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Lyssanna Mori donned her black wig as the final piece of her hero costume before raising her hood. Her mother was working late at the company again. Lysa sighed to herself in worry. At least she wasn't just laying in bed anymore, but now it seemed that she was drowning herself in work. Strapping on her blades to her hips, she walked to her brother's room to check on him before leaving as had become her recent ritual. Her shoulders dropped as the tension left her body. He looked so peaceful that it was hard to believe how hard he had cried when he heard that their father wasn't coming home.

Lysa softly closed his bedroom door before opening the secret passageway to the command center basement. Breathing out a slow breath, she cleared her mind of thoughts and worries of her family. Distractions can get you killed and the last thing anyone needed right now was another death. There were no alerts of major crimes in progress so she hopped on her motorcycle for a patrol.
A sigh murmured from Alistar, on top of a rooftop, sitting on the ledge, watching the city from above. It had been a few months since he moved here, escaping his life of being a human shield/lackey to The Ultimate Avenger.

College wasn't as bad as he thought it would, but he wished he had more free time, but ever since the previous hero of this city passed away, there has been a massive crime waves throughout the area. It is drains his power a lot, yet he keeps going.

Not wanting to waste any more time pondering his life choices, he jumped from the roof top. Using his power to control neon, He glided and air walked from rooftop to rooftop. Finally going to ground level, he heard an alarm go off a hundred yards from him. Going to the location, he noticed eight figures rushing out a bank.
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Crime rates had gone up in between the time of the previous Shinobu's death and her adjustments to becoming the new Shinobu. Lysa did not like that at all, it felt like failure to her and she hated failure from herself more than anyone. She made a mental map of where crime rates were the highest in her head as well as the places she had effectively regulated in response. As she was planning her next stop on the list, she heard a bank alarm go off right in front of her. Boy, these guys had bad luck. Lysa activated the automatic park and lock feature on her motorcycle as she leapt off it and onto the nearest robber. This wasn't going to happen in her city.
Alistar, not paying attention to her and not wanting to miss out on the action, does a butterfly kick to the head of the nearest robber. After the robber collapse from that blow, Alistar elbowed the robber next in line. Doing a series of moves, without using his powers, he takes down that robber and two others.

Alistar smirked at his progress, he didn't care that they were weak; he wasn't looking for a challenge. He just wanted to clean up the street. Eyeing the female, he had remembered seeing her before. The last few weeks they had been taking out the same crooks. These meet ups were getting on his nerves. He had dealt with duo assignments before with The Ultimate Asshole and didn't want to do it again.
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(Do you mind reading over you posts before you send them? That last one had quite a few grammar mistakes.)

Lysa had managed to take out a few robbers but, this newcomer got the rest of them before she could. This was what? The fourth time he had taken out the baddies on her watch in her city? Lysa narrowed her eyes. She never did anything about it for efficiency's sake, but this was starting to get annoying. Just as she was about to turn away and continue on patrol, a camera flashed.

"Miss! Are the rumors true? Are you the new Shinobu? What is your relationship to the previous one? A former student? A family relation perhaps?" A report was coming closer, firing questions a mile a minute. Lysa quickly considered her options. On one hand, Shinobu originally derives from ninjas and it is against their way to get caught up with the paparazzi. On the other hand, the news would be able to spread the word that the legacy of Shinobu is still well alive. Compromising between the two, Lysa twirled her swords in a somewhat flashy way she remembered seeing her father once do before putting them back in their sheaths on her hips. With that, she simply bowed to the cameras before speeding away on her bike after glimpsing back at the newcomer.
( Sorry about that. I was in a rush and wasn't paying attention. I did my best to correct it as well.)

One of the reporters quickly went up to Alistar with a mic inches away from his face.

" Sir, Who are you? Are you her partner? Is she the new Shinobu? " the reporter questioned with a curious expression.

