
Mina Sunford

Scarf Lady



Personal information


Age: 16


Sex: Male


Sexuality: Bi


Personality: Kastor is an incredibly quiet person, and therefore people mostly judge him based on his looks. That may be a wrong choice though, since his basic face expression is quite scary for some people. Even when being talked to, he's not a person of his words. First thing people recognize is his blonde-ish hair contrasting with his skin and dark brown eyes. Kastor grew up in a childcare institute, so he doesn't know about his parents, who may have given him this genetic quirk. After escaping from the institute at a young age, he learned the ways of living in harsh conditions. Many times he did some work for the locals to get an education from them. One of them was an astronomer, and was once audibly discussing about "Kastor" with somebody. The word stuck in his ears, so he gradually decided to take it up as his name. This helped him to be seen more of an actual person instead of just a temporary slave, since people weren't calling him "hey blond guy over there!" anymore. He moved from family to family as a helper, and many times a family got very attached to him. This is how he learned reading, writing, and last but not least play the piano and the clarinet. He was fascinated by the lovely sounds these classical instruments produced so he decided to learn more about music theory. He was an absolute sponge, sucking up every bit of information about music. Tuning systems, wave physics, harmonies, history, mathematics of sound. While he was learning all this it happened that his current family, who looked at him as their child, brought Kastor to a classical concert. He was absolutely in love with the different instrumental colours all blending together. After he got home he started constructing complex melodies and orchestral works within his head, but there was one problem: He didn't know how to notate and write down all that which was happening inside his head. So he decided to enroll in a musical school, and to his luck, there were free places available. It was a hard task to earn it but he finally did it. And now he has arrived to the school.



School information


Talent: Thinking up complex orchestral works, and translating a piece of music to another instrument really well. Very good ear for instrumental colour. Great control of breathing and precise finger movements. Deep understanding of music.


Genre: Mainly Romantic era and Impressionist music, but Classical era as well. From more modern stuff, he mainly likes music with nice melodic lines, and a bit more developed formal structure, for example (maybe a bit contrasting to his personality) forms of metal, like folk metal and melancholic, progressive post-metal kind of pieces. Although, as said, he doesn't listen to much modern forms of music.


Scholarship: Yes


Dorm number: 1


Chosen subjects: Music history (Since he already has a very strong understanding of theory), Ethics (He has a well-developed philosophy about ethics and religion, so he doesn't really like these kinds of classes, but if he has to choose, it has to be ethics, since he was an irreligious person from the beginning.

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Personal information


Age: 16


Sex: Male


Sexuality: Bi


Personality: Kastor is an incredibly quiet person, and therefore people mostly judge him based on his looks. That may be a wrong choice though, since his basic face expression is quite scary for some people. Even when being talked to, he's not a person of his words. First thing people recognize is his blonde-ish hair contrasting with his skin and dark brown eyes. Kastor grew up in a childcare institute, so he doesn't know about his parents, who may have given him this genetic quirk. After escaping from the institute at a young age, he learned the ways of living in harsh conditions. Many times he did some work for the locals to get an education from them. One of them was an astronomer, and was once audibly discussing about "Kastor" with somebody. The word stuck in his ears, so he gradually decided to take it up as his name. This helped him to be seen more of an actual person instead of just a temporary slave, since people weren't calling him "hey blond guy over there!" anymore. He moved from family to family as a helper, and many times a family got very attached to him. This is how he learned reading, writing, and last but not least play the piano and the clarinet. He was fascinated by the lovely sounds these classical instruments produced so he decided to learn more about music theory. He was an absolute sponge, sucking up every bit of information about music. Tuning systems, wave physics, harmonies, history, mathematics of sound. While he was learning all this it happened that his current family, who looked at him as their child, brought Kastor to a classical concert. He was absolutely in love with the different instrumental colours all blending together. After he got home he started constructing complex melodies and orchestral works within his head, but there was one problem: He didn't know how to notate and write down all that which was happening inside his head. So he decided to enroll in a musical school, and to his luck, there were free places available. It was a hard task to earn it but he finally did it. And now he has arrived to the school.



School information


Talent: Thinking up complex orchestral works, and translating a piece of music to another instrument really well. Very good ear for instrumental colour. Great control of breathing and precise finger movements. Deep understanding of music.


Genre: Mainly Romantic era and Impressionist music, but Classical era as well. From more modern stuff, he mainly likes music with nice melodic lines, and a bit more developed formal structure, for example (maybe a bit contrasting to his personality) forms of metal, like folk metal and melancholic, progressive post-metal kind of pieces. Although, as said, he doesn't listen to much modern forms of music.


Scholarship: Yes


Dorm number:


Chosen subjects: Music history (Since he already has a very strong understanding of theory), Ethics (He has a well-developed philosophy about ethics and religion, so he doesn't really like these kinds of classes, but if he has to choose, it has to be ethics, since he was an irreligious person from the beginning.


Accepted, male dorm #1

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