown. With the end of the Third War, the need for Alvarium—and other techniques who's side-effects remained unpredictable—vanished.

In her first years, Melia was raised with a healthy degree of observation from the village's medical ninja. Once they'd cleared her health and safety, certain her wouldn't suddenly take a turn for the worse or develop traits that could be dangerous to those around her, she was allowed to mingle among the other young of the Aburame Clan. And mingle she did. While Melia has always had some trouble making friends outside her clan, on account of her stilted speech and unnerving gaze, she's developed a reputation for sociability within the Clan and is as friendly as they come.

As a pioneer of her style of ninjutsu, Melia has a dim view of her time in the academy where she often struggled with standard ninjutsu, especially those derived from the Five basic natures and Shurikenjutsu of any kind. She wasn't a bad student by any stretch of the imagination, but it was certain the girl was deficient in some areas while being particularly skilled in others. Her vision didn't lend itself to sharpness required for Shurikenjutsu, but flickers of movement could scarcely escape her many pupils.

As her gifts began to revealed themselves, Melia learned to ply her strengths and circumnavigate her weaknesses. She learned to soften her gaze with shades and to choose her words so her speech was only stilted and not nigh incomprehensible, she even managed to make whatever friends would tolerate her and her peculiar adherence to social ettiquette.

Graduation was a great day for Melia, she was eager to finally be allowed to meet her peers and finally contribute to the greater good of the hive.

Future Profession: Village Elder/Hokage Advisor/Clan Head – Active Jonin

  • Sensitive to bright lights
  • Stilted Speech
  • The side-effects of her Hiden appear to make her entirely incompatible with the 5 Nature Releases; however, she appears capable of performing Yin or Yang Release (Provided she received training).
  • Melia's next chakra nature will be Wax-Release, similar to the Wax Kidomaru produces.

(Do not edit my post)

The Hokage placed your genin application in front of her to read the specifics of your application, and to take a look at the photo you submitted for your file. Sitting to the right of her was the head of the ninja academy school where you learned basic shinobi skills, and to the right of him was your instructor for the years you attended. “So,” she glanced up at you. “What are your thoughts on Konohagakure?”

"Village...vulnerable. Third Great War...disastrous. Resources...People...drained. Recovery...still far. Path forward...unclear. Future...concerning. Progress...needed. Leadership...needed.

Village must survive...must persist."

Letting the response simmer in the air for a moment the Hokage continued on to the next question. There wasn’t a required interview process for these simple approval proceedings as they were to only make sure their basic information, family affiliation, and scores were up to par. Otherwise the Hokage was simply congratulating them for passing, and to welcome them into the Shinobi forces. But, from time to time she wanted to gauge what kind of shinobi she was approving. Was the academy truly preparing these young ninja, or were they going to get a rude awakening? “I see,” she simply said. “Then let me ask you this.” Readjusting in her seat the Hokage leaned forward. “Say you’re on a mission, and your comrade got hurt badly enough to bring the mission to a dead stop,” She paused. “The enemy is right on your tail as this happens. Stopping to tend to your comrade will mean a battle with the enemy, but you’ve both agreed that you all will do anything to complete this mission. On top of that, it’s vital you complete this S-Ranked mission as Konohagakure is relying on your success.” Pausing once again to let her words sink in the Hokage proceeded. “What do you do?” She raised her arms to provide 2 scenario examples. “Do you leave your comrade to complete the mission with the rest of your squad, or save your comrade and run into the enemy?” There was no wrong answer as both tended to happen more often than not when in the field. It was up to this Genin to decide where their values lie.

"Enemy...how strong? Victory...possible? If not...comrade, regrettably...left behind.

Comrade...take enemy...with them?

Mutual destruction.

S-Rank mission...vital to village safety...success is paramount. Sacrifice is noble...so others live...so village prospers."

As the genin provided their answer the Hokage took in each word. The academy can never provide real world scenarios that truly tested their inner epiphanies, but it did start opening these children up to what they may face on the battlefield. The Hokage nodded once and picked up the stamp of approval. Swiftly stamping the genin application in front of her Taubaki moved the paper aside as she glanced once more at the new genin in front of her. “Anything you’d like to add before we complete the meeting?”

"Konohagakure...what do you think?"

Tsubaki gave the genin a genuine smile "Congratulations. I hope for success on your journey." A journey that will no doubt come with trials and tribulations, but one that will be worthwhile, she thought as the genin left the room for the next to enter.
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"The next female Hokage is gonna be me, definititely, ya hear?"

Name: Akimichi Chohime


Birthday: December 20th

Gender: Female


  • Body Type: Athletic.
  • Hair Color: Sandy Blonde (dyed); Red (Natural)
  • Eye Color: Topaz.
  • Headband Placement: Forehead.
  • Ninja tools bag placement: Right and Left upper legs.
  • Fashion type: Rebel-Type. Wears whatever is on top of the laundry pile.

Ninja Specifications:

Clan: Akimichi

Hidden: Karori Sōsa — Calorie Control Technique

The Akimichi clan boasts a unique advantage in battle: their love of food. Their bodies possess a special ability called "Calorie Control" that transforms their fat stores into immense chakra reserves. This technique fuels their powerful size-manipulation jutsu, but requires mastery to truly tap into. As a backup, they possess secret three-colored pills that supercharge this conversion, granting a temporary surge of chakra at the cost of potential strain on their bodies.

Chakra Type: Lightning.

Jutsu Technique(s):

  • Hijutsu: Bubun Baika no Jutsu (Secret Art: Partial Multi-Size Technique) - Unlike her traditionally larger Akimichi kin, Chohime lacks the necessary fat reserves to activate the full power of the Multi-Size Technique. To compensate, she utilizes the Partial Multi-Size Technique in a unique way. Chohime rapidly pulses her chakra, causing targeted bursts of growth in specific limbs that last for a couple of seconds at best. This not only allows her to conserve Chakra, but also surprise her enemies in the midst of close-ranged combat. That said, there is one technique that requires her to hold her transformation for a little longer...
  • Raiton: Raijin Dangan Sensha (Lightning Style: Thunder Bullet God Tank) - An incredibly difficult to perform technique, it has become Chohime's signature move. A twist on the traditional Human Bullet Tank, it foregoes size notably, as a Partial Multisize Technique is not enough to match the original, but makes up with extraordinary use of Lightning Chakra. First, the user makes their body round with Partial Multi-Size Technique, doing little to increase their overall dimensions but giving them a noteworthy affinity for rolling. Lightning Chakra is used to keep the ninja rolling on the same spot, gathering even more electricity as this goes. While it takes a bit to set up, the speed at which the "ball" can be launched easily makes up for its lower mass, as it can literally cover the space between the user and the opponent in the blink of an eye, shock them and then smash them against a nearby wall while at it.
  • Konoha Gaisen (Leaf Revolving Fist) - The Konoha Gaisen focuses on channeling chakra through the fist while executing a precise rotational motion during the punch. This creates a powerful, spiraling force that can penetrate conventional defenses: The Gaisen utilizes a corkscrew-like motion that bypasses an opponent's guard and delivers a devastating blow. Plus the chakra-fueled rotation increases the punch's power significantly, potentially throwing opponents off balance, with a slim chance of breaking bone. It is worthy of note that, mastering the Konoha Gaisen requires exceptional physical conditioning and chakra control. Chohime being able to use it so well speaks of her potential in these areas, as the technique puts immense strain on the user's arm and core muscles, and improper execution can lead to injury.
  • Ninpou: Ranjishigami no Jutsu (Ninja Art: Wild Leon's Mane Technique) - The Ranjishigami no Jutsu works by channeling chakra to the scalp, supercharging hair growth. This hair isn't just for show though; it's infused with chakra, making it strong and sharp like steel wire. By focusing their will, the user can control this mane of hair, shaping it into a deadly weapon or a protective shield. It requires concentration, and a held seal in order to maintain.

Gear: A pair of Chakra Conductive Gloves. They have a light metal plate with the Konoha symbol in them. Reference image.

    • 10 Bouncing Steel Balls - Like completely round bullets, they are small enough to fit between fingers. With the right amount of power and precision, they become dangerous proyectiles that focus exclusively on blunt damage. They have been designed to be able to endure a considerable amount of damage, and to bounce off solid enough surfaces
    • 5 Ninja Stars.
    • 3 Kunai.
    • 2 Exploding Tags.
    • [*]3 Akimichi Pills (Green, Yellow, Red)
      [*]3 Smoke Bombs.
      [*]2 Empty Scrolls.
      [*]2 Lightning Jutsu Scrolls. Raiton: Jinraisen (Lightning Style: Thunder Clap Arrow) - The user makes a string of handsings and then touches the scroll. The hand that touched it inmediately becomes surrounded by white lightning. With a motion, the shinobi can turn this surge of electricity into a chaotic proyectile that's meant for close to medium range.
Personality: Not many are as headstrong as Chohime, her brimming confidence often eclipsing certain other aspects of her self. She's a hardworking individual who has learned that perseverance is the way to go, that no matter how simple or straightforward you are, you'll always succeed as long as you never give up. Call her a hero of justince, a princess who stands up for the weak or a reckless idiot who needs no more than a couple of minutes to be ready to set out for the next adventure, what matter is that she is an unstoppable force that is there to inspire others or simply punch them in the face alongside a friendship speech.

That said, Chohime is a human being, and a fourteen year old at that. Her rather femenine figure has caused her inside trouble amongst the Akimichi, especially when she's the next in line for becoming the head. She isn't the sort of person who likes to stay quiet or be bossed around, so it wouldn't be wrong to say that she is a rebellious free spirit who opposes the idea of tradition and who would rather rely on her own cunning and power than follow the established order.

Beyond the good and the bad, Chohime is ultimately a compasionate individual, who struggles to showcase the entirety of real feelings in spite of how honest she can be with her outbursts. Whether she is lying to herself or to someone else, there is just something hidden deep beneath her mind that she just doesn't want to admit...

  • Likes: (Minimum 4)
    • Winning — Overcoming a challenge in general often comes with a massive boost in morale.
    • Running Away — Oh, no. Not like a coward. The doing whatever you like, irresponsible and incapable of being punctual/organized kind of variant. Escaping home to live adventures is Okay!
    • Math — Surprisingly, this rebel likes such topics a lot, to the point where she can be a human calculator while keeping it casual.
    • Food in general — A nice treat is an easy way to get into her good graces.
  • Dislikes: (Minimum 4)
    • Tradition — She finds it boring and restrictive.
    • Bullies — Why don't you try picking on someone your size?
    • Writing — It's such a pain, why isn't there a jutsu for this?
    • Planning ahead It never goes as it should, so why make a plan, right? She wants to be Hokage, though.

History: From the very moment of her birth, everyone was able to tell that there was something that stood out with Chohime, something different. The notion of a normal, non-chubby member of the clan might have been normal anywhere else, but within their domain, it soon became the source of worries, gossip and debates. This wasn't intentional, not in the slightest. It was natural for someone who was born in a large family to want to feel accepted, and so Chohime would eat and eat without guilt, her shape had nothing to do with a sense of feminity or fashion sense, something alien for her young age. However, no matter how much she ate, she just wouldn't get any different. And God knows she tried, she was born one of the most stubborn beings on this Earth.

Case in point, she would never accept defeat. If she couldn't get fat because ultra high metabolism or some weird science concepts she did not understand, well that was fine. She too had the Will of Fire, so she was going to make other people accept her anyways. And the answer to that plea stood at the very top. Right, no matter where you live, be it in the arid deserts, the mountains or the wild jungle, no one defies the one who stands at the top of the Summit.

Ah, yes, some childhood whim like that was what inspired her crusade to become the Hokage.

Furthermore, the last person to claim that spot wasn't just anyone, it was a woman, something extraordinary in a world often ruled by men. It meant it was possible and that notion fueled her ego greatly. Fastforward a few years and Chohime is about to graduate the Academy. By no means a honor student, this dropout on the look for bullies to beat during break, has seen her ups and downs during ninja practice, excelling in areas like math, weapon throwing and taijutsu while showcasing a rather irresponsible, tardy and absent minded side that holds back her potential.

This is Akimichi Chohime. Her family still can't help but see her with different eyes and she still has a long way to go before she even has a chance of becoming Hokage.

Her real adventure begins now.

Future Profession: Hokage.


(Do not edit my post)

The Hokage placed your genin application in front of her to read the specifics of your application, and to take a look at the photo you submitted for your file. Sitting to the right of her was the head of the ninja academy school where you learned basic shinobi skills, and to the right of him was your instructor for the years you attended. “So,” she glanced up at you. “What are your thoughts on Konohagakure?”

"... Huh?!" Chohime blurted out a little too loud for comfort. She had been too busy staring at the Hokage for the past minute to see the question coming before it hit her like a sucker punch. It had nothing to do with attraction or pervy adult stuff, no. You see, this Yamanaka wanted, no, intended to become the next female Hokage, so you could say that she saw a rival in Tsubaki; even if the older woman was already standing at the finish line. "I-It's Okay, i Guess!" Was what she said, like a complete idiot. I mean, she was a little nervous, but at tleast she was being honest. Anxiety would not last for very long, however, as she was actually an extrovert, and yelling (or speaking, in this case), her feelings came natural to her. "It's my precious home, and also the home of many precious people, so I'll kick the crap out of anyone trying to mess with 'em." At this point, she would cross her arms confidently, as if she was picturing herself being the strongest older sister one would be lucky to meet.

