Jorik Bjornsson (Eclipse Solar) [For A Better Age]


Name: Jorik Bjornsson.

Exalted: Radiant Snow Strider (Solar Eclipse)


Major:Seatongue, Skytongue, Low Realm, High Realm, Forest Tongue, Old Realm.

Barbarian: Valhal,


Turn the north into a prosperous Empire, safe and strong for it's people.


Str: 2 Cha: 3 Per: 4

Dex: 5 Man: 5 Int: 3

Sta: 5 App: 2 Wits : 4



Archery 5

Martial Arts 1

Melee 0

Thrown 0

War 0


Integrity 3

Performance 1

Presence 1

Resistance 3

Survival 3


Craft (Wood) 1

Investigation 3

Lore 1

Medicine 0

Occult 0


Atheletics 3

Awareness 5

Dodge 3

Larceny 0

Stealth 1


Bureaucracy 5

Linguistics 5

Ride 3

Sail 3

Socialize 5


Bureaucracy: Commerce 1

Bureaucracy: Celestial 1

Survival: Cold Environment 1

Survival: Tracking 1


Familiar: 3 (Ice Weasel)

Mentor: 2 (Hakar, Ice Elemental)

Resources: 2 (Hunting/Trading)


*Archery: 2nd Excellency, Infinite Archery Mastery

*Bureaucracy: 2nd Excellency, Frugal Merchant Method, Insightful buyer technique, Speed the Wheels, Bureau-Rectifying Method, Immanent Solar Glory

Dodge: Reflex Sidestep

Integrity: 2nd Excellency,

*Resistance: 3rd Excellency, Body-Mending Meditation, 3x Ox-Body (1x 0, 2x -1, 4x -2)

*Socialize: 2nd Excellency, Gathering the Congregation, Mastery of Small Manners, Shinning in Every Eye Attitude, Wise Eyed Courtier Method

*Survival: Hardship surviving Medicant Spirit

Non Solar:

Measure the Wind


Compassion 4

Conviction: 3

Temperance: 5

Valor: 3

Virtue Flaw:

Uncompromising Truth

Willpower: 8

Essence: 3

Limit: 0


0 [ ] [ ]

-1 [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

-2 [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

-4 [ ]

Incap [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]


Personal: 17

Peripheral: 54


Personal: 0

Peripheral: 0


Personal: 17

Peripheral: 54
XP Tally


Char gen: 50

Background: 4

Connections: 5

Prologue: 18

Chapter 1:72

Chapter 2 - Part 1: 63

Chapter 2 - Part 2: 43

Chapter 3: 46

Total: 301


Attributes: 32

Abilities: 51

Essence: 16

Virtue: 6

Willpower: 0


Fav: 64

Regular: 0

Non-Solar: 16

Total: 185

Net: 116xp

Born in a small village on the edge of the white sea, 20 miles west of Windcreche. On the glacier's Edge.

Jokull Jadarr - A small village of hardy workers and hunters.

Housing maybe 80 villagers, the community was close knit.

Living on the edge of the permanent northern glacier did not make for easy living, the village traded with Windcrech, selling it the various furs, Ivory, Leather and furs they gathered, in echange for the tools, weapons and cloth they needed.

During his 13th winter one night of Resplendent fire. The air, cool to any but those who lived in this frigid place, tingled with foreboding and a light stench upon the wind. Asleep within his family home until his brother, Jarl, pulled him from his bed and thrust clothes at him.

With the practised ease of one living in harsh conditions half asleep and unaware of the current danger mere moments away. He made away with his brother in the night while his parents and other villagers stood against the horror coming upon them.

Northern barbarians, mutated creatures, cannibals. No group this large had ever swollen so large before descending upon the village, most of the villagers slaughtered, the rest ran. The once white snow now coated in blood and flesh became the sight for a depraved feast.

Having hidden in the woods, by morning his brother had returned to the town and seen the result of the attack. Stumbling through the snow Jarl managed to return to Jorik. Together they left and traveled with difficulty to Windcreche, it took them an entire day. Though it seemed Jarl was not all there anymore.

