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Fandom Jurassic Park: Troubled Coast -Open-

Can dooooooooooo. All Jurassic films need a stampede scene, so I might have to incorporate one in here somewhere with those lovely herbivore suggestions.
[QUOTE="The Doorman]Carnotaurus, anyone?

Book carnotaurus? Like, the whole camouflaging fiaaaaasco?
Oh right, can't leave out the porcupine tank now can we? (^.^)


Manio said:
Book carnotaurus? Like, the whole camouflaging fiaaaaasco?
Okay, maybe not THAT version of the carnotaur, lolol.

Less lizard, more avian xD

Unless, of course, that's what you strive for.
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If I can figure out a way to incorporate a Plesiosaur then I'm game.


So, the jungle adventure group will stumble upon a building within the next few posts. Whether it's worthwhile or not, well we'll have to wait and see. I don't want everyone making it off the island alive, which is why I gave the whole "Create 2 characters if you want" nod. I'm still trying to figure out out player character deaths because at the moment we still have a juicy amount of NPC characters that can be used for chow.

Thomas isn't the only NPC from the ship to survive. There's still a decent handful unconscious around the beach. Hence the comment from Clarke to make sure they're dead before tossing them in the ocean. I'll be introducing another NPC shortly who's unconscious still, and will be woken up during the movement of the corpses to the ocean.
Hi kids. We all love dinosaurs here on Isla Sorna, so I decided to drop by and say something important about the future of the roleplay, well sort of important as it pertains to how the ending is right now in my noggin. So, I'm asking ya'll about the ending in my head, no spoilers promise.

  • Should it be open for a sequel roleplay if we ever go down that route? I plan on doing a non-JP one after this one wraps up, but have no issues revisiting our world of Jurassic Park, and the characters that survive until the end.
  • No sequel.

Manio said:
Hi kids. We all love dinosaurs here on Isla Sorna, so I decided to drop by and say something important about the future of the roleplay, well sort of important as it pertains to how the ending is right now in my noggin. So, I'm asking ya'll about the ending in my head, no spoilers promise.
  • Should it be open for a sequel roleplay if we ever go down that route? I plan on doing a non-JP one after this one wraps up, but have no issues revisiting our world of Jurassic Park, and the characters that survive until the end.
  • No sequel.

Sequel vote here! Cause Reasons. :D
@Manio Hi there. Just wanted to apologize for not having my sheet up, I can have it in today if I'm not too late - but from the looks of it, I really have no sense of time and let this go too long. Please let me know when it's convenient for you, and forgive me again for my absence! <3
Manio said:
Hi kids. We all love dinosaurs here on Isla Sorna, so I decided to drop by and say something important about the future of the roleplay, well sort of important as it pertains to how the ending is right now in my noggin. So, I'm asking ya'll about the ending in my head, no spoilers promise.
  • Should it be open for a sequel roleplay if we ever go down that route? I plan on doing a non-JP one after this one wraps up, but have no issues revisiting our world of Jurassic Park, and the characters that survive until the end.
  • No sequel.

I actually like the idea of somehow having the dinos escaped from the island and the world's pretty thrown into chaos since there's like T. Rexs running down in the continents (so like everyone escapes only to find dinos in the "real world"), but I wouldn't want that to be the reason why everyone survives. Don't have anything against everyone surviving, but it wouldn't be much fun now without the very real possibility of being eaten now would it? ;)

DarlingWaylonPark said:
Sequel vote here! Cause Reasons. :D
"BECAUSE REASONS!" -Mr. Torgue ^_^
P U R I T Y] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/21378-manio/ said:
@Manio[/URL] Hi there. Just wanted to apologize for not having my sheet up, I can have it in today if I'm not too late - but from the looks of it, I really have no sense of time and let this go too long. Please let me know when it's convenient for you, and forgive me again for my absence! <3
You're still perfectly fine. You'll just have to be one of the unconscious people on the beach leading up the dinosaur arriving.
Manio said:
You're still perfectly fine. You'll just have to be one of the unconscious people on the beach leading up the dinosaur arriving.
Stellar. Should have everything in relatively soon, thank you!
[QUOTE="The Doorman]SorrT I haven't posted, having a bit of trouble with life things.

No worries. Hope things are alright.
Manio said:
No worries. Hope things are alright.
Oh, I'm fine, it's just...

One of the goats got its head stuck in the fence for the seventh time this month *facepalm*
[QUOTE="The Doorman]They lurk in the hay, waiting to strike thin air.

so goats are Assassins? Are Assassins goats? O.o

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