Letting the response simmer in the air for a moment the Hokage continued on to the next question. There wasn’t a required interview process for these simple approval proceedings as they were to only make sure their basic information, family affiliation, and scores were up to par. Otherwise the Hokage was simply congratulating them for passing, and to welcome them into the Shinobi forces. But, from time to time she wanted to gauge what kind of shinobi she was approving. Was the academy truly preparing these young ninja, or were they going to get a rude awakening? “I see,” she simply said. “Then let me ask you this.” Readjusting in her seat the Hokage leaned forward. “Say you’re on a mission, and your comrade got hurt badly enough to bring the mission to a dead stop,” She paused. “The enemy is right on your tail as this happens. Stopping to tend to your comrade will mean a battle with the enemy, but you’ve both agreed that you all will do anything to complete this mission. On top of that, it’s vital you complete this S-Ranked mission as Konohagakure is relying on your success.” Pausing once again to let her words sink in the Hokage proceeded. “What do you do?” She raised her arms to provide 2 scenario examples. “Do you leave your comrade to complete the mission with the rest of your squad, or save your comrade and run into the enemy?” There was no wrong answer as both tended to happen more often than not when in the field. It was up to this Genin to decide where their values lie.

"That's a really unfair question to ask..." Chohime muttered under her breath, somewhat annoyed with the dilemma presented. She made a mental note to completely annihilate this sort of test once she ascended to Hokage-hood, her feelings guided by whim rather than actual reasoning. "But I'll humor you, since you are the actual Hokage." Needless to say, Chohime thought highly of Tsubaki a whole fucking lot, but she was a sore loser, and her personality was wild, and so, her speech wasn't exactly the proper way to respond when in front of a figure of respect and power. "I'll trust my gut feeling." The Chohime answered proudly, believing there wasn't a rule of thumb for this sort of situation, at least in her book. "Like hell we are goin' to give up. We're Leaf Shinobi. Will of Fire. This scenario is stupid." She pouted and crossed her arms a second time. She averted her gaze towards the window, still childishly offended.

As the genin provided their answer the Hokage took in each word. The academy can never provide real world scenarios that truly tested their inner epiphanies, but it did start opening these children up to what they may face on the battlefield. The Hokage nodded once and picked up the stamp of approval. Swiftly stamping the genin application in front of her Taubaki moved the paper aside as she glanced once more at the new genin in front of her. “Anything you’d like to add before we complete the meeting?”

"..." Oooooh, Chohime had been waiting for this! She could feel her blood pumping. "I am going to become the next female Hokage, just you watch!" She said, bearing her fangs and pointing her index finger at the older leader without a care in the world. "I don't mind losing to anyone else..." The were other male Hokage in the past, but female...? The Yamanaka wanted the spotlight, the place Tsubaki held. At this point in her life, it was probably just another whim... But it was a strong whim at that. "But i won't lose to another you."

She finished with an audible "Hmph." As if to show that she was tough as nails.

Tsubaki gave the genin a genuine smile "Congratulations. I hope for success on your journey." A journey that will no doubt come with trials and tribulations, but one that will be worthwhile, she thought as the genin left the room for the next to enter.
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Name: Tensei Tetsukōha

Age: 15

Birthday: August 10th

Gender: Male

Appearance: Tensei is on the taller side, maybe 5'10", 11"? Poised to get taller too.


  • Body Type: Mesomorphic, particularly built in the legs.
  • Hair Color: Black tinged a slight violet, magenta highlights.
  • Eye Color: Blue
  • Headband Placement: Over the armor on his left arm.
  • Ninja tools bag placement: One on the right hip, opposite Zantetsuken. Another at the tailbone.
  • Any Jewelry Worn: Tensei wears two rings on his right hand, on the middle and ring fingers.
  • Fashion type: Tensei's wardrobe consists of sleek, smart, minimal street-wear: tight, featureless pants; simple shirts of either a solid color, or simple patterns like vertical stipes; always a long overcoat of some kind, cardigans, trench coats, among other variations. It'd be very easy to assume Tensei only wears one set of clothes if he didn't have every color variation under the sun.
Combat Gear: Tensei wears a set of gear as inspired by both of his bloodlines, combining the sleekness of the shinobi with the sturdy silhouette of the samurai. He wears a black hakama that comes up high on his waist. A simple undershirt followed by a special variation of the shinobi combat jacket: red, coming down to the knees, inside (instead of outside) pockets, and with a full length right sleeve (but remaining sleeveless on the left side). His left arm is shrouded fully in black plated armor with a red trim on its beveled edges, the Hidden Leaf headband plate magnetically slotted into a receiver on the shoulder.

Ninja Specifications:

Kekkei Genkai: Tensei has no need for Kekkei Genkai.

Chakra Type: Steel Release

Jutsu Technique(s):
  • Steel Style: Reflect - The magnum opus of Tetsuya Tetsukōha: created in emulation of the Hyūga's Eight Trigrams. The user creates a small but impenetrable barrier of light around themselves, but it only lasts for a second. If contact is made with the barrier, it explodes violently and lacerates any would-be attackers with glass-like shrapnel. The strength of the counter-blast scales proportionally to the sum of the impacts it catches while it is active.
  • Steel Style: Iai Chakra Enclosure - Tensei's foray into the family business of shitting on dōjutsu: created in emulation of the Sharigan's copy abilities. The user captures a jutsu used against them and encloses it onto a piece of metal as an engraving, allowing one time use of the enclosed jutsu. The time limit on said engravings is extremely short when exposed to sunlight: as low as three seconds. Additionally, while capturing a chakra's form, it does not capture the chakra itself; the user must fuel the jutsu with their own, which can result in the scaling of its power as well as small mutations in the jutsu as it's cast.
  • Steel Style: Protective Polish - The user pushes their chakra into a piece of metal, allowing it to cleave through any physical material not reinforced by Chakra.
  • Body Replacement Technique - The user substitutes their body with nearby objects to prevent themselves from taking an otherwise lethal attack.

Gear: Zantetsuken: An Odachi blade Tensei forged with his father, acts as a conduit for many of his Jutsu. Uses a special folding plate mechanism to allow him easier draw of the blade.

Ninja Pouch: Tensei has two large pouches. One for ninja tools on the right side of his hip, and one for lower stake situations and support items.
Right Pouch:
  • 5 Flash Bombs
  • 5 Flash Tags
  • 5 Empty Scrolls
  • 5 Smoke Tags
Back Pouch:
  • 3 Chocolate Bars?
  • 1 Bottle of Water
  • 1 Roll of Gauze

Personality: Tensei is an inquisitive mind, his father fostering an unhealthy need to study any and all jutsu he can get his hands on regardless his ability to utilize it. However, he tries his best to not let that indifferent, analytical part of him get in the way of his social ability, and he often does whatever he can to assist whoever would need him. Though, sometimes he can sometimes come off as rude or judgmental to those in high-power clans.
  • Likes:
    • Metallurgy
    • Exposition Dumping
    • Theorycrafting and Pre-Strategy
    • Reading: for work or play.
    • Taijutsu
  • Dislikes: (Minimum 4)
    • Kekkei Genkai
    • Clans and other politics
    • Genjutsu
    • Loud noises or crowds
    • Being on ground level

History: Tensei Tetsukōha was the product of two bloodlines, two cultures. His mother, a simple librarian at the Konoha Public Library. His father, a samurai from the Land of Iron. His father left the Land of Iron in pursuit of one thing: knowledge. Tetsuya Tetsukōha traveled the world to study the shinobi, he just thought they were pretty fuckin' cool. After some early run-ins with the shinobi that didn't go as he wanted, he earned the epithet of "The Crimson Glow". However, after some great effort, Tetsuya was able to convince the Leaf of not only his ability, but his loyalty, and Ninja Way.

Now, Tensei exists as the fruit of Tetsuya's efforts to combine the ideals of the samurai and the shinobi. Together they learn whatever they can about the ninja, like Fuinjutsu and Taijutsu. They use this to their best ability to develop and create jutsu to push the boundaries of the status quo, but not without a few snags. Early on, Tetsuya had seen discrimination from some of the more powerful clans in the Land of Fire, the Hyūga most heinously. This created a resentment in Tetsuya—and in turn Tensei—that lead him to the creation of several jutsu in emulation of existing Kekkei Genkai. His proudest was Steel Style: Reflect: a spit in the face of the Hyūga's Eight Trigrams.

Tensei looks to achieve the same thing, to prove that a ninja's ability is greater than their blood. His ultimate achievement comes in his Steel Style: Iai Chakra Enclosure: a jutsu developed to emulate the copy abilities of the Sharingan. He's only getting started.

Future Profession: Konoha Ninja Research. Jonin, active duty.

Extra: Tensei has this weird obsession with always being elevated when out of combat. You'll hardly ever see him on the ground, almost exclusively using chakra control to keep himself on the walls or any ceilings nearby. If he can't do so, he'll get visibly antsy and uncomfortable.


The Hokage placed your genin application in front of her to read the specifics of your application, and to take a look at the photo you submitted for your file. Sitting to the right of her was the head of the ninja academy school where you learned basic shinobi skills, and to the right of him was your instructor for the years you attended. “So,” she glanced up at you. “What are your thoughts on Konohagakure?”

It was a strange question that made Tensei's nose crinkle.

"My thoughts? On my home? What kind of question is that? This is the ultimate nexus of shinobi culture, I have everything I could ever need here."

Letting the response simmer in the air for a moment the Hokage continued on to the next question. There wasn’t a required interview process for these simple approval proceedings as they were to only make sure their basic information, family affiliation, and scores were up to par. Otherwise the Hokage was simply congratulating them for passing, and to welcome them into the Shinobi forces. But, from time to time she wanted to gauge what kind of shinobi she was approving. Was the academy truly preparing these young ninja, or were they going to get a rude awakening? “I see,” she simply said. “Then let me ask you this.” Readjusting in her seat the Hokage leaned forward. “Say you’re on a mission, and your comrade got hurt badly enough to bring the mission to a dead stop,” She paused. “The enemy is right on your tail as this happens. Stopping to tend to your comrade will mean a battle with the enemy, but you’ve both agreed that you all will do anything to complete this mission. On top of that, it’s vital you complete this S-Ranked mission as Konohagakure is relying on your success.” Pausing once again to let her words sink in the Hokage proceeded. “What do you do?” She raised her arms to provide 2 scenario examples. “Do you leave your comrade to complete the mission with the rest of your squad, or save your comrade and run into the enemy?” There was no wrong answer as both tended to happen more often than not when in the field. It was up to this Genin to decide where their values lie.

Tensei let the question hang for a bit, not out of any hesitation or deep thought. He knew exactly what to say, he just didn't want to seem too over-excitable.

"Everything I know," He started, looking down to his open palm. "Every jutsu I've ever learned, and even some I've developed myself: they were made to protect," Tensei clenched his fist at that. "The rest of my squad would be just fine if I stayed behind, surely." He looked back up to the Hokage with resolve.

As the genin provided their answer the Hokage took in each word. The academy can never provide real world scenarios that truly tested their inner epiphanies, but it did start opening these children up to what they may face on the battlefield. The Hokage nodded once and picked up the stamp of approval. Swiftly stamping the genin application in front of her Taubaki moved the paper aside as she glanced once more at the new genin in front of her. “Anything you’d like to add before we complete the meeting?”

"No ma'am," Tensei stood, offering her a bow. "But in the case you need anything, you know where to find me." He turned to leave, dropping down from the ceiling at the door so he could actually use it.

Tsubaki gave the genin a genuine smile "Congratulations. I hope for success on your journey." A journey that will no doubt come with trials and tribulations, but one that will be worthwhile, she thought as the genin left the room for the next to enter.
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Name: Soraya 'Aya' Nakamura


Birthday: October 21st

Gender: Female

  • Body Type: Mesomorph - 5'3" with a bit more to go, lean and strong, athletic legs and shoulders
  • Hair Color: Blonde
  • Eye Color: Warm browns, with two darker rings
  • Headband Placement: upper left arm
  • Ninja tools bag placement: small of back, right leg.
  • Jewelry: A tiny gold whistle on a chain around her neck.
  • Fashion type: traditional leaning, but practical. Her clan symbol is always on her back. Her right shoulder is padded, so a bird can land safely, and the inside of her right arm is protected with leather to prevent string slap from her bow.
  • Distinguishing Marks: Small black tattoo on her forehead in the shape of a 'Hawk's Foot'.
  • Piercings: both earlobes, left ear helix and high lobe
Ninja Specifications:
Clan: Nakamura

Companion: Hayate (Hawk) - current wingspan appr. 5'

Chakra Type: Wind Release
[Locked] Lightning Release

Jutsu Technique(s): (let's call this a WIP for now lol)
  • Secret Technique: Shadow Emissaries - (short to long range) - Chakra birds generated by the user and appear solid. Can be used passively or actively. Active control takes focus, and is more difficult over greater distances, but lets the user view the world through the bird and direct it. The number of birds and the distance they can travel is dependent on the user’s chakra level. At the time of the Chunin exams Soraya is able to maintain four birds in relatively close proximity, or one at distance.
  • Wind Style: Redirection - (mid range) - The user embues an object (shuriken, arrows, etc) with chakra, allowing it to be directed.
  • Wind Style: Gale Palm - (short to mid range) - A Wind Release technique where the user either increases their velocity, or by the user clasping their hands together, wind is compressed and transformed into a powerful gale, which has enough force to knock over a person. When used in conjunction with shuriken or kunai, the tools become more lethal as their speed is increased. May eventually be paired with lightning style.
  • Wind Style: Vacuum Sword - (short to mid range) - The user swings their blade and a gust of wind is released in the arc that it was swung in. The technique is strong enough to stop projectiles that are thrown at the user.
  • [Locked] Arrows of Fūten: Lightning Strike - (mid to long range) - The user charges an arrow with lightning, shocking the opponent on impact. At higher levels of control, the arrow then becomes a conduit, calling true lightning strikes down on the opponent.
  • [Locked] Arrows of Fūten: Wind Wall - (mid to long range) - The user charges an arrow with wind chakra and fires in the desired direction. The wind chakra releases as the arrow travels, generating a shrieking wall of wind that is both destructive and creates a temporary but violent barrier. May eventually be paired with lightning style.
  • [Locked] Wind Style: Great Breakthrough - (mid range) - The user breathes wind from their mouth, blowing away whatever is in front of them. The technique itself is quite simple, but its power varies significantly depending on the user's skill and how strong they make the winds. May eventually be paired with lightning style.
  • [Locked] Wind Style: Arashi - (short range) - The user holds a high density ball of wind pressure in their hand. Much like Chidori or Rasengan, it is highly destructive on impact.
  • [Locked] Wind Style: Pressure Damage - (short to long range) - A tornado-like mass is compressed until it has a very high density and is then released. The wind pressure is raised to its highest limit, and once the technique hits the target, the resulting blast sweeps everyone off their feet. If the technique is used by someone who has mastered wind nature transformation, the blast can hit a vast range, inflicting massive damage on both the target and their surroundings.

