Judicai Merohavian Gantz VIII [Daemonborn]

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Three Thousand Club

  • Name: Judicai Merohavian Gantz VIII

    Archetype: Apostate

    Age: 29

    Judicai has the Gantz Dynasty's distinctive strong jawline and aristocratic features, his father's blonde hair, and his mother's striking green eyes. He is virtually never seen without the immaculate Imperial dress uniform of the 6th Scintillan Fusiliers, including the feathered tricorn hat and mastercrafted carapace plates beneath. The beautiful masterwork Lascarbine Firstborn hovers at one hip and his standard issue power blade is strapped to the other. He moves with an air of nobility and grace inculcated from birth, and his manner makes clear that everything he surveys ought know its place and that place is almost certainly far beneath him. Recently he has added a small attache case containing a collection of tomes on the subject of the Imperium in the days of the Great Crusade and the Horus Heresy - frequently frowned upon in more dogmatic circles of the Imperium - to his usual accoutrements. The heirloom amulet granted him by his father is always prominently displayed about his neck.


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Okay... this is looking solid so far save I have to whack you with the GM Mallet for trying to take Strength twice as the Perfection losses. You can do that once. Pick something else for the other -3.

Also, make sure to note your traits and special abilities.
Corrections made, added the skills and trait for being Human.

I hadn't actually read the rules for Legacy Weapons. I'd like to elevate my Lascarbine to a Legacy Weapon in place of the Red Dot Laser Sight. Could we negotiate a bonus for having a Best Craftsmanship Legacy Weapon? It will have to be Best Craftsmanship even if there is no bonus - the story and my character would accept nothing less - but I find it odd that the craftsmanship is effectively increased and there was no mention of effects on Best Craftsmanship.

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Traits and most of the Talents weren't really applicable to my Lesser Minion so I traded them for Trained skills. Is that acceptable? I don't think my Steward will be game breaking.

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