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Futuristic Legends of the Empire - OOC

Hooray! We have our game started and we’ve both posted. Win!

Tabby Tabby
Hecka darn diddly doo we did, son! Now to see if I get a post out before or after I crash like windows 10 on a good day. Really looking forward to getting past the awkward hump where I struggle to write a new character lol.
Hey, wanted to mention—we don’t have to force through RP’ing here. We’ve established we landed. We know we have a mission and a vague idea of what it is. Let’s junp to the good part. We can do a cut here and jump forward.

I just don’t want to get bogged down in worrying about how to push through.
Sorry for the delay, last few days have been crazy weird IRL lol. I know roughly what to post and can lead into a skip as desired from there, just haven't had the time to sit down and write jack shit.

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