Gear: Short Bow - similar to a Mongolian horse bow. Soraya may later move to a longer or recurve design to deliver a heavier punch.

Ninja Pouch:
  • 2 summoning scrolls:
    - Summoning Jutsu: Fury of the Swallows - summons a swarm of very real, very angry swallows, perfect for making a quick escape.
    - Summoning Jutsu: Royal Hawk Aiko - a clan contract with the upper echelons of hawk society. (Aiko is Hayate's mother.) A last ditch effort only.
  • 1 summoning arrows scroll
  • 10 Shuriken Daggers
  • 5 Star Shuriken
  • 3 Smoke Bombs
  • 2 Flash Bombs
  • 5 Ration Bars
  • 1 small water bottle
  • 1 small pouch of treats for Hayate

Other Outfits:

Personality: Soraya is generally relaxed and somewhat nonchalant, at least until someone pisses her off. Even then, Aya's anger is a quiet one. That's when you should worry. Soraya is loyal and a hard worker, but she struggles with the responsibilities placed on her too soon.
  • Likes:
    • Flying!
    • Heavily wooded areas
    • Tea
    • Melon
  • Dislikes:
    • Unnecessary violence
    • January 12th
    • Expectations
    • Deep water

The Nakamura Clan’s roots run deep, pre-dating Konoha itself. They played an important role in the Warring States Period, and ultimately settled when the Uchiha and the Senju Clans made peace and formed Konohagakure. Since then, the family has been a staunch follower of the Will of Fire, and frequently hold high level positions in Intelligence, the ANBU, and even the Konoha Council.

Their skills are two fold - first, their summoning contract with the hawks of Mount Fūten. Second, their secret techniques revolving around the distant manipulation of chakra.

All Nakamura children are paired with a bird from a young age and the two are raised to be inseparable. They train to work and fight together, depending on the hawk and shinobi’s abilities. In Soraya’s case, her companion, Hayate, is built to be agile while delivering brutal strength. Hayate does not return to Mount Fūten, except under special circumstances, and instead stays close to Aya or the Nakamura compound. He is summoned by a simple, seemingly silent chakra whistle Soraya wears around her neck.

Their secret techniques are reserved for a select few within the clan that must be chosen by both the Hawks of Mount Fūten and the clan elders. After the death of her elder brother, that honor was given to her.
Soraya's father is the Clan Head, and though her mother is not dead, she left not long after Aya was born. She has never known to miss her, only the void she left. Soraya was the second born, six years separate from her older brother, Daisuke. He was killed in an incident that to this day the clan does not speak of. Aya was ten. Though the clan's techniques are not usually passed on until the shinobi are at least chunin, an emergency vote was held. Not only was Soraya granted her 'Hawk's Foot' in the form of a small tattoo on her forehead, showing others that she had been chosen to learn the clan's techniques, but she was elevated to the role of successor. The appointment is preliminary at best. There are a series of tasks she must accomplish to be fully recognized as the clan's heir and deserving of leadership.

Since the change in her status, much of her training at home has shifted from common Nakamura shinobi skills, to things like aerial strategy, large field tactics, and the effective use of her Shadow Emissaries with a push to expand her chakra reserves as quickly as possible. While she feels little for her absent mother, she took the loss of her brother hard, as did her father. Clan dynamics are difficult, and at home she is more rigid and focused. The Academy and time with her team are where she can be more herself. Recently she has made a significant step in her training with her hawk. Hayate has been growing (and still is) and training with weight to simulate a rider. Just before the Chunin Exams began, she was able to ride for the first time. They have so much to learn, but it is a huge step for a Nakamura shinobi.

Future Profession: Jonin, ANBU, Interceptor Barrier Division, Intelligence Division

Extra: In Work: Playlist, Aesthetic Board

The Hokage placed your genin application in front of her to read the specifics of your application, and to take a look at the photo you submitted for your file. Sitting to the right of her was the head of the ninja academy school where you learned basic shinobi skills, and to the right of him was your instructor for the years you attended. “So,” she glanced up at you. “What are your thoughts on Konohagakure?”

Soraya sits with her hands folded in her lap. She tilts her head, but does not hesitate. "Konoha is my home and my family." Though the words are cliche, they are genuine. "The Will of Fire belonged to everyone who came before me, and now it is mine too."

Letting the response simmer in the air for a moment the Hokage continued on to the next question. There wasn’t a required interview process for these simple approval proceedings as they were to only make sure their basic information, family affiliation, and scores were up to par. Otherwise the Hokage was simply congratulating them for passing, and to welcome them into the Shinobi forces. But, from time to time she wanted to gauge what kind of shinobi she was approving. Was the academy truly preparing these young ninja, or were they going to get a rude awakening? “I see,” she simply said. “Then let me ask you this.” Readjusting in her seat the Hokage leaned forward. “Say you’re on a mission, and your comrade got hurt badly enough to bring the mission to a dead stop,” She paused. “The enemy is right on your tail as this happens. Stopping to tend to your comrade will mean a battle with the enemy, but you’ve both agreed that you all will do anything to complete this mission. On top of that, it’s vital you complete this S-Ranked mission as Konohagakure is relying on your success.” Pausing once again to let her words sink in the Hokage proceeded. “What do you do?” She raised her arms to provide 2 scenario examples. “Do you leave your comrade to complete the mission with the rest of your squad, or save your comrade and run into the enemy?” There was no wrong answer as both tended to happen more often than not when in the field. It was up to this Genin to decide where their values lie.

Again, Aya is certain of her answer. Any nerves a Genin might have appearing before the Hokage, Aya is without them. She has spent her life in meetings and speaking to her seniors, and where her ethics are concerned, she believes she is unshakable. "I turn back to extract my comrade," she says simply. The corner of her mouth ghosts a smile. "But then, there is no winning. A mission completed or not is a failure if a comrade dies. The shame upon return is the same."

As the genin provided their answer the Hokage took in each word. The academy can never provide real world scenarios that truly tested their inner epiphanies, but it did start opening these children up to what they may face on the battlefield. The Hokage nodded once and picked up the stamp of approval. Swiftly stamping the genin application in front of her Tsubaki moved the paper aside as she glanced once more at the new genin in front of her. “Anything you’d like to add before we complete the meeting?”

Soraya watches the stamp move with wide eyes. She didn't think she would be denied, but even so... There's a sense of finality to it. She glances to the Hokage, then the others. She stands and bows. "Thank you, Lord Hokage."

Tsubaki gave the genin a genuine smile "Congratulations. I hope for success on your journey." A journey that will no doubt come with trials and tribulations, but one that will be worthwhile, she thought as the genin left the room for the next to enter.
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Name: Haruko Hyūga


Birthday: 06/21

Gender: Female

Appearance: Haruko stands at 5 feet and six inches tall, making her a bit on the taller side of Academy graduates. Her fair skin paired with her dark hair and generally elegant features combine to make a girl who looks every bit the formal heiress to a clan like the Hyūga that she is. With a vibrant smile that seems to infect others with ease, the girl tends to find herself relatively at the center of attention in many situations. Despite her station, however, Haruko often goes out of her way to dress casually in most aspects of her life. Only for formal situations is she seen dressing more formally, and even then seems to find the first excuse to go change back into more casual clothing. Her hair, however, is often seen in a veritable myriad of elegant styles. With Haruko finding enjoyment in trying out different styles and looks for her hair, yet always choosing one that would be flattering and keep her looking 'cute'.

  • Body Type: Mesomorphic - Athletic build with hints of muscle tone on display from spending ample time training.
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Eye Color: Byakugan
  • Headband Placement: Right Bicep
  • Ninja tools bag placement: Left Thigh
  • Any Jewelry Worn: Dual Earrings with the Hyūga Clan Crest
  • Fashion type: Clean, Cute, but Casual. Haruko favors lighter colors, and shades of purple/pink where she can. She prefers not to be dressing up formally or of her station as Heiress unless absolutely necessary.
  • Distinguishing Marks: A long scar across her left cheek, where a kunai meant for her father grazed her cheek during her attempted kidnapping.
  • Piercings: Earrings

Ninja Specifications:

Clan: Hyūga

Kekkei Genkai: Byakugan - An ocular dojutsu unique to the members of the Hyūga Clan from their very births, easily identifiable by the unique eyes of the bearer; with enlarged, white irises and no distinguishable pupils. When activated, the pupils become more pronounced as the increased blood flow to the bearer’s eyes causes their veins around the eyes to bulge. The Byakugan has many capabilities:
  • Near-360° field of vision around themselves, with only a small blindspot at the back of the neck. The user can focus their vision on anything and everything within their Byakugan’s Radius.
  • Vision which can penetrate almost any object and even see chakra to a greater degree than that of the Sharingan. Users can see all 361 Tenketsu in one’s chakra pathway system, tell clones apart from the caster, or even tell when one is utilizing genjutsu.
  • Certain barriers or smoke screens with a particular mineral dust can block Byakugan’s Vision.

Tenketsu Usage: Members of the Hyūga clan also possess and innate ability to expel chakra from any of the Tenketsu in their body.

Chakra Type: Wind Release

Jutsu Technique(s): (List all available techniques your character has down below and a brief description. An example is provided. Techniques for Genin are limited to 4.

FYI: I absolutely don't mind if you use some Boruto ones for this. I also don't mind if you make them up as well, but keep in mind to have the information down below when doing so:
-The name, brief description, if it's close/mid/ranged combat, and damage.)

  • Gentle Fist: A form of hand-to-hand combat which inflicts internal damage through attacking the body’s chakra pathway system, injuring the organs closely intertwined with the area of the network which has been struck. The users surgically inject some of their own chakra into the opponent’s chakra pathway system, causing the damage. With this, even the slightest tap can cause severe internal damage. This technique can be employed along any of the Tenketsu in one’s body, should they have usage of said Tenketsu.

    The Gentle Fist is a close-quarters technique.

    ADVANCED USAGE (Currently Unavailable to Haruko): Experienced users of the technique can target specific Tenketsu within an opponent's body, enabling them to enhance the damage as well as opening or sealing the Tenketsu as the Gentle Fist user sees fit. Additionally, users can utilize the Gentle Fist Technique to destroy chakra-based substances.
  • Gentle Fist - Lashing Dragon: A technique unique to Haruko, Lashing Dragon employs the Gentle Fist in combination with weapons usage. First, Haruko charges her weapon (Senbon, or the Rope Dart/Meteor Hammer Head) with her chakra to enable ranged strikes upon an opponent’s chakra pathway system. In addition, Haruko is capable of expelling chakra from any of her Tenketsu. Frequently used to launch the weapons either at higher speeds than just throwing, or from directions she ordinarily could not attack from.

    This technique does, however, require much finer control and focus than just using the weapons or Gentle Fist itself. As such, Haruko tires out quicker when utilizing the technique and it will fail if something disrupts her focus thoroughly enough.[/I]
  • Gentle Fist - Freedom of Movement: By utilizing Tenketsu in various places across her body in a similar manner to the One Blow Body, Haruko can either launch herself in any direction at great speed or provide herself with a limited control of her direction while airborne. She can only use this technique in individual bursts, the more powerful the burst the longer she must wait before firing off another.
  • Body Replacement Technique: The instant before they are struck by an attack, the user replaces themselves with a block of wood or something similar. Due to the optical illusion and the attack hitting something, the attacker briefly will believe they hit the user.

Gear: Rope Dart

Ninja Pouch:

You can have a max of 2 packs, but the limit total will still be 30, and everything must be listed on BOTH bags.

    • 1 Meteor Hammer Head
    • 1 Summoning Scroll - Fūma Shuriken
    • 10 Senbon Needles
    • 3 Kunai Daggers
    • 2 Smoke Bombs
    • 3 Explosive Tags
    • 2 Flash Bombs
    • 3 Ration Bars
    • 1 Small Water Bottle
    • 1 Hyūga Clan Pendant (A small necklace pendant with the Hyūga Clan Crest)
    • 1 Small Sketchbook
    • 1 Pen
    • Ryo

Mission Outfit: (If it's different from the photo you posted in Appearance; if not, remove this)


Personality: A strong break from the stereotype of the Hyūga Clan, Haruko is an outright personable and friendly girl. Finding it easy, and rather enjoyable, to engage with others to try to form warm, healthy bonds of friendship. She is always polite, warm, and eager to engage with others. Features which lend her to be rather likable to most, especially when paired with her sharp intellect. Haruko is a very trusting individual once she has gotten to know somebody, and will find herself willing to practically bend over backwards to do whatever she can to help them. Towards others, she seems rather confident in herself and her place in life, content.

However, that could not be further from the truth buried deep within her heart. For all her warmth, all the confidence she seems to exude… Haruko struggles constantly with her own image. Under the backbreaking pressure of her clan’s image and expectations, her own belief in herself has crumbled to dust. Haruko struggles nearly constantly with fears that she’ll never be enough, that eventually she’ll let everybody down. That she is an imposter amongst her peers, never being able to amount to what they can do. Even as she battles these thoughts and feelings every day, Haruko struggles hard never to let even the slightest of hints show.

