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Fantasy Inner Demons

Cuddly Kraken

That one thespian
Cuddly Kraken submitted a new resource:

Inner Demons - The monsters under the bed are now in your head...

There has been a terrible mistake. The Gates of Hell have been left open and now demons are fleeing to the surface. But the only way to do so is to Pact with a human. Packing is when a demon binds their soul to a human. But Pacting comes with consequences. If your soul is corruptible, then your demon will take you over. And when a Pact occurs, the human never walks away without a disorder relating to their new demon's speciality.
Now Lucifer himself is coming to the surface. Will you control...
Read more about this resource...

There has been a terrible mistake. The Gates of Hell have been left open and now demons are fleeing to the surface. But the only way to do so is to Pact with a human. Pacting is when a demon binds their soul to a human. But Pacting comes with consequences. If your soul is corruptible, then your demon will take you over. And when a Pact occurs, the human never walks away without a disorder relating to their new demon's speciality.

Now Lucifer himself is coming to the surface. Will you control or be controlled? Will you stop the devil, or join him to watch the world burn?

  • Cursing is totally allowed, so long as it's in-RP cursing.
  • Be polite to other rpers. The golden rule children, remember it.
  • No one-liners! I know that it's hard to write more than one or two sentences when engaged in dialogue but you can always add thoughts/actions.
  • Grammar is vital. I know that English may not be the native tongue of many users here so that I understand, and sometimes when you're tired you make some errors. But mistakes because your lazy are bad.
  • Have fun! You can save or destroy the world! What's more fun than potentially killing off the human race? ... Don't answer that.
  • Be creative! You can craft your very own human and demon.
  • Write "Bloody Hell" somewhere in your sign up.
  • PM me your sign-up! Please! I will accept you there!
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Cuddly Kraken updated Inner Demons with a new update entry:

Hey guys!

Okay, I'm not really one for crowded roleplays. I'll be keeping the sign-ups open, but we should be able to start soon. However, it's getting late. So, if we're going to start, it shall be tomorrow.
Read the rest of this update entry... 
To those who were not Pacted, it would be a nice day; the sun was shining, the temperature was just right, and birds were singing. However, for Donna Gallow, it was just the beginning of Hell. Last night she had gotten this horrible overwhelming feeling, and had literally passed out. And this morning, she woke up to-

"Oi, rise n shine!" A voice snapped. She had woken up to this demon. Poe. She was tall, feathery, and demanding. And Donna was having none of it.

"Go away!"

"Look, I don't like this either. But I explained how this works yesterday before you oh-so-gracefully blacked out. Now get up. We're going into town." Poe was like a genie. From the waist down, it was like a spiritual opaque mist. And she kept floating around Donna, pinching her and tugging on her.

"No, we're not."

"Yes, we are." With a rather forceful tug, Donna fell off her bed. She glared up at Poe and scowled.

"F--- you."

"Oh, that's classy."

"What do you want from me?"

"A willing Pact mate, now get your scrawny mortal butt outta bed and let's go already."

"'Go' find someone else!"

Yes, it was the beginning of a long, long day.

Another pair was located nearby, in the park. A boy named Connie Aengus and his new demon Belial scowled at each other from opposite sides of a park bench. The tension was thick, but neither went to say anything. Until finally, Connie spoke.

"Are you sure there's nothing you can do?" Connie asked, frowning.

"I am positive. I long for there to be an alternative, but we are Pacted. A Pact cannot be undone," Belial explained, shaking his head. His flowing white hair was constantly moving as if he were sumbmerged in water. Her crossed his arms with an annoyed sigh.

I know, I know. You've said that at least ten times already."

Then stop asking, for there is no other answer I can give you!"

Gah! Why me?!" Connie groaned. He pinched the bridge of his nose and adjusted the phone he had at his ear. There were plenty of Pacted humans in the park as well, but there were plenty of free ones too. He flinched as a demon swooped too close, and only turned last minute when he saw that Connie was claimed.

Oh please, stop complaining. You could be Pacted with someone much worse."

Worse than you? Ha!"

You could have been Pacted with an incubus."

