Lord Hunter, Inir Warden


One Thousand Club

Name: Inir Warden

*Aliases: Lord Hunter, The Bastard, Warden.

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Character Alignment: Lawful Neutral (Follows it's own code.)

Race: Cithera'no [*1]

Organizations\Affiliations: Knights of the Vodsh'ka. (The Knights of the Vodsh'ka work alike 'Justicars' fighting by the code known as 'The Old Ways' which stands that everyone must stand alone by it's claim, meaning everyone that wants something must take it with the prize of steel. Generally, a Knight / Lord is followed with a squire, regardless; some are known to never choose a companion that helps the Lord with the common doing, such as diplomacy terms. )

Class: Vodsh'ka's Lordosh, (Void's Lord) 

Relatives: The Grand Walker, rightful king of the Cithera'nos

Appearance:  Inir Warden is the product of strange mechanics and metal alloys that cover it's body completely. It's dark-grey body that reaches around 6 feet has pale skin underneath with purple veins. Citheres, even though have the same limbs and body portions alike a human would, instead of hair they grow purple like feathers on the top and may grow longer until reach shoulder length. Upon Inir's case, he doesn't have any for he extracts them. He always wear the same clothes and armor pieces, repairing it whenever he can; and a helmet with a scar crossing it's front from a duel he had long time ago.

Personality: Honest, proud, secure, poet and just. 

Backstory: Despite most of the Citheres growing along side their true and only purpose on the world, Inir Warden hasn't. For different reasons, he found itself lost in a vast jungle without a true identity. Beyond of a name, Inir had little to start with since a little Cith'na (Small birth) ignoring it's purpose since he never spoke or had any interaction with The Vodsh'ka [*2]

Over the years, he learned how to fight on his own ways, becoming autodidact. Being the Citheres creatures that inherit all knowledge from their ancestors,  he also learned the ways of the Citheres and their combat style, also their ability to forge weapons and armor.

Not so long ago, the knowledge stored upon his mind grasped the surface of ancient knowledge, waiting to be awaken, giving Inir Warden the power to connect with it's god Vodsh'ka, gaining a small power that he started to harness in order to gain a purpose... for this he named himself, Lord Hunter Warden, The Cin'Ka (Bastard).

Now... now he is again searching for his true purpose killing and helping, saving and dooming, all that must be done in order to bring justice, it's god's justice.

Weapons & Armor: Lord Hunter wears it's rudimentary armor, even though it lacks of organization, it's strong and has a very good endurance. He also has a bastard sword without a sharp edge for he uses it to break, not to cut, and a shorter sword he use only if disarmed.

  • Heavy armor
  • 2 Swords

Items & Personal Belongings: A dark-blue cape with many holes and scratches by time and use.

Skills & Abilities: The type of sword he has as main weapon allows Lord Hunter, not to break, but crush people's armor, breaking any bones. It's rudimentary armor has also gave him the ability to deflect attacks with ease without using his blade to parry it away. 

  • Sword-man, combat posture. (He is powerful before armed melee foes.)
  • Philosopher. (Has the ability to avoid people from committing radical reactions or actions.)
  • Edit: Break guards. (Uses his sword's hilt, grabbing it by the blade and using it as a hammer. Defense postures are broken, shields and armor are highly affected.)

Spells & Magic: Being too young upon the path of being a Vodsh'ka's learner, he domains the ability to use his mind to either push or pull object and beings ten meters around him, though consumes a great amount of his own life-energy. [*3] A passive power given in birth, he is capable to consume the energy of any object that irradiates it, as long as it does not comes with harm (Stars, flames, sun, etc)

  • Telekinesis. (Has the ability to take objects from great distance, stop them or push them away - 10 meters to 25.)
  • Telepathy. (Has the ability to speak with the mind. If the user is weak enough, he can hear thoughts.)
  • Surroundings Awareness. (Has the ability to sense the essence of creatures if he is static.)

Weaknesses: It's helmet, even if impossible to break by common ways, it's a double sharpen sword that avoids Hunter's view, limiting his glance. At times of pure darkness, where there is no light; Lord Hunter has limitations to his physical abilities though it's magic grows stronger. His own personality is against him, lacking of the ability to lie, every action that concerns to stealth, robbery or intrigue will be impossible to be committed.

  • Honesty.
  • Lacks self-perception.
  • Lacks of common nourishment.

*Quote\s: "Try to remember. Always keep purpose ahead of feelings."

*Theme: https://flat.io/score/571f8cd8239c01ab206e7270

Other : 

  •  Cithera'no : The Citheres became a recent specie when a strange anomaly, (a god, a creature that lives in essence without a physical body) called the "Vodsh'ka" commonly known as "The Void" raised a corpse from it's grave and changed it's identity. The Void would give it a new form, shaping it for hundred of years before it was ready to fight on it's name. To hide the skin and other parts that weren't completely transformed, Citheres wear armor, helmets and new names all the time, in order to obey it's god's will with nothing but devotion. Citheres have only one purpose, serve the Void's will for it gave them life and an one true mind.

  • Vodsh'ka : Even though this is being has the entity of an towering / imposing creature, it request more than just it's own will to craft it's path to this power. A correlative bound is forged between the Vodsh'ka and every single living being, empowering the Void whenever one kills another for a short period of time. (The interaction with life and dead gives the Void power, it's practical use. Meaning that sentiments / emotions that blind beings from committing it's purpose would only withdraw the Void from harvesting it's fruits.)

  • Life-Energy : The Life Energy is a subconscious connection with the physical world and the Void itself. It is what gives the Cithere the power to use The Void's connection as a tool / companion on the physical world. However this power does only changes in different directions since it's considered the opposite side of Void, the other side of the coin. (If the Void empowers does who approve the Order, the energy would be wilder and gift power to those who act by intuition. Yet, one can not live without the other.) The life energy can be full, not improved, by anything that is build by it. (Anything that is on flames or irradiates heat...)

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