Yet no wall is perfect. On rare occasions where she slips; after failing at a task she expected herself to succeed in or when dealing with somebody whose opinion of her is… less than positive, Haruko’s entire persona becomes notably subdued. Gone is the girl with that happy smile and friendly banter, replaced by a quieter and more subdued girl. Not shy, not by a long shot, but… muted and withdrawn.

Though in most situations she is either able to withdraw quickly from her peers to hide these emotions or force a facsimile of her normal self onto her features.

  • Likes: (Minimum 4)
    • Cooking!
    • Sketching/Drawing!
    • Hot Springs Trips!
    • Spending time with Friends
  • Dislikes: (Minimum 4)
    • Expectations
    • Spiders.
    • How tight her mother ties her Kimono.
    • Kumogakure.

History: The closest thing within the village to a veritable Princess, Haruko has always seemed to lead a rather easy and carefree existence. Loving parents who doted upon her, and having just about everything a young girl could want whenever she wanted it. Paired with a pleasant nature, and a vibrant smile that seemed to captivate the eyes made it easy to think that she had not a care in the world. For the early part of her childhood, these assumptions might’ve even rang true. Even as she started to learn of the responsibilities that would later be placed at her feet as heiress, a young Haruko was more than content to take these trials in stride. She was destined for greatness, afterall.

These illusions held in her mind until her sixth birthday. On that fateful day, those illusions of safety, of her station in life were completely shattered. Shattered as a man invaded her home, and easily grabbed the young girl from where she stood paralyzed in fear. Before she could even let loose a scream, a hand was clamped over her mouth and they were moving. The Hyūga tried desperately to wriggle herself free of the man’s overpowering grip, only to find those efforts useless against his grip. She fell quickly into a panic, soon after losing consciousness either from her own hyperventilating or some nefarious act by her kidnapper.

When she woke again, Haruko found herself just outside the Village’s walls and staring at her fathers furious features. Against her neck, the cold steel of a kunai could be felt as the stakes quickly became clear even to her six-year-old mind. Despite seeing her father’s mouth move, Haruko couldn’t hear an ounce of conversation between the two over the pounding of her own heart in her ears. The tense moment seemed to stretch for an eternity, before her father seemed to relent just slightly, and the kunai at Haruko’s neck moved slowly away from her skin. Yet Haruko knew her father wouldn’t let the man get away, not with his little girl. She just… she needed to get away, then he could save her! In a moment of rash decision-making, Haruko thrust her head forward as best she could and viciously bit down on the man’s hand. Time itself seemed to slow as a strange, metallic taste filled her mouth and a primal scream of pain filled the air.

The restraining grip loosened, Haruko tore herself free and set out in a dead sprint towards her father. Each footfall thundered in her ears, her eyes wide with terror and tears streaming down her cheeks. She’d not even made it across the gap yet when a burning pain lashed out across her cheek, the kunai from earlier tearing through the air and towards her father. Haruko stumbled for a moment, catching herself at the last moment to continue her flight even as her father went tearing past her. Only one word reached her terrified ears as he passed;


Run, she did, tears streaming down her face and clouding her vision. Her last sight of her father being a glimpse of the man who was a master of Gentle Fist getting his hands onto her kidnapper…

And there was nothing gentle about the vicious blow whose thunderous impact filled the night air.

Needless to say, the traumatized Hyūga was not enrolled in the academy that year. It took nearly two years for the scars on her young mind to be healed enough for Haruko to leave her home once again. Once again, the friendly and lively features from before the affair graced her features, yet there were signs beneath the surface that something was still wrong. She threw herself wholeheartedly into her studies at the academy when she enrolled, a year later, and into her lessons as the heiress of the Hyūga. Pouring every ounce of herself into becoming strong and knowledgeable enough so she’d never have to suffer like she had on that dreadful day again. Her pleasant mask served to distract others from the fears that had taken root deep within, that perhaps she’d never be enough. That she couldn’t reach that coveted realm of safety she craved.

As a result of her efforts in her studies both at home and the Academy, Haruko excelled in her classes. Shooting herself to the highest rankings amongst her class, albeit lagging a bit behind those who were regarded as the ‘top’ of the class. During this time, Haruko started to apply her lessons with Rope Dart, meant for usage in Kata, to those on the Gentle Fist style. Slowly applying both to develop her own style, Lashing Dragon, to ensure nobody ever got close enough to endanger her again. This new form of the Gentle Fist became something of a staple for Haruko, carried through and refined for the rest of her career at the Academy.

All this while a single thought stayed heavy in her mind…

Would she ever be good enough?

Future Profession: Active Duty Jonin, Hyūga Clan Leader

  • Haruko is a very skilled cook! A skill she learned from helping her mother for all these years.
  • Haruko likes to draw, although she isn’t a master artist… She is fairly decent at it.
  • If she sees a Spider, Haruko is extremely likely to scream and demand its immediate death.
  • One does not want to know how much time Haruko spends in front of the mirror trying out different hairstyles. On the bright side, however, she knows how to style and even cut her own hair.
  • Haruko LOVES spending time in the Hot Springs, often going multiple times a week.
  • Haruko likes to act in plays, though they are typically put on by her clan for the younger members as opposed to the general public.

(Do not edit my post)

The Hokage placed your genin application in front of her to read the specifics of your application, and to take a look at the photo you submitted for your file. Sitting to the right of her was the head of the ninja academy school where you learned basic shinobi skills, and to the right of him was your instructor for the years you attended. “So,” she glanced up at you. “What are your thoughts on Konohagakure?”

”It's… my home?” Came an admittedly confused response from the Hyūga, who paused as she stared at the Hokage and decided that the answer wouldn’t satisfy. ”As I said, this is home. I’d do anything for it, and the people within. They’re family, and the Hyūga always take care of our own. That being said… The Third Great War left us vulnerable, you need only look at what happened to me as proof. We, the Hyūga and the people of the Village, need to rebuild and strengthen ourselves. We don’t want more incidents like that, we want peace for everybody living within our walls.”

Letting the response simmer in the air for a moment the Hokage continued on to the next question. There wasn’t a required interview process for these simple approval proceedings as they were to only make sure their basic information, family affiliation, and scores were up to par. Otherwise the Hokage was simply congratulating them for passing, and to welcome them into the Shinobi forces. But, from time to time she wanted to gauge what kind of shinobi she was approving. Was the academy truly preparing these young ninja, or were they going to get a rude awakening? “I see,” she simply said. “Then let me ask you this.” Readjusting in her seat the Hokage leaned forward. “Say you’re on a mission, and your comrade got hurt badly enough to bring the mission to a dead stop,” She paused. “The enemy is right on your tail as this happens. Stopping to tend to your comrade will mean a battle with the enemy, but you’ve both agreed that you all will do anything to complete this mission. On top of that, it’s vital you complete this S-Ranked mission as Konohagakure is relying on your success.” Pausing once again to let her words sink in the Hokage proceeded. “What do you do?” She raised her arms to provide 2 scenario examples. “Do you leave your comrade to complete the mission with the rest of your squad, or save your comrade and run into the enemy?” There was no wrong answer as both tended to happen more often than not when in the field. It was up to this Genin to decide where their values lie.

”I would… to be honest, it’d depend on the enemy pursuing us. If it were a small squad that I knew we could likely overcome and make it home, I would risk it. If we were hopelessly outmatched… or even likely outmatched, I would have to leave them. Our people, our families back home are relying upon us to complete the mission. It’d be an insult to our families and our village if either of us valued our individual life enough to put that at substantial risk.

As the genin provided their answer the Hokage took in each word. The academy can never provide real world scenarios that truly tested their inner epiphanies, but it did start opening these children up to what they may face on the battlefield. The Hokage nodded once and picked up the stamp of approval. Swiftly stamping the genin application in front of her Taubaki moved the paper aside as she glanced once more at the new genin in front of her. “Anything you’d like to add before we complete the meeting?”

”I just wish to say that it will be an honor to serve our Village, as my ancestors have done before me.”

Tsubaki gave the genin a genuine smile "Congratulations. I hope for success on your journey." A journey that will no doubt come with trials and tribulations, but one that will be worthwhile, she thought as the genin left the room for the next to enter.
Last edited:

Name: 山中猪爪; Yamanaka Inotsume.
Nickname: Tsume.

Age: 13.
Birthday: April 21st.
Gender: Nonbinary, Genderfluid.
Pronouns: All Pronouns.
➽ Their preferred pronouns are they/them.
➽ They accept neopronouns.​
Sexuality: Currently locked.
➽ Tsume is asexual-panromantic, polyamorous.
➽ This is for future reference. No heavy romance. Tsume is only 13.

Body Type: A slim physique with limited muscle mass. Due to their ectomorph frame, they struggle with gaining weight and maintaining it. To compensate for their weakness, Tsume is built for speed, not brute strength. Their physique is similar to a dancer; a strong core with powerful legs. Their upper body strength is average.
  • Genin: 5'0. (Roughly 153 cm.)
  • Chūnin: 5'1. (Roughly 156 cm.)
  • Jōnin: 5'4. (Roughly 165 cm.)
Hair Color: A platinum blonde with an ashen undertone.
Hairstyle: Their hair is medium in length, falling to their shoulders in sleek waves. Unlike the traditional Yamanaka high ponytail, their hair is pulled back in a half up-do with two braids connecting to the small ponytail. Their bangs frame their oval face.
Eye Color: Their eyes are teal and framed with long thick lashes. While the Yamanaka main family line featured pupiless eyes, Tsume inherited visible pupils.
Complexion: A soft beige with a cool rosy undertone.
Headband Placement: Their headband is sewn on the back of their jacket. It rests between their shoulder blades. The color of the fabric around the metal plate is black.
Ninja Tools Placement: Right thigh and the back of their belt.
Any Jewelry Worn:
  • Necklace: A small jade carved like a clover. The pendant is hung on a black braided cord. [image: 001]
Fashion Style: They favor practical, shinobi-grade clothing. For instance, durable jackets and reinforced mesh shirts. They don't have a preference for specific colors. However, if the colors are too saturated, it hurts their eyes. to them, clothes have no gender. as a result, they wear both feminine and masculine styles.
Distinguishing Marks: A diamond-shaped scar on the front of their throat. Imagine a faded pink color, not gold. [image: 001]
  • Earrings: Currently locked. [source: 001]
Clan: 山中; Yamanaka.
Hiden: The members of this clan specialize in mind-related techniques which makes them experts at intelligence gathering, espionage, and interrogation amongst other things. They have also displayed sensory abilities and their techniques include transferring their consciousness, reading minds, and communicating telepathically. [source: 001]

Chakra Type: Lightning Release.
Secondary: Water Release. Currently locked.
Tsume will never learn Wind Release or Earth Release.

Jutsu Techniques:
Lightning Release: Purple Electricity: The user shoots a bolt of purple electricity from their hand to strike a target. It can be used from a distance or through direct contact. [source: 001]
  • Classification: Ninjutsu.
  • Nature: Lightning.
  • Rank: Unknown.
  • Range: Close-to-Mid Range. Long range outputs are currently locked.
  • Damage: Close-to-Mid Range. High level outputs are currently locked.
  • Class: Offensive.
  • The technique was developed by their mother and passed down to them.

Body Flicker Technique: By using the Body Flicker Technique, a ninja can move short to long distances at an almost untraceable speed. To an observer, it appears as if the user has teleported. It is accomplished by using chakra to temporarily vitalise the body and move at extreme speeds. The amount of chakra required depends on the overall distance and elevation between the user and the intended destination. [source: 001]
  • Classification: Ninjutsu, General Skill.
  • Rank: D-rank.
  • Class: Supplementary.

Shadow Clone Technique: This jutsu allows the user to create one or more copies of themselves. The user's chakra is evenly divided between themselves and their clones: creating one clone will give it half the user's chakra, creating two clones will give each a third of the user's chakra, and so on. [source: 001]
  • Classification: Ninjutsu, Clone Techniques.
  • Rank: B-rank.
  • Class: Supplementary.
  • At their current level, Tsume is limited to one shadow clone only.
  • If they don't have enough chakra, Tsume can't produce a shadow clone.

Mind Body Switch Technique: The user converts their consciousness to spiritual energy, which they send at a target. Their consciousness moves slowly towards the target and travels in a straight line. If the user misses their target, it will take several minutes for their consciousness to find its way back to their own body. [source: 001]
  • Classification: Hiden, Ninjutsu.
  • Rank: C-rank.
  • Range: All ranges.
  • Class: Supplementary.

Sword: The Violet Fang, a ninjatō. Often nicknamed the Violent Fang, the ninjatō is a chakra-conductive sword compatible with lightning chakra. Tsume received the sword from their mother as a gift when they became a genin. They're currently learning the art of kenjutsu. [image: 001]

Ninja Pouch:
➽ 1 black case attached to their right thigh. [image: 001]
➽ 1 brown case attached to their belt. The pack is positioned on their lower back. [image: 001]
  • Black Case:
    3 Kunai.
    6 Exploding tags.
    1 spool of ninja wire.
    1 flash bomb.
  • Brown Case:
    1 small water bottle.
    1 small first aid kit.
    3 granola bars.
    2 food pills.
    2 smoke bombs.
    4 shuriken stars.
    2 kunai.
    1 whetstone.
    1 small book of matches.
    1 deck of cards.
    1 small wallet with money.

