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Realistic or Modern Lights Out


Pirate Captain

Signup Rules

Every character has flaws. Nobody is perfect. Please put alternate weaknesses to your character's strengths.

Please make sure to follow your character personality when RPing. That's all!



Appearance (Any image, whether real life, anime, or more, is fine.):




Strengths (Be reasonable):


Biography (Optional):
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Name: Maxwell Richards (Max)


Appearance:profile picture/ He also has scars on his back and chest he claims came from a car wreck

Attire: tan Kakey pants,Blue checkered shirt,Brown vest, vans slip-on Shoes,and a fedora sometimes

Personality: Max is Shy but will stand up for his beliefs if he needs. He can be short and rude from time to time but will usually be decent to whoever he meets

Weapon:carries his bow and a pocket knife

Strengths: Archery and general survival knowledge,and some basic engineering knowledge, as well as knowing Mandarin and Spanish

Weaknesses: Stubborn, Short tempered, often jumps the gun and goes into situations without thinking, Doesn't trust anyone, he has a injured knee that occasionally gets to him, Extremely self critical, has flashbacks of an event from his past at random times, I could probably keep going but I feel that's probably pretty good

Biography: Have a large biography but will not post as i prefer that stuff be learned through Rp but I will say

He was orphaned when he was nine and that he did archery in school

like I said more can be found out in Rp
Name: Nikki Evans

Appearance and Attire:

View media item 3945

Personality: Nikki is quite a decent person at first, but she has some anger issues. She feels the need to control most people, and she tends to hyperventilate regularly when she experiences mixed emotions.

Weapon: Arnis, Cutter


- Fast runner

- Skilled in arnis


- Afraid of heights

- Gets thirsty real quick

(now that was quick)
Name: Hannah Richard

Age: 17


Personality: Hannah is a closed off girl who doesn't interact with most people. She doesn't know what kids her age like or do and tends to stay away. She is cold hearted when someone tries to seek pity and kind when something horrible happens and someone can't take it. She refuses to do anything unnecessary and won't listen to you if she believes it is a waste of her time.

Weapon: .32 caliber handgun and a bow and arrow that her mother kept stored in the basement.

Strengths: Observant, perfect memory, shooting, hiding her emotions, being calm in most situations.

Weaknesses: Talking to people, listening to what people say, showing her emotions, her impatience.

Biography: Hannah was born into a home where beatings and abuse were frequent and love and caring was rare. Her mother was a drug addict and moved watching her suffer or, in most cases, struggle for her life. Her father was an alcoholic who loved beating her everytime she showed any emotion. Outside of her home, she was a constant target for bullying. She locked her heart away from those around her and hid from her everyday life the day her parents were killed by a serial murderer. Not wanting to move, she killed the killer then buried all three bodies in the woods on the outskirts of the town she had lived in before moving. Already having graduated from high school at the age of ten, she found some odd jobs to help pay the bills of her new apartment home and then got a job once she turned sixteen.
Name: Penelope Jenna Smith

Age: 16

Appearance: SamEnding.png

Attire: A black coat with a red shirt and blue jeans. She also wears running shoes and a hiking backpack.

Personality: Though she is strong willed, Penelope can also be very manipulative, intelligent and oppurtunistic, sometimes making her endanger the group. This is the reason why I survive, she says, though sometimes people might say it's total "BS" as she gets to kill from afar while they have to land a close attack on attackers. When they do this, she always replies "Come with me to the town. I'll get you a gun." Which often gets them out of the argument. She does her best to keep the group afloat, but sometimes fails.

Weapon: Bolt-Action Rifle and Metal Baseball Bat


Penelope is a skilled marksman, having trained with her mother.

She can also be skilled when it comes to distanced melee, sometimes wielding a metal baseball bat.


She is not at all skilled at up-close combat (fighting with knife, hammer, hatchet)

She is fast in reloading and firing, but slow with slashing and stabbing, always too preoccupied in looking for a perfect shot.

