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Realistic or Modern Injustice, The Good vs The Bad


The Guardian and Protector
This roleplay will have a specific team setup. Once these team positions are filled then anymore character submissions for the team will be declined.

However, in the interest of creating various scenarios I will always be accepting character submissions for people interested in playing Criminals.

If approved to play a criminal, you must open a private chat with me and we will discuss your plans for your characters crime. Keep in mind, I will only be running a single operation at a time and your character's plans are subjected to my approval. I will give you a good amount of free reign all I ask is that you get all plans approved by me and you make things realistic.

I will be very upfront if I have an issue with something you are doing whether you are on the Law Enforcement team or the Criminal side. Thank you for reading this and I hope to see you in my roleplay.
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Sergeant Gerhardt has started by forming a Tactical Team to combat crime within the city. Based on past dealing with Sergeant Gerhardt, rumors have it that this team will be rather strict and more exclusive then a standard S.W.A.T Team.

Sergeant Gerhardt has requested that all applicants fill out a Application that he wrote himself. If the application is approved by him, he will give the applicant instructions on where to go for specialized training.
~S.T.R.U. Application~

Full Name:

Birthdate [Age]:


Sexual Orientation:

Appearance [Realistic Photos only]:

Number of years in Law Enforcement:

Psychological Evaluation[Personality]:


~S.T.R.U. Application~

Full Name: Jethro Scott Gerhardt

Birthdate [Age]: 30

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Appearance [Realistic Photos only]:


Number of years in Law Enforcement: 9 Years

Psychological Evaluation[Personality]: Sergeant Gerhardt is a quiet, calm individual. He is known for being patient and that has suited him well in the Law Enforcement field. He usually has a handle on his temper but from time to time it is known to get away from him. His is analytical and strict. He expects a lot from those who are within his chain of command and not many can handle that. He can be blunt at times, say what he thinks or feels without much thought but that is something he is working on getting a handle on.

Specialty: Leadership

Background: Jethro grew up in a military family, his father was Army while his mother was Navy. He spent most of his life traveling from base to base. It wasn't much of a childhood and Jethro did not make very many friends but he was able to occupy his time with one thing, Self Defense. Every base Jethro lived on, he made sure to find various kinds of Martial Arts and Self Defense studios so that he'd have something to occupy his time while he was not in school.

Years passed by and Jethro followed his father's footsteps into the Army. However, he allowed his contract to expire pursuing other things in life. Not long after leaving the military at the age of 21, Jethro went to the Police academy and became a Police Officer.

He gained a reputation for his skills in the Law Enforcement field and rapidly made Sergeant. Now, sent to Lancaster City, he intends to turn the City's crime rate around.
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Full Name: Amber Evans

Birthdate [Age]: 26

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual


Number of years in Law Enforcement: 6 years

Psychological Evaluation[Personality]: Amber is a cold, analytical person, and has a hard time making friends. She is seen as a very intelligent person, but she doesn't participate much in activities outside of her job, preferring to spend her time alone. She is very fast, and her quick thinking allows her to notice metaphorical chinks in her opponents armour and fight them efficiently. She is very good at suppressing her emotions in front of others, leading to her sometimes being labelled stoic.

Speciality: Crime Scene Analyst

Background: Amber was brought up by her parents to expect nothing but the best, both from herself and others. Her father was a law professor at a top university, and her mother a political science professor. As expected, she was pushed towards a career in law from the very beginning. She excelled at school, skipping two years and starting university at sixteen. However, while Oxford and Cambridge didn't accept her, she got an offer from Harvard. She moved to America and completed a law degree, before deciding to become a police officer instead. She went to the police academy, and graduated quickly. It was remarked that, though she was rather weak, she could still be useful, and received offers from Interpol. Instead she moved to Lancaster city, joining the police force there.
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The specialty part of the Character Sheet refers to what part of the team she is applying for, you'll find this list in the Overview Tab.
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