Aren't incubus male demons that attract females?"


Why would that be worse?"

Because it is quite obvious that your affections lie with males. We would not want you to suddenly gain interest in females, hm?"

... are you trying to say you think I'm gay?"

I am not thinking that. I know it."

You little-"

The invasion had begun. Demons were appearing left and right, yet there was no panic. Why? Because only those who were Pacted could see them. And by the time they were Pacted, there was no point in panicking. Sure, people still did, but they were checked into therapy. It was a sneaky invasion. And they were growing in number.
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Blaize stared at the shopping list, that he had made for himself. "Come ON! We don't have all day!" the giant of a demon Azazul bellowed outside of the small shop.

Blaize was irritated, but kept his cool. He haven't had a good nights rest since the two morons of the world arrived and pacted with him. "You... Know? Maybe we should buy those pork rinds? Azy loves p-" "SHUT UP!" Blaize watched as Azazul the bigger of the two demon brothers pulled Kezazul the smaller and stretchier conjoned twin outside again.

"You two really need therapy." Muttered Blaize as he pulled the pork rinds down into his basket. "You two are also going to be the economical end of me.." Blaize muttered again, as he pulled more groceries down from the displays. When was the last time he slept normally? Blaize shook his head, this what happened now, these two.. why? Me? "1...2...3...4...5..6....7..8...9..10.." Blaize took a deep breath. He hated them.

"I'm going to rip your skull off!"

"Oh yeah! TRY ME!"


"Na-na-na-na, can't touch this dun dun dun!"

"Would you two SHUT UP?!"

Blaize looked around as those around him stared in confusion on him. "Umh.. Just phone with earbuds and talking!" Blaized pointed to the earbud in his left ear. Azy and Kez remained quiet until Blaize finally exited the shop. "You two are going to get me in jail or worse, the loony bin."

"Oh come on Bright, chin up.. Also did you get those pork rinds for princes-"

"F--K you! You little piece of holy s--t! I'm going to f--k-ng skull f--k you!"

"F--k you! I'm your f--k-ng BROTHER!" Criminy.. And I got pacted with these two?

Blaize sighed and headed towards his apartment to drop the stuff he bought off.

"And you don't even got a motherf--k-ng D--K! I know you inside out! I LIVE inside of you!"

"You don't got a f--k-ing TORSO! And you live in my CHEST NOT MY PELVIS!"

Blaize remained quiet and just facepalmed. I'm totally going to the looney bin.
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Alice woke up in a dark room with a single light source on an operating table, finding herself shackled by her wrists and ankles. When she looks around, a door opens and a nurse, Izanami, walks in with a cart of surgical tools. When Alice sees them, she struggles to break free. Izanami's Uniform was covered in blood. She walked over and looked at Alice's swollen belly, which frightened her. "A shame that you have to deliver the baby by yourself. Aren't you excited to finally hold your little bundle of joy?" She asked her 'Patient' before picking up what seemed to be a kitchen knife. "No! Please! Let me go!" Alice started crying as she struggled to break free. Izanami gave her a sadistic look as she ran her knife down the belly and prepared for a C-Section. Alice started screaming.

Alice would then wake up screaming before stopping to catch her breath. Her heart was beating fast, her face pale and flushed. She yanked off her blanket. Worried about her baby, she started feeling around her belly. When the baby kicked, she sighed in relief. For the past month or so, Alice has been having quite a bit of nightmares and vivid dreams. Was it a part of being pregnant? Because excess nightmares and seeing a dream demon regularly sure wasn't. She then relaxed herself in her bed before taking off her blanket to where it was only covering her legs. She cradled her belly. "Sorry hun, Mommy had another nightmare...and saw that scary nurse again..." She was referring to Izanami, the Ghost Nurse that has been plaguing her dreams for the past while. It didn't exactly help that she was living alone as well, as her husband passed away three months ago in a fatal car accident where she and her baby were the only survivors.
Courtney Alaine pulled her beanie further down over her ears and tried to tune out the whining of the demon Philatanus. An incubus. Really, thee incubus. The big boss of the sexual predators in the demon world. And now, she was stuck with him moaning about how he was stuck with her of all people.