Mission Outfit:
  • Genin:
  • Chūnin:
  • Jōnin:
  • Jōnin Alt:
Headband Placement:
  • Genin: Sewn on the back of their jacket near the shoulder blades. Black fabric. No source.
  • Chūnin: Sewn on the back of their outer jacket near the shoulder blades. Black fabric. No source.
  • Jōnin: Sewn on the upper right sleeve of their outer rob near the bicep. Black fabric. No source.
  • Jōnin Alt: Sewn on the upper right sleeve of their shirt. Black fabric. [image: 001].
Sword Placement:
  • Genin: A harness over their torso, holding the sword on their back. [image: 001].
  • Chūnin: A belt with the sword attached to their left hip. [image: 001].
  • Jōnin: Attached to the sash around their waist, holding the sword on their left hip. [image: 001].
  • Jōnin Alt: A belt with the sword attached to their left hip. No source.

Inotsume – or Tsume – is an introverted individual. On the surface, they're clever, inquisitive, and hardworking. While the yamanaka clan is known for their boldness, Tsume inherited their mother's composed disposition. They aren't loud and outgoing like their fellow clansmen. On the contrary, Tsume is soft spoken and withdrawn. After a training accident during their academy days, Tsume temporarily lost the ability to speak. After weeks of treatments and therapy, Tsume regained their voice. However, they can't raise their voice without straining their vocal chords. As a result, they don't speak unless they have a reason to. Underneath the surface, they're blunt, stubborn, and vindictive. Despite their reserved nature, Tsume is loyal. Their loyalty is to the point of mischievousness. For instance, when a bully harmed their friend in the academy, they humiliated the bully in retaliation. Tsume is observant and resourceful. They excel at pinpointing patterns and looking underneath the underneath. Unfortunately, due to their introverted disposition, their greatest weakness is socializing. Their mother taught them to be polite and courteous. However, Tsume struggled with social cues and unspoken rules. As a result, they don't like to socialize with people outside their friends and family.​

➽ Baking.
➽ Cats.
➽ Flower Language.
➽ Painting.
➽ Rainfall.
➽ Sweets.​
➽ Bullies.
➽ Flowery Tea.
➽ Large Crowds.
➽ Pork.
➽ Slackers.
➽ Speaking.​

Inotsume – or Tsume – was born and raised in Konohagakure.

Their father – Yamanaka Inosuke – was a seasoned jōnin and respectable Clan Head. After he became the head of the Analysis Team, he made groundbreaking contributions during the Third Shinobi World War. Their mother – Yamanaka Mikan – was a former Senju prodigy and master swordswoman. After her marriage, she gave up her clan status and joined the Yamanaka clan. During the Third Shinobi World War, Mikan earned a moniker – Stormterror – for her fearsome mastery over lightning and water. With their pedigree, Tsume was expected the enter the Ninja Academy. Their parents wanted to give them a choice. Unfortunately, as Clan Heir, their fate was sealed.

The Yamanaka clan has a special relationship with the Nara and Akimichi clan. For generations, members of these clans formed the "Ino–Shika–Chō" trio, a team renowned for their impeccable teamwork and combination techniques. The team is often assigned a mentor from the Sarutobi clan. Due to tradition, Tsume socialized with children from the Nara and Akimichi clan. Once they graduate from the Ninja Academy, Tsume will join another "Ino–Shika–Chō" formation. Unless the Hokage has other plans, Tsume is destined to become the next "Ino" in the "Ino–Shika–Chō" trio.

At thirteen, Tsume graduated from the Ninja Academy and earned their hitai-ate. As a reward for being promoted to genin, their mother gifted them the Violet Fang, the ninjatō she used during the Third Shinobi World War. The blade earned her moniker, Stormterror. With their mother's blessing, Tsume embarked on their journey to become a master swordsman. Since they inherited their mother's dual chakra types, Tsume was determined to master the Violet Fang and protect their friends and family. However, as a genin, they don't have a lot of experience with kenjutsu or ninjutsu. In addition, they haven't unlocked their secondary chakra type. Tsume has a long way to go before they become a shinobi worthy enough to lead the Yamanaka clan.​

Future Profession: Jōnin.
  • Head of the Yamanaka clan. (As their birthright.)
  • Master Swordsman; Master of the Violet Fang.
  • Create their own jutsu like their mother.
  • Earn a fearsome moniker like their mother.
  • Sign a summoning contract and incorporate summons into their combat style.

➽ The lowercase format is pure aesthetic. I use proper capitalization and grammar for in-character posts.
Theme Song: Samidare.
Battle Theme Song: Hyakkaryouran.
Voice Claim: Albedo. Imagine a younger version for their genin years.
➽ Due to their Senju blood, their mother taught them the Shadow Clone Jutsu.
➽ Tsume is interested in learning fūinjutsu. They won't learn any fūinjutsu until after the Chūnin Exams.
➽ They don't know if they want to become the next leader of the Analysis Team.
➽ As a Yamanaka, Tsume has natural sensory abilities. They won't develop into an official sensor type shinobi until they're older.
➽ Their jade necklace is a gift from their father. He gave it to them as a graduation gift. It symbolizes good fortune.
➽ They work at the Yamanaka Flower Shop part-time. They're an expert on flower language.
➽ Their mother is their role model.
➽ If they paint something for a friend, they like to use miniature canvases for easy travel. [image: 001]
➽ Tsume was diagnosed with ASD and ADHD during their first year at the Ninja Academy.
➽ Due to their training accident, Tsume learned sign language.
➽ Sometimes, Tsume takes things too literally.
➽ Tsume is fond of strategy games like Go or Shogi.
➽ They know a variety of card games. Their favorites are Solitaire and Speed.
➽ Their current wallet is a coin pouch (inspo: 001) with a maneki cat (inspo: 001) design.
food: steamed buns.
drink: matcha.
dessert: peanut butter mochi.

color: navy blue and gold.
season: spring.
weather: rain or thunderstorms.

hobby: painting.
special interest: calligraphy.
hyperfixation: crocheting and knitting.
food: calamari.
drink: jasmine tea.
dessert: popsicles.

color: hot pink and neon orange.
season: winter.
weather: heavy snowstorms.
➽ Tsume was born during a rainy spring morning.
➽ After their training accident, Tsume takes shurikenjutsu safety very seriously.
➽ A mishandled kunai is what inflicted the scar on Tsume's neck.
➽ The Yamanaka Clan symbols are emblazoned on the upper sleeves of their genin jacket.
➽ Their alternative jōnin outfit is for settings where the standard uniform is required.
➽ Future jutsu techniques will be added later. I'm too indecisive at the moment. Stay tuned for more shenanigans.​


The Hokage placed your genin application in front of her to read the specifics of your application, and to take a look at the photo you submitted for your file. Sitting to the right of her was the head of the ninja academy school where you learned basic shinobi skills, and to the right of him was your instructor for the years you attended. “So,” she glanced up at you. “What are your thoughts on Konohagakure?”

Tsume hummed in response. "My thoughts on Konohagakure?" they parroted. They rubbed their thumb against their chin. They took a moment to gather their thoughts. "It depends on the context," they began. They directed their attention to the Hokage. Their eyes strayed from making direct eye contact. As a Yamanaka, Tsume didn't like to make eye contact without permission. In addition, they struggled with the concept. It didn't come naturally to them. "For instance, am I loyal to Konoha and the Hokage? Yes. Am I loyal to my clan and our allies? Without a doubt," they clarified. Tsume lowered their hand and laced their fingers together. "If you want a more textbook answer, Konohagakure is part of the Five Great Shinobi Countries. Although the Five Great Shinobi Countries are equal enough in power and military strength to create a fairly stable balance of power, Konohagakure is considered the most powerful of all shinobi villages and Konoha's Hokage has been considered to be the pinnacle of the shinobi world." For a moment, Tsume resembled a walking history lesson. They have a tendency of taking things too literal.

"If you want a more personal answer, Konoha is my home. I protect what I consider mine with everything I got. That's my nindō," they announced.

Letting the response simmer in the air for a moment the Hokage continued on to the next question. There wasn’t a required interview process for these simple approval proceedings as they were to only make sure their basic information, family affiliation, and scores were up to par. Otherwise the Hokage was simply congratulating them for passing, and to welcome them into the Shinobi forces. But, from time to time she wanted to gauge what kind of shinobi she was approving. Was the academy truly preparing these young ninja, or were they going to get a rude awakening? “I see,” she simply said. “Then let me ask you this.” Readjusting in her seat the Hokage leaned forward. “Say you’re on a mission, and your comrade got hurt badly enough to bring the mission to a dead stop,” She paused. “The enemy is right on your tail as this happens. Stopping to tend to your comrade will mean a battle with the enemy, but you’ve both agreed that you all will do anything to complete this mission. On top of that, it’s vital you complete this S-Ranked mission as Konohagakure is relying on your success.” Pausing once again to let her words sink in the Hokage proceeded. “What do you do?” She raised her arms to provide 2 scenario examples. “Do you leave your comrade to complete the mission with the rest of your squad, or save your comrade and run into the enemy?” There was no wrong answer as both tended to happen more often than not when in the field. It was up to this Genin to decide where their values lie.

A frown marred their lips. "Shinobi Rule #4: A shinobi must always put the mission first," Tsume recited. They unlaced their fingers and rubbed their chin. A pensive expression adorned their face. "With that logic, the mission takes precedence. It would be imperative I abandon my comrade and complete the mission. Since this is a S-ranked mission, the stakes are higher than your average D-rank. Failure to complete the objective can lead to serious consequences," they pointed out. Tsume glanced at the necklace strung around their neck. The small jade clover gleamed under the fluorescent lights. "However, it would go against everything my clan taught me about teamwork. Therefore, I refer to a lesser known entry in the shinobi handbook: A shinobi must see the hidden meanings within the hidden meanings. In other words, look underneath the underneath," they declared.

Tsume directed their attention to the Hokage. "There's no right or wrong answer here. This is a question designed to test where our priorities lie." Their teal eyes gleamed with determination. "Those who abandon their comrades are worse than trash. Leaving our comrades to die goes against the very core of Ino-Shika-Chō. I will fight if it means protecting my comrades," they announced.

As the genin provided their answer the Hokage took in each word. The academy can never provide real world scenarios that truly tested their inner epiphanies, but it did start opening these children up to what they may face on the battlefield. The Hokage nodded once and picked up the stamp of approval. Swiftly stamping the genin application in front of her Tsubaki moved the paper aside as she glanced once more at the new genin in front of her. “Anything you’d like to add before we complete the meeting?”

In hindsight, Tsume was too honest. It was a dangerous quality for a shinobi. Deception is a shinobi's bread and butter, not brutal honesty. A part of them wondered if the Hokage expected them to lie. Would she consider it too disrespectful and punish them? Or would she approve? "No, Hokage-sama," Tsume replied. The last thing they needed was saying something they can't take back. They rose to their feet and bowed. "Thank you for this opportunity," they acknowledged. Tsume bowed a little toward the Head of the Ninja Academy and their former instructor. Without another word, they pivoted and exited the office.

Tsubaki gave the genin a genuine smile "Congratulations. I hope for success on your journey." A journey that will no doubt come with trials and tribulations, but one that will be worthwhile, she thought as the genin left the room for the next to enter.
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Name: Moeru Sarutobi

Age: 14

Birthday: December 18th

Gender: Female

Appearance: Moeru is rather tall for her age, standing at 5'2. She has short dark brown hair and hazel eyes.

  • Body Type: Athletic build with slight muscle definition
  • Hair Color: Dark Brown
  • Eye Color: Hazel
  • Headband Placement: Forehead
  • Ninja tools bag placement: 2 pouche, one above each of her buttcheek
  • Any Jewelry Worn: None
  • Fashion type: Moeru prefers to wear simple clothing, but does like to wear fancier attires during special occasions

Ninja Specifications:

Clan: Sarutobi

Chakra Type: Fire Release

Jutsu Technique(s):
  • Fire Release: Dragon Fire Technique - The user spits flames from their mouth that, like a dragon's, quickly travel forward in a straight direction. Unlike the Great Fireball Technique that will burn everything in the vicinity, the Dragon Fire Technique is more narrowly focused at its initial target, likened to a projectile.
  • Roof Tile Shuriken - This technique allows the user to remotely control, levitate and hurl spinning tiles in the nearby area. A powerful technique used by the Third Hokage himself.
  • Fire Release: Great Flame Technique - Hidden technique of the Sarutobi Clan. The user kneads chakra in their stomach and expels a large stream of flames from their mouth that progressively widens with range.
  • Shadow Clone - The famed Shadow Clone technique created by the second Hokage Tobirama. Moeru can currently create 2 clones consistently.

Gear: Grappling Hook - A three clawed metal hook attached to a long rope curled up above Moeru's tailbone.

Ninja Pouch:

    • 1 Roll of strings
    • 3 Smoke Bombs
    • 2 Flash Bombs
    • 5 Paper Bombs
    • 10 Star Shuriken
    • 3 Kunai
    • 1 Water bottle
    • 1 Canister of medicine
    • 1 Piece of cloth
    • 2 Ration bars
    • 1 Piece of chalk

Mission Outfit:

Personality: Moeru is outgoing, friendly and carefree. Hardworking and easily approachable, the young girl was an exemplary student back in the academy. On the other side, the girl is quite the thrill seeker, always looking for new and exciting things to keep her mind stimulated. She is good at adapting to different situations, being able to strategize on the fly to whatever she's up against. Moeru also likes to experiment with the use of her ninjutsu, attempting to find weird and fun ways to change her base abilities.

To the outside observers, the young girl always appeared to have a natural talent for being a ninja, usually ranking near the top of her class in every subject. The girl was often praised for her skills, which many attributed to her heritage as a Sarutobi. However, her results were not founded on natural talent, but due to hard work and determination. Though she might now show it with her upbeat personality, the expectations placed on her by her family weigh heavily upon her shoulders.

Due to the ever-present pressure to live up to her clan's legacy, Moeru has developed a sense of self doubt that manifests whenever she is faced with difficult situations; causing her to hesitate and, in the worst case, freeze up completely. She also has a bad tendency to push herself past her limit to an unhealthy degree and often tries to shoulder everything by herself. With that said, Moeru actually does not like to take life too seriously. Whenever she doesn't feel the need to prove herself, Moeru likes to push her worries deep inside her mind and not think about it for that time.

