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Fantasy Is there light in darkness?

Void smiles, "So, you're going to attack the dark one, father of necromancy, who singlehandedly moved the kingdoms into destroying each other, with a simple army of rotting corpses, when he has a large angry poison dragon, more importantly his general Poison Drake, and his captain of the guard/ground force general Artorias?"
Shade smiled lightly and moved closer to Disharmony than the other dragons, the two seemed to get along better and Shade would've hated to draw attention to himself by Void or getting on the bad side of the dragons. Then he noticed the fleshie following him and tilted his head in confusion, lightly gesturing to Nivek to stand beside him and stay out of the way. The shadow glanced to Disharmony to see if he noticed or had any objections to the human coming closer.
Disharmony ignored the human, still on the lookout for any threats from above. Artorias smiled, leaning against Disharmony as he watched Void. "So a shade and a human lounge by a dragon? Sounds like a bad joke."
Kinalt shrugged at Void, then picked up his pike. He took a look at Nivek and Shade, then crossed over to Kardon's side. Slinging his shield over his back, he stood next to Kardon, stuck his pike back into the ground, and crossed his arms. His glowing eyes observed Artorias as he attempted to remember which sigil he wore on his tattered armor.
"Yes....wait what? did you say the dark one?!' Kardon bows to Void and apologizes. "I am sorry drake i was not aware..." His eyes turn completely blue and the sound of marching stops. "Please forgive me...i was only here to gather more soldiers for the upcoming war. He shakes his head as if something is controlling him. "NO....i can not.......i ref........sorry forgive me please?" He stood up beside Kinalt and his body began to glow blue to show peace. (Read his character sheet if you don't understand)
"heh heh" nivek spoke as he got closer to shade like he segusted. trying to stay out of the fight that might accure.
Void looked at the strange undead with a pike. "Hmm, you seem in much better condition then that fool could do, who resurrected you?" Grins, the shadows wrapping around Kardon's leg, suddenly squishing it tightly in a vice like grip. "Apology accepted." Smirks, letting the fool fall down.
"I do not know. I only remember leading an attack. Afterwards, I awoke with only my horse left alive" Kinalt replied to Void, uncrossing his arms and examining the flag on the end of his pike.
Kardon's eyes flickered between blue and fiery red. "I refuse to give......I am sorry.....no cant grab the........I will not serve...." He shakes his head and eventually becomes completely blue and stand up. "I am ready to serve the leader of darkness!" Kardon solutes Void and puts his arms to his side.
Shade noticed that Nivek actually followed his advice and seemed that the dragons didn't seem to care, while intangible, Shade poked Nivek with a grin, his hand going through his shoulder like air. Shade's aura wasn't active so he wouldn't hurt the human, but certainly made him feel quite strange.
Void smirks, "Really? Even though you thought my general was a pesky bird and that you could threaten me with rotting corpses that if I breathed on them the wrong way they would collapse?" Smirks, "Say Artorias what did they do to cowards trying to join with power?" Artorias chuckles, "Well, back under lord" looks at his cape "Sol we would burn them or beat them down and then let them join."
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Kardon raises his hand a little bit into the air. "If i may....whatever you think is best i will agree with...." He shakes again and his eyes turn completely red. "I will kill that damn bird and eat it!" Kardon shakes and his eyes turn back to blue. "Excuse my outbursts...i tend to do that sometimes....with the spell and all in affect." He bows again and his eyes flicker between blue and red.
Void smiles, "Tell me, why did you decide you want to be counted amongst those who serve me?" Chuckles "If you came for power or protection then you're going to be disappointed"
Kardon's eyes turn back to red and his voice turns demonic. "I will not serve you i have been a slave long enough!" His eyes turn back to blue. "I have served all the great kings when i was living and that is why i wish to serve the Dark one even in death." Kardon's eyes once again turn back to red. "It has been so long since i have been free.....{Eyes turn to blue}.....I would like to serve the Dark one....i will serve even in hell!"
Void chuckles, "so you served kings? Thus you assume the tyrant would entertain you by letting you join because you want to?" Smiles evilly, "I'll let you join under one condition."
Shade watched with amusement as Kardon kept changing between personas and questioned quietly. "Does he have a multiple personality disorder or something?" Shade watched closer, noticing his eyes were changing and his voice even changed a few times. "That or he's a host to a demon.. I still can't believe he called me ghost..."
(A spell binds him to whoever is in a leading role)

Kardon fixes his mask and looks around. "Yes and what would the condition be?"
"You would have to learn from my generals, especially from my necromancer generals, to increase your skills." Void smiled, "If you survive that then you'll learn necromancy directly from me. Understood?"
"Yes sir....i will follow their commands." Kardon grabs his head and shakes. His eyes turn red and he sounds angry. "Can you just die....i am going to kill you all...{Points to void}....just kill me!" He shakes again and his eyes turn blue. Kardon bows and smiles under his mask. "You can guide us to salvation....please lead on!"
With a shake of his head, Kinalt pulls his pike from the ground. Shouldering his pike, he begins to walk past Void towards the burnt out house he left his horse behind.
Smirks, "Actually I said you would follow my generals, thus" smiles, calling Disharmony over, "You'll learn to be silent and dependable from Dis."
Kardon begins to glow blue and salutes Disharmony. "Hello sir....i am to be working with you today....shall we get to work? And what shall we be doing....necromancy......enchanting........magical projectiles?"

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