Miles Malcolm

Height || 5'11"

Age || 19

Gender || Male

Sexual Orientation || Pansexual

Personality || Miles is laid back for every occasion. Funeral? Meh. Horrible accident? Whatever. Apocalyptic anarchy? Please. Yawn! And no, he is not a psychopath. He can express emotions like happiness, sadness, worry, all those human feelings, he just doesn't take things all that seriously and doesn't worry. He figures that worrying does literally nothing to mend the problem, but remaining calm and acting does. While some may see this ability to quite literally flip the switch on his emotions, it can be a problem sometimes too. Remaining dead inside for tough situations isn't exactly good for anyone. He is caring for others, to an extent and most often jokes about the situation. Even during this tough time, he's smiling and laughing like it's a game. But there is a good thing about functioning like a psychopath now: No remorse for those he kills.

|| Strengths ||

- No hesitation

- Has spent a lot of time studying things like Tae Kwon Do, Karate, and all that spiritual fighting. That, paired with a little yoga, and he's almost like a nimble ninja!

- He's studying to become a medical professional meaning he knows a thing or two about how to treat a wound among other things

|| Weaknesses ||

- No hesitation (Yes, this is twice)

- He is strictly vegetarian. He was vegan but with everything burning, he made an exception on the animal byproducts. However, under no condition will he eat meat.

- He's a little careless and has the worst aim. Give him a gun and he'll hit everything but the enemy. That might scare them away though!

|| Weapon ||

- His fists, yo!

- His karate swords he got when completing the first stage of black belt . They still have a little of his blood on them, too!


- A little butterfly knife he bought at a flea market on whim. It may not cut that deep but doesn't he look like a badass?


History || Miles grew up in a family all about the healthy stuff. Surprising that it would rub off on him and more, right? His family consumed organic foods and tofu and they were all about nature. Incense was burning constantly in his house and most of what they had was all organic too. Still, they found they couldn't part with electronics so they settled with buying high efficiency items. No one would believe these two hippy parents were actually highly respected lawyers. They met in law school and it's always a cute story Miles loved to hear. Miles however found he was interested in other things. He knew he wanted to be a doctor since he was six and he fell off his bike. After skinning his arm to the bone and watching the doctor stitch him up intently, without the slightest worry, he said he wanted to do the same thing. For years, he visited that doctor at work and liked to watch some of the things he did. Sadly the doctor was rather old and passed away when Miles was fifteen. Being now that the world was descending into Chaos, he figured there's not much hope of him following his dream or, at least not the way he thought he would.


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Here's a link:

RP Characters

They all wear cloing issued by the orphanage they used to live in. (Gray cotton shirt and blue jeans)

Cali has a gun, and Jonah has a small bow and arrow. Hannah has a dagger.

The entire family is hiding in the home.

I will be playing Cali and Jonah, but the rest of the characters, especially Hannah occasionally chime in because they are always with Cali and Jonah. Hannah is often by herself, doing something to try and 'help' Cali.


Name: Allison

Age: 15

Appearance (Any image, whether real life, anime, or more, is fine.):

Attire: A white tee shirt, that is a little form fitting, a small black leather jacket, that isn't zipped up, and she has black leggings and brown knee high leather boots.

Personality: Allison is deaf, she was exploring very old war grounds one do and triggered a landmine, her body was bruised and broken but the most damaging part is that she can't hear. She uses sign language but can talk, she's kind, quiet and shy, she helps everybody. Even somebody who had a gun pointed to her head, she never speaks really, and can give you this look that just makes you want to smile, she has warm friendly eyes and they immediately want you to feel at home with just one glance from her.

She usually maintains a blank face, but not sour though. She's sensitive but never showed her emotions, she's also very curious.

Weapon: She has a hunting knife but she mainly uses her sharp silver, long machete.

Strengths (Be reasonable): Sign language, medican, healing, herbs, cooking, smart, wilderness survival, using her machete.



Being social

Being fun


Biography (Optional): WIP

Spencer Edwards


Attire: T- shirt, old black leather jacket, jeans, boots.

Personality: In a sentence, Spencer is the kind of guy who "Doesn't give a flying f***." He travels alone and is likely to shoot first and ask later.

Weapon: Handgun. And if all else fails, his trusty pocket-knife he got for Christmas a while back.

Strengths (Be reasonable): He is fit and agile, and most of his strength is upper-body. He's a fast runner as well.

Weaknesses: His aggressive nature has put Spencer into quite a few problems in the past.

Age: 18

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