Nonetheless, the Will of Fire burns brightly within Moeru who will always do her best to help her village.

  • Likes:
    • Excitement
    • Meat
    • Experimenting with Ninjutsu
    • Being with company
    • Fighting
  • Dislikes:
    • Boredom
    • High pitched noises
    • Failure
    • Needless violence
    • Being alone(with her thoughts)

History: Moeru was born to the Sarutobi Clan near the end of the Third Great Ninja War. From a young age, Moeru had always had high expectations placed upon her; that she would become a great ninja one day and continue the Sarutobi legacy. A lot of this was due to her father; a well known, respected Shinobi and the Sarutobi clan head who fought on the front lines during the aforementioned War. Unfortunately, Moeru's father suffered a grave injury during the tail end of the War which forced him to retire from active duty early. This news was devastating for the man. He had great ambitions, ambitions like becoming Hokage one day. None of that mattered anymore though, his dreams were crushed by this unforeseen injury. The man fell into a state of depression, no longer thinking his life was worth anything. That is, until his daughter was born.

At first, it was the joy of fatherhood that took the man out of his depressive state and lifted his spirits. However, a different idea soon came to his mind. Moeru's training began as soon as she learned how to walk. She was taught how to throw a shuriken before she even learned how to dress herself. Learned to mold her chakra into fire before knowing how to hold a pair of chopsticks. Since he was no longer able to reach his ambitions himself, Moeru's father figured someone else could fulfill them in his stead.

Most of Moeru's childhood was taken by her father's strict training regiment. She did not have any friends, she couldn't make any since all her time was spent training. Anytime she showed progress, her father would simply move on to the next step with little to no praise. The young girl was constantly pushed to her limits and hated it, but Moeru pressed on if only to make her father happy. When she came of age to enter the academy, it was the first time she was allowed to be on her own.

Moeru had a rough time adjusting to the academy life at first, her upbringing neglected to teach her about social interactions after all. Still, through some hard work, Moeru slowly began learning how to hold conversations and started getting along with some of the other kids in her class. This was a joyous occasion for the girl, but not everyone shared her sentiment. Her father would often scold her when she talked about making friends at the academy, telling her not to lose sight of her goal and to rid herself of distractions. As such, Moeru learned to separate her own life and the life her father envisioned for her. Only talking about her advancement when she's with her dad and the stuff she actually enjoyed when she's not. Although her dream isn't her own, Moeru still decided to do her best to achieve them, if only to finally get some praise from her father.

Future Profession: Active Jonin, Team Captain, Clan Head, Hokage Guard, Hokage

Extra: Moeru has 2 faces to her personality; one when she needs to upkeep the Sarutobi image and another when she's free to relax. She can switch between them seamlessly. Although, the girl will sometime lose herself to her playful side whenever she gets too invested in something, even during serious situations.


The Hokage placed your genin application in front of her to read the specifics of your application, and to take a look at the photo you submitted for your file. Sitting to the right of her was the head of the ninja academy school where you learned basic shinobi skills, and to the right of him was your instructor for the years you attended. “So,” she glanced up at you. “What are your thoughts on Konohagakure?”

"Hmm, what I think..." Moeru leaned her head back. "Well, this is where I was born and raised. Everyone I know lives here, so I'd say I quite like this place." She chuckled to herself before taking on a more more serious look. "Konoha is very important to me, if anything were to ever threaten my home, then I would protect it with all my might."

Letting the response simmer in the air for a moment the Hokage continued on to the next question. There wasn’t a required interview process for these simple approval proceedings as they were to only make sure their basic information, family affiliation, and scores were up to par. Otherwise the Hokage was simply congratulating them for passing, and to welcome them into the Shinobi forces. But, from time to time she wanted to gauge what kind of shinobi she was approving. Was the academy truly preparing these young ninja, or were they going to get a rude awakening? “I see,” she simply said. “Then let me ask you this.” Readjusting in her seat the Hokage leaned forward. “Say you’re on a mission, and your comrade got hurt badly enough to bring the mission to a dead stop,” She paused. “The enemy is right on your tail as this happens. Stopping to tend to your comrade will mean a battle with the enemy, but you’ve both agreed that you all will do anything to complete this mission. On top of that, it’s vital you complete this S-Ranked mission as Konohagakure is relying on your success.” Pausing once again to let her words sink in the Hokage proceeded. “What do you do?” She raised her arms to provide 2 scenario examples. “Do you leave your comrade to complete the mission with the rest of your squad, or save your comrade and run into the enemy?” There was no wrong answer as both tended to happen more often than not when in the field. It was up to this Genin to decide where their values lie.

Moeru appeared to hesitate before speaking up. "Well... you mentioned there are other people that are also in our squad right? In that case, I will let them carry on with the mission and go back to help our injured comrade." A small pause followed as Moeru let out a sigh. "Honestly, I'm not sure I'd be able to live with myself if I simply left a comrade to die. I would definitely try to help them if I can. A life is a terrible thing to lose."

As the genin provided their answer the Hokage took in each word. The academy can never provide real world scenarios that truly tested their inner epiphanies, but it did start opening these children up to what they may face on the battlefield. The Hokage nodded once and picked up the stamp of approval. Swiftly stamping the genin application in front of her Taubaki moved the paper aside as she glanced once more at the new genin in front of her. “Anything you’d like to add before we complete the meeting?”

"Anything else I'd like to add..." Moeru pondered this question for a few seconds. "Well, as the heir to the Sarutobi clan, I promise to do my best to make those who came before me proud." With that said, the newly appointed Genin bowed before leaving the room.

Tsubaki gave the genin a genuine smile "Congratulations. I hope for success on your journey." A journey that will no doubt come with trials and tribulations, but one that will be worthwhile, she thought as the genin left the room for the next to enter.
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  • 3bab328d67a0f736fe1948ab6d43f9694644f18d.jpg
    Name: Mizuki Inuzuka

    Age: 13

    Birthday: 02/21

    Gender: Female | She/Her


    • Height: 4'6" (137 cm)
    • Weight: 88 lbs (40 kg)
    • Body Type: Lithe and slender, Mizuki seems small for a girl her age and is often mistaken for being younger than she actually is.
    • Hair Color: Wavy brunette locks that tumble to her waist. Most days Mizuki will tie the top half of her hair up into a pony-tail or style it in a full pony-tail secured with a ribbon tied into a bow.
    • Eye Color: Her pale green eyes are her most noticeable feature, set in a heart-shaped face with rounds cheeks and a delicate nose. They are generally bright with joy but will turn a dark green whenever she is upset.
    • Headband Placement: Her upper right arm.
    • Ninja tools bag placement: The black case is wrapped around her left thigh and the brown pack wraps around her waist, resting on her right hip.
    • Any Jewelry Worn: A pair of earrings in the shape of fangs that she wears in her pierced earlobes.
    • Fashion type: Mizuki's Closet
    • Distinguishing Marks: The red fangs on both of her cheeks that signify her place in the Inuzuka Clan.
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Name: Akio Jishaku

Age: 13

Birthday: March 27th

Gender: Male


  • Body Type: Mesomorph with a lean athletic build.
  • Hair Color: Orange
  • Eye Color: Amber
  • Headband Placement: Across his forehead.
  • Ninja tools bag placement: Black case on his right thigh. Brown pack behind his belt.
  • Any Jewelry Worn: N/A
  • Fashion type: His mission outfit is a clean mix of red and black with not much extra fabric to get in the way. Outside of that, he tends to wear classic casual clothing with neutral colors and an overshirt.
  • Distinguishing Marks: N/A
  • Piercings: N/A
Ninja Specifications:

Clan: The Jishaku Clan is a family of skilled magnet release users. The clan originated as a team of ordinary miners who then grew to wealth as Konohagakure’s main smithing suppliers. The Jishaku are known for crafting weapons, armor, and tools.

Kekkei Genkai: N/A

Companion: N/A

Chakra Type:
Magnet Release
Extra Feature: Akio’s Jutsus are paired with a passive magnet release ability, creating a magnetic field around his body and repelling applicable objects away. The size of deflected projectiles depends on his level.

Jutsu Technique(s):
  • Iron Fist - Iron sand envelopes Akio’s right fist and spreads thinly across his forearm, enabling a small power boost when lifting, blocking, and striking. Close-ranged combat.
  • Iron Sand Compression Assault - A technique where he gathers iron sand and compresses it into a high-density shape. This technique greatly increases the hardness of the iron sand, creating a steel-like weapon of standard size. The iron sand generates a strong magnetic field, attracting and catching any magnetic item of equal size from an inch-to-foot radius. The larger the weapon created, the more concentration needed. Most effective in close-ranged to mid-ranged combat.
  • Magnetic Rain Gun - When activated by hand seals the user will experience 2 different currents on both hand palms. 1 current (the left hand) creating a magnetic pull on any steel object. 2nd current (the right hand) creating a magnetic push on any steel object. The strength of the magnetic force is up to the user as it can cause speeds as slow as stopping applicable objects midair, or as fast as repelling applicable object within mere seconds away from the user. This technique can also be used with applicable objects in rapid fire to fire multiple projectiles at high speeds. Mid/long-ranged combat. User can only use 1 hand per activation, and there is only a windows (5 seconds) use.

    Upgrades: Able to use both hands.
    Upgrades: Able to increase usage.
  • Magnetic Field Hunter - The user is able to magnetize anything they touch, and then subsequently anything that touches something they have already magnetized, and so on. However, the magnetic force weakens from object to object. Once an object with the max scale of a fuma shuriken has been magnetized, the user can manipulate the magnetic field in such a manner as to make any subsequent attack using a metallic weapon challenging to evade. It is crucial for an opponent to avoid the magnetized object as even a single deflection will result in the production of a magnetic field around the tool they used to deflect. If the opponent were to run away with the magnetized tool, Akio’s shuriken may follow. Long-ranged combat.

    Upgrades: Magnetization of objects the size and mass of his body.
    Upgrades: Human bodies may be magnetized.

Gear: Akio carries around what seems to be a mid-sized backpack filled with iron sand he can freely manipulate. He can use this supply to break down the ground to increase the quantity of iron sand gathered from metals within the earth’s crust. The backpack is made from iron sand and can be broken down to perform techniques as well. If the backpack breaks, he can reform it afterwards within a full minute. Additionally, it would take him 3 minutes and a hand sign to gather iron sand from the ground.

Ninja Pouch:
    • 5 kunai
    • 5 shuriken
    • 3 explosive tags
    • 2 bars
    • 1 Naruto universe version of a Swiss Army Knife
    • 2 smoke bombs
    • 1 water bottle
    • 1 matchbox
    • 3 food pills
    • 1 gauze
    • 1 wallet
Mission Outfit:

Personality: Driven. Daring. Playful. Akio gets around with a smooth air of confidence, mostly unbothered by others’ superficial thoughts. Yet he remains respectful. The clever genin has a balanced knack for coolly conducting himself, and the chill capacity to purely enthuse about simple things. He keeps his cards close with a cunning hand, only flexing his mild stubbornness within reason for the sake of protecting those near him. Over the years, Akio’s rage simmered down to a foreign flame. However, his more recent years have made his conversion to self-critical evaluation apparent. So much so that one might fail to see the bottled darkness behind his amber eyes.
  • Likes:
    • Adventures
    • Productivity
    • Repairing items
    • Training
    • Challenges
    • Food- RAMEN
    • Games
    • Freedom
  • Dislikes:
    • Slowness
    • Long lectures
    • Senseless rules
    • Wet sleeves
    • Strictness
    • Horror
Akio Jishaku was born and raised in Konohagakure. His upbringing, however, didn’t follow the typical path of a clan head’s firstborn. Upon his first few weeks of existence, Akio’s parents parted ways from the politics surrounding their circumstances. His father legitimately grew a different family, bringing his younger half-siblings into succession. Meanwhile, Akio resided with his mother, who had yet to spawn any half-siblings from the same father.

Having a larger family to interact with was never an issue. He rarely dreamed of becoming a clan head, either. Thankfully, Akio wasn’t ostracized from both households. Akio’s father continued to occasionally have him as company despite rather obvious moments of solitude, grooming his firstborn to Jishaku standards so that Akio may assist his younger half-brother with succeeding. Yet, Akio found himself spending more time near the forge flames with his granduncle when the legitimate family handled clan matters . . which was most of the time. There he practiced light smithing work with heavy supervision, coughed up his first sip of whiskey, and refined his magnetic release abilities. Hm? Some time with the clan was better than none! . . right?

Meanwhile . .

Due to his mother’s carefree late nights, Akio resorted to running small tasks for the Jishaku Clan, typically dealing with light repairs to solve his empty froggy wallet. In between classes, he would deliver spare change snacks to his half-sister’s classroom before abruptly sprinting back. Akio was above average on campus, but the best big brother at home (a-according to him)! The genin wasn’t the top of his class; however, he surely paced well ahead of the curve than most.

Now, his internal mission is to set his family back on the right track, potentially dominating his father’s stance. Akio’s only 13, but somehow he’ll do it. Somehow, he’ll free his mother from his father’s shadow.

Future Profession: Jonin: Active Duty, Squad Leader, Commander

Extra:Akio typically keeps busy to help his family make ends meet to avoid his father’s help. If missing in action, one would likely catch him around the Jishaku forge training grounds or on the roof of his mother’s house.

Currently, his younger half-brother is slated to be clan head since his own parents were never legitimately wedded.


The Hokage placed your genin application in front of her to read the specifics of your application, and to take a look at the photo you submitted for your file. Sitting to the right of her was the head of the ninja academy school where you learned basic shinobi skills, and to the right of him was your instructor for the years you attended. “So,” she glanced up at you. “What are your thoughts on Konohagakure?”

