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Fandom Introducing] Pokemon

Davis Butler

I'm behind that abnormally large mouse.
Hi! I'm Davis! A friend of mine who really enjoys roleplaying hasn't roleplayed in this style before. She tends to type One-Liners, and isn't used to RPN. She does love to roleplay though, so I would like her to get introduced to this.

She has requested one other person, so I will only accept one person. I would like a person who can put up with typing that isn't very grammatical or spelled well. I would also like somebody who would like to roleplay Pokemon! (She has to be Pikachu.)
@CalebLee Okay, thanks. I won't be too available until later (approximately 5-7 hours), though. During school hours, I'm mostly off and on at random.
@CalebLee Oof, ask if she's willing to adapt to just general Pokémon. I haven't watched the anime since 2008-09.

Im so sorry about that one rp i thought you were someone else Eterniti. :/

Oh, it's fine. I was just super confused. ^^;
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PinkDiva is her, so ask her directly.

I was going to, but you said you would ask her through (I assume) PM, so I just thought she was particular about talking to people if it's not IC.

And yes i am whilling i dont really care what kind.

That's good. Anyway, sorry for not knowing the anime. I stopped around the beginning/middle of DP and that was it. Would you like to move our discussion of plot to PM? 1x1s are often conducted there.

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