Alistar wasn't really the interview type of person, but he didn't want to be put in a group with her. So, he cleared his throat and looked at the reporter. " I'm not her partner. I have no affiliations with her. I don't know her and I don't want to know her. " He stated sternly before turning away from the report and leaving the scene, only leaving a faint neon trail.
Lysa sped along the road until she reached one of her informant's hide outs. She had stopped a purse snatcher (of all things!) on the way. Crime rates had really risen although she had started to bring them down again. Was that what this was about? The newcomer decided to step in thinking that Creed City no longer had a hero protecting it after the passing of her father? Lysa shook her head clear of the thoughts as she locked down her motorcycle and walked inside the building. The other hero wasn't a problem at the moment. The main problem is managing to efficiently regain control of crime in the city and effectively take her father's place as the Shinobu. With those thoughts cleared, Lysa headed down the corridor to speak to the informant who had called himself the "Fly on the Wall".
Alistar, after the interview, went deeper into the underground of Creed City. Only being there twice, the first time was a terrible experience that left scars on his body, he knew he wasn't completely ready for that area, but it didn't matter. Passing the into the danger zone, he quietly observed the environment. Things were quiet for awhile until some active near a abandon circus caught his attention.

Three men with assault rifles were posted in front of the tent and other goons spread out around the area. In a dark alley, Alistar didn't question what he had to do.
"Well if it isn't the new Shinobu!" A man with oversized goggles reminiscent of fly eyes called out. "I do believe, if my information is correct, that you are the first female one this fair city has seen. But then again, it always is." He threw up his hands and spun around in his chair with a big grin on his face. Lysa stood there without a response. In preparation for eventually succeeding as the new Shinobu, her father had warned her about this particular informant's eccentricities before his passing. "Wait wait wait." The "Fly" made exaggerated hand motions. "Don't tell me, you're here for information on something that'll help you take down those rising crime rates huh? Jeez your whole family is the same. Mine is a family business too you know, I just decided to kick things up a notch and have a cool hero persona of my own!"

This man talked a lot. The annoyance at her wasted time must have shown on her face because he suddenly stop laughing and adopted a more serious persona. "But you're not here to talk about me so let's get to the point shall we?" The Fly pulled up some pictures and information on a bunch of computer screens. "I got word that at the docks, near where that old circus used to be, there's a major arms deal going down. The weapons there will give the criminals in this city a real edge against the law enforcement if they end up distributed properly." Before he finished his sentence, Lysa was already downloading the info and slapping money on the table. She dashed out and headed to break up the arms deal.
Lets see I can go in guns blazing with no regrets or go all Assassin Creed, Arkham City on their asses. Even though Alistar was serious at most times, he was still a young man. He still has fun being a hero. The thing with the Ultimate Avenger was that he had fun all the time, putting people at risk with his antics.

Alistar looked at crooks before him that were about 120 yards from him then eyed at his hand, getting an idea. Conjuring up neon energy in his hand, he threw into the air before covering his eyes. The ball of neon's glow got the attention of goons. Neon built up to a point to where it exploded send out a blinding light.

"Game On.." He murmured before taking a deep breathe and charging at the blinded goons, taking out as many as he could in the small time gap he gave himself.
Lysa zipped through the traffic in her Shinobu get up to break up the arms deal. When she got there however, she noticed the familiar spark of neon lighting. "You've got to be kidding me." She murmured to herself before activating the lockdown feature and jumping off. She was about to run in on the battle before she had an idea. Why not let the newcomer deal with the outside guards while she saved time and do what she came here for? The newbie seemed capable enough so far. With that thought in mind, Lyssanna slipped in the only stable-ish looking structure in the entire abandonment to secure the weapons, take out the dealers, and identify and arrest the buyers.
Alistar had taken out more than five sixth of the goons during his neon flash bang. He did better than he thought he would, but it still wasn't good enough. Before he could hide from the remaining goon who began to see again, a sharp pain made his heart almost pop out his chest. He fell to his knees, noticing blood dripping from him.

What the... Did I just get shot?

Alistar never really got shot before. He had been grazed or the bullet was blocked. This was a feeling, he never felt before, and he didn't like it one bit. Hearing a gun reloading, he turned towards the sound, shot a burst a neon, causing the wielder of the gun to fly back.

Now getting serious, He took out the rest of the goons, with only minor injuries.

