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Fantasy Kloxia, Academia de Mythe

Tenebrae had spend a good portion of his time outside, after moving beyond the grounds right outside the front door, he never really saw anyone again. Perhaps sometime soon he would have to continue training his Wraith Lord powers. It was risky doing it, especially because he had to do it outside, but he needed to stay sharp with his primary skill. Besides, even among the myths and legends of the world, most people assumed Wraith Lords died out long ago. They hadn't really been seen in quite a long time, generations had passed since a true Wraith Lord had been seen hunting. Wraiths were already a rarity enough these days, Wraith Lords weren't needed anymore. As such, they began declining in numbers. Anyone who saw him, unless it was up close, would probably just assume it was a regular wraith. That did pose one problem though, which was there would likely be a hunt organized for it, they were too dangerous to leave on their own as mindless killers. For now, that practice would have to wait.

Tenebrae had managed to disappear for a few hours, it had been several months since he had visited his library and tidied up a bit. It was just as he had left it, though perhaps a bit dustier. He had intended to cast a charm to keep the place clean and neat, but it seemed that it hadn't worked as fully intended. He tutted softly to himself and went to making sure nothing was damaged. After being comfortable that everything was in order he decided that he best get moving. He returned to the Fairyun common rooms, it was empty enough for his tastes and quiet enough that reading would be a wonderful relief. He sat down with the herbology book he had borrowed from Kali and set himself to memorizing its pages. It was informative enough, perhaps not quite as detailed as he would like, though no book ever was. He smiled to himself as he leafed through its pages.
“Ah, so you were born in the spirit land. Very different to myself. As I said before of the genetic's, I am pretty sure I was born of the spirit land into the mortal land.” Ichigo said, his expression turning hard for a moment. This guy seemed trust worthy enough and he was of the spirit land to begin with so he wasn't breaking any rules. “Ever heard the whispers or mentions of a war travelling around?” He asked the boy, who looked around his age, but maybe older. After all looks could be deceiving. He'd stay the way he was right now, maybe get a little taller, for a very long time. Their ageing more went on the power. The more Spiritual Pressure you had the slower you aged. That's when he heard the annoying sound of what he had been trying to avoid. Sighing lightly, he called for Shiro to come out. A white version of himself appeared after materializing, staring at Ichigo for a moment before disppearing just as fast as he appeared. “I don't really care whether or not you have anything against me, I have dealt with it all before. Still dealing with it, so it's nothing out of the ordinary.” Seeing as no one was in charge of this part of land as such, he could work without getting in trouble.

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"No they aren't poisonous to me, just a certain teacher will have my hide for a shoe factory for ruining the flowerbeds" he would sigh then burst into laughter "Hahaha well Im screwed and no need to get so red about my joke" he would ruffle the females hair and then poke her cheek "Although its cute when you do it, so guess thats the plus of doing it"

Coah looked at the boy and couldn't believe he was a phoenix, one of the world's most scary creatures ever. Coah never really needed sleep; just as the winds never slept, she never needed sleep. She found it rather inefficient, because the time that sleep takes up is so long, and it could be used to do so many other things that were more important or more interesting.

Yet, even though sleep was inefficient, this boy seemed at peace as he slept. She crept closer, hesitantly, still unable to belive he was a phoenix. She kneeled down next to him and picked up a stick. She poked him with the stick.

"Interesting..." She said, intrigued by the fact that nothing really happen.


Current Time

:| |: 11:55 a.m :| |:

Going to lunch

Amaryllis sighed, as it was getting close to lunch. Close enough in fact, that the staff had probably opened the cafeteria up a while ago. She stood, and walked up the stairs to her dorm. Upon entering, she took out her ear-buds, and stuffed them into her pocket. Her shoes were still laying in the middle of the room, and she slipped them on. No sense in walking around school in socks. After her shoes were fully on, she left her dorm, shut the door quite loudly, and started down and out to the hallway.

The halls had cleared out a bit, and she assumed the students had either gone outside, or made their way to the cafeteria. She walked to the right of the hallway, to avoid bumping into anyone, and this time she didn't have a scowl on her face. Her bad mood from earlier had shifted, which was slightly surprising.

In the Cafeteria

Amaryllis reached the cafeteria, and grabbed a small sandwich from the line, along with a pear. She sat down at an empty table, and began eating, only to be interrupted by a group of giggling first years. They sat down at the table, and her good mood slipped. She glared at each of them, and left the table. She finished her sandwich, and bite into the pear, then left the cafeteria.