"Needs a bigger Ramen Ichiraku," Akio casually stated in blunt truth, letting the brief silence burn before cracking a slight smirk. To him, Ramen Ichiraku was just as monumental as- “Hokage Rock lays the theme out, doesn’t it?” He started with a raised brow. The land’s leaders were revered just below how much the villagers’ lives were treasured. Akio gradually leaned forward in his seat, placing an elbow over the top of his thigh, "The people here make the rocks, trees, and buildings Konohagakure. That’s why it’s worth protecting." Then, he sealed the Hokage’s gaze with his own, "It's home."

Letting the response simmer in the air for a moment the Hokage continued on to the next question. There wasn’t a required interview process for these simple approval proceedings as they were to only make sure their basic information, family affiliation, and scores were up to par. Otherwise the Hokage was simply congratulating them for passing, and to welcome them into the Shinobi forces. But, from time to time she wanted to gauge what kind of shinobi she was approving. Was the academy truly preparing these young ninja, or were they going to get a rude awakening? “I see,” she simply said. “Then let me ask you this.” Readjusting in her seat the Hokage leaned forward. “Say you’re on a mission, and your comrade got hurt badly enough to bring the mission to a dead stop,” She paused. “The enemy is right on your tail as this happens. Stopping to tend to your comrade will mean a battle with the enemy, but you’ve both agreed that you all will do anything to complete this mission. On top of that, it’s vital you complete this S-Ranked mission as Konohagakure is relying on your success.” Pausing once again to let her words sink in the Hokage proceeded. “What do you do?” She raised her arms to provide 2 scenario examples. “Do you leave your comrade to complete the mission with the rest of your squad, or save your comrade and run into the enemy?” There was no wrong answer as both tended to happen more often than not when in the field. It was up to this Genin to decide where their values lie.

I would save my comrade and fight,” Akio solidly answered with his gaze unmoving from the Hokage. However, picking one option without attempting both was relative to accepting failure without trying . . in his eyes. The young genin slightly tilted his head as he rubbed the back of his neck in thought, “Though if the situation allowed, I’d split the squad depending on our numbers. Either myself or someone higher in defense could stay behind, while the rest carry on for Konohagakure.”

As the genin provided their answer the Hokage took in each word. The academy can never provide real world scenarios that truly tested their inner epiphanies, but it did start opening these children up to what they may face on the battlefield. The Hokage nodded once and picked up the stamp of approval. Swiftly stamping the genin application in front of her Taubaki moved the paper aside as she glanced once more at the new genin in front of her. “Anything you’d like to add before we complete the meeting?”

Akio shook his head once, rising from his seat just before respectfully bowing, “Thank you for your time.”

Tsubaki gave the genin a genuine smile "Congratulations. I hope for success on your journey." A journey that will no doubt come with trials and tribulations, but one that will be worthwhile, she thought as the genin left the room for the next to enter.
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Name:Suzume Hokinoue


Birthday: April 3

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bi-romantic, demi-sexual

Appearance: Suzume stands at 5’3” and is done growing, making her rather petite. Her straight brown hair goes to her waist, with shorter locks framing her face; she’s always seen with a green bow in her hair. She has fair skin with little to no blemishes or scars. Her eyes are dark brown with small lashes and she has triangular eyebrows.

Suzume Hokinoue.png

  • Body Type: Curvy with a little baby fat still around her waist and hips
  • Hair Color: Light Brown
  • Eye Color: Dark brown
  • Headband Placement: Removed the majority of the headband and sewed it onto the front of her top
  • Ninja tools bag placement: The thin black bag is worn on her right thigh and the large brown one is worn on her right hip in the back
  • Any Jewelry Worn: Two rings, given to her by Tensei and Akio. Tensei's ring is worn on the middle finger of her right hand and Akio's ont he index finger of her right hand.
  • Fashion type: Simple, nature-themed and neutral colors, likes browns
  • Piercings: Her ears are pierced but she doesn’t wear earrings

Ninja Specifications:

Chakra Type: Wind/Yang Release

Jutsu Technique(s): (List all available techniques your character has down below and a brief description. An example is provided. Techniques for Genin are limited to 4.

FYI: I absolutely don't mind if you use some Boruto ones for this. I also don't mind if you make them up as well, but keep in mind to have the information down below when doing so:
-The name, brief description, if it's close/mid/ranged combat, and damage.)

  • Shadow Clones - Suzume uses her chakra to create one clone of herself out of shadows. They disappear into a cloud of smoke after being hit once.
  • Mystical Palm Technique - The user applies their hand to a wounded part of the body and sends chakra into it, accelerating the body's natural healing abilities. Although its most obvious use is as a way of treating external injuries, it can also be used for internal illnesses. Users must be careful to only use as much chakra as is needed for the specific injury. If too much chakra is sent into the body, this can disrupt the body's circulation, putting it into a comatose state. It is a close-range jutsu and is not supposed to deal damage
    At the present, Suzume is able to heal stress fractures and major cuts as long as they are not life-threatening
  • Body Substitution - The split-second before an attack lands, the user replaces their body with an inanimate object. This creates an optical illusion, making it seem as if the attack landed while the user quickly hides nearby, as this happens in the instant before the attack landing, it is possible the Substitution will not work
  • Chakra Scapel - This medical technique forms one's chakra into a small, sharp blade. This can then be used for highly accurate incisions necessary for surgeries and anatomical dissections. Unlike regular scalpels, the chakra scalpel can make cuts inside the body without actually creating an open wound, limiting the risks of an infection.
    The chakra scalpel can also be used offensively to inflict internal damage, although it requires great precision to be effective. Because of this requirement, using the chakra scalpel offensively is highly unusual. In heated combat, even the greatest medical-nin won't be able to exert the precision needed to target the vital spots, but it can still effectively cut muscle tissues and tendons, rendering the target immobile.

Gear: N/A

Ninja Pouch:

    • 6 kunai
    • 4 shuriken stars
    • 10 senbon needles
    • 3 rolls of bandages
    • 1 scroll on edible plants and fungi
    • 1 scroll on poisonous plants and fungi
    • 3 Granola Bars
    • 1 small water bottle
    • 1 bottle iodine pills

Mission Outfit:
Suzume Ninja.png

Personality: Suzume is quiet and shy. She has a driving push to become one of the best medical-nins in the world, but has difficulty making connections with others. She cares deeply about her fellow villagers, even complete strangers, and wants to protect and heal them, but finds it difficult to come up with topics to discuss and has no real clue how to express herself. She’s most at home in nature, and enjoys walking through parks and woods. She can sit so still and so quietly at times that animals will approach her, though they tend to spook if she moves or makes a noise even after they’ve approached. She isn’t sure how she feels about killing people, even in her line of work, and tends to use senbon needles rather than other weapons as they can be used to immobilize enemies without killing them.

When nervous or thinking, Suzume has a tendency to play with her hair. She wants desperately for people to get along and will often try to be the arbitrator if her friends are having an argument. She’s not that stubborn and her mind can be easily changed with the right argument, excepting with things she is passionate about. When she becomes passionate about something, she holds her ground and sticks with her decision. She is also polite and tends to show respect where it’s due.

  • Likes: (Minimum 4)
    • Sweets
    • Animals
    • Fictional novels
    • Cooking
    • Hot Springs
    • Mizuhiki (traditional Japanese knot-tying)
    • Embroidery
  • Dislikes: (Minimum 4)
    • Snakes
    • The idea of killing someone
    • Historical Fiction
    • Spicy food
    • Being dirty

History: Suzume’s family is a large one. There’s her mother, Chuya, her father, Rikuto, her older brother Kazuma, her older twin sister, Ren, and the younger twins: her sister Maho and brother Kuma. Her parents run a blacksmith shop, where they often make weapons for the shinobi of Konoha.

Kazuma, the oldest, was the first to enroll in the ninja academy. Born 17 years before Suzume, he was already a chunin by the time she could walk. Suzume idolized her older brother and when Ren suggested she joined the ninja academy to follow in his footsteps, she agreed. Her agreement was only halfhearted, Suzume had no real desire to fight, though she wished to protect those that were important to her.

When she was eight, her brother came back from a failed mission with lethal wounds. She still remembers waiting outside the operating room, pacing back and forth until she couldn’t take it anymore and finally peeking inside the door. She only got a quick look at what the medical-ninjas were doing before her mother pulled her away from the door. But the look she got stuck with her. The medical-ninja were channeling their chakra to heal, not to hurt. They were protecting the village through a different way, a way that stunned Suzume into temporarily forgetting about her brother. Watching them work was like watching the sun shine. Suddenly everything made sense to her. This was what she wanted.

After the surgery, Suzume doubled down in class at the academy, doing her best to master every technique taught to her and learning how to channel her own chakra with as much accuracy as possible. In her free time, she went to the library and read books on anatomy, medicine and medical ninjutsu, and while she couldn’t understand everything right away, she would read and re-read the pages over and over until she finally did understand what they were saying. When even re-reading the pages a hundred times didn’t make her understand them, she’d ask the librarians for help, though it made her nervous every time she did so.

With a path that she wanted to walk down ahead of her, Suzume saw becoming a shinobi in a new light. No longer was she merely following the footsteps of the brother she idolized, but now she was making her way and forging her own path. And she was determined to follow it through.

Future Profession: Medical-nin, Jonin

  • Her favorite food is taiyaki, followed by daifuku mochi.
  • She’s especially fond of anko-filled sweets.
  • Suzume cannot handle spicy foods at all and has been known to cry when eating them.
  • While she likes most animals, snakes scare her.
  • Her name means sparrow

(Do not edit my post)

The Hokage placed your genin application in front of her to read the specifics of your application, and to take a look at the photo you submitted for your file. Sitting to the right of her was the head of the ninja academy school where you learned basic shinobi skills, and to the right of him was your instructor for the years you attended. “So,” she glanced up at you. “What are your thoughts on Konohagakure?”

Suzume tilted her head slightly, taken aback by the question being so normal. She took a second to answer, nervously playing with the ends of her long hair. “Well, it’s a great village. It’s the only home I’ve known,” she said, then hesitated. It really couldn’t be as simple as that, could it? The question had to have some hidden meaning she had to suss out. “I want to protect its people, and if I can’t protect them, I want to heal them when they’re hurt.” That wasn’t just lip service for the benefit of this interview, Suzume was being wholly honest and hoped the Hokage could sense that in her.

She would give herself for her village. She had trained this hard so far and was intent on giving it her all moving forward. She would make sure nobody would suffer as long as she was around. She could make a difference in helping the other shinobi of this village, and that in turn would help protect the village and its villagers.

Letting the response simmer in the air for a moment the Hokage continued on to the next question. There wasn’t a required interview process for these simple approval proceedings as they were to only make sure their basic information, family affiliation, and scores were up to par. Otherwise the Hokage was simply congratulating them for passing, and to welcome them into the Shinobi forces. But, from time to time she wanted to gauge what kind of shinobi she was approving. Was the academy truly preparing these young ninja, or were they going to get a rude awakening? “I see,” she simply said. “Then let me ask you this.” Readjusting in her seat the Hokage leaned forward. “Say you’re on a mission, and your comrade got hurt badly enough to bring the mission to a dead stop,” She paused. “The enemy is right on your tail as this happens. Stopping to tend to your comrade will mean a battle with the enemy, but you’ve both agreed that you all will do anything to complete this mission. On top of that, it’s vital you complete this S-Ranked mission as Konohagakure is relying on your success.” Pausing once again to let her words sink in the Hokage proceeded. “What do you do?” She raised her arms to provide 2 scenario examples. “Do you leave your comrade to complete the mission with the rest of your squad, or save your comrade and run into the enemy?” There was no wrong answer as both tended to happen more often than not when in the field. It was up to this Genin to decide where their values lie.

Suzume swallowed with difficulty. This was more the question she had expected, if she were to be asked questions at all. Questions about what they believed, right and wrong, and questions of no-win scenarios. “As an aspiring medical-ninja, I would not leave my injured comrade behind.” Her voice was stronger than it had been when answering the first question, though her fingers still nervously twisted in and out of her hair. “I would heal them, then face down the enemy and heal my squad once more when the fighting was done.”

As the genin provided their answer the Hokage took in each word. The academy can never provide real world scenarios that truly tested their inner epiphanies, but it did start opening these children up to what they may face on the battlefield. The Hokage nodded once and picked up the stamp of approval. Swiftly stamping the genin application in front of her Taubaki moved the paper aside as she glanced once more at the new genin in front of her. “Anything you’d like to add before we complete the meeting?”

Suzume blinked. It was over that quickly? Just two questions? She tried to look at the paper that the Hokage had moved to the side without getting caught, not truly believing they were done. Had she passed whatever test this was? “Uhm, no,” she shook her head, looking back at the Hokage.

Tsubaki gave the genin a genuine smile "Congratulations. I hope for success on your journey." A journey that will no doubt come with trials and tribulations, but one that will be worthwhile, she thought as the genin left the room for the next to enter.
Her fingers relaxed, falling back into her lap at the congratulations and she looked at her instructor from the academy and the head of the academy. She bowed in her seat as best she could at them, “thank you for guiding me to here.”
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(Please place any images in a Spoiler if you're not using a code for your character sheet)

Name: Sumi Umezawa

(Between 13-15) 14

Birthday: September 23rd

Gender: Female

  • Body Type: in terms of bone structure between rectangle and inverse triangle. Sumi is fairly thin and scrawny and only around 4'11" in height, though as she gets older and her health improves she may grow.
  • Hair Color: Brown
  • Eye Color: magenta
  • Headband Placement: worn around her neck
  • Ninja tools bag placement: One black pouch at her hip, and a larger brown bag on her lower back, tilted so she can draw objects out with her right hand. Typically also has a large scroll on her back.
  • Any Jewelry Worn: None.
  • Fashion type: Traditional w/ some modern modifications, prefers lighter clothing.
  • Distinguishing Marks: Surgical scars on her chest and back, usually keeps covered up.

