Latest OC Character - Jackson Blackmore


Seeker of Magic
Well, I am back after... maybe a month or so? Work is a pain I have to tell you, plus being Summer here I am almost always away from my stuffy room. For now, here's my latest OC I had made for a new D&D campaign alongside workmates.

A scroll unwinds itself, showing the details of the person about to be explained.

Name: Jackson Blackmore
Nickname: Jacky
Age: 1095
Race: Mystic Elf
Occupation: Hunter (Bounty, Animal, and any others that could be considered hunting)
Animal Spirit: Wolf

Eye Colour: Left eye Blue, Right eye Yellow
Hair Colour: Silver with Red stripes

Likes: Hunting, helping those in need, tricking people
Dislikes: People who blow stuff up for a living (yes, I'm taking shots at my Carl Undavar OC, this will be explained in the Story), Corrupt Officials, Shackles

Personality: Kind, Playful to those he knows, Funny, Tricks everyone
Faults: A bit of a trickster, his pranks tend to revolve around those who are corrupt

Story: Jackson was born in the Dwarven kingdom of Uthants Forge. The kingdom was ruled by a corrupt human official who was making life of everyone in the kingdom hard, even for Jacky's fellow Mystic Elves. When he had turned four years old, he left is parents to learn to hunt alongside many other Mystic Elves in the Forrest of Guruu'a, as was customary for his people to do. Ten years passed when he finally returned to Uthants Forge, where he has quickly learnt that his father was in jail because of conspiracy while his mother was in a coma because of a bad beating. Jacky quickly went to see his mother, where he found someone trying to kill her. After dispatching the person, who he quickly figured out was a person hired by the ruling official, he set out to confront the human. Before he even reached the official, he was arrested and sent to the Colosseum in town because of a false crime.

While there, he learnt the iai sword style from one of the veterans. He learnt from the many veterans that they were people who stood up to the corruption in the court and were all sentenced to die for others enjoyment. He developed a fighting style that was based around enhancing his own body to attack at incredibly fast speeds, which he named "Lightning Sword", and continued surviving while many others were brought in for enjoyment. Twelve years passed there before he got a chance to fight a person known only as "The Champion". The match between the two went too fast for most people to see, only seeing a sudden movement from Jacky before The Champion dropped to the floor, very badly injured and not able to fight. At that time, guards came into the arena, and Jacky was well fed up with how he was being treated. With his Lightning Sword style, he quickly dispatched all the guards before getting to the corrupt ruler. At which point, he opened all the cages, saying to the official "Kha'vka ul Vhezhne", before throwing him into the arena. All the contenders leapt at the chance to finally get rid of the corrupt official, while at the same time Jacky went to see his mother who has passed away the year prior.

A few weeks later, Jacky left Uthants Forge and set off to try and get rid of all the corruption around the many Lands. During his journeys, he met a person named Carl Undavar. They travelled around together for a bit, before coming across a cave system filled with many different monsters. Before Jacky had the chance to enter the cave, a fireball wizzed by his head, blowing up a bit past the entrance. Turning back, he saw Carl laughing hysterically at the explosion. Realising that he was mentally unstable, Jacky grew a huge hatred for Carl and many others who liked to blow stuff up for a living. Quickly leaving Carl behind thanks to his fighting style, he then went around getting rid of corruption and putting people who blows up in jail.

-Character story ends-

And that makes the new character. Before you ask what a Mystic Elf is, they are a race that I invented for a new story back in 2010. They are people who have animal ears and a tail of any kind, however the ears and tail are related to the Animal Spirit that is theirs. Kha'vka ul Vhezhne roughly translates to "For all that you've sentenced".

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