In the forest

Amaryllis continued to eat her pear, and walked through the hallways. Her hood was still up, and she was again almost glaring at those she passed. She turned, and started outside, towards the greenhouse. Halfway there, she realized what a bad idea that was, and turned off onto the path through the forest. She finished the pear, and pulled out her headphones once more. Her music on low, she continued to walk, humming slightly along.

She closed her eyes and continued to walk, as she had the path practically memorized. Thoughts came to mind of previous walk through the forest, with friends, most of which had graduated recently. Lost in thought, she didn't bother to think that another might be walking on the path as well. At least, not until she bumped into someone. She opened her eyes, and stepped back, to see she had walked into a boy, with black wings coming from his back. Not all that surprising compared to some creatures at Kloxia, and he looked familiar but where she had met him she didn't know. She said nothing, just watched the other, to see what would happen next.

(Interaction with

@Rain )​
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Marrie made her way into the cafeteria, noticing a group of students heading in that direction. She had lost track of time, but then again she lost track of most things when she was focused on watching students. She swiped a sandwich from the line around the same time as Amaryllis and wandered around for a bit to find a place to sit. She took her time to choose the right group to sit with, as these sorts of choices were important to her. She scoped out the room with her hood up, trying to find someone interesting to sit with. She had long since grown tired of the cafeteria food, but it was better than the meager meals she had been fed during her younger years.
It Was Silent, And Nice. The Trees Swayed To Wind As It Brushed Against His Feathers. All Until He Felt A Small Disturbance. He Felt Something Or Someone Touching His Wing. In These Cases He Would've Jumped Up And Attacked The Intruder, But He Wanted To Be Nice.

He Opened Up One Eye To Get A Look Of Who Did It. No one In Sight. He Got Up And Stretched His Wings That Spanned 20 Feet In Total And His Height 10 Feet In Total. He Turned To Look At The Disturbance. He Tilted His Head, He Didn't Know Who It Was. He Took A Step Forward And Lowered His Head So It Could Match The Girl's Head Height, Hoping He Doesn't Scare Her Away.

@Bread King
"Oops," Coah blurted out and fell backwards, a bit startled, "I didn't mean to wake you.. I was just.. Testing things... Please don't burn me. I can't use the winds for another few hours, so I wouldn't be abe to heal you. Likewise, I can't hurt you either, so you don't have to worry about that, though you probably won't worry about it..."

She pushed herself up, using her wings to do so. Despite not knowing how to fly, she found other use for her wings, though it was a bit odd. She sat back down and looked at the bird again. "Um... I suppose I should reintroduce myself. I'm Anacoahna Quetzalcoatl, but you can call me Coah. My race is complicated, but apparently it's manners around here to explain anyways. I'm a descendant of Quetzalcoatl, feathered serpent and Aztec god of wind... And you are?"

Coah felt stupid. She was talking to a flaming bird, instead of running away to save her own feathers. She did heal him, so perhaps he'd be friendly. He didn't try to burn her yet.. But he just woke up and it was Coah's falt. Darn.
He Really Didn't Know What To Do Now, He Can't Speak In This Form! He Decided To Shift Back Into His Human Form "Have I Met You Somewhere?", The Girl Looked So Familiar To Him Though He Just Couldn't Figure It Out "Well I'm Ray", He Really Felt As If He's Said This Before "Im A Phoenix, And Also I Won't Burn You, If I Did I Would've Never Shifted Into A Phoenix Again.." He Smiled Gently, He Knew He Didn't Say That Yet..Or Did He?

'Wait...' Ray Looked at His Arms, They Were Still Wings , But More Healed 'Aww Dangit! They're Still Healing?! Ugh' He Kept Smiling "
No Trouble"

@Bread King
Coah blinked, amazed, for she never read about a phoenix with a human form. "Before you fell asleep I tripped over you," Coah said, "And then I called the winds to heal you... Sorta. Your... Wings should heal any minute, by the way and nice to meet you, Ray." She bowed her head in respect, and put the stick down. She looked back at him, noticing the gold color of his eyes and the way he looked fairly normal, other than the wings. His features are pleasing to the eye. She shook her head at that sudden thought and smiled awkwardly.
"Okay Thanks Coah!" Ray Walked To The Lake And Dipped His Feet In; It's Been Quite Awhile Since He's Been At That Lake So Why Not?

Ray Yawned 'I Already Took A Freaking Nap!' Ray Was Getting Aggravated At The Fact He Yawned So He Decided To Look For Something To Eat.

