Indescribable (Closed)

Raven ran slightly to catch up with Dei-Loki. "Dei-Loki...Ok, I'm Raven." He figured it would be rude if he didn't tell him his name. He had only seen one pair of twins, which he and Naomi had killed, to live of course. He then noticed Naomi, which sent him a mind link, finished the job.
"Ah, like the bird." Dei-Loki remarked, smirk remaining as he scanned the area for the familiar face he'd been searching for. A gentle sigh escaping through his nostrils as he still had not felt the missing presence.

@Raven Daniel
"We'll leave when night comes and don't worry when we are in the forest. We are amazing at protecting." Nicholas grinned as he entered the Inn.

Masaru winced again. "Stop slapping me. I would be nice to you if I cared. Go away, if you don't like me then." He mumbled as he followed Mia and Nicholas.

@Comet @Shiro kurogane
Octavus was walking then sitting down on a log crossing his legs a little as he pulled out his bag. The dragon sky spirit gave a little bird like chirp as he dug through it but stopped hearing some voices. He shifted into his dragon form which was definitely larger than a human and even a horse but not overly huge. Octavus sprang at them in hopes just to scare the hunters off but it ended up in nasty fight while somehow the managed to tie him up. dragging Octavus on the cart and into town hoping they'd make a good price on him. Later,a woman is found in the streets trying to sell animals like usual and the dragon is in a large cage curled up since he couldn't figure out how to open it and the witch made it impossible for him to go back to his humanoid form.he regretting his mistake.

@ anyone
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"Alright then.." Rei answered, picking something simular to what Cristina was wearing, but with so slight changes. "How about this?"

@Heir of Dalania

Kirara merely huffed again at Masaru and continued to follow. Though she did mutter some choice words under her breath.

@JayJin @Comet
Mia Roquell Mia followed behind him, looking around inside of the inn with awe in her eyes. "Woah..." She breathed, a smile on her face as she stayed by his side.

She looked around again and her eyebrows furrowed.
"Where are the sleeping materials?? Do we have to make our own sleeping grounds?" She asked, looking around again.

"Your domain truly confuses me." She told Nicholas with a chuckle and a shake of her head. She the got a sense of another magical creature nearby, a type of creature that was on her domain. She looked around for the source of it but couldn't see where it was coming from.

She pulled on Nicholas's sleeve again, getting his attention and whispered,
"I sense a being that is like the ones back at home, but still different... But I can't find the source of it."

@JayJin @Shiro kurogane @mewbot5408

(I got you FAM.)
Aaron775 said:
"Okay that doesn't make alot of sense, but I don't care I'm glad I'm on a date with a beautiful girl like yourself." @Shiro kurogane
Kuro stared at the man after his complement and had to use her whole will power to keep her ears from perking up as her face turned pink. "Whatever..."
"You look good" she said to the girl with a smile. "Inns are a good place to observe the mannerisms of all kinds of people, we can start there. " she grabbed an envelope and put it in her back pocket, a message to be delivered to someone. After this she opened the door and gestured for Rei to follow.

@Shiro kurogane
Masaru smirked as he smelt the scent of Kirara following him.

@Shiro kurogane

Nicholas looked around the in the Inn. "No, the beds are upstairs. We give coins to the Inn keeper and they give us a room to stay. You'll get use to it, m'lady. As for the scent, there are many supernaturals around us that hide from the public's eye." He whispered the last sentence so only she could hear.

Malvo blinked after hearing Neil click from within his pocket, the small black and green dragon emerging from his pocket before quickly climbing onto his shoulder. "Neil, you know you're supposed t' be hiding." He'd comment as he lowered his wolf ears which were hidden underneath his hood. Blinking a few times as Neil continued his frequent clicking - as if in a slight panic. "What is it?.." he blinked, looking ahead and widening his eyes once he'd seen Dei-Loki and Raven approaching. Gently lifting his dragon companion from his shoulder, he quickly dove into one of the nearby shadows. Stepping out of one near the inn. Sighing in relief, he hid Neil in his pocket once more before slowly entering the building. Blinking when he bumped into Mia.

@Comet, @JayJin
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Mia Roquell "Ohhh." She told him with a embarrassed chuckle as she looked down. She heard the word stairs and she gave him another curious look. "Are stairs something you climb to get to the top?" She asked.

Mia squealed and fell over when someone bumped into her. She looked around to see a someone beside her and her first instinct. "Oh, I'm sorry, did I do this?"she stood up to help the person up, a smile on her face.
@JayJin @xXLittleLokiXx

(Oh my god, something just popped into my head.;3; what if like, a ship starts?
xD I mean, right now she doesn't know a lot of things and he's teaching her everything like a big brother, but just.. That If. xD dunno if I want her to ship though.)


(I didn't see your post till after I posted Loki.;3; I edited what she said to include you.)
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"inns? okay then." Rei smiled and walked out the door. She turned and waited for Cristina to join her. "so inns have a lot of people in them?" She asked, while once again letting her eyes roam over the view around her.

