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Realistic or Modern Love You Once, Love You Still~ couples rp~



New Member

So, you've met someone...whether you've just met, or you've known each other for years, you've found someone who just seems to get you so well. There's no way to really explain how you feel, or why, but one thing is for sure - you really do love this person, and can see yourself falling in love with them more and more with every passing moment. Things could never change, could they?


But here's the thing about love - everyone always wants to talk about the good side of love. They want to talk about that amazing feeling you get inside when you meet the one, how you feel like you're on cloud nine, how you feel like there's nothing you wouldn't do to make sure your significant other is always happy and well taken care of. But what about the downsides of love? The times when everything gets tougher - arguments, not seeing eye to eye, heartbreak, and so on. No one ever wants to talk about that side of it, but no one can hide from it. It's inevitable that problems will arise all throughout any and every relationship. The difference between those who stay together and those who don't? Tenacity and true love. No matter what, people who truly love each other will fight and do whatever they have to, in order to make it work, because they always know it will be worth it.
So, will you stick by the saying, "Loved you once, love you still. Always have, always will," or will you toss it all out the window, seeing that it just won't work out, and look elsewhere for love?
They both work at a local animal shelter and absolutely adore cats. Of course, as one would have guessed, they met at the shelter they volunteer at. They've been together for about a year, but things aren't the best for them right now. There's a little friction between them, causing them to occasionally argue and bicker a little. Somehow, they've always found a way to set aside their differences soon after any fight, but will they continue to live like this? Or will they call it quits, soon?
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name middle last| age | player | Page number

Puppy Love
They are both huge dog lovers, and couldn't imagine living a life without the furry little companions. They take their dogs to the dog park quite often in their free time. They're constantly running into each other there - and, on occasion, they've met outside the dog park. When they finally decide to befriend one another and start hanging out more often, will something more grow between them? Or will they end up hating each other and end up never speaking to one another ever again?
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name middle last | age |player | Page number

You Lassoed My Heart
water sunsets animals models couple horses lovers 5456x3709 wallpaper_www.wallpaperhi.com_11.jpg
This couple is obsessed with horses - they both enjoy entering various horse competitions, from rodeo, to jumping competitions, to English riding. They met six months ago, just about, and thought it was a match made in heaven. The two are very competitive, and sometimes this can lead to quite a bit of arguing. They constantly accuse each other of cheating - and not just in riding, but in a lot of other aspects - video games, contests, and even in their relationship, just to name a few. Whether their accusations are true or false, they'll either have to find a way to set aside their differences, or just call it quits. What will happen between them? Well, only time will tell.
Name middle last | Age | player | Page#
Name middle last| Age | player| Page#

Popularity or Love?
He's the boy who no one really notices and has only a friend or two - if even that. She was the princess of the school - every boy wants her, every girl wants to be her, and life was good. Until these two worlds collided, that is. Ever since the two have been dating, the girl's friends have been shaming her, saying she needs to choose between her lover and her group of friends and status. So, will she choose popularity over love, or will she persevere and stay with the boy?
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name middle last | age |player | Page number

Peace, Love, and Art
She's in to painting and drawing - it's her life. When she's not busy with something else, you'll most likely find her behind a sketchpad or a easel and canvas, allowing her imagination to run wild. He's a sculptor and photographer, constantly finding creative photos to take at crazy or beautiful angles, or sculpting the extraordinary world he sees inside his head. When the two worlds collide, everything just seemed so perfect. But as time goes on and they learn more about each other underneath the surface, will they stay together? Or will the relationship fall apart? And if they stay together, will a huge opportunity in the art community that one of them is offered break them?
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name middle last | age |player | Page number

Hollywood's Newest Love Story
Whoa, Stop the presses! The rumors are true! A famous musician has been in LA after attending an awards show. But he's not spending his time alone - it appears he's met a girl, who is just a local of the area. Up until now, the public eye had never been on her. They have been photographed spending quite a bit of time together, lately. Despite the claims, the two lovebirds are desperately trying to keep the relationship a secret, denying any romantic relations with the other. But when rumors start to spread and angry fans start sending hate towards the girl, will they be able to maintain their relationship, or will it go spiraling out of control?
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(The celebrity role will not be played by a real celebrity - a face claim can be used, but he cannot be the actual person)

Lips Are Dripping Honey
The typical good girl and the bad boy - she's the goodie that always works hard, gets good grades, and does what she's told. She's loyal and faithful to people she loves and cares about. He, on the other boy, is the exact opposite. He breaks the rules, viewing them as things that are meant to be broken. He is a charming, smooth-talker that girls swoon over, nonetheless. But he's also a heartbreaker. What happens when this good girl catches this boy's eye? Will she be the one, or will he just toss her aside like all the rest?
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name middle last | age |player | Page number
-Be nice, don't exclude anyone, and if someone needs a recap, please give them one.
-No god-modding/powerplaying.
-No Mary Sues/Gary Stus.
-Don't date/crush on your own characters. They may be ex's, friends, family, etc. - just not currently dating/crushing on each other.
-Straight characters only, please. I have nothing against other sexualities, but it would kind of mess with the girl:boy ratio for this RP and whatnot.
-Have your characters interact with more people than just their lovers! ^.^ They can have friends and enemies (there's a reason I added that to the form I have below). Just PM people and ask if your characters can be friends or enemies, honestly I think it would make things a lot more fun. c:
-Please be active if you join, inactivity is what kills the roleplays (and that's never fun, is it? ;-;). Please let me know if you will be absent for some reason - if you're inactive for a week without notice, you'll have to be kicked out so that someone else may join. However, if, for some reason, you couldn't let me know and were absent for a while, I will let you back in, given the spot isn't taken by someone else (if it is and you really want back in, PM me and I'll try to work something out, such as adding an extra of the same couple or creating a new one that you want to do).

-Reservations last 24 hours, unless you need more time for a good, legitimate reason.
-I'll provide a form. But, if you would rather use your own, go ahead, it's up to you.
Just be sure to include the basics, at least, as well as the couple(s) your character(s) are in. Also, feel free to change the color coding, if you do so wish to. c:
-Please try to write at least 4 or 5 sentences minimum per post. I understand WB can plague us, at times, and that's fine, but don't make 1-liners in practically every post, please! "She laughed," or "He sighed," aren't sentences.
-PM me reservations, please!
-pm to be a mod
-Have fun, of course!

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