Ninja Specifications:

Chakra Type: Yin Release

There's plenty of sub chakra types, which are all listed here. You can only choose 1. For now. Keep in mind that if you ever progress to learn more chakra types then you may never learn your weakest chakra type. EX: Your strongest chakra release is lightening, but if you become Jonin you may never master wind release.)

Jutsu Technique(s): (List all available techniques your character has down below and a brief description. An example is provided. Techniques for Genin are limited to 4.

FYI: I absolutely don't mind if you use some Boruto ones for this. I also don't mind if you make them up as well, but keep in mind to have the information down below when doing so:
-The name, brief description, if it's close/mid/ranged combat, and damage.)

  • Super Beast Imitating Drawing- Using chakra-infused ink, the user can quickly and expertly draw objects onto their scroll. The moment the brush is removed from the scroll, the images leap from the paper, grow to life-size, and act according to the user's will. Because they are made of ink, a single blow is usually enough to dispel them. For discreet communiques during missions Sumi is able to turn the words she writes into small animals, allowing them to travel unnoticed to the intended target, after which the ink animal requires a scroll to revert back into written information. More advanced users can also incorporate explosive tag designs into the animals and detonate them remotely but Sumi currently cannot do this. Most of the the ink creatures are also weakened by rain and water.

Lion-Dog- Sumi's most often-used attack drawing, Lion dogs are strong, swift and able to coordinate to pin down or attack enemies or guard targets and intercept threats to them while keeping Sumi at a range from her opponents. Sumi can currently create up to two at once.

Hawk-This bird of prey ink beast comes in both a giant and normal sized variant. The giant variant currently uses up so much chakra that she can't maintain other ink beasts while using it. It can be ridden and is mostly used for aerial transportation and reconnaissance. The normal sized hawk variants are used as to perform aerial attacks at range and to transport messages and small objects swiftly over long distances. Sumi can currently create up to two normal sized hawks at once.

Snake- A stealthier ink beast, able to move and hide unnoticed, creep up surfaces and slip through even the tiniest crevices due to its flat and thin form and soundless movement. Sumi mainly uses Snakes in order to trap and bind opponents with constrictor strikes from hiding, though they could also employ their fangs for assassination tactics if necessary. She can currrently create up to two at once.

Rat- Tiny, simple and discreet, Sumi mostly uses Rat-type ink beasts to scout and search areas spread out in multiple directions or to deliver messages and small objects stealthily. Because of their small size and simplicity to draw, Sumi is able to create up to six at once.

Tiger-LOCKED- A larger and more powerful version of Sumi's Lion Dogs, used to overwhelm and attack enemies at range or pin them down with intense strength. Not able to do this at present

Dragon-LOCKED- Another large and powerful Ink Beast, which can be thought of as an upgraded version of Sumi's Giant Hawk. Can fly and perform powerful aerial attacks as well as carrying many people. Not able to do this at present.

  • Chakra Scalpel-This medical technique forms one's chakra into a small, sharp blade. This can then be used for highly accurate incisions necessary for surgeries and anatomical dissections. Unlike regular scalpels, the chakra scalpel can make cuts inside the body without actually creating an open wound, limiting the risks of an infection.
    The chakra scalpel can also be used offensively to inflict internal damage, although it requires great precision to be effective. Because of this requirement, using the chakra scalpel offensively is highly unusual. In heated combat, even the greatest medical-nin won't be able to exert the precision needed to target the vital spots, but it can still effectively cut muscle tissues and tendons, rendering the target immobile.

  • Mystical Palm Technique - The user applies their hand to a wounded part of the body and sends chakra into it, accelerating the body's natural healing abilities. Although its most obvious use is as a way of treating external injuries, it can also be used for internal illnesses. Users must be careful to only use as much chakra as is needed for the specific injury. If too much chakra is sent into the body, this can disrupt the body's circulation, putting it into a comatose state. Sumi is able to heal cuts, bruises and minor fractures, and has some experience using it to treat very minor illnesses thanks to her research's focus on her own illlness.

  • Substitution Jutsu- The instant before they are to be struck by an attack, the user replaces themselves with a block of wood or something similar and then hides nearby. Because the attack does hit something, opponents may briefly believe that they've successfully struck the user. Because it needs to be used the instant before an attack lands, the substitution may not work and more experienced opponents can quickly figure out the trick.

Gear: A large paper scroll Sumi carries on her back that also has a compartment for ink and her brush.

Ninja Pouch: (List the exact tools that are in your tool bag, or what tools you have to assist you. There are 2 types of pouches;

  • The black case on the leg that is limited to a max 2 scrolls, 4 shuriken, 6 ninja stars, 5 thin snack bars, and other thin or small items.
  • The brown pack on the waist is larger and consists of three slots for keeping throw able and attachable tools with its base maximum per slot being 10 tools. That means 30 items total.

You can have a max of 2 packs, but the limit total will still be 30, and everything must be listed on BOTH bags.

Down below is an example that you can use, edit, or reference:

    • 1 mini-guidebook on common poisons and antidotes
    • 10 Senbon Needles
    • 3 Kunai
    • 3 Smoke Bombs
    • 2 Flash Bombs
    • 3 Explosive tags
    • 1 small spools of bandages
    • 1 small container of purified water, for drinking or medical purposes
    • 1 small container of anasthetic, for numbing pain, sedating patients and knocking out enemies
    • 3 medical pills that boost endurance, alertness and ease of oxygen intake, for treating respiratory attacks or fatigue.
    • 1 spool of medical grade suture wire
    • 1 ration bar, sour plum flavor


Personality: Sumi is driven by a desire to prove that she's more than her illness and to help her village as a famous medic nin. She grew up spending a lot of time on her own due to her condition and wants to make friends painfully badly, but she also does not have the social skills to make friends easily and can get extremely anxious and almost mute around people she doesn't know well, or when called upon to speak unexpectedly. To get over her fears and issues with situational mutism, she sometimes practices talking to her created ink beasts, or to drawings of the people she'd like to befriend. This can also lead to further unexpected issues when those she talks to divert from the 'script' she was expecting, though in that case she usually does her best to push through. In contrast to her usual social ineptitude and fear, Sumi is extremely comfortable when discussing medical details or dealing with anyone who could be classified as a 'patient' of hers, as the pragmatism and 'bedside manner mode' of dealing with sick people necessary to doctors is territory she's more familiar with. She'll go on and on about the way a particular medicinal plant or poisonous one could hurt or harm and the best medicines to derive from them, and be bold when ordering a patient to follow treatment but she struggles with more everyday conversation. She's also a little more comfortable when talking about her art, as her passion overrides her usual hangups and she partially started her drawing as a way to express herself when her words felt trapped, either due to anxiety or shortness of breath.

Sumi's parents were extremely overprotective and sheltering of her for most of her life, which sometimes makes her resentful of them and both of her older siblings. If she feels other people are similarly babying her, she's likely to lash out at them surprisingly harshly or even take riskier actions than she should in an attempt to prove their perceptions of her wrong. She's not an angry or violent person by nature however, and while her parents have repeatedly taught her that sometimes the best way to save lives is to take the life of another, she'll always try to stop violence nonlethally and deescalate conflict before hurting others. Despite the hardships and physical suffering she's gone through in her life, she remains a keen optimist, and so far nothing has broken her determination to become Konoha's greatest medic ninja and befriend everyone she can.
  • Likes: (Minimum 4)
    • Trying to make friends
    • Drawing and Caligraphy
    • Animals
    • Sour and Salty Food
    • Books and Studying
  • Dislikes: (Minimum 4)
    • Unexpected Social Activity/Conversations
    • Sweet foods
    • Crowded/Loud Places
    • Insects and Spiders
    • Being Pitied or Babied

History: Sumi Umezawa was born to a pair of now retired medic-nin and medicine sellers who ran Umezawa Pharmacy, and was the youngest of three children. While her two older siblings were born healthy and without issues, Sumi was born weak and sickly with chronic issues with her lungs. A lot of her early childhood was spent cooped up in the hospital while her parents and other doctors tried new treatments, surgeries and medications. Even after she was relatively stable and old enough to go to school, her parents were constantly hovering and watching her for any signs of worsening illness or weakness and rarely let her out of their sight. Sumi had a bright mind and a desire to follow in their footsteps as frontline medic-nin, protecting her classmates as they'd protected their comrades in the last Great Ninja War. Her parents insisted that if she really wanted to go into medicine, she should work as a doctor or a surgeon, far away from any battlefields. She refused to compromise, instead working even harder to catch up to her classmates and push her body to its limits and beyond, which only worried her parents further. When she did have to spend time in the hospital she used it as a chance to read medical texts to keep up her studies and gain clues to her curing her own condition, or escaped into drawing the people, landscape and animals she could see from her sickroom window.

Despite her best efforts, she was held back from graduating and becoming a Genin at 13, citing her lack of physical ability and insufficient taijutsu skill. She was devastated at first, and her parents tried to use it as another opportunity to convince her to give up on being a ninja. But Sumi refused to let go of her dream, even sneaking out of the hospital to train herself further. Finally, her parents reluctantly acknowledged that she wouldn't back down from her goal and started personally assisting in her training. Over the next year they also used their pharmaceutical knowledge to develop the pills that she carries with her to treat flareups of her condition on the battlefield. At 14, Sumi was at last able to graduate and become a Genin, taking the first step towards her dream. She accepted her parents' congratulations warmly, all the while doing her best not to notice the worry in their eyes and the tightness in their smiles.

Future Profession: (What job would you want to see your character end up doing?) Medic Nin, Active Duty Jonin


  • Sumi's favorite food is pickled plums, she likes their intensely sour flavor and dislikes sweet foods and snacks.
  • Sumi is blissfully unaware that she's a terrible cook and insists on including medicinal plants and herbs in dishes she makes, which often gives them a highly sour and bitter flavor. However, they are incredibly nutritious if one can stomach her cooking and she insists her food can even speed recovery from illness and wounds.
  • Whenever she's too anxious or overwhelmed to speak, Sumi will start writing down her words instead to show them to others. She takes advantage of the high-speed brushstrokes of her Ink Jutsu in order to do this.
  • Sumi's name means 'elegant' but can also sound close to 'Ink Stone'.
  • While she's generally not very athletic, as an artist and aspiring medical ninja, Sumi is very proud of the speed and precision of her hands and arms. This talent has yet to be trained to its fullest, as she still makes mistakes when speed drawing her ink jutsu, throwing shuriken or forming written and hand seals in combat, and when operating in medical ninjutsu while her precision is top class, her speed suffers.


(Do not edit my post)

The Hokage placed your genin application in front of her to read the specifics of your application, and to take a look at the photo you submitted for your file. Sitting to the right of her was the head of the ninja academy school where you learned basic shinobi skills, and to the right of him was your instructor for the years you attended. “So,” she glanced up at you. “What are your thoughts on Konohagakure?”

"Um, ah..." Sumi fidgited briefly and then took a deep breath, gathering her words and steeling her resolve. "Konoha is my home, the only one I've ever known. I've seen how kind the people here can be...even when they think I'm weak or not useful...and I've seen them...get hurt and sick. So I...I want to protect our village with all of my strength! I want to become someone who makes the village feel safe and who helps them, like everyone here has helped me! Konoha is a place that deserves people like that!"

Letting the response simmer in the air for a moment the Hokage continued on to the next question. There wasn’t a required interview process for these simple approval proceedings as they were to only make sure their basic information, family affiliation, and scores were up to par. Otherwise the Hokage was simply congratulating them for passing, and to welcome them into the Shinobi forces. But, from time to time she wanted to gauge what kind of shinobi she was approving. Was the academy truly preparing these young ninja, or were they going to get a rude awakening? “I see,” she simply said. “Then let me ask you this.” Readjusting in her seat the Hokage leaned forward. “Say you’re on a mission, and your comrade got hurt badly enough to bring the mission to a dead stop,” She paused. “The enemy is right on your tail as this happens. Stopping to tend to your comrade will mean a battle with the enemy, but you’ve both agreed that you all will do anything to complete this mission. On top of that, it’s vital you complete this S-Ranked mission as Konohagakure is relying on your success.” Pausing once again to let her words sink in the Hokage proceeded. “What do you do?” She raised her arms to provide 2 scenario examples. “Do you leave your comrade to complete the mission with the rest of your squad, or save your comrade and run into the enemy?” There was no wrong answer as both tended to happen more often than not when in the field. It was up to this Genin to decide where their values lie.

This time there was no hesitation from Sumi and she spoke without any fear. "If my comrade were injured, it would be my duty as a medical-ninja to stop and care for them! Not only that, but it would be the only acceptable answer as their friend! I would heal and treat my comrade as best I could, and then face down the enemy to buy them time and protect them! It may endanger me and risk failure for the mission but a doctor who abandons her patient, and a ninja who abandons her comrade, both are worse than scum! No, no I would find a way to help my comrade escape or support them to fight our way clear and heal them as necessary as many times as it took to get them safely home. Um..." She blinked and looked slightly embarrassed at her own outburst. "that's my answer, yeah."

As the genin provided their answer the Hokage took in each word. The academy can never provide real world scenarios that truly tested their inner epiphanies, but it did start opening these children up to what they may face on the battlefield. The Hokage nodded once and picked up the stamp of approval. Swiftly stamping the genin application in front of her Taubaki moved the paper aside as she glanced once more at the new genin in front of her. “Anything you’d like to add before we complete the meeting?”

"Um...well...just...thank you, Lord Hokage, everyone, for giving me this chance. I promise, I won't let the village down. I'm going to become a medical ninja...who will make you all proud."
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