He settled in Windcreche and did what he could to do to support his beloved older brother, but a young man gets only so far, and makes so much money. He was taken in but had to not only pull his own weigth, but to support his broken brother also.

Years went by, he managed to apprentice himself to a hunter, chasing seals and walrus. Making very little money but was able to keep some of the meat to feed himself and his brother.

Everything was stable, far from happy, but content.

Though each year passed his brother faded further and further, a slow wound deep within him draining his life until one day he was gone.

The last little spark of life gone.

Jorik's only reason to stay in Windcreche was his brother Jarl. He sold everything but the clothes on his back and his bow. He used all the money to buy his brother a frugal ceremony and cremation. Leaving behind tears and most of his heart. He left Windcreche, now on his 19th winter.

He slowly made his way down south towards more verdant pastures, still home to his native snow. He loved and hated it at the same time.

Traveling through the cities of theaslanti League looking for a way to leave this land and forget about the horror of his life. COntentment seems easily forgotten next to sorrow of a dead family.

Arriving in the more temperate yet still refreshingly cold lands south of the white sea. A traveling hunter and quite cunning salesman, Jorik Spent the rest of his winters until his 37th exchanging his skill for housing in mostly smaller settlements, in times of deathly cold. During the harshest of winters he stayed towards the southern coast, he was hardy but not foolish.

Late Resplendant air that year, he went off searching for game only to find a boy and his father beset by a large bear. Fearsome brown furred beast he knew. SHooting arrows upon it in a vain attempt to save the father. The man feeld with but a mere swipe of it's paw, a tear trickled from his eye into the bitting cold. He could not... Would not let the icy north destroy another family. Calling to any that would listen to grant him the skill required to save the boy.

Jorik exalted, surging with the ancient power of divinity, memories of times gone past. He ran through his mind and searched for what would save him, and the boy, now. Time enough later to explore what was granted to him. Memories blossomed in his mind, of a grand archer from long ago, it spread through him. Shaking his muscles to the core, reshaping them to suit it's purpose, granting him the needed power.

He slew the beast swiftly after that, but burned a bright golden Aura, A chaotic storm of gold and white, shimering like the corona of the sun. He grabbed the young boy and squeezed him tight. He had saved a life. All this time, it finaly happpened. He had made a difference.

He carried the youth on his back, no care in the world to his still burning anima, it was fading, and was not to be seen when he reached the edge of the village. The Memories in his mind retreating, finding dark corners to hide. He had lost his chance to explore them further see where they would lead, but they had left with him his new drive. Blood and war were base, a necesary for survival, but when one becomes many, war gives to peace, and blood to words, honour. He would bring the north out of it's savage state, raise it up to be a great land.

Grand thoughts clouded his mind, the boy rushing past him to tell everyone about his amazing savior, they looked incredulous asking after his father, only to look up at find a stranger. With the burning brand of the hated Anathema upon his brow.

The first stone rose him from his distraction. He was beset by the villagers, they were convinced he had murdered the boys father for his own perverse amusement and if not chased away would call calamity upon them all. They would die if he stayed. They were northerners, they would stand, fight, and hoild their village against the demon.

As more stones came at him Jorik fled rather then take a life for his own, off into the snow and harsh winter. Fleeing to the mountains. The one land he would hope to find peace, but once again solitude.

Winding up the treacharous peak, he made his home in the cave of an ice elemental. The spirit at first outraged at such intrusion warned him to leave.

Jorik fell to his knees and asked for safehaven, he told his story as quick as he could, trying to win sympathy from the spirit, he hoped it would be, as many others in his life had been, easily swayed by such a tale.

It understood what he was, and how far he had come, and chose to make a deal, it would teach him about what his new condition was, and Jorik would performe favors for him. Another two winters, the blink of an eye it seemed, his days filled between training and sorting deals with other gods for Harka, his new teacher.

He was shown that he could seal deals under the auspices of the heaven's themselves and to break such a deal would bring about very dark fortune indeed. He refined his skills and abilites under this tutelage.Working between Hakar and other spirits of ice and air, and those spirits of earth below. Working to increase the efficiency and expand his Iced caretakers dominion. His mentor, once a simple spirit of a ritual cavern, now became a more prominent spirit, one who shaped and held sway upon the frosted peaks and cold strong winds.

