Ithos Archipelago - Neutral Characters

Ethen Sambridge - Boatswain - Age 28

History: Descending from a political marriage between a Escarian noble house and an Itholan merchant family in Arthos Vifalas, Ethen Sambridge is a stubborn prodigy of aristocrats. Trained in managing a ship since the age of 14 (starting as a Cabin Boy), Ethen is a capable and shrewd man when it comes to finances. While he is more or less satisfied with pleasing the crew (as to not be rough-housed), he is not fond of wasteful expenditure in his personal life. A quiet man, he is not one for leadership positions and would prefer to be left alone with the exception of a few notable friends. A man of higher stature, he can be quick to look down on those who he finds uncultured, poor or ill-suited for a conversation with him.

Reason for becoming a Privateer: Ethen would call it a "labor dispute" but he originally lost his job on a merchant vessel during a heated conversation over pay. Ethen didn't believe he was getting his fair share by the Captain and raised his voice against him on the ship. However once this was discovered by the ship's First Mate, Ethen was quickly left in port on Prytos without job and a large portion of his money stolen. Stuck in Prytos for several months, he befriend Eadric Harlow and quickly signed a joint-application with Eadric to become privateers as a means of leaving the fine-heavy port of Prytos.

Rachel the "Crowripper" - First Mate (Trained Sailor) - Age 31

History: An interesting and solemn figure, Rachel Farrier is an Itholan woman who is tight-lipped when it comes to her past. Being trained as a sailor on accident, she went from captive to pirate to privateer. A tricky woman, she is motivated by both treasure and adventure. Not a fan of the navy, she is a woman who demands respect for herself (as an officer) and her captain but doesn't care much for hierarchy beyond that. Her nickname the "Crowripper" comes from her proficient sharp-shooting abilities and her supposed habit of shooting down crows (and sometimes sea gulls) for sport. She is known to have several pistols on her person and is rumored to have several enemies on pirate vessels.

Reason for being a Privateer: Rachel isn't a privateer by choice (in the standard sense). Upon her capture by a privateer vessel (she being a officer on the pirate vessel), was given the opportunity to serve as a privateer. Seeing no real reason to hang at the gallows or any other method to pay the fines placed on her person, she reluctantly agreed to sail under the Kraken flag. She was assigned to the Starwind to serve as an officer after desiring a change of pace to her old post. To be honest, she feels she could do better but she enjoys serving on the crew for now.

Nile Grisson - Cannoneer - Age 43

History: Distinct for his dark violet eye-patch, Nile Grisson is a man verging on lunacy. An accurate shot, he has a strange relationship with cannons and guns. He is infamous for his supposed enjoyment from seeing explosions and causing mischief with cannons. Serving on ships since a young boy, he was once a kidnapped powder monkey on a pirate vessel. In fact, many think that his strange behaviors descend from a possible accident dealing with magical projectiles (either a discharge from a mishandled lightning shot or toxins from a leaking poison shot, depending on the story). Regardless Nile can be a very calm man when not in heat of battle. He is a collector of buckles and jars. He is also known to carry bombs and explosives.

Reason for being a Privateer: Niles isn't a man to stay put. He is confident and enjoys his abilities as a cannoneer. That was why when the ship he last served on went under, he was quick to apply for a post as an artillery captain within one of the forts on Prytos. Unable to receive any position in the Navy, he agreed to head back out as a privateer to whatever ship would fire hire him. That ship just happened to be the Starwind.

Stone - "Pebble" - Boy/Powder Monkey/Junior Swabbie/Steward's Attendant - Age 11

History/Reason for Privateering: Sometimes nicknamed "pebble", Stone is a boy of Urian parents who grew up in Prytos. His father being a foreign sailor and his mother dying from illness, Stone was quickly orphaned in Prytos waiting for his father. Being Urian, Stone does not possess the ability to own property or secure easy employment within Prytos. Desiring a sense of adventure, he agreed to the somewhat-dangerous job of joining the Starwind's crew on the promise he might become an officer when he gets older. The boy is quiet but is quick to join in on the harassment of others. Likewise he is known to pick up habits from other crew-members, especially Nile. He is also rumored to "sink like a rock" because he can't swim very well.
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Odo Thursat – Carpenter - 32

