Kiara Tyrell [Fight or Flight]


Moon Pie Maven
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/Kiara.jpg.3bbcf1f5a46d7542aad2c170ccc5beba.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="27917" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/Kiara.jpg.3bbcf1f5a46d7542aad2c170ccc5beba.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Name: Kiara Tyrell

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Appearance Notes: Kiara stands 5' 7" tall and is approximately 135#. Kiara has jet black, straight hair that is shoulder length and sea green eyes. Dresses in black as much as possible and wears sunglasses whenever she can. Often seen smoking cigarettes, but she is not considered a chain-smoker.

Personality: Kiara is a self-proclaimed anarchist. When asked what she's rebelling against, she'll reply, "What have you got?" She doesn't speak much, but when she does it is with the exact words that she has specifically chosen to use. She is patient knowing that, in time, chaos will eventually win out over order. She has a serious problem with authority and those who simply cannot see her point of view.

: Force. Not "The Force", but force. She can create force fields, shields and the like and can even use this ability to push things.

Limitations: Unlike telekinesis, Kiara can only move things away from her, not up and down or side to side. The heavier the object and/or the farther the distance from her, the less she is able to force it, and shielding an object takes her full concentration; Kiara cannot do anything else when she is using her talent to shield.

Drawbacks:When using her talent, Kiara cannot breathe and thus can only sustain her power for as long as she is able to hold her breath. The use of her talent leaves a unique, signature aroma of hydrogen sulfide (rotten eggs) in the air around the target of the power. The stronger the use, the stronger the odor. When using her talent, her irises become blood red (thus the reason for the sunglasses).

Preferred Tactic: Kiara prefers not to get involved. If pressed, she will simply push things away from her. Failing that, she will shield herself as long as she is able, hoping that the attacker will eventually give up and look for easier game. As a last resort, Kiara will use her switchblade knife.


Kiara's parents died in a car accident when Kiara was nine. Ever since, she was a rebellious girl. Now, nine years later, Kiara has bounced from foster home to foster home and from school to school, never finding any true happiness in life. Having been expelled on more than one occasion, Kiara has missed several grades and has had to repeat them.

As she rebelled against authority, Kiara fell into a destructive group of youths. She used her talents for vandalism and looting and, after a time, was caught by the police. Kiara was given one last chance to avoid adult prison, as she is now eighteen and of legal age, by enrolling in Winford's Academy. It was hoped that this school would finally curb her anarchist nature and help her to control her talent and find ways to use it for the betterment of society rather than abject mayhem.

Personal Theme Song: If You Want Blood (You Got It) – AC/DC

Other: Kiara carries a switchblade knife, concealed in her pants. She has a plain, zippo lighter that was her father's and is her only, real prized possession.

Ok, I know Shura has seen this, but I guess I'm supposed to Pandora here somewhere, right? <g>



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Adding a post here to keep track of Kiara's personality and mannerisms for reference. This will be updated as Kiara grows in this RP

*Kiara rarely, if ever, smiles. On occasion, the corner of her mouth might up-turn ever so slightly in a wry grin.

*Kiara always wears her sunglasses (except when sleeping, obviously). She shades her sea-green eyes which are soft rather than harsh and piercing because she doesn't want to allow others to peer into her soul by looking directly into her eyes.

*Kiara will oft times create nick-names for people as using their proper names would be a sign of conformity (I will keep a running list in another post).

*Kiara's trust is extremely difficult to earn.

*Kiara is an excellent and avid swimmer.
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List of Nick-Names (in no particular order ... just as Kiara would prefer)

Andrew Wilson (teacher) - Drew

Jacob "Jake" Knowles - Tex

Madison Waller -

Teru 'Raven' Anzai - Guns

Ms. Morgan Wilford -

Ms. Iren Wilford - Warden
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Also, I've been placing a thumbnail picture of Kiara at the beginning of all of my posts. I hope that when people read them and respond to them, having her picture there will help to remind what she looks like and such as there are so many of us posting it might be difficult to remember those kinds of details.

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