Ithos Archipelago - Settings/Locations


The Rotten Fruit


Villages and Ports

  • Arthos Vifalas (Arthos Port)
  • Nehrixtol (Darkvale)
  • Nethatol (Northvale)
  • Tethatol (Eastvale)
  • Luthatol (Westvale)
  • Sazili Yithatmos (Glowing Pass)


  • Nehrix Niza (Sorrow Isle)
  • Quile Niza (Jungle Isle)
  • Kykalis Niza (Revolting Isle)
  • Kyple Niza (Submerged Isle)
  • Sashali Niza (Power Sand Isle)
  • Wyvth Niza (Wind Isle)


Villages and Ports


  • Jythalz Niza (Abandoned Isle)
  • Grytha Niza (Hellfire Isle)
  • Logos Niza (Labyrinth Isle)
  • Sazi Niza (Light Isle)
  • Daygra Niza (Dragon Isle)


Villages and Ports


  • Uthas (Holy Isle)
  • Sa Niza (First Isle)
  • Dia Niza (Second Isle)
  • Tra Niza (Third Isle)
  • Qua Niza (Fourth Isle)
  • Pen Niza (Fifth Isle)
  • Sen Niza (Sixth Isle)


Villages and Ports

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Ithos Pytos Vifalas
The Grand Port of Ithos

At a Glance Population: 72,000

Standard of Living: High

Crime Rates: High

Violent Crime Rates: Very Low


The Grand Ithos Port is the capital port city of the entire nation of Ithos. It is home to the national navy and is the sole legal source of ship hulls and masts in all of Ithos. The Grand Ithos Port is where any would be privateers begin, as they require a ship that can only be found at this port.

The Grand Ithos Port is a very large and sprawling port with many docks and building all along the coast. It is not uncommon for those new or unfamiliar with the port to become lost, as the roads and docks are constantly winding and turning. Only important structures are made of stone, such as the court house or bank.

Generally it is not common for merchants to have their own store, and instead they will often rent space in a massive outdoor market place. These stalls will often have overhangs to provide shade for the merchants. The main cause of these outdoor markets is the laws preventing any non-Itholan to own land in Ithos. Due to this law, which is strictly upheld, merchants from the mainland instead rent space in order to trade.

The people of the Grand Ithos Port lean very much towards families of naval backgrounds. Over 40% of people living in the Grand Ithos Port are either in the navy, or directly related to someone in the navy.

The military and police forces are very active in the port, and are constantly looking for any minor or major crimes that occur. They are sticklers for the rules, and will make sure anyone visiting or living there will abide by the laws. Due to this, the crime rate is very skewed. People receiving tickets or otherwise for very minor offences while in the port, however the violent crime is incredible low.

The port is seen as a sort of utopia by some, mostly those who don’t live in the port. The cost of living in the port is much higher than elsewhere, the average pay of those living in the port are also higher. As well, the constant presence of military forces makes it a very safe place to live.
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Arthos Vifalas
The Port of Arthos

At a Glance Population: 212,000

Standard of Living: Low

Crime Rates: Very High

Violent Crime Rates: High


The Arthos Port is often seen as the slums of Ithos, and the view point is not very far off. The people of Arthos make the lowest income out of all of the major ports, and it has the largest population out of any port. However, many of it’s statistics are skewed by the high amount of illegal and criminal activity.

Pirates and other criminals are often seen walking the streets of Arthos, and while the law is enforced, it is enforced mainly to combat violent acts. Drug use and trade is common, and a massive black market of coral weaponry, ships, and even slaves can be found if one was to dig deep enough.

The entire port is sectioned off and each section was given control to some of the nobles in the city. Due to this sectioning off the quality of life within the port varies wildly. In some sections the nobles seek to profit by illegal gains, while others seek to keep their section clean and lawful. Some of these appointed nobles began to create tolls or checks to see who is entering and who is leaving their jurisdiction.

This entire situation has created a hectic and chaotic environment for those who live within the port, and the greater Itholan politicians or leaders have no idea how to resolve the situation, as any sudden changes could result in a civil war or mass poverty.

However, the area closest to the docks is mostly clean, and issues largely arise by entering deeper into the port. Merchants can be found set up on the streets or from their ships, very few risk bringing wares into the rest of the port.

The northern exit to arthos has a massive gate, and it is one of the only parts of Ithos that has a large caravan network. Sending caravans of trade goods and supplies to the many towns and tribes located in the dense jungles of Arthos.
Diathalos Vifalas
The Port of Diathalos

At a Glance Population: 39,000

Standard of Living: Very High

Crime Rates: Low

Violent Crime Rates: Very Low


The Diathalos Port is located on North Diathalos and is the central town for those with more intellectual pursuits. The town boats home to the most prestigious academies in Ithos, teaching everything from ship construction to arcane magic. The port has a small market near the docks, however not many people seek out Diathalos for trade.

Diathalos Port is the largest port in terms of land used, however it has the smallest population out of the capital ports. Because of this many of the people in the port have vast areas of land they own and operate out of. This allows people to have complex homes or studies that other ports do not provide the space and room for. Over 70% of all wizards in Ithos are found in Diathalos Port because of this.

The people of Diathalos are among the richest in Ithos, as they are mostly knowledgeable or powerful wizards and academics or among the best in their fields of proficiency. The port has very strict restrictions on who can live within the port, which keeps many of the less fortunate or less skilled out of the port.

The port is renowned for it’s beauty and brilliant port layout, making the port very easy and efficient to navigate. However this does not come free, as the people of Diathalos Port pay more in taxes than any other port.
Yuvelos Vifalas
The Port of Yuvelos

At a Glance Population: 135,000

Standard of Living: Average

Crime Rates: Average

Violent Crime Rates: Average


The Yuvelos Port is located on Vythal Sau (The Calm Sea) and is the largest hub for trade in Ithos. The port acts as the last stop for those traveling west to the empire of Jale. A huge population have evolved in the port, making a living providing services and supplies to the merchants and traders.

The Yuvelos Port is flooded with merchant stalls in the streets and on the docks trying to peddle their wares to any passerby. Almost anything legal can be found for sale in Yuvelos. However, would be buyers should be weary and learn the trustworthy traders from the untrustworthy. Many merchants will try to offload poor quality or broken objects to unsuspecting shoppers.

The most intriguing building is a large stone building near the center of town - an action house. The auction house is where merchants or people with rare objects and treasures try to find the right bidder for anything from massive art pieces to magical items. it’s perhaps the only location in Ithos where magical items can be found for sale.

The ports and the area immediately around them is completely flooded with trade, and even as one enters the land parts of the port, the merchants never seem to go away. The housing for the citizens of Yuvelos Port are very clustered and small. Large homes are very uncommon for anyone.

The Admiral of the port is very singular when it comes to dealing with the port, very rarely providing any control of the port to anyone else. This is the major cause of the ports slow development speed, as the Admiral is has more work to do and papers to process then he is capable of. Even still, he does not like to give up any control of the port he has.

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