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Fantasy Legacies: World at War - OOC

Hey, Shark!

I've been good. Working my way through a cold currently and realizing all over again just how fun it is to be sick. Luckily it isn't the worst cold I've had, just annoying.

How have you been?
I've been great as well. Hope you get through that cold alright!

I wish I could say that same about being sick. That is NOT fun for me at all, I start tweaking 2 hours in 😭
I've been great as well. Hope you get through that cold alright!

I wish I could say that same about being sick. That is NOT fun for me at all, I start tweaking 2 hours in 😭

That was mostly sarcastic lol I mean, at least you get to sleep in and relax. Otherwise, being sick is annoying. Especially when you feel all rundown and can't do anything, but you wanna do something.

That was mostly sarcastic lol I mean, at least you get to sleep in and relax. Otherwise, being sick is annoying. Especially when you feel all rundown and can't do anything, but you wanna do something.
Ohh, that flew wayyy over my head, my bad.

at least you get to sleep in and relax
That's gotta be the only pro of being sick. Gives you some time away from school.
Ohh, that flew wayyy over my head, my bad.

That's gotta be the only pro of being sick. Gives you some time away from school.
Yup, I spent today sprawled on the couch playing video games while sounding like a beaver on helium because of being all nasally. Beats school any day of the week lol
So SharkBark SharkBark , I wanna say, there's a unique cutsceene if you manage to beat the Death Knight first as opposed to Sister Julianna. So if you wanna see that, try and defeat the Death Knight first ;p
So SharkBark SharkBark , I wanna say, there's a unique cutsceene if you manage to beat the Death Knight first as opposed to Sister Julianna. So if you wanna see that, try and defeat the Death Knight first ;p
Sorry for the late response. I'll have to see how the start of the battle goes. Though, I can't exactly see Heath defeated the Death Knight during a handicapped match. I think I'll have him evenly distribute damage.
Correct me if Im wrong AlphaBlueWolf AlphaBlueWolf , but everyone handles a critical differently.

Here, it's basically you'll deal 1 full damage roll, in your case a 6 plus an additional normal roll.

So, you'd deal a total of 10 damage (6 plus that 4 you rolled.)
So, I get a modifier to Lloyd's attack?
Not a modifier, just the extra damage.

Confirm with ALpha but some characters are immune eto critical hits. Namely, characters with the 'Vigilant' trait.
Got it.

Damn, so Lloyd's out here swinging like his life depends on it 😭
I wonder if I should roll the Death Knight's hit roll right now and see wwhat he gets lol

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