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In the early days of the world monstrous creatures ruled Kryzalvor killing and destroying wherever they went. Eventually a warrior plead to the gods for help and was granted an ally. A dragon named Oransaurivic who fought by the warriors side to protect his village from the dangers of the world. They fought through many dangers throughout the continent in their lifetimes until eventually the warrior died from old age and many half healed wounds. Oransaurivic couldn't handle the fact that his partner had died and plead to the gods to save him. Moved by how attached Oran had become the gods descended from their divine realm to the mortal world and created Kaden Taoul (Cloud City), the floating city. From there they settled the Continent with each dragon claiming a section as under their protection. The warrior who's original name has been lost to the ages was granted their wings and ascended to live forever with the gods.

This is one of the legends of Kryzalvor, a continent inhabited by many different creatures and races. A dragon has not been sighted in over 100 years although their city still floats above and the provinces still worship the creatures as their gods. All of that changes one stormy day when the world watches a smaller black dragon spiral down from Kaden Taoul in flames clutching an object to it's chest. The crash rocks the world and the inhabitants rush to uncover what has happened to this fallen god.

I designed this world to play Dungeons and Dragons so it is very familiar to me but you don't need to know anything about D&D to join this adventure. I will introduce my own characters to the story but I am planning to run it very similarly to a choose your own adventure story. So if inserting your character into an open world with a lot of developed lore and a committed writing partner sounds like fun send me a message. You don't need to reply often or write huge paragraphs just show an interest in the content and I will love to write with you.

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