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Fantasy Just a couple of fantasy/supernatural ideas. (Advanced/Lit)


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Please PM me if you're interested. I may not see your replies on this thread.

Hi everyone!

I am looking for another partner or two. Seeking someone semi-advanced to advanced- I write average 1200 words (of course, depending on scenes too). I generally match what my partner gives me, so don't panic. I prefer quality lit- semi-lit posts, something open-ended that I can easily respond to. I love to chat OOC to discuss the plot to keep it going smoothly on Discord.

I am a mature older player, seeking someone 21+. Looking for MxF only- nothing against same sex, it's just not my scene.
I like darker content, I love playing the more evil characters. Bring on the drama!

My fantasy stories are based in 'real life' settings, meaning "vampires and werewolves do not exist, they're just stories" type of thing. I absolutely hate "Oh, you're a vampire? Cool beans, kiss me." type of reaction, let's make it realistic as possible with emotion and drama! Only exception if we do high fantasy settings.

Anyway, some plot ideas below. Please do PM me with ideas of your own or voice your suggestions/input to my plot ideas! Most of my characters are established with history. If you would like to meet my established characters, let me know! Some of them are old, from the good ol' AOL days in the 90's (yikes!).

Also, I am generally ghost friendly- but do not be afraid to tell me you've lost interest- If you are one of those that disappeared and would like to try again, feel free to PM and we'll talk :)

I have a few established characters that I'd like to play, if you don't see a plot to your liking perhaps one of these guys will strike your interest- feel free to ask for a character sheet for more information:
Zidane- Shadowman (or Shadow Demon) (Evil and dark)
Marx/Claude- Vampires (classic style, no sparkles here! One darker than the other)
Six- Feral werewolf that has no idea what the human world is like (requires training)

In addition to my established characters above and the plots below.. here's some pairings I'd be interested in:
Club owner/Patron/Employee
Mafia Boss/Girl
Dark Wizard/Apprentice
Dark Circus Ringmaster/Guest/Performer (twist on Greatest Showman)
Witch/Wizard/Mortal (NOT Harry Potter- think Bewitched style)
Arranged marriage- historical fantasy

Some loose plot ideas below:

Modern Realistic setting. (roles can be swapped)

Your character is a scientist, an archeologist. She discovers a sarcophagus on an expedition to an ancient ruins in Egypt. She digs it up and investigates. Inside she finds a well preserved mummy, more specifically, a Pharaoh. She translate the ancient Hebrew script inside the coffin and brings him back to life. Now she has a very confused man last awake two thousand years prior. He knows nothing about this modern world. How will she handle him?

There's always a male pirate finding a mermaid. This time there's a female pirate finding a male merman! Would she be greedy enough to sell the merman to the black markets, try to eat him for immortality or keep him as a priceless treasured pet?

(I had a similar story going and I miss it a lot, I'd love to try it again!)

Muse A has always been sick his entire life, he's visited hospitals many times and was near death several times. Muse A's father dedicated his life into finding a cure for his child. Muse A's father found a hunter's clan which promised the blood of a mythical creature (to be decided) that would heal his child- only thing is, Dad must find a pure-blood creature and kill them to cure his child. His luck only turned up half-breeds. When Muse A decided to join the search when they became an adult, wanting to be cured as well.

Muse B is said creature, living among the humans hiding in plain sight. They do have healing powers as they are pure-blood.

Muse A and Muse B meet up and becomes friends (perhaps more), neither of them having a clue that one's a hunter, and the other's a creature. Will they find out? Will Muse A stop their father from killing said creature or fall into desperation for a cure?

Vampire Detective / Vampire Hunter Cop in a realistic modern setting.

MC (vampire), is a well known detective, he can solve almost any case where most humans can't. He's also a strong vampire that's evaded vampire hunters for centuries.
YC (hunter), is tasked by the hunter clan to go under cover as a rookie cop, MC's partner, to try to learn about MC's weaknesses so she and the other hunters may attack and destroy him once and for all. MC has no idea she's a vampire hunter (at least not for a while, she knows what he is from the start).
YC discovers that MC is also a hunter of sorts. He picks and chooses through cases that relates to rogue vampires (and other creatures if we choose to expand), and he kills them, saving human lives. This makes YC reconsider destroying him, and she tries to convince the other hunters to leave him alone.

It can be medieval or modern- Realistic setting. (roles can be swapped)

There's this old, evil wizard. Wizard takes on a human servant to serve his needs about his home. She has no idea that he's a wizard, she believes he's a scientist, a Dr. Frankenstien wanna-be, focused on potion making.

The servant runs into a man on an errand. They form friendship- servant takes whatever chance they can get to meet her new friend. Eventually romance is involved with the two of them.
Wizard finds out and gets angry. He casts a spell on her lover and turns him into something (Some reason I am thinking merman, but it can be anything to make it difficult for them to be together- we can decide what together).
Despite the unforgiving change in her lover, love could not separate the two. The two of them then makes it a mission to find a way to be together, whether it's destroying the wizard for freedom, finding a way to turn them back, or finding a way to change to join the lover.

YC finds an injured wolf chased from his pack from deep in the woods. She nurses him back to health, but only to discover that he's a werewolf with the ability to turn human. However, he's lived in the woods all his life. Being a feral wolf, he knows nothing about the human world. Will YC help him out to survive in the human world?

Werewolves had been a menance for centuries. A Family-owned Hunter clan had done an excellent job in controlling the population, thanks to their secret weapon, a wolf on their own team.

Your character is the daughter of the leaders, she's raised as a hunter to hunt wolves and keep human civilization safe. She learned how to kill wolves and keep humans in the dark about wolves (meaning wolves don't exist, she learned how to erase proof of them). Whether she agrees to killing wolves or not, is up to you. She has no idea her parents harbored a werewolf as a secret weapon against the wolves as he's hidden most of the time and called when needed. Her parents then get killed by the wolves and she becomes leader of the hunter's clan. That's when she learns about her new partner.

(Loosely based off the anime Hellsing)


YC is a paranormal investigator. She has all the top notch instruments in seeking out spirits, but not for fun, it's her job. She also has witch/psychic powers within her to help lost spirits cross over to where they belong.
One day she finds a different kind of supernatural spirit- a ghost hunting instruments somehow pulls him from the shadows to be discovered. This one is over 10,000 years old, living in the darkness. This one strikes paralyzing fear, a giver of nightmares and terror in which he feeds from.
He is the Shadow Man. How will your character handle such a creature?

Note: My shadow man character is fully developed (OLD character), which will be tweaked to the story. I have a CS set up for him already.

1920's-modern setting

MC is an owner and lead ringmaster of a dark gothic circus. There's no bright-colored happy giggling clowns in this traveling circus- only dark acts of death-defying stunts, freak shows and sinister themes. With an emphasis of the dead, MC is a vampire hiding right out in the open letting people believe he's nothing more than an actor that plays a vampire.
YC would happen to have something special about her. Her delicious blood that makes any demon desire a taste from her. Blood trait that comes once every century, a rare treat for the nosferatus. Once MC discovers YC has this tempting golden blood, will he ever let YC go?

Please PM me if you're interested. I may not see your replies on this thread.
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Bumping up. seeking one or two more active partners :)
I like my fantasy stories to be based in 'real life' settings, meaning "vampires and werewolves do not exist, they're just stories" type of thing. I absolutely hate "Oh, you're a vampire? Cool beans, kiss me." type of reaction, let's make it realistic as possible with emotion and drama!
up up!
Reminder, please read my first post at my requirements!

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