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OOC Little Talks

Xenthriss said:
I imagined his voice coming more from the throat and chest than the mouth and lips. Phlegmatic, deep, and drawling on consonants. Nearly void of any emotions but humour and anger, he sounds both ancient and powerful.
You should have explained it like that in your early posts, rather than stretching out words, perhaps? Or not :P

Anyway the reason why I haven't moved on with the plot is Lareo. I sent him a PM last night informing him that if he wished to post he could do so in the next 12 hours. He has 4 hours remaining from this time exactly. After that, I will conclude the current chapter and add a decent amount of content for you to enjoy until Chapter II becomes available. Namely your power sections of character sheets and books for Archives.

Chapter I is officially ended! I wish to thank you all for your brilliant posts and displayed interest, and to inform you that the next chapter will begin within a day or two. Meanwhile expect to see a few more books and entries unlocked in the Archives, and of course your powers explained to a great degree in your respective character sheets.

I am truthfully looking forward to resuming playing with you again before long ;)
It looks like I'll be out of town and without connection to internet so please, please don't harass Dina while I'm away >.<
I have been away and unable to post for the last two days, and tomorrow will be pretty much the same. I am updating my games now though, with real progress bound to take place the day after tomorrow. Thank you for your patience.

Chapter II is now officially launched. Extremely sorry for the delay. I have been busy with the kind of work that kept me away from home, and I was too tired to write overnight. I have posted in the new chapter and the world map has been updated as well with the location of Aboran. Enjoy, and hopefully we can resume posting on a regular basis again.

Also, I have now started using location/time stamps in places where it is relevant.

Thanks :)
I granted you the liberty of defining your sleeping arrangements by not mentioning how many rooms you took or how your settled matters, but it appears Petal wants badly to sleep with all of you, so there you have it.
Two things...

First is, I'm assuming all the luggage our fellows would have prepared got taken along with them? Henvei travels prepared, and quite so...

Second is, I do have internet out here, but I'd still like to say that I am out of town, and thus, posting might be spotty. As I was writing this, I lost my signal, and had to wait for it to come back to send this. Sooooo Doc might be slow, bear with me guys D: Should just be for a week...
We'll try to accommodate the Doctor for this week. Does this mean you are unable to post at all, or can you put together a post or two during this time of absence? It is really a bad idea to move on with important events without your character participating.
I can post for the most part; my connection is spotty as I'm using a rather dubious wireless source...

However, there is a functioning computer in the house, and it's connected to a land line. The local library has hi-speed, so I should for the most part be connected. I'd like to try to use my laptop as it has all my text editors and documents on it ready to go, but if I have to I can use those other machines.

Still, I'm very lucky to even have this wireless, as I don't have to leave the house where I'm staying to get it, and it's strongest on the front porch, which is probably the greatest place in the world to get writing done :D

In the end, yes I will be able to post, hopefully daily if not every other day.
I believe I would very much like it if I were able to join you. Sounds good.

We shall contain the events within the current village for this week then. Make sure to notify us when you return home, Doctor. Meanwhile you can all take the time to get to know each other, explore the setting, inn and beyond. I did not plan anything in particular, I rarely do, but I am an excellent improvisor.

Lareo, careful when you take control of NPCs. This turned out well, but exercise caution. You guessed the innkeeper's reactions properly this time.
Well, I doubt anyone would try to challenge a Dwarf, carrying a massive battle axe on his back. :cool:

Plus, if we can't take a little control of non-important NPCs, what fun are they? ;)
By all means, do control NPCs at times, just be careful about which ones and to what extent (never those I am actively controlling). In the future it may clash with my brilliant plans.

Which I don't have, because I generally improvise in the last second. But pretend you don't know that ^^
Pretend I don't know what? No idea what you're talking about Wolfie! Are you drunk or something? :eek:

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