"Why do you have to be a twin? I thought this would be sooo easy. Just find the ginger lesbian and claim her! But noooo! You just had to get in the way!"

Courtney suddenly whirled on the demon and growled, holding up her phone as if glaring at the screen. "This isn't easy for me either! You think I want to be stuck with you?! You are so self-centered and obnoxious! Gawd. Take a moment to consider how hard this is on me!"

Philatanus froze, eyes widening at her harsh tone and glare. Then, he smiled with lidded eyes.

"Feisty. This will be more bearable knowing you have passion," he purred. Courtney groaned and turned again, going to continue on her path, when she slammed into someone and fell over. Philatanus caught her beneath the arms and glared at the boy she had bumped into.

"Crap, sorry!" Courtney said, fixing her hat on her head as Phil held her up.

Lucy was sprawled out across the rim of the fountain, lazily admiring the water. Her demon, Leonard (Lenard), was hovering next to her as he gazed about at the other various demons that floated throughout the park, but were invisible to the human eye. "What are we doing here...? I would think we'd be out, I don't know, invading a gang hideout or something... knowing you..." Leonard mumbled, watching a demon bicker with a human across a bench. "No, no... today I want to be normal. Just... a normal, little girl.... or at least until lunch." She smiled, sitting up from the edge, and jumping to her feet.

She was only 8, and with Leonard hovering next to her, she only reached to about his lower waist. However, though so young, she was still extremely dangerous (especially now that Leonard was by her side). Lucy took a moment to admire the various demons she was given the ability to see, before walking down the sidewalk and practically dragging Leo behind her. "What do normal girls do..." She said to herself, thinking. Leonard now noticed that they were closer to them now; the demon and human he'd spotted earlier were right next them. "They... make friends..?" He said, hoping she'd get the jist. He thought that if Lucy and this other pacted human became friends, maybe he'd actually be able to get some company himself... or at least someone that wouldn't leave right away.

"Great Idea!" Lucy yelled, not caring if people thought she was crazy, before walking up to the young boy Leo had gestured to. It was obvious she was attempting to use her 'cutsey charm', as she put out and hand and said "Hello there!".

(Sorry if it's bad I'm really tired right now)

A cold breeze tickled my ear. I shuddered away from it, trying to nuzzle back into the warmth of my pillow. My feeble protest was lost into the soft fleece cover. "Silvia...Get up..." The breeze was now a sharp gust. I slowly roused myself from sleep, blinking the cloudy exhaustion from my eyes. His glowing red orbs stared into me, and I looked down. I used to stare back, but I had learned to succumb a long time ago. "There's a good girl." he laughed. "I love having a pet human." I lazily shuffled out from under my sheets and stood up. I felt his long fingers wrap around my arms as he bent to put his mouth on my neck. "Such a melodious pulse you have. Like lyrics just before my lips." he purred. "Asclius..." I mumbled. He let his slender, cold fingers run up through my hair, only for him to grasp it. "Hush, now. Go get ready." he ordered quietly. I left my room and walked down the hall, and into the bathroom. There were already a pile of clothes for me on the sink counter. I slipped out of my night clothes and stepped into the shower. I sighed in relief when the hot water cascaded down my skin. The room dimmed. "Really? I'm in the shower, ass." I growled. There was a faded laugh, and a cold invisible hand touched my face. "You're mine, never forget who is in charge here." he said with a hungry tone. I sighed.

"I still never understand why you have to loom over me like that." I hissed, seeing the warm sunlight touch everything else but myself. Asclius always kept me in his shadow. "You and I have been Pacted; my looming is a warning. You are mine and mine alone." Asclius said, hissing at a demon that walked past. "Doesn't that mean you and I are one entity?" I sighed angrily. "Oh please. We both know who is in charge here." he growled down at me. "At least let me get some sunlight." I complained. "No, I don't want you to get sick. Or burned. Or, ugh, tan." he hissed.

I blew a lock of hair from my face, only for Asclius to tuck it behind my ear and raise my face a bit.
"Look confident; I want them all to be jealous."
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"You're an asshole Azy."