History: Notable for his long beard, Odo is a short and stout man who is quick with his hands. Thought to be a master carpenter by his fellow crewmembers, Odo is typically regarded as being able to fix "just about anything". Learning the trade from his father, who was a carpenter and ship-builder in Uria, Odo has always been one to tinker with ships (and sometimes furniture). He has a very strong bellowing laugh that can be heard throughout a ship and has a feisty temper when drinking. Odo is rumored to have dwarven ancestry by his more ignorant Itholan counterparts. Odo is quick to deny any rumors about his parentage, claiming his father was a simple human. However many think he is just pretending to be human in order to keep his job (as if being a dwarf would make a difference). After all, how else would a short bearded man like him be so good at crafting things? Some people (like Stone) also saw him collecting rocks and shells when on shore-leave, another suspicious piece of evidence.

Reason for being a Privateer - In realty, Odo is a human (he's actually a foot taller than a dwarf should reasonable be) and his journey to Itholan Archipelgo is a complicated one. Odo had originally served alongside his father in his clan's shipyard for nearly twelve years. However wanting to get more experience and prestige, Odo accepted a job as a junior carpenter on a famous Urian merchant vessel, The Doon. The Doon's primary goal was to help a rich Baroness trade within the local ports but it also intended to make acquisition claims on the island of Arthos. Not surprising, the voyage did not go well and The Doon sank to the bottom of the Ullival Ochali along with most of its crew. Those that surrendered and jumped over-board were captured by privateers. Odo has been a privateer carpenter ever since. Not out of spite but more out of a desire for adventure. After all, the mysteries of the Itholan coastline beat the mundane safety of home.

Dalfin Grubb – Undercook – 22

History: Pompous for a commoner, Dalfin Grubb is an upstart chef with a big attitude. Growing up as a cabin slave on a noble Urian vessel, Dalfin supposedly learned to cook from a master chef - Axelle Gouin – renowned for her ability to make dishes with unique ingredients. Dalfin was able to work his way out of slavery through cooking, something he takes great pride in, and to this day thanks Axelle for her wisdom. Growing up alongside nobility (even though he was a slave) Dalfin has an attitude about him and isn’t willingly to take compliments or criticisms from people he believes are uncultured. Being assigned the job of undercook on the Starwind was a blow to his ego but he has not given up hope yet to be Steward of the ship (before leaving it for something better and more deserving of his presence).

Reason for being a privateer: Slavery is a harsh existence, even for a domestic servant like Dalfin, but Dalfin’s loyalty and hard work paid off when his liege lord arrived in Ithos. Seeing what his cabin slave had grown up to be, Dalfin’s master decided to give the young man his freedom at the age of eighteen. Upon this freedom, Dalfin betrayed his lord and wandered the port of Prytos as a freeman. Wanting to work at a restaurant or some other eatery, he found that the people of Ithos were not exactly courteous to his kind (he was unable to speak Itholan). Finding himself with little options but to return back to his lord (who would no doubt return him to slavery), he decided to join another merchant vessel as a cook. Four years later, Dalfin had switched crew many times and found himself assigned to the Starwind, assured he would get the Steward position by the Captain.

Reta Ashpeak - Sailmaker – 25

History: She is known as the “accidental sailor” by her crewmates unfortunate enough to meet her. Not particularly well at fighting or navigation or really anything involving sailing, Reta Ashpeak is a person meant more for city-life in Diathalos Vifalas than a busy deck of a ship. Yet, she is a sailor, a sailmaker to be precise. Born from a family of tailors, her family being famous for designing gowns and outfits for aristocrats, Reta thought she would spend her days making military uniforms and ball gowns for the elite in Diathalos. However this didn’t seem to be Reta’s fate. The god’s gave her another gift: the ability to make well-crafted sails. This discovery was more on an accident, something that happened during an emergency. Regardless of the cause, Reta was contracted to be a sailmaker by the Navy before they found out how ill-suited she was for the waves. A nice girl, Reta is a bit overwhelming to have aboard a ship but she is determined to see things through. Pleasant (as long as she doesn’t fear you), she is a proficient tailor who believes in adventure. After all, why else would the Gods have given her such dexterous hands to make sails if this wasn’t her destiny?

