Ithos Archipelago - Lore


An Eko embedded in a necklace.

A small Itholan trinket, usually in the form of a crystal or stone, that supposedly stores a soul fragment of a deceased soul inside. Ekos are created when a dying individual has such strong resolves and desires that their soul crystallizes into an object, an Eko. These objects are often embedded into a talisman or ring.

Eko are highly treasured by their owners for they are believed to give good luck, allowing the wearer to have a companion who watches over them. Ekos are usually passed down from generation to generation.

Ekos are attributed with a variety of myths and magical powers (especially if the soul inside them are legendary). For many spiritual followers, returning an Eko to its intended owner or family is imperative. Likewise, breaking an Eko, regardless of the merit of the soul within, is considered an act of desecration that will bring misfortune upon all involved.

While primarily the souls of men, it’s not impossible to find an Eko of a dragon, giant or even a dog if it held strong enough desire. Further, there are naturally occurring Eko that hold the souls of nature. Long forgotten forests and beaches. Great desire is found within all life.
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Coins of Ithos


These coins are often found in old ruins and archeological dig sites. Lacking any distinct details, they coins are often roughly formed by hammer and stone making them oblong in shape. The only design present on these coins are normally X’s across the center, but not on all. The coins must be analyzed by a trained archaeologist for verification

A hidden cove filled with treasures.

The Agylian Coin

Coins shaped into octagons, they are forged with a relief of a snake on one side and a ship on the other. These were brought over with the initial Agylian fleet and are very rare.

Transitional Coin

Once the Itholan and Agylian were stuck together and flew under one flag, there was a need for currency coins. The coins were round but rough with a whales tail on one side. Many Agylian coins were transformed into these coins.

First Era

These coins were triangular with a beveled edge and rounded corners. On the face is an Albatross. Golden First Era coins are rare as most of them were melted down and converted to Second Era coins.

Second Era

These coins are square with a square hole in the middle, roughly half the size of the coin. Mainly this was done to combat a gold shortage at the time by utilizing less metal in each coin. The coin has the words “Ithos Ullivalres” or in common “Ithos is Eternal”. It became commonplace for people to hold their money by threading ropes and tying them off. This allowed them to hold their money without a fear of losing it into the ocean. It became common place for Itholan coins to contain holes after the second era.

An ancient temples treasure room.

Third Era

After the second era a horrible curse was bestowed upon the people of Ithos - Lycanthropy. Due to this, silver was primarily utilized by navy forces. The coins are square with a circle hole in the center. The amount of silver coins produced during the third age number in only the ten thousands, and many of them were lost to the ocean or melted down.

Gemmed Copper Coin:

Due to the lack of Silver, special copper coins were produced that housed a gem within them. These coins were worth ten copper pieces and were meant to replace the silver coin. The gems were cracked or damaged gems that had minimal value. These coins are not accepted as payment anymore, and as such are mostly lost and abandoned, making them uncommon for collectors.

Fourth Era

With the creation of the ports and the three mainlands becoming divided in trade and leadership, they began to mint separate coins from each other. Retaining the same shape of the third era, the coins were largely the same except for some minor differences.


Featuring an Jungle Strider


Featuring a shark


Featuring an anchor

A red dragon admires his horde.

Fifth Era

These coins were created during a time of mostly peace and a time when counterfeiting was common, leading to more elaborate designs. On one side was a dragons head and on the back were the words “Vythalrev Daygra” which translates to “Will Calm Dragons”. It was believed that an offering of coins would keep a dragon at bay. This was believed by the masses that these specific coins only, and as such the majority of these coins are within a dragon's horde and very rare elsewhere.


Red gem in the dragons eye (gold and platinum)


Green gem in the dragons eye (gold and platinum)


Blue gem in the dragons eye (gold and platinum)

Sixth Era

Following the war with the mainlanders, these coins have the words “Hevdas Ochali” or in common “We are the Ocean”. On the face was a stylized kraken that became the symbol on Ithos flags. Platinum coins were exceptionally uncommon at the time as the general person was rather poor during this period of time. Because of how far back the Itholans were pushed, there was only one set of coins minted during this time as the navies had to reform themselves.

Seventh Era

These coins were hexagonal in shape with a matching hole in the center. It’s notable as being the first coin since the first era to not be square. Aside from that, each region had vastly different designs.


The coin depicts a smiling mouth on one side and the words “Prochescras” which means “Be the Miracle”. Part of a movement to motivate the people to expand and grow outwards after the war as well as raise morale by bringing a focus to Fridra.


This coins depicts a rough tentacle ring and says “Oni Kyplera” which translates into “Sleep of the Drowner”. This coin is favoured when honoring those who drowned.

The Sapphire Coin:

A coin made entirely of sapphire and shaped into a Seventh Era Diathalos coin, only ten exist, and of those three are lost to the waves while the others are possessed by nobles. The value of this coin is unlistable as it’s unreplicatable. No one knows who crafted these coins, when they did, or for what reason.


This coin depicts a skull on one side with the words “Tetha Wyvth” which means “East Wind”. Without knowledge, it would seem strange, however it’s declaring the eastern wind as evil, as it guided the mainlanders to Ithos.

Uthas Star:

During this period of time the monks and acolytes on Uthan minted their own coin, the Uthas Star. It appeared as a five pointed star with a circle hole in one tip. The coin was notable as the hole was too small for some standard ropes used, and for the ease they were counterfeited. Due to this the Itholan governed cracked down on coin minting and they seeked out all the stars to melt down and remove from circulation. They are incredibly rare for collectors.

A chest filled with riches.

Eighth Era

The hexagonal shape returned in this era however the hole was circular. The Ithos central navy set specific guidelines on who can mint coins, and what must be done or what is allowed on them at this point in time. The coin has the words “Ithos Ullivalres” or in common “Ithos is Eternal” as a call back to ages past, and a reminder that the gods will not see Ithos fall.


Features a satyr on one side


Features a mermaid on one side


Features a dragon turtle on one side

Modern Era

These coins are round with circular holes in them, and have a kraken on one side and the words “Yithatmos Uthatol” Which translates into “Finish in the city of Angels” implying the people should live moral lifes and be blessed with a good death. Each coin is common as they are still in circulation. The return of the kraken was to remind the mainlanders of their place in the modern day. Due to stricter regulations on coins, the only difference between the three islands was the inclusion of a small symbol on each coin. However, this was the first time the central Ithos government minted coins.


Features a lightning bolt


Features a palm tree


Features crossed spears


Features three swirled lines

Bankers Coin

These coins have high value and are used mainly for easily moving mass coins from banks to banks. It featured the kraken, has no hole, and is roughly 6 inches wide.






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