"I hate you too, Kez."

How long have they been bickering? Well, other pacted turned their heads a little, neither Kez or Azy were being quiet.

"Would you two keep it private? Everyone else is staring." Blaize turned his head and glared at the two. "I'm/We're sorry, Bright." They said nearly synchronic. "Thank whatever being, tha- Oof-" Blaize turned his attention back to the pavement he walked on, there was a woman, a demon and they had just bumped into Blaize. "SHUT!" Blaize stared sharply at Azazul, who were raising his hand to attack. "But! They are clearly attacking US!" "No, brother.. The girl just bumped into mr. Bright." "A sneak attack! We must remove the-" The two again bickered and it appeared they were not going to stop. "I'm sorry.." Blaize said as he shrugged. "You! ARE DEAD MEAT!" "NO SIT BA- NOONONONO!" "FINE!"

Blaize extended a hand as if to greet the girl. "I'm Blaize.. Sorry for bumping into you, babysitting these two is taking it's toll." "We're not babies!" The two demons said at the same time before going back to their pointless bickerings. "So who is your friend?" Blaize looked for a short moment at the demon glaring at him, a small smile and Blaize's attention was back to the girl. Two boney hands appeared on Blaize's shoulders. "Bright? Nows not the time to chat, princess really needs to punch something.." "I'm GOING TO MURDER YOU!" "Oh h-ll no! No!" Kezazul was dragged back to Azazul. "...Ugh... If you two don't stop right now, I will sell the punching bag. "..Fine.." The two demons said quietly and 'calmed' down. "I'm Kezazul and this is my twin brother." "....Azazul.." The bigger demon stared at Philatanus. "Don't mind them, they are wrath demons and they hate each other.." Said Blaize, his hand still extended to greet the girl.

@Cuddly Kraken


"Gwawh... And... No.." Alex stared at his phone, the text message he had recieved. "I can't believe it! One day together and she breaks up by phone the next?! What did I do wrong!?" Alex wailed. "God.. Moria! I need advice! I can't keep on doing this.." Alex threw himself on his bed. "Geeeh... "

Alex stared at the message a bit more. "Maybe she is joking? No.. I'm terrible... " Alex said quietly. "Do you think I'd have luck by the park?... " Alex said pleadingly to Moria, while still lying on his bed. "Or something?.." Alex slowly stood up again and fixed his beanie. Why am I so bad at this? Everyone else already have relationships, and I'm losing mine quicker than a speeding bullet... "Or well.. Anything?!" Alex stared at the window. "I mean.. It's sunny? I'm sure someone out there is perfect!..Ugh..." Alex trailed off.


(Ehh.. A bit short, wasn't entirely sure what scene to start out with.. So, yeah.)

The demon rolled her eyes at her reflection. In the teenagers room, he had but one mirror on the back of his door. That was the first thing she disliked about the pacted, before she found out how bad his relationship experience was. Though his dirty, cluttered room was the close second. "You're hopeless." She said, primping her hair. She had already grown a large distaste to the boy in the few days they were together. "And you believe you can just.. pick someone up at the park, because it's a nice day?" She chuckled and turned to him, her hair free flowing behind her. "Why exactly did she not work out for you? I picked her out specifically for you!" She grumbled, crossing the room with a look of annoyance on her face. "I even gave you an extra help that first day, even if I didn't tell you..." Moria was suddenly very fascinated with her nails as she sat in his papasan chair. The words hung in the air in the moment, since Moria didn't think before she actually said that. Never the less, the words came out with frustration.

This was not what the demon planned when she pacted with this boy.
At some point in Alice's pregnancy, Izanami began to feel sympathetic about plaguing Alice's Aichmophobic nightmares. She was beginning to think about being more supportive and helpful towards Alice due to their supposed pact. After all, Alice was the one who allowed her to escape hell. Until she can learn to be more gentle with Alice about her baby, Izanami decided to see how she can be more helpful and in the next nightmare, maybe try to be nicer to Alice?