After A Few Minutes Of Looking Around He Spotted An Apple Tree. He Got Up And Walked Towards The Tree 'Wait, My Arms Are Still Wings' He Shifted His Wings Into His Arms And Grabbed An Apple. He Took A Glance At Coah "
Want One?" He Held Up The Apple

@Bread King
Kiyama would make his way towards the tech classroom, passing by many students on his way there, making his way in his usual slow pace, he would never see the point in rushing everywhere, he gets there when he gets there, if there is a problem they can take it up with him. He would look around at all the people noting their races and genders. his eyes would narrow at any human he would spot. repressing the urge to attack them
"I'm fine, I just ate in the cafeteria a few minutes ago." Coah replied with a slightly awkward smile. She was relaxed, and happy to have actually made two friends, perhaps three, although she wasn't exactly sure. She then recalled that she was supposed to get to class. "Oh Shoot! I'm going to be late!"

She thought for a moment. "And.... So are you.. So while this forest is nice, I suggest we both get to class. I really hope to see you again. It was nice meeting you." With that she ran and opened her wings. She stopped and looked back at him giving one last smile. She then flapped her wings hard and shot forward, running away from the lake and towards the school. She entered the building and ran through the halls, towards the alchemy class. She stopped with a skid in front of the door and dusted her dress off. She fixed her hair and walked into the class.
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Chance looked down forlornly at the empty bottle of lemonade and wished he had another. He stuck a bookmark in the crease of the book and gently closed the covers before he stood up. He stretched his arms and back as he walked towards a line for food. The line moved quicker than he thought it would though and shortly he was back at the same table but this time with a tray of food and a new bottle of lemonade.
Kali woke up with a start. She hadn't even realized she was falling asleep. A nice breeze rushes threw the window, blowing her hair around her. The alarm clock on her nightstand read 11:50.

Just about an hour before classes start. Speaking of her first class should be the study of Ancient Runes. Kali decided to take that elective when she heard of Runecasting. It's a very interesting thing. And dueling is her next elective. Simply because she wishes to be totally self reliant. Nobody to protect her, she'll protect herself.

Kali laughs lightly to herself and roles off the bed. Running a brush threw her hair and picking the sticks and leaves out. She puts on a new uniform, flying got her current one dirty and muddy. After changing she makes her way out of the dorm feeling refreshed after her small nap.
Steven was sitting quietly at a table in the cafeteria near the window staring outside eating a banana since he heart that is good for muscle built while he hums a small tune that belongs the a punk song he was waiting calmly before class started although he was bored like hell. he suddenly slides down from his chair with a giant sigh before saying "ugh why does this always take so long "he said before his head drops on the table out of boredom

Michi Takaharu (Interacting with

@RinDaVamp )

Still mumbling to himself Michi feels something shove into his back. Quickly clamming his mouth he whirls around. "Other people use this path you know, therefore you ought to be considerate when you walk around with your head in the clouds." This is slightly ironic seeing as how he had his head in the clouds flying only moments ago. He narrows his eyes at the new girl, and holds a somewhat scruffy watch dangling on his thin feminine wrist in front of her face. "My class is in only a few minutes, if you wish to make me late with your socializing try another time, or don't, I have no wish to talk to you anyways."

(sorry for lateness)

Current Time

:| |: 12:00 p.m. :| |:

Amaryllis ignored the boy's first sentence, simply because she didn't feel like responding to it. "It's not like I intend to socialize anyway," She snapped in reply to the winged boy's second sentence. She was still in a bad mood from earlier. Seeing the other's wrist, she rolled her eyes, and continued to speak, simply to correct the rest of his statement. "It's not like your going to be late, it's not even close. I believe classes don't start until 12:45." She paused long enough to check the time on her phone, "And it's noon now. You've got a good while." She stopped talking, and turned her head to look at the forest to the right. She began spacing out once more, the music still playing making it all hat much easier, when she remembered the boy in front of her. She turned back to face him, and moved his wrist away from her face. Her feature's didn't change at all throughout this, remaining unemotional, blank. Inside her head, though, she was working on the verdict to her judgment of this other. She, once again, said nothing more, and put her hand back into her pocket. Normally, she would have just brushed the incident off and continued on, but she was slightly curious in this case.

(Interaction with

@Rain )​
Chiyo yawned and looked down from the tree to see a girl, who she had never met before talking with...Michi? When he talked, it confirmed that he is Michi and laughed at his choice of words. She waited, knowing that she have a little bit of time before she has to get to her first class, which by the way, is Technology. She had planned on jumping on Michi's back, but with another person with him, she didn't think it was appropriate. She continued watching them. "Michi don't be so cold," she mumble to herself. She was still hoping that none of them noticed her, up this high in the tree anyway.

