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Fantasy LIADE Out of Character

That's alright aha. I do want to point out the characters themselves should be realistic and more closely related to modern life. if you don't mind changing it up a bit that would be very appreciated. 
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@randomweegeecan I ask you to do the same? it just seems kind of odd for someone in real life to always be cloaked yenno? After@acidwashidiot posted, I realized that's more closely related to what I had in mind. unique, but still resembling a real life person
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I can change the image if you would like.

Or revamp it a little.

Give me a chance please ;-; ( didnt find good rp's in quite a while )
I tell you what. Instead of being one of the initial 6, what if you're already there in the future yea? That would make a lot more sense and give the characters someone to meet when they get there. 
Yes! that works perfectly! thanks so much, I know it was a hassle and I didn't make it clear to begin with what I wanted. I'm glad to have you as part of the team!

You're right i did not catch the no weapons except maybe a gun at the beginning. Thank you for pointing that out


You're right i did not catch the no weapons except maybe a gun at the beginning. Thank you for pointing that out
Uhm!! I might be a little late, but the character creation page said there was one more spot left. I inputted my character, and I hope it gets through.

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