After getting out of bed, Alice showered up and got ready for the day. The biggest complaint Alice had was not being able to fit into her pants. To make up for it, she just wore maternity dresses with matching stockings. Today, she wore purple and as usual, had her blue cardigan. Deciding to mix and match, she put on white stockings instead of matching ones. After breakfast, Alice left her home and went down to the bus stop. Today, she had a Doctor's Appointment, then therapy session because of her nightmares.

Meanwhile, Izanami decided to see how she can be more benevolent rather the malevolent towards Alice. In the meantime, she can only tag along quietly with Alice wherever she goes.
Connie and Belial had taken to glaring at eachother on the bench when suddenly a girl wandered over. The Pacted pair looked from each other to her and her demon. Connie sighed in relief. Okay then, another Pacted

"Oh, uh... hey there..."

Belial snorted as he looked at the demon. "Long time no see, hm?"

"You two know each other?"

"Vaguely, pet. Vaguely."

"Pet? Oh please, remember who's in charge."

"Pet, you're making a fool of yourself in front of people. Though you didn't have to try hard, hm?"

Connie stretched out his leg and kicked Belial in the hip. He then smiled slightly at the girl and shook her extended hand. "I'm Connie. And this is Belial.
Courtney gulped and stood upright again, staring wide-eyed at the young man and his demons that she had oh-so-gracefully slammed into. The taller armored one was apparently wanting to kill her for 'attacking' them while the small robbed one that protruded from its chest tried to clarify that she had merely bumped into 'Mr. Bright'. She assumed Mr. Bright was the young man, who said his name was Blaize. She smiled a bit as Blaize talked, then scolded his demons, who then introduced themselves as Kezazul and Azazul.

"Uh... hi? I'm Courtney, and this is Phil."

"Don't call me that. I'm Philatanus, lord of desire, and I will not be given a pet name."

"...Yeah, whatever ya say Phil. You were the one who got yourself cockblocked for as long as we're stuck together."

"Don't remind me..." Philatanus muttered bitterly. Courtney patted him on the shoulder and smiled a bit at Blaize.

"I get the babysitting thing. This one keeps trying to break the Pact by stalking my sister."

"It's not stalking. I am merely attempting to Pact with a straight male or a lesbian female like your sister to satisfy my needs."

"...You are a creep, y'know that?"

"You're stuck with me for a damn long time, get used to it babe."

"Don't call me that!"

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"That'll be $20.26." the small old woman at the desk said. I dug out a twenty and a five and handed it to her. "Keep the change." I said, and left. Asclius looked into the bag. "Earbuds again? Honestly, I don't understand why you waste currency for these things." he breathed. "I use them to play music while I sleep. I don't like it when you're constantly hissing and spitting at passing demons." I said. "I do that to protect you." He stated flatly. "There's a difference between being protective and being obsessive." I said, and Asclius tussled my hair. "You're so cute when you're angry!" He laughed.
Donna went sprinting out of her apartment in a blur as Poe began getting more aggressive, pulling her hair and biting. Donna was terrified. Her demon was indeed in control of her, but... she hated it. She could protest and fight back, but Poe would hurt her. Speak of the devil and he shall appear, Poe came flying out after Donna.

"When I said get your scrawny -ss out the door I didn't mean like this!"

"Go away!" Donna shrieked, veering off down a road corner. She looked crazy, she knew it. But did she give a damn? No, not currently. Not with this feathered fiend chasing her. Donna quickly ducked into a electronics store and dove behind an earbud display, practically hyperventilating due to fear and from running. Oh gawd oh gawd oh gawd.
"Lord of desire? HA! And you were cockblocked!? Oh I'm totally in awe of your powers, O' lord of perversity! I am in utter shame of your magnificence!" Azy the armored behemoth bellowed

"Oh indeed, I'm sure you're indulging yourself in the pleasures and erotic life of being along with her." Kez said, moving over and studying Phil. "Phil? You know.. I think even Lucifer would agree you'd fallen below even an imp!"

Blaize looked surprised at the two demons. "While it's unusual for them to be rude to everyone else.. It's rare for them to actually agree.. " Blaize shook his head. Blaize switched the plastic bag he had to his other hand. "Don't mind them, they both hit a wall or something when they were born."

