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Realistic or Modern Life of a Neko

Seiko sat it the metal cage, her eyes wide open. She had just woken up and all of a sudden metal bars surrounded her. "Why?..." she thought just realizing that other humans were placed into cages as well. She grabbed one of the cold, and rusty metal bars and tried to looked through them seeing that all of the trapped people had ears. She sat back down, with her eyes roaming around and saw "regular people" just like her sister looking at all the nekos. Her ears perked up, and she thought, "We're for sale? We can go home?" She raised up on her knees and leaned towards the bars trying to see if her sister was in the crowd. There was no sign of her sister. The color drained from her eyes as she looked up and watched the people walk around. "Guess I won't be going home, then..." she whispered.
"I have a million questions, but most of them you couldn't answer right now." Satoshi replied in a sarcastic manner. He looked at the price tag that he was holding in his hands. "Ill take this one. I bid at 100¥" Satoshi yelled to a man in formal attire, he was standing at the edge of the stage.
She looked at him not entirely happy. to be honest she didn't want to be bought. She smirked and said, If you think your going to turn me into your little servant your very wrong."
"You want your freedom, right? Be glad i'm giving it to you." Satoshi replied with a pitiful look on his face before getting up and stretching his arms and legs, he was tired.
Alexander eyed the cages oof both Axella and Seiko. Both of these nekos caught his attention. One had already asked to go with him, so he may as well grant her wish. The other, he hadn't quite spoken to yet. But eventually he intended to. Shifting his attention to the manhosting the event, he placed his amount for both of them. "I'll take these two for-" he shifted his gaze over to the pricetags, combining the two prices together before speaking again. "350¥"
Axella's ears perked up, hearing that she was being taken home. She smiled and tears of joy fell down her face. "Thank you...." She said with a purr.
Seiko stared at her new master and the other female neko and smiled gently. The man hosting the event came walking over to let Seiko out of the cage. She wanted to slap him in the face, but decided not to. It was torture to stay in the cage, but she was more than grateful to have an owner now.

@Steel Zinogre @The Dark Princess
Alexander only stuffed his hands into his front pockets, his way of acknowledgement towards the two female nekos of which he had just purchased. With a shrug of his shoulders, he waited for the man to free the second neko he had purchased, so he could be on his merry way.
Lavender is inside a cage, with her tail and ears down. She was more scared than angry. She could feel many eyes on her, probably just judging by how she looks. She whimpers and try's not to cry from fear.

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