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Realistic or Modern Injustice, The Good vs The Bad


The Guardian and Protector

Crime Rates uncontrollable, Mayor calls for Assistance


Lancaster City, once a city of prosperity and opportunity. Now, the city has become a paradise for criminal intent. Rapists, Murderers and Thieves go free, Gangs run the streets. People are suffering and the city's Police force are powerless to do anything about it. Reports have shown that in just the last year, crime has skyrocketed by 63%. For months when asked about this, both the Chief of Police and Mayor Thurgood have been silent. We the people deserve to be able to walk the streets without fear of being mugged, raped or murder. The very people who are supposed to be protecting us have been silent for months. That is, up until yesterday.

Yesterday, the mayor scheduled a press conference. At the conference he announced his new plan to control crime within the city. Here is what he had to say,
It is no secret that up to this point, the Police have been powerless to stop the immense criminal activity that has been running rampant within this once great city. Up until this point, we felt hopeless and as a city, completely out of options. For months, the Governor, myself and the Chief of Police have been in meetings discussing the crime rates in this city and the possible solutions that we could set in place to fix this city. We have a plan. We have decided to call in an third party. We are calling in a man by the name of Sergeant Jethro Gerhardt, a hero in his own right. It is our hope that with Sergeant Gerhardt's help we can make this city great again.
Mayor Thurgood

Sergeant Gerhardt, originally from Stallton city, is a legend in the Law Enforcement community. He is known for solving a similar problem with crime rates in Stallton. Can he do the same for our once great city? Only time will tell.

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S.T.R.U Specialists

Leader: Jethro Gerhardt




Assault Member:

Assault Member:

Assault Member:

Psychological Profiler:

Crime Scene Analyst: Amber Evans @FictionalReality

Forensic Analyst:

District Attorney:
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