Hey, I'm actually keeping my cool... Thank god for not having a outburst.. "So, umh.." Blaize tilted his head. "Well, nice to meet you two? Where are you going in that hurry that made us bump into each other?."

@Cuddly Kraken


Alex cringed. Am I that pathetic? "I don't know why she sent it! Telling me she didn't want to see me again!.. And wait.. What? You helped me? Dammit.. I'm sorry! Okay... I uhmm, uhh.. I'll make up for it! The next one is definitely the right one! I can feel it in my guts! Come on Moria!" Alex fell to his knees. "I beg you! I will do it!" He quickly stood up again and moved over to his closet. Where He was already putting on his jacket. "Believe me! Please?" He smiled meekly to Moria. "And I'm not saying pick them up at the park.. But rather maybe meet one there and invite them for ice-cream! I mean.. That'll work right? It's sunny and all of that.. Right?" Oh gawd... What if I spill something?.. Oh humh.. Eaaah!?! "I promise I won't screw it up!" Alex opened the door, and waited hopefully for Moria to agree or atleast accept his next attempt.

"I'm sure it'll work out! I mean.. There is one out there who'd have the same interests like us! Right? Maybe a pacted? I mean.. You'd be able to talk with the demon and.. uh.." Alex went silent, he wasn't really sure where to go from there. "Please?" He said innocently.


Annoyance now cut deeply into her knotted eyebrows, her butt still firmly planted in the chair. "I'm not interested in demons," She said, as if it was so obvious as a gay daughter saying the same parallel to her bigot father.

Yet, reluctantly, after a moment she stood. With a sigh, she stood. "Icecream is a bad idea; messy. Unless you want to try to pull off from goofy clutz again." In a quick thought, her lip pressed together, she picked up his piggy bank on his wardrobe and pulled out three twenties. What good would going out be, at this point, if it had no reward for her. After all, with the humane body she gave herself for the human world, she needs more of these clothes they wear and change so often... And to say the least, she sure loves it.

While at the bus stop, Alice began thinking about her recent nightmares, which was of Izanami running a knife down her belly and preparing her for a C-Section. Surgical tools was one thing, but a Kitchen Knife? That's too much. Aichmophobia was exactly why Alice began going to therapy, because she didn't know how to cope with it. She was also trying to cope with depression, still reeling from her husband's apparent death. She held one hand over her swollen belly. One thing she really hated was when strangers would touch her. With her hormones jumping around, her Mood Swings also got worse, although she was more often sad then she was angry, at least until someone touches her belly, which tends to upset her. As her bus came, she boarded and paid the fare before sitting down by the front.

Izanami, not seen by the other passengers, stood near the back entrance of the bus. She had to keep watch on her Human Master. Although she was cruel in the dream world, Izanami decided that she would try to repay Alice in a better way then plaguing her dreams and turning them into nightmares. Instead of making the phobia worse, maybe she could help Alice overcome it? Be a Spirit who watches over her child, perhaps. However, until she could learn to play nice, she doubted that Alice would try to talk to her, so she just kept her distance.
(Sorry I didn't respond yesterday... also, I won't be able to get on again until 3:30-ish(?).)

Lucy smiled. "It's nice to meet you." She said, seating herself on one end of the bench. "I'd seen you'd been pacted too..." She looked over at Belial, as he ominously glared towards her and Leo. "How are you guys getting along? I mean, not everyone likes having demons around like me..." She mumbled the last sentence a bit, but was still quite enthusiastic about getting to know him. Though they'd never met before, it was just a part of her personality to learn as much as she could about others.

Leonard continued to ponder over Belial; he knew they'd seen each other before, but then again, he could just imagining someone else. "Excuse me, but, do I know you from somewhere...?" He asked.
Connie scooted over for the girl to sit and watched her curiously. She couldn't be more than 7 or 8, maybe even 9, and yet she seemed to know more about the demons and Pacting than he did. He shrugged at her question, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees. "Getting along would be a stretch. We're managing. It'll take awhile I think for us to 'get along'. Right now, it's like babysitting."

