Inir Warden, the Kinslayer


One Thousand Club
Full name: Inir Warden of Myralli.

Nickname: Kinslayer.

Age: 25


  • Time has been gentle for a prize. His skin remains rather pale but soft at touch. His eyes lighter brown, tired yet sharp, a paradox inside his sight. His hair and beard are both disorganized. Tough look on his face but heavy soft voice, deep enough to make a child fall asleep by it. He has a significant scar crossing his left eye cutting through skin and flesh, but his eyes remains untouched.

    A muscle body-structure, trained for close combat with a strong back and arms to strike down trees with less blows than needed, just as well the needed strength and endurance to bend metal in order to forge steel.

    He has always wear old cloths from ages ago, ragged hooded tunics chains crossing his chest holding small objects of sentiment interest (Horns, bones, pieces of hair, etc). Although none have any particular bound to him by the exception of a helmet he wears all the time, different from most that has been forge by his hand for his head, disturbing the voice within. He has very light armor behind the tunic, enough to deflect a blade with the wrong angle but not quite enough to stop it on the hand of an average swordsmen.

Side: Neutral.

Occupation: Traveler, loremaster.


  • Sura Warden, non-biological sister. Daughter of Varro.
  • Varro Warden, non-biological father. Father of Sura.
  • Elara Warden, non-biological mother. Mother of Sura. (Deceased)


Inir Warden, rightfully known as Inir Sorx; son of a bastard left for dead in the forest of Myralli, hoping for the worst, destined to die. A long night passed without a single creature to feed from the defenseless baby, crying until he could no more. Not until, miraculously, a man whose business was not to save lives arrived to the baby's call. Regardless of what people say about the people from Myralli, Varro Warden had always both a honorable and kind heart who has always tried to help those in need even if they were skeptical of such behavior.

The rescue was almost as needed as requested and both paid, Inir grow up to his father's expertise which have always been the woods, survivable and curiosity. But as the child grew beside the father, his beloved wife became eclipsed by the son's shadow. For that, she gave birth to the child that would become Sura, rightful daughter of Varro. But even that, needless to say, couldn't satisfies the mother's jealousy. She wanted to live with Varro's income, no longer working or helping the needed, the boy was a distraction; she thought another one could drive his attention back to her but it only complicated things.

For a long time now, the family passed through time and effort to have a good connection even if the mother has always whispered on Sura's ear about who Inir really was, the daughter has never stop loving him as her brother; innocent, naive love that has slowly become like parasite for her, overcoming all the flaws of Inir and the family. But the mother has come to the final conclusion, definitely and final end. Changing whispers, but now without plot but hope, empowering Sura's interest through her brother, turning naive love in questionable interest.

Elara twisted Sura to take Inir for a walk through the forest in order to express her feelings for him to maybe find a way to deal with those emotions, wronged emotions maybe, perhaps not. But Elara hoped to finish Inir's life thanks to Sura unmistakable innocence, deceiving the poor girl. Elara chased the two, wearing a thief clothes, dark tunic with a concealed weapon ready to pass through Inir's throat but the plan went wrong. Inir saw the attacker on time and managed to struggle and cut Elara's throat, finishing with the assault. None of them knew who was the thief until it fell down to the ground dead.

When that happened, Inir had no other choice but to go away. It did not matter what Varro could understand of it, Inir felt as if he had destroy with his own code of caring and helping others instead of self-preservation. He became a murder, better yet, a Kinslayer. Already with the age of an adult, he trained to become more than just the kid who escaped from home, blood on his hands. And to avoid the past he so fiercely sworn to leave behind, he learned the mysteries of forge from the traders and even forges of other kingdoms, village and towns; creating the mask for his brand new identity. The Hunter.

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