Is there light in darkness?

Name: Joquin Of The Night

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Equipment: Dark suit with jewlery . Jewelry is used to resurrect

Personality: Joquin is very quiet. Expect to get one word answers from this guy!! However, he gets really worked up when someone mentions the Dark One


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/428790_1274365159594_full.jpg.7da9a40e407d51cf9f17ba3a1533bb07.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="31859" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/428790_1274365159594_full.jpg.7da9a40e407d51cf9f17ba3a1533bb07.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Special Skills: Night of the Dancing Dead (Common skill): Joquin uses a spell to resurrect past civilians and make them attack

Background: Given his power by the very first necromancer, Judasiah, Joquin recieved his fate at a young age. He was natural born killer. Killed his mother and father and used them as resurrection dolls (They're on the frontline of the Night of The Dancing Dead army). When he was a young man, he found out why Judasiah gave him his powers. It was because he would eventually get executed the next day by the Dark One. Once he found out about this, he planned to destroy the Dark One himself!! Ever since that day, he has practiced for the moment that he ever gets the chance to meet the Dark One

Other: Usually, Necromancers are on the Dark One's side, but not Joquin. Before Judasiah died, he gave his powers to Joquin and made him promise not to turn on the Dark Side



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Name: Saphira

Age: 1,200

Gender: Female

Equipment: Claws, tail, wings, teeth

Pesonality: Territorial , Kind (with friends if she had any) , Fiesty , Young , Hopeful for good things to happen soon , Aggrsive (only when she has to be) and , Clever

Apperennce:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/images-4.jpeg.46122db11e1c1a3d56598025928200a0.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="31943" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/images-4.jpeg.46122db11e1c1a3d56598025928200a0.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Special Skills: Can breath fire , ice and , is The Dragon Of Hope

Backround: Saphira was born when the darkness began and she was a small ray of light that merged with a abandoned dragon egg . When she hatched she was raised by loners till she was 500 then she had to live on her own . She has her own territory it is where North Carolina will be . Her life has been harsh but she never gives up . Now she is traveling around the world to forfill her destiny that a voice in her told her and is now guiding her .

Other: Has a secret she will not tell anyone ( the voice is her secret she will never tell )



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Well, other then two things such as breathing all elements, in my mind, is overpowered thus I couldn't allow it, and that this was before north Carolina was even thought of, before america was ever found
Name: Sorbekento

Age: N/A

Gender: Male

Equipment: Claws and fire breath.

Personality: Very defensive and territorial. Does not like outsiders near his home.



Special Skills: Completely made out of flame...cant be around water. Breathes fire.

Background: He was not born....but instead created to serve kings. Sorbekento is in every way the perfect fire dragon...or that's what most thought without knowing how violent he could get. Most have passed him on as some myth...but those who look for him find a very painful death. (Can not come up with a good background...will update when i do....)

Other: (Things of Interest that I didn't list, please don't put anything stupid like they have a cat.)
I'm sorry I was tired and have school to deal with I will fix it 

[QUOTE="itorrupted Artorias]Well, other then two things such as breathing all elements, in my mind, is overpowered thus Icouldn't allow it, and that this was before north Carolina was even thought of, before america was ever found

Changed It
Name:maltar cornthrow



Equipment:Greataxe,iron mail,white magic,

Personality: tough,kind,diplomatic,

Apperance: 4'1,long Jesus beard, short hair,

Background:decended from a long line of noble dwarfs maltar was just one of many to be accused of the over throw of the dwarfen king ALGOL freehammer. Maltar was casty out of the once great kingdom of alamar.thus gaining a deep and longing hate for ALGOL.
I did you pice of shite I know where you go to school old man 
But on the other end how younlike that entrance
Name: Zero

Age: 115

Gender: Trans female

Equipment: Basic short sword and clothing

Personality: Loner, not mean but not overly friendly. Loves a good battle.

Appearance: Short black hair with silver streaks. Tall and muscular.

Special Skills: Shapeshifter
Appearance: could use a little bit more work, picture appreciated

Background: (List what's happened to them, why they've decided to fight, and if they've done anything of importance) I'm sorry, the background isn't optional, if you really wish to join, try again.

NarcissisticCannibal said:
Name: Zero
Age: 115

Gender: Trans female

Equipment: Basic short sword and clothing

Personality: Loner, not mean but not overly friendly. Loves a good battle.

Appearance: Short black hair with silver streaks. Tall and muscular.

Special Skills: Shapeshifter

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