Touching his shoulder, he realized where he was shot. Alistar gave a sigh of relief. Come on, Ali.. Yes. You got shoot, but you're good. It's just your shoulder. Knowing this news, he continued self made mission.
Lysa made quick work of the thugs and arms dealers inside. Something wasn't right, everything was going too easy. Or maybe that was a good thing? She didn't have enough experience in the field to know. Lyssanna listened to the sounds outside for a moment before going back to tying up anyone who was unconscious and interrogating anyone that wasn't. A gun shot may have been followed by a moment of silence, but when she heard the sounds of fighting start up again, she knew that the newbie was fine.
Defeating the goons outside, Alistar felt exhausted, but he pushed forward. Sneaking into the circus tent, he noticed the girl from earlier in the night. Shit.. Really? She is here again. Sigh.. Alistar watched her take out the goons as he thought to himself. He walked out in the open, holding his shoulder.

Alistar eyed a weapon that he picked it up from an open crate. "Oh Shi... This is.. bad." He stated.
Lysa was so focused on interrogating the man in front of her that she didn't notice the newcomer walk in and open one of the crates. She shoved him back down to the ground and swiftly handcuffed him to a pole. "I'm not done with you." She warned him in a menacing tone. With quick, quiet, and graceful movements, she unsheathed one of her blades and held it as an unspoken threat to his back. Lysa didn't believe him to have bad intentions based on his previous workings and all, just too new to this town and this craft. She had trained to be the next Shinobu all her life and wasn't going to let some newcomer ruin things before she even truly began.

"That's enough." She said in her commanding tone. The newcomer obviously did not know what the contents of the crates were before coming here. So how did he know to stop the arms deal? Perhaps he just wasn't expecting the weapons to be of this caliber? Without showing any outward emotion as she was trained to do, Lysa shook the thoughts from her mind and focused again on the task at hand. She was getting too off topic. "Who are you?" Lysa asked as she narrowed her eyes. It hadn't really mattered to her before because she had more pressing matters to worry about, but she might as well do so now.
"Tsh, Put that away before you hurt yourself." He commanded, putting the weapon. " And Do you know if this is the only shipment of these weapons?" Alistar had seen these weapons before at in the previous city he lived in. These weapons are dangerous weapons, that even the government had barley any knowledge on. He had seen the weapons only once, but once was enough for it to stay planted in his head.
Lysa narrowed her eyes at the newcomer. "Who are you to talk to me in that manner?" She, however after a moment's hesitation, removed the blade from a threatening position yet still kept it firmly in her grasp. "This was the only known shipment of weapons going on sale. The rest are being housed elsewhere, none of the dealers or buyers seem to know where though." Lysa turned to leave again. The newcomer was a bit brash and rude, but so far he had done more good than harm. She resolved to get on his case as soon as he slipped up, but currently there were more pressing matters to deal with. Matters that included reducing crime rates and finding the rest of the weapons.
Glancing over at her, he gave a sigh of relief before backing away from the shipment. " You might want to back up just a little." ,He stated, gathering neon energy to make a neon ball. It was about the size of a baseball. Raising his hand with the neon ball in it, Alistar eyed the ball, then rolled it under the crate. As he put his hand down, a small explosion went off from under the crate, destroying most of the weapons and setting the rest on fire.
(Sorry for not responding in a timely manner, it was a busy week.)

Lysa turned around and eyed the burning crate. In a somewhat irritated voice she said, "We could have used those to track the other weapons you know." There wasn't much luck of the plan actually working out but even the best of professionals could slip up sometimes. Lysa had been on her way to retrieve her bike and tie a few crates to it. Now she was down one more lead despite how improbable it's chances were of working out.
" We tried that befo- I mean I tried that before; it didn't work. The only way to track it is by follow the radiation that spews out the weapons" He stated turning towards her. " The radiation trail disappears after 6 hours, so if you want get something done follow me." He walked towards the exit. "The radiation is abnormal. I can't find it on file anywhere, but I have radiation signature, from my first time finding the weapon, on my handheld." Alistar left the tent before pulling out his handheld. Pressing a few button, he found the signature. Nodding his head, he let go of his wound and headed off.

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