Reason for being a privateer: Reta was discovered as a sailmaker when a powerful hurricane ripped through Diathalos. Foolishly, the crewmembers of the Havelock, an Itholan navy ship, tried to chase a group of legendary pirates through the storm and had their sails torn just as they left port. Unable to procure additional sailmakers during the storm, the navy turned to the Ashpeak tailor-house and Reta was assigned to help the Havelock’s sailmaker finish fixing all of the sails in one night’s time. The rush was required to ensure that the pirates didn’t get away. It was thought to be an impossible task, but with Reta’s help it was accomplished by sunrise after the storm. Stunned by her success, she was given a position within the Itholan Navy before being fired for misconduct and cowardice. Determined to prove her worth however, Reta refused to head back into the tailoring business and decided to join as a privateer assured that bravery, like any craft, could be learned over time.
Roy Rutley (19) and Kent Rutley (17) - Trained Sailors

The Rutley Brothers, their name usually precedes or follows a sigh, are the wayward sons of the late Captain Abel Rutley of Diathalos Vifalas. Trained in the Naval Academy on Diathalos, the two young men are proficient sailors. Born from staunch pedigree, many back home envisioned them as great Naval officers as adults. Instead, they are privateers, lazy and lousy ones at that...

The two have very different personalities. Roy is the stronger and taller of the two. He's known for his bullish tendencies and his habit of getting into fights and arguments he is unlikely to win. Kent is the smarter and stealthier of the two, he's the one known for keeping Roy in line, at least in front of the Officers on board. Besides these differences, both are notable complainers, slackers and alcoholics. Rumored to have some bounty on their heads, the brothers are nervous to be around the infamous Crowripper. They often spend their time tormenting Pebble when the others are not around and frequently frame others for their mischief.

Reasons for Privateers - The two brothers never intended to become Privateers. They were actually supposed to be officers within the Diatholas Navy. After their reputable father went missing in an attempt to save another Navy vessel, the two Rutley brothers received scholarships to attend the Diatholas Naval Academy. Expected to be great military men like their father, the two were given favoritism in the academy and were regularly at the top of their class. That was until Roy lost the position of Captain on the Cadet ship to his rival. Frustrated Roy suffered what would later be described as an "outburst" and was expelled for misbehavior (something relating to a "cannon incident"). With Roy's expulsion, Kent soon followed (especially after allegations against him of another incident). The two, trained only for ship-work, decided to join a privateer vessel rather than head back home to their relatives and receive punishment. The two haven't been home since.
Laura Bright – Chief Swabbie - 26

History: A lone Escarian woman, Laura Bright is a rare sight on the shores of Ithos. However one should not be fooled by her foreign accent or her feminine charm, Laura is a foul-tempered bruiser with the strength of an ox. Nicknamed "Bright Blades", she has a habit of dual-wielding cutlasses and scratching them together to make sparks. Growing up in destitution, Laura was thrown into Debtors' prison for being unable to pay back her debts. Her miraculous escape is a close-kept secret but she will admit that another prisoner by the name of Sawyer aided her departure from Escaria. Working together, the two of them traveled as a couple before splitting up over a disagreement. Aboard the Starwind now, her only stated goal is to get rich but there might be more to this well-traveled swashbuckler than one might first think. A swabbie with Shao, the two are often seen together. Little is said between them, but its obvious even from afar that Laura enjoys Shao's company and many rumor there might more there than just friendship.

Reasons for being a Privateer: Escaping Escarian authorities is no easy feat. It requires fleeing the country or risk facing death. But even fleeing was difficult for Laura and Sawyer after they broke out of Debtors’ prison. Boarding a merchant ship, they were quickly found out as stowaways as soon as the ship left Escarian port. Lazy, the merchant captain would have thrown them to the navy, but he instead threw them overboard for the seas to take them. Washing ashore an island, the two remained marooned for some time before they were rescued by a privateers vessel and taken to Ithos. After their time alone, they decided to go separate ways. For Laura, she joined the ranks of Privateers. For Sawyer, he chose his own way, probably as a pirate or something else. Regardless, their break up wasn’t on the most happiest of terms.
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