Lights! Camera! Action!

sunshine and whiskey

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Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
@TanTanEatsPancakes, @Saaaaaarah, @Rise of Albion, @giraffesarebetter, @SirDerpingtonIV

Here we shall discuss plot details. The characters relations. Etc Etc.

You're on top of the world, and you have everything anyone could want: money to feed the entire world (not that you ever would, of course) for a week, an impressive resume that includes pages of bestselling movies, and drop dead gorgeous looks. Now imagine this: You're invited to be part of the cast of a new TV show titled XOXO, a TV show that tells the story of eight teenagers who are best friends, living in Malibu. They are relatively normal kids. Well, except for the fact that they're pretty damn rich and somehow manage to have sex millions of times without getting STD's or pregnant more than once.

This is going to be a hit! Bigger than 9010, Vampire Diaries, Gossip Girl! Everyone's going to be watching, and you better have the skills to make the emotions look pretty damn real and raw. And of course, you do; how else did you make it past callbacks?

But here's the thing: You're also being taped behind the scenes, part of a new reality TV show. Rumors will be spread by paid crew members who were hired to create drama and tension between the cast. You're going to fall in and out of love millions of times, have hurried hook ups that are going to be taped; let's just say you have absolutely no privacy. You entered thinking you would be able to handle it all, thinking after all the years you've spent doing reality TV shows, movies... Well, you can handle it, right? No biggie.

Yes biggie. A huge biggie. You better be ready, because there's going to be more drama backstage than on the show! Especially when you don't know the reality TV show is going on.


1. Have Fun - This is one of the most important rules of them all. Don't be miserable and make others miserable. Roleplaying is about creating a story with other writers and having pure fun.

2. Respect - Please respect my decisions, roleplay and your fellow roleplayers. This is also one of the most important rules. I realize some characters won't get along, but don't make your character a bitch or a know-it-all. There is nothing more annoying. Also, please respect other people's characters.

3. Characters - Make your Character realistic and interesting, please. Also, if someone has submitted a character before you did, make sure you read over their character sheet before submitting your own, just to be sure that they are not similar. Actors and Actresses have flaws and weaknesses! They're humans. Remember that. If you think anything different then this roleplay is not for you. Don't make your character one of those sad, wimpy types either those characters get boring really fast. I would love to have a few powerhouse characters but still, either they have a few flaws and weaknesses. And don't everyone make a female character please. I am willing to let you guys play a minimum of two characters, Male and Female but it is not require.

4. Character Sheets - Fill out all of the desired areas that I have provided please. And wherever you see where it says a required number of paragraphs, I really mean that required number of paragraphs.

5. PG-13 - I am fine with a lot of things when it comes to swearing, gore and violence but when the clothes start coming off, fade to black and abide by the rules of RPN. Also, since I don't know everyone else's limits, try not to be as descriptive with the gore, please.

6. Posting - This is a literate roleplay and I am expecting at least three paragraphs from each person. Please be able to post at least two to three times a week. If I am going to be gone for a minimum amount of time, I will let you know and please show us and me that same gratitude. Also, for you speed posters out there, please allow at least three people to post after your last post before posting again. If your character and another character is going to have an extended conversation, please get together and do a collaboration post. Please be committed and active in both IC and OOC.

7. Reservations - You may reserve a character(s) but I will only hold your spot for two days, which should give you plenty of time. If you need more, shoot me a PM and I will extend your reservation. Also, to reserve, put your favorite movie of 2014 somewhere visible so I know that you have also read the rules. Thanks.

8. Commitment - Also another important rule. If you are accepted then please don't post one, or two posts then disappear. Stick it out till the end or just don't join at all.
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Hello all!

My name is Rise of Albion, but you can call me Rise if you'd like. My character is Iris Faulkener who plays the nice girl, Aurora Florence on XOXO. Fortunately, I have been accepted so I get to be a part of this rp. At the current moment, my character is not in a relationship, neither in "reality" or on the show. If anyone is interested in forming a romantic connection with Iris, I would be more than happy to talk with you about it.

@IITheTypistII Do you currently have any plans for the rp?
@Rise of Albion Currently, yes. I plan on starting the roleplay with all of the members of XOXO ending their first day of shooting and the cameras follow them around for the rest of the day. I know it's not much but it's a start. I am also welcome to ideas from my fellow participants of the roleplay. :) Also, if no one has became interested in starting a relationship with Iris, I'll be happy to oblige. ;) PM me so we can hash out some details.
@IITheTypistII As gathering from the roleplay outline, the real characters don't actually know about the cameras. That sounds really fun. I definitely believe that everyone needs to work out their characters in the rp first before the real drama begins? I hope you understand what I mean. Such as how the paid camera people set up lies and stuff to get reactions and ratings for the show? Sort of, an introduction for them all before the real plot begins.
@Rise of Albion Yes, I want everyone to get their character comfortable in the roleplay first before going straight into the plot. Haha. And since you mentioned it, the producers, directors and such will be NPCs, of course but they will stir up a lot of drama between the characters. But I'm keeping things a secret. ;)
@IITheTypistII Oh, that's so mysterious! This rp is going to be soo good. Another question, is the director of XOXO the same director of the reality tv show that the actors are unknowlingly apart of? Or is he just in the know?
@Rise of Albion I haven't really gave that part any thought just yet. D: I love the fact you're asking questions but I don't want to reveal too much. :/
@IITheTypistII I am definitely interested in this! It just takes me a little while to type up a post. A couple of hours sometimes, or a day. I'm still super interested. 
I could create another character if we're lacking in males?
@TanTanEatsPancakes, @Rise of Albion, @Saaaaaarah, @giraffesarebetter The first post is up you guys. Enjoy!

Also, I left it opened for whichever actress wanted to do the last scene with Chandler. :/  
@giraffesarebetter Next time, wait until someone else has posted before you post again, please. In the rules, it did say wait until two or three posted after your last post, only person posted after your last post. I'll let it slide this time but next time be patient and wait. Thank you.

I wanted to let you guys know now that I probably won't be able to get online tomorrow or on Sunday. If I am on Sunday, it won't be until that night! So sorry!

Short post, sorry! *bows in apology* Also, in terms of plot continuity, this first post from Wystan's perspective is before Iris gets in her car, when Chandler and Iris were still just walking in the parking lot. I apologize if anybody got confused. >_<

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