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Looking for 1x1


Hello, I'm Sophie-chan! I'm looking for a 1x1 Roleplay and I'm up for any genre and situation friend s relationships enemies anything Plus fxm mxm fxf! Please comment an idea so We can start an Amazing Roleplay! Please Comment!
Oh it's okay, I only learned fbl just yesterday. It means forbidden love roleplay

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Yeah... I kind of had a dream about it so ^^

Anyways I was kind of thinking like different tribes or species.

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Then a male and female (or if you want to do something else then fXm) fall in love when one attacks the other one but let's them go. This interests the other into finding out why the first had let them go then magically thy find that they love eachother but it's forbidden to love another from the other (tribe or species)

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xXBlackMoonXx said:
Then a male and female (or if you want to do something else then fXm) fall in love when one attacks the other one but let's them go. This interests the other into finding out why the first had let them go then magically thy find that they love eachother but it's forbidden to love another from the other (tribe or species)
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I guess... FxM FxF or MxM?

TribeFBL Or Species FBL


Who's attacker, who's investigator//Who's who?

Sorry if it might seem like I'm taking over or asking to many questions, I just want to know what's going to happen.

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Don't stress I think the pairing should be up to you! I really don't mind!

I think the tribes FBL

The more feminine one should be the investigator were the more masculine one should be the attacker
Alright I think we might do a FxM

Do you want to be the male character or the female character?

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Like the skeleton to make the character, ie.






This is the skelly

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