"Oh please, Pet," Belial cooed, grabbing Connie and pulling him into his arms. Connie yelped and struggled, but it was like trying to fight off a bears grip. The demon was a lot stronger and didn't even feel that Connie was writhing in his tight grip. "You know you love me. We're getting along swimmingly."

"Yeah, just ducky!" Connie hissed, giving up on getting away from the demon. Belial grinned.

"Much better, Pet." He looked to Leonard and smiled slightly. "And for your information, we have met before. You are Lucifer's right hand man, no? I am chief of all devils, and I bring wickedness and guilt. I am Lucifer's left hand man." He chuckled at his own joke. Connie craned his neck to give Belial a look.

"Well, someone's rather proud of himself. Compensating for something?"

"Wouldn't you like to know.
Courtney snorted at Blaize's "hit a wall" comment and smiled. "I'm not rushing anywhere. I was yelling at Philatanus and wasn't looking where I was going. Sorry about that. I'm guessing you-" She then yelped as Philatanus grabbed her and slung her over his shoulder, growling at the wrath demons. His eyes glowed a fierce red, while a dark aura surrounded him. "Don't forget who your superior is, peasants."

"Philatanus, what the hell are you doing?!"

"We're leaving."

"No, we're not. I happened to be enjoying the conversation I was in. Now put me down."


"Philatanus! Put me down!" Courtney snapped. Phil set her down immediately. And the first thing she did was kick him in the shin. "Next time, you'll listen right away. Understood? Now then." She turned to Azazul. "Ugly demon says what?"


Kez made a silent chuckle. "Peasants? Says the slave to a girl. Unlike us! We work-" Blaize pushed Kezazel back to Azazel.

"Ehm... Yeah, again don't mind them." Blaize and his demons watched as Phil grabbed Courtney. "Oh umh, did we do something wrong?" Blaize asked curiously, shortly afterwards was Courtney set down again.

Blaize shook his head and turned around when suddenly Courtney pulled possibly the oldest trick in the book. Azazel's eyes turned bright red. "WHAT?!" He lowered himself and stared at Courtney, "Repeat that, you little miserable piece of s--t!"

Blaize turned around with surprise painted all over his face. "AZY NO!"


Courtney smiled calmly. "Exactly." She then reached up and grabbed him by his horn, glaring as she smacked the palm of her hand against his forehead. "I may be human, you neanderthal, but at least I have a brain. You'd be wise to keep your mouth shut. You may be 8 foot something and made of armor, but that means nothing when you're too f---ing stupid to function. So, here's the deal: you're going to leave Phil alone. Understood? I'm not afraid of you. Punch me if you'd like. But you're the one who'll end up infatuated with a cactus if you do. Okay? Okay." She then looked towards the robbed demon in his chest. "Same goes for you, you creepy little midget. You'll leave my demon alone or else."
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Kezazul and Azazul was speechless. "Courtney? I woul-" Before finishing had Azazul already stepped back and raised his fist, which was already burning intensely with fire. "YOU F--K-NG B---H! I W-" Kez was already out of Azy's chest and smacked his brother with a flat hand. "No! Bad! No killing. We promise-""F--K YOU!" Soon enough was the two brothers fighting each other, exchanging swear words faster than bullets in a firefight. One moment a loud crack came from Kezazul's skull, which in return made them fight even more fiercely. "No! Stop! STOP!" Blaize shouted, his head suddenly spinning. "Come on! S..."

