Inir Warden, The Soldier


One Thousand Club

Name: Inir Warden 

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Height: 1m 80cm

Hair Color: Dark Brown

Hair Style: Loose that reaches shoulder length.

Eye Color: Brown.

Body type: Muscular, wide chest.

Weapons: Heavy bastard sword, common iron dagger.

Items: handy-telescope, Dark green coat with the emblem of his house.

Armor: Full iron plates, chain-mail (heavy armor.)



 A green banner, a bear's head as symbol.

FotoSketcher image.png

Vorch has been known to be severe in order to keep order. Loyal soldiers that born to fight, fearless for they have always got the worst from the demons. It's known also to be the largest kingdom, though not economically rich as most are just farmers or soldiers without many craft-workers, merchantman or tailors. They have a strong comrade passion, helping those who born and survived alongside them; their countryman. 

Relationship with other Kingdoms.

  • Erisdar - "It's been thousands of years since the kingdom of Erisdar had the time to look down from the top of their mountain to observe our large country. Though it wouldn't be wise to discard the dragons so fast, our people need to feed their mind as much time as they wild a sword. Yes, I remain constantly doubtful of their true interest for they are not trustworthy... they don't have the attitude of a warrior, their schemes and whispers that are as sharp as the end of an axe. Now days their folks reach our lands studying our land like some ancient artifact, watching out the wildlife and helping the fields. Ha! Amusing to even consider that they learn anything from our farmers or true honest work." - King Jorah Warden
  • Gothia - "Dense forest, mud wherever you step on. Still Gothia has proven to be most educated Kingdom I seen. Not the cleverest but they are kind and polite, and it might teach a thing or two to my people. I would mostly focus my attention to my heir, Rason Warden, hoping he learns to write and read rather than fight with Inir. Today I saw Inir watching closely to everything on Gothia, I can never rest easily knowing what kind of plan he has to torment them. For now on, I will just limit that Inir fights on the woods, away from the people." - King Jorah Warden
  • Arlan - "Each time a Lord of some distant castle asks me what are my thoughts of Arlan, I can only ponder. They seem to understand the ways of the warrior but they also seem lost, without a real purpose to what to accomplish. Maybe it was just my first impression, maybe not. If only my opinion wouldn't have to weight in everyone's, I may express myself freely. Although, it called to my attention this 'Inquisition' of them, soldiers trained to fight Demons. They are visionaries... if they were as honorable I may would share our own plans against the Demons forces... but they can't be trusted..." - King Jorah Warden
  • Zael - "I personally wished I could show you Zael, my child. But I believe arrogance has blind this Kingdom as well. It continues to keep it's secrets and sharing little information with us. One year ago we stopped supplying Zael with raw materials and volunteers for it's city watch. I saw it pointless as they corrupted our way of life, giving us silk and gold as if we needed any of it. A pity, I must be honest to the gods I see great potential on a Kingdom with such loyal folk just like our own home, but I believe it has been prepare to fall."  - King Jorah Warden 

Who are you?


  • Soldier's mind.
  • Honorable.
  • Kind.
  • Forthcoming.

"I'm not a politician or a king, I grow up with the soldiers, the common-folk..."


  • Has the habit to judge everyone's sins regardless of their past deeds.
  • Has the habit to be polite before strangers, but only if only they show the same respect.

"It's easy to judge when things are black and white... grey... I don't know what to do with grey"


  • Failing to protect his own kingdom.
  • Finding himself in hard choices, where all ends are painful.
  • To be blind by idealism.

"I don't fear the bell of death when it's scythe cuts my breath, as long as my blood covers the doom of all the children of Vorch."


  • Reading books of the old times.
  • Practicing his swords skills.
  • Passing time with it's family.
  • (Tries) Write poems with what he knows.

"History taught us that everything is build by a thesis and antithesis, at the end both die so a new solution overcomes. I wonder what kind of abomination will craw out from this..."


Honor. That was all he ever understood, everything it ever was worth to fight for, everything he learned becoming it's motto. But what kind of vow would be the framework of this honor? What kind of fame would decor it's name? As he once read, "Honor is a paradox, it empowers and impression, destroys and unite... it binds every comrade together and tears people apart."

Inir has always serve his kingdom as the youngest boy of the royal family becoming a commander, a soldier. His eldest brother learned how to lead while he learned how to follow, appropriate to be certain. But at times of needs, when chaos is knocking outside the borders and more horrible news, rumors or echos come across... some times our choices start to mark the future of our Kingdom. How unfortunate it is, really.

Before the atrocity from below raised once more above the ground, bringing terror to the people, fire to the fields; his eldest brother, Rason Warden has been found guilty of treason. No one knew exactly if it's was true, if the rightful heir of Vorch was actually a traitor or a demon-lover, or whatever madness has been spoken in the ears of the King; he couldn't tolerate. But to show the right on his words, Ranson claimed for a trial by combat... and the only one who could oppose him was his youngest brother, Inir Warden.

He still remembers how the iron and steel were heavier than before, how his muscles were rather paralyzed. His sight shaken and his hands sweaty holding the sword above protecting himself from his own brother. The trial lasted a long time, two talented warriors but none of them with enough guts to deliver the finish blow. Nevertheless, Rason has been leading more than fighting and his strength would leave him rather quicker than Inir's controlled movements. Rason remained on the ground trying to recover and continue to fight but the show was already revealing itself, clearing out none of the two brothers wanted to finish one another as Inir stands aside, doubting. The Crowd done nothing, staring in silence with haunted eyes. Everyone loved the both princes of Vorch but they couldn't just put aside their traditions. Rason needed to die. Before Inir could make a choice... hell broke up on the Kingdom.

Demons from every corner attacking the folk, assaulting the guards and practically tearing Castle Bear apart. Every men, women and child helped up the two brothers to open a passage out of the battle, putting themselves between salvation and damnation. So many lives taken away just to give these two a moment to escape, reaching the stables down the road, while the river of corpse became wider and longer as the peasant fought and stood loyal until their last breath without fear. But when they reached the stable... there was only one horse.

Inir complained, assuring it will be fast enough for the both of them as he started to take off his armor. But as he spoke, Rason shook his head with a small smile that shiver. His horrified voice spoke, "Don't mind me, I am a death man walking..." he rushed out of the stable giving Inir more time as he yelled, "Here we stand! With me now!" the crowd yelled and for a moment there was no chaos that overcome this last desperate rush to crush the enemy's will. They rally, every single soul on the last dark alley. Every spear and sword, swinging blindly... and at the head of the group... the one they so desperately claimed as traitor.

The horse rush out of the Castle Bear, Inir hoped that he could reach the rest of the Castles and warn the Lords... but... but he couldn't find hope in the grey sky, screams shouting from every direction. The flames breathing out smoke making new darker clouds as the world around him was tearing apart.

And now... where should we go?

"Can we ever be ready for a battle like this?"
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