But Jorik grew restless. He craved to be with men once more.

For his great work and admirable spirit, "strong as Ice" Hakar would say, He was given a secret. He was taught to taste the cold air. To sense the power around him, and within those other's he had met.

There was then a point to all the negotiating with the other spirits, not just to increase Hakar's standing, but to refine his senses to notice the soft throb of power in the air. He would taste the air and a frozen breeze laden with ice crystals would carry the knowledge to him.

He Bid Hakar farewell. Promising to return to visit at least once a year, he made his way down the mountain. A poor slip of his foot, uncommon for him, unusual. Fate was to be cruel today. Toppled him down the mountain and upon a pack of wolves, not only was he badly wounded now he needed to fight, fate was indeed very fickle. The wench would have him not so easily, he was a northener, more so, he was exalted.

Bitter fight quickly broke out, he would make a show, he flared strong, bright and defiantly. Burning through the power coursing through his veins. Near his last breath he was thankfully found by another blessed of the sun.

Bjarn and his loyal valiant warriors came crashing through the forest to his aid, with the sound of a grand army, flashing gleam of steel from shields and axes. Jorik had never heard anything so valiant nor furious.

They cleaved their way through the wolves like the simple beasts they were.

Bjarn congratulated his men heartely, nothing Jorik had ever seen as such a fondness for one another since his village life. He needed to join them, to earn himself the respect of these strong men. He presented himself to their glorious leader, a impressive figure. He offered him his life and service, bow and skill.

He joined the men as their tracker and scout. Not quite at home with those men just yet, but glad to have found the companionship of Bjarn, one so glorious and powerfull, gleaming with the ease of power. The raw force and glory of a Solar.

Jorik is still adamant he was doing fine against the wolves to this day.
Jorik looks as follows. ;) <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2010_05/Archer2.jpg.e0d95c65d48465b12601f87579ce127b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23496" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2010_05/Archer2.jpg.e0d95c65d48465b12601f87579ce127b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • Archer2.jpg
    43.3 KB · Views: 261

List of Intimacies:

Current/Max: 6/11

+Bjarn {x}{x}

+Peace {x}{x}

+Cold North {x}{x}

+Icehold {x}{x}

-Slavery {x}{x}

+United Northern Empire {x}{x}
Grid of Character Development

Full accounting to understand where and how things came from

Attributes:  Generated | Bonus Points | Creation XP | Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2/1 | Chapter 2/2 | Current Level | XP Totals

Strength         1     |      0       |     +1      |     0    |     0     |      0      |      0      |       2       |
Dexterity        5     |      0       |      0      |     0    |     0     |      0      |      0      |       5       |
Stamina          5     |      0       |      0      |     0    |     0     |      0      |      0      |       5       |

XP Cost          0     |      0       |      4      |     0    |     0     |      0      |      0      |       -       |    4

Charisma         1     |      0       |     +1      |     0    |     0     |     +1      |      0      |       3       |
Manipulation     5     |      0       |      0      |     0    |     0     |      0      |      0      |       5       |
Appearance       1     |      0       |     +1      |     0    |     0     |      0      |      0      |       2       |

XP Cost          0     |      0       |      8      |     0    |     0     |      8      |      0      |       -       |   16

Perception       4     |      0       |      0      |     0    |     0     |      0      |      0      |       4       |
Intelligence     1     |      0       |      0      |     0    |     0     |     +2      |      0      |       3       |
Wits             4     |      0       |      0      |     0    |     0     |      0      |      0      |       4       |

XP Cost          0     |      0       |      0      |     0    |     0     |     12      |      0      |       -       |   12


Archery          5     |      0       |      0      |     0    |     0     |      0      |      0      |       5       |
Martial Arts     0     |      0       |      0      |    +1    |     0     |      0      |      0      |       1       |
Melee            0     |      0       |      0      |     0    |     0     |      0      |      0      |       0       |
Thrown           0     |      0       |      0      |     0    |     0     |      0      |      0      |       0       |
War              0     |      0       |      0      |     0    |     0     |      0      |      0      |       0       |