Blaize as if by routine counted. This isn't working.. F--K.. F--K!... Suddenly Blaize screamed as he stormed over to Azazul and Kezazul, both suddenly stunned with surprise by Blaize's outburst, for them they rarely saw him going after them. "BRIGHT! Do- HURK!" A crack was heard as Blaize punched his hand through Azazul's chest. "Would! YOU! STOP! FIGHTING!" Blaize yelled at Azazul's face. In synchronization spoke both Azy and Kez. "Sorry, mr. Bright!" Blaize pulled his bleeding hand back. "We are leaving.. NOW.. Yo-" In Blaize's mind he continued to count, even trying to think of something else, neither really worked. Blaize and Azy, who were holding one of his hands over the hole in his armored chest, walked away. "Umh.. Well... That didn't turn out well." Kez said as his body slowly stretched more and more. "I'm truly sorry about what just happened, mr. Bright, he." Kez trailed off, unsure of what to say. "NOW You f--k-ng skeletor!" Kez's expressionless face shifted to Blaize's voice. "It was nice to meet you two, I hope we could maybe meet at much more favorable circumstances?" He said, before quickly moving back to the other two.


"I'm Totally sure today is the day!" Alex said as he walked outside, beanie in hand. "So first the park? And well instead of icecream, maybe a movie? That's always a good thing to start out with? Right?!" Alex looked around on the sidewalk. "Come on, Moria! I know girls are impatient sort! Can't let their knight wait!" Alex grinned with optimism. He quickly ran to the park, and he was already scouting. "Umh.. Huh.. Moria?" Alex said a bit more timidly. "Do you have a suggestion on where we should go?" Alex's confidence had already dropped to zero again. "Please?" He said quietly. I'm sure she'll help.. Right?

"I mean.. It doesn't look like anyone interesting is by the park." Although we haven't even walked around.. Egh.. I just can't see anyone.. I should have more patience! Of course!
Silvia looked at this girl. "Uh...you okay?" she asked. "Ugh, don't talk to her. She's being chased by her demon." Asclius sighed. Ignoring him, Silvia knelt down. "Hey." she smiled. "Don't be scared. I'm Silvia. What's your name?" she offered her hand to this girl. Asclius hissed at her.
Donna looked up, ready to fight or flight (most likely the latter) if it was Poe. Instead, it was another human female who introduced herself as Silvia. Wait, is she talking to me? Oh gawd she is. Don't f--- up Donna, don't f--- up.

"I'm Donna..." She looked to the demon who was giving her a rather nasty look and gulped. "I should be okay? I'm just on the run for someone. Something really."

"Donna!" Poe shrieked, barging into the store. She saw Donna on the floor and rolled her eyes, flying over and grabbing her roughly. "Get up you idiot." She glanced up to the human and demon and smirked. "Ignore this imbecile. I honestly should invest in a leash to keep her on."
"You know, that doesn't sound like a bad idea." Ascllius laughed, leaning on Silvia's shoulder. Silvia swatted him away and looked at this other demon. "You're the one chasing her? Put her down!" she hissed. Asclius looked at Silvia lovingly. "So cute!"
"Right?" Poe laughed, nodding to the demon. Her eyes focused on the human, Silvia, and she sneered. "Aw, look at you. Trying to boss me around. Not gonna happen. Sorry."

"Leave her alone, Poe. Let's just go before you f--- anything else up," Donna spat, trying to pull away from her demon. Poe held tighter, grinning and exposing her razor sharp teeth.

"Language, pet. And we're not going anywhere just yet."
Silvia's eyes widened. "Leave her be!" she shouted, picking up a nearby usb cable pack and throwing it at this demon. "Don't you dare hurt her!" "No! Bad!" Asclius hissed, bumping Silvia in the back. "Don't be stupid!" he spat. Silvia ignored him. "I don't care who you are! You put her down and stop hurting her!"
When her stop came, Alice got off and walked into the Clinic that she arrived at. Upon arriving, she sat down in the waiting room to wait for her appointment. She had plenty of time until therapy anyway. However, she didn't expect to wait any longer then a half an hour. While in the waiting room, she began thinking about the nightmares she has been having for the past four years, which she did not like, because her phobia was starting to act up. Although she got a supposed good night's sleep, she still felt uneasy. She then cradled her belly, where her future little girl was resting.

Izanami started feeling remorseful of her malevolent actions over the past several weeks. Bored, she started wishing that there were other demons that she could talk to. Although she could not be seen by others, she leaned against a wall. Aside from Alice herself, only humans who have made pacts with other demons could see her as well. However, that would be bad because of the way she is dressed and what kind of demon she is.

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