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Realistic or Modern || Lilyrose Academy || (Character Sheet)

Name: Hanah Solo
Nickname(/s): Red
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Bi, submissive
Year Level: 8
Appearance: Screenshot-83.jpg
Weight: 57 lbs
Height: 4 feet and 2 inches
Complexion: pale
Other markings/tattoos or piercings: tattooed numbers at her shoulder
If pregnant how many months: 3
Farther of your child if applicable: stranger.
How many children: Doesn't know
Allergies or medical notes: malnourished and shorter than others from her age.
Habits/Traits: breaking and putting back together mechanical stuff.
Likes: Mechanical stuff
Dislikes: loud noices, big crowds
Personality: Hanah is shy, timid, clumsy and submissive. She's interested to anything mechanical. She likes to explore how mechanical engineers and other stuff is made and try to repair them or modify them.
History: Hanah was rescued from human trafficking only couple weeks ago. Public officers find out that she was daughter of missing girl 13 years ago, that girl's family didn't want her and that she was pregnant.
Other: Hanah has problem with speaking, she can't say R, T and K (some times C) right.
She hasn't get used to be called whit her name or call others with name.
She doesn't know how to read.
Dorm Room: (Will be given once accepted, please add in afterwards)
Dorm Partner: (Will be given once accepted, please add in afterwards)
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