XP Cost          0     |      0       |      0      |     3    |     0     |      0      |      0      |       -       |    3

Integrity        3     |      0       |      0      |     0    |     0     |      0      |      0      |       3       |
Performance      0     |      0       |     +1      |     0    |     0     |      0      |      0      |       1       |
Presence         0     |      0       |     +1      |     0    |     0     |      0      |      0      |       1       |
Resistance       3     |      0       |      0      |     0    |     0     |      0      |      0      |       3       |
Survival         3     |      0       |      0      |     0    |     0     |      0      |      0      |       3       |

XP Cost          0     |      0       |      6      |     0    |     0     |      0      |      0      |       -       |    6

Craft (Wood)     0     |      0       |     +1      |     0    |     0     |      0      |      0      |       1       |
Investigation    3     |      0       |      0      |     0    |     0     |      0      |      0      |       3       |
Lore             0     |      0       |     +1      |     0    |     0     |      0      |      0      |       1       |
Medicine         0     |      0       |      0      |     0    |     0     |      0      |      0      |       0       |
Occult           0     |      0       |      0      |     0    |     0     |      0      |      0      |       0       |

XP Cost          0     |      0       |      6      |     0    |     0     |      0      |      0      |       -       |    6

Athletics        3     |      0       |      0      |     0    |     0     |      0      |      0      |       3       |
Awareness        5     |      0       |      0      |     0    |     0     |      0      |      0      |       5       |
Dodge            3     |      0       |      0      |     0    |     0     |      0      |      0      |       3       |
Larceny          0     |      0       |      0      |     0    |     0     |      0      |      0      |       0       |
Stealth          0     |      0       |      +1     |     0    |     0     |      0      |      0      |       1       |

XP Cost          0     |      0       |      3      |     0    |     0     |      0      |      0      |       -       |    3

Bureaucracy      0     |     +5       |      0      |     0    |     0     |      0      |      0      |       5       |
Linguistics      0     |      0       |     +1      |    +2    |     0     |     +2      |      0      |       5       |
Ride             0     |      0       |     +1      |     0    |     0     |     +2      |      0      |       3       |
Sail             0     |      0       |     +1      |     0    |     0     |     +2      |      0      |       3       |
Socialize        0     |     +5       |      0      |     0    |     0     |      0      |      0      |       5       |

XP Cost          0     |    10BP      |      9      |     4    |     0     |     20      |      0      |       -       |    33

Compassion       3     |     +1       |      0      |     0    |     0     |      0      |      0      |       4       |
Conviction       1     |     +1       |      0      |    +1    |     0     |      0      |      0      |       2       |
Temperance       4     |     +1       |      0      |     0    |     0     |      0      |      0      |       5       |
Valor            1     |     +2       |      0      |     0    |     0     |      0      |      0      |       3       |

XP Cost          0     |     5BP      |      0      |     6    |     0     |      0      |      0      |       -       |    6

Willpower        5     |     +3       |      0      |     0    |     0     |      0      |      0      |       8       |
XP Cost          0     |     3BP      |      0      |     0    |     0     |      0      |      0      |       -       |

Essence          2     |      0       |      0      |     0    |    +1     |      0      |      0      |       3       |
XP Cost          0     |      0       |      0      |     0    |    16     |      0      |      0      |       -       |    16


# Fav            7     |      0       |      0      |     0    |    +5     |     +3      |      0      |      12       |
# Reg            3     |      0       |      0      |     0    |     0     |      0      |      0      |       3       |
# Non-solar      0     |      0       |     +1      |     0    |     0     |      0      |      0      |       1       |
XP Cost          0     |      0       |     16      |     0    |    40     |     24      |      0      |       -       |    80

Free Ox-Body     2     |      0       |      0      |     0    |    +1     |      0      |      0      |       3       |

XP Total         0     |      0       |     52      |    13    |    56     |     64      |      0      |       -       |    185

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