((sorry for not posting that much. Dint get notifications till I check the Thread))

Michi Takaharu (Interacting with

@RinDaVamp @SkyRune )

"If I wasn't aware of that, captain obvious, I wouldn't have said anything." He shook his head as she continued to space out and drift off. Jeez, don't continue a conversation you don't want to finish he thought annoyed. "Tch, I actually care about my education and have plenty of prepping to do until the next class." Whipping his hand away from her pushing he glared downwards. "Don't you have any respect for personal space." This was slightly ironic as well, seeing as how his friend Chi was only a few feet away and ready to pounce, obliviously he carried on. "Not the sharpest tool in the box are you." He muttered quietly, because the girl was off in her own world totally ignoring him.

"Personal space? Nope, couldn't care less about it." Amaryllis commented, then stopped long enough to take out her ear-buds. It would be easier to hear without them anyway. She shoved them into her pocket, and continued talking. "Weather you care or not, it doesn't matter to me." She paused, and stepped back half a step, "If your going to go prepare or whatever then do so, I'm not stopping you." She gestured with her hand, in the direction she had previously been going, and she assumed he had been too. Truly, he probably could've left when she first bumped into him. It had been his own choice to turn and talk to her in the first place. Should he decide to move on, which she was more than expecting him to do, she made a mental decision to talk to him later. He was interesting, cold and rude yes, but interesting nonetheless.

(Interaction with

@Rain )​

Michi Takaharu (Interacting with


"How annoying," he sighed, clearly this careless person was not worth a speck of his time. It was only until she had pulled out her earbuds that he was fully done talking to her. "You know what? I honestly hate people like you, so careless. Aren't you worried about anything?" He huffed, because it reminded him of himself a long time ago so he felt the need to reprimand her. "Thank you for wasting plenty of my time." He turned on his heel and began to walk deeper into the forest, he was sure that he could find a door to Wrymyd and get his materials for Dueling class. Hugging himself tighter he realized that he could have doubled up on sweaters or should have. "Bye bye careless girl." He paused to wave sarcastically without looking back, standing under a low hanging branch.

Chiyo saw that it was her opportunity to say hi to him now, so she jumped off the branch, landing next to Michi. She turned around to see the girl who Michi had talked to then smiled and waved to her. Someone gotta be nice around here, she thought then turned to Michi, "Hullo!" She looked up at him, "Where you going Michi?" She don't know which class he has first, but there wouldn't be any classes in the forest, as far as she knew. "I thought class is that way," she point to the opposite direction that he was facing, "are you going to skip class?"
"Well, that was certainly interesting." Amaryllis grumbled, not even bothered to respond to anything he had recently said. It's not like she wasn't worried about anything, she just didn't feel the need to express said worries. She shrugged it off, and began walking again, with a short glance towards the winged boy. Someone new had showed up next to him, and smiled to her. She smiled slightly, then moved back to being emotionless. She waved in response, no sense in being rude to the new one, and continued walking. If they expected to find something useful in the woods, they'd probably be there for a while. She continued to walk, and eventually came out from the forest. Now free of the forest, she moved slightly faster, as she remembered her offer to help Professor Pincus set up. Before that, though, she'd have to go back to the dorm.

Amaryllis walked through the halls, which were practically empty as most students where in the cafeteria or outside, and located the Wyrmyd dormitory. She opened the door, and walked through the sitting room to the stairs in back, then climbed up to the girls dorms. She then entered her room, and started gathering her items for dueling. Meanwhile, she shifted back through the meeting in the woods, and rolled her eyes multiple times. She'd meet him again probably, but she was hoping it wouldn't be anytime soon. He'd probably still be ticked or something.

(Slight interaction with

@SkyRune & @Rain mentioned)​

Michi Takaharu (Interacting with


"Hmph", he turned away from her, and jumped when Chi landed next to him. "Hello, Chiyo." Pushing up his glasses and calming down his nerves he smirked. "Me, skip class? That is a hardly logical thought." Turning around and waiting for the other girl to leave he spoke once more. "I have to go to dueling soon, but if you wish for me to buy you something to eat at dinner I will."

Pushing down the path he whipped around and pointed a finger at her. "Don't you dare sleep in class today." With that he was off to his dorm, opening a random window and jumping in. Climbing the steps to the male dorms he entered his room, hastily cleaning up and organizing himself before opening the door and exiting down the path towards where his dueling class was suppose to be.


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