@Heir of Dalania

Kuro looked at the male. "what am i doing right now? well.. eating.. with you here. before... well, uh what have you been doing?" She asked quickly trying to change the subject.


Kirara saw Masaru's smirk and wondered why the male was smirking.

@JayJin @Comet
Raven looked around, then his left eye pulsated with magical energy, and turned orange. "Hmmm..."


Naomi appeared beside Raven, with a sort of glare. "Thanks for leaving all the work for me." She said before noticing Dei-Loki. She then ran to a shadow, as if to hide, she had also gestured for Raven follow.


"Naomi, it's ok, he's friendly, i'm helping him look for someone." He dragged her back to Loki, and whispered the details to her.


She then looked puzzled. "Like the Tegro twins?" Raven nodded, and they both started to help Loki.
Octavus rose and started ramming his head against the cage bars letting out a loud bird like cry as he scratched his fore claws against the metal. The woman snapped at Octavus to hush but that only made him growl at her and try to bite at the bars with no luck. The dragon head butted until he only managed to knock his cage over along with some others which ended up busting the door open. The dragon managed to slide out and trot off quickly as he could unable to fly due to his wings damaged since they didn't want him flying off if this did happen. Some men started chasing after him and there were loud squeals of frightened people as he ran away only to crash into some boxes nearby the inn. The men cornered him and he arched his back with a growl.



@Shiro kurogane

Comet said:
Mia Roquell "Ohhh." She told him with a embarrassed chuckle as she looked down. She heard the word stairs and she gave him another curious look. "Are stairs something you climb to get to the top?" She asked.
(Oh my god, something just popped into my head.;3; what if like, a ship starts?
xD I mean, right now she doesn't know a lot of things and he's teaching her everything like a big brother, but just.. That If. xD dunno if I want her to ship though.)
(Of course there is going to be ships, but no need to worry about that.)

Masaru quirked his eyebrows, "what's this? You are silent? The Gods have blessed me with a miracle."

@Shiro kurogane

Nicholas nodded, "What do you have in your. . . domain? He then looked at the person who bumped into Mia.

@Comet @xXLittleLokiXx
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Dei-Loki looked to Naomi, watching and listening to the two converse once Raven pulled her back over. "Tegro twins?" He decided to question as the three continued the search. He'd been genuinely curious of these two, and it seemed to bring him a bit of relief to find he had not been the only one with powers in the town. Though, he was able to sense a few other entities that were like this around here, as well.

Clicking gently, Alec listened from within Dei-Loki's pocket. Blinking as he remained hidden.

@Raven Daniel

Malvo then took a couple of steps back after having bumped into her. "Sorry." He would apologise, glancing back and forth between both Mia and Nicholas - ears still low underneath his hood. However, he'd then pause once he heard the bird-like noises. Quickly stepping out of the inn, he looked in the direction of the dragon and the men. "Is that what I think it is..?"

Neil would click, growling as he watched. Malvo nodding to his clicks before quickly heading over to engage.

@Comet, @JayJin, @mewbot5408
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Kuro looked at the guy in surprise. She looked around to see if anyone heard. "don't say something like that in a place crowded with humans, like me." Kuro said the last thing as an afterthought. She didn't want the guy knowing she wasn't human just yet. "so uh, whats your name? im Kuro."


Kirara glared at Masaru, "you wish the gods would bless you." She huffed, now standing on his other side.

@JayJin @xXLittleLokiXx @mewbot5408 @Comet
Cristina led Rei to the nearest inn. Entering through the back. "Just stay close to me, and don't say anything to anyone unless talked to first." She entered the inn and looked around. Taking a position in the corner. "Might as well right?" She readied her violin and played a couple practice notes before committing to a upbeat tavern-y peice of music.

@Shiro kurogane @JayJin @Comet
Raven continued his search. "Um...the Tegro twins, they were um...bad people."


Naomi then decided to fix his lie. "Yes, very bad people, and someone found us, and paid is to kill them. They were...necromancers." She paused and said lightly, as if she didn't want people to hear her. But, in all truthfulness she was trying to think of something to say. She also continued to look for Malvo.
Mia Roquell Mia looked at Nicholas while helping up the person who knocked into her. "If we want to get to the top at my home, we just climb trees." She told him kindly, smiling. "I can climb very well! With my dad, I tried to be with him when something happened in the forest, help him with his decisions."

She giggled and nodded at the person who bumped into her, giving them a kind smile. She watched them with a curious look as they walked off and outside towards a noise she always heard back at home. She looked at Nicholas, saying, "I knew I sensed it!" She looked at the direction of the noises then back at Nicholas. "Should we go help or no...?" She asked. She didn't exactly know what to do, but she knew that it was up to him. He was the one that knew of this world better than her, she didn't know if intervening would be good or bad for them.

@JayJin @xXLittleLokiXx @mewbot5408
Rei nodded at Cristina's directions and followed her into the inn. The music from her violin took a bit of getting used to since the world before this one had more.. different music. "you play an instrument?"

@Heir of Dalania (they aren't inside the inn yet, the others. xD )

"what do you mean? of course im human..." She laughed nervously but kept a quiet tone. "why would you say im not?"


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