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Imaginary Reality

He's always been with her since the day she was born, sitting quietly in the back of her mind, waiting for his day to be given life. He was there growing with her as a part of her that she never knew existed. He was always there...within her...but like her he was never aware of his own existence....

One monday afternoon, after school finished, a girl not a day over 8 wanted to play with the older kids but unfortunately the older kids pushed her away. "Why don't you go home to mommy so she can go read you some nursery rhymes." One of the kids by the name of Roy told her. Emotions swirled around in her pooling eyes as a nerve got struck...only to bring her imaginary friend to life.

"No one wants to play with me." Young Sophia pouted as she kicked onto the grass and then sat down against the tree with a pout.

It was in that moment, that the figure of - what seemed to be - a young boy began approaching. Upon being able to make out any specific features, the first thing Sophia would notice is his bright left red eye, and pale skin. They seemed to be smiling, though somewhat confused, as they approached Sophia. Once he was just a few feet away, he stood silent for a few seconds. It was only after Sophia would presumably talk, that he introduced himself. 'Hi. I'm Cryn'. He spoke in a kind tone - one that Sophia probably hadn't heard from anyone her age before.

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Sophia could hear footsteps but she didn't look up. It was probably one of the kids who would tease her. Then she heard a boy introduce himself and she looked up to him. "Are you going to be mean to me too?" She carefully asked before getting up from the grass. "Nobody likes me." The boy looked quite different than she did. Sophia's eyes were a normal shade of brown, not comparible to his red eye, and her hair was dark brown with pigtails in it. 

The boy shook his head quickly, in such a manor that made it obvious he was a shy person. He slowly walked forth, his chin buried in a dark blue scarf that seemed a tad bit too big for him - as if to bury himself in the shyness mentioned earlier. His long, scruffy, dirty-blond hair covered his eyes as he looked down, and said. 'I like you', holding his hands behind his back. After he had spoken, he looked up with just his eyes, as if anticipating his dreaded rejection. From what one would be able to tell, not many liked him that much either.

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Sophia was surprised to hear that somebody liked her. "Really?" She smiled. "My name is Sophia." She finally introduced herself. "Do you want to play together?" She suggested, stepping a little closer to her new friend and looking at him curiously. "Where do you live?" She never saw him in this neighborhood before.

Upon hearing her acceptance, Cryn's expression lightened, and he seemed to open up to Sophia. His chin rose out from his scarf, and a wide smile spread across his face - a smile that seemed to have always been there, but concealed till' now. He made a quick nod at the offer of playing. As for where he lived, he seemed to be a bit confused at the question. 'I, uh.. I think I live around here, near you'.
"Okay. We can go to the playground!" Sophia said. "Come!" She waved at him before she ran off, heading to the playground. It took about three minutes until they arrived there. The playground wasn't too crowded, there were about two other children playing there. "Let's go on the slide!" She suggested before climbing up and sliding down. "Cryn, how old are you?" She asked as she stood from the slide.

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Cryn followed without question, running alongside his newfound friend. Upon seeing seeing the two others, he appeared to become a bit uncomfortable, but forgot his uncomfort as soon as the suggestion of going down the slide had been made. He climbed up it quickly, and slid down it just as fast. When Sophia inquired how many years he had been alive, his face seemed to scrunch up, while retaining the smile, as to try and hide the embarrassment shining through his expression, of the ignorance his mind possessed. And so, he answered with a question. 'How old are you?'.

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"I am eight.." She tilted her head. "You don't know how old you are? Well, then you can be eight years old too, just like me." Sophia suggested, not dwelling on it for long as she walked over to the swings. "I'll push you. Don't worry I won't push too high." Sophia said as she stood behind the swing.

One of the kids noticed the young girl talking to herself and walked over to her curiously. "What are you doing?" The girl asked curiously.

Sophia felt shy at the sudden approach by the girl. "I'm..playing with my friend.." She quietly said before stepping away from the swing. "Y-you can play on the swing if you want to.." She said, assuming the girl wanted to play on the swing. "Me and Cryn can just play somewhere else." She shortly commented before walking off. "Maybe we shouldn't play at the playground.." She pouted.

Cryn once again nodded in response, relieved soon after to see that they didn't dwell on it.

Cryn was about to get on the swing, excited at the mere mention. But when the other child approached their new friend Sophia, Cryn shuffled away slightly. Thought he appeared to once again bury himself in shyness he started to feel very defensive. He had just made a new friend, and didn't take kindly to someone trying to take them away from him - resulting in his relief when Sophia suggested that they go elsewhere.

He walked alongside Sophia, like a little companion. Upon hearing her disappointed comment, he said 'The park isn't that great anyways' with a nonchalant shrug, in attempt to be "cool" - or something along those lines.
"Oh well, there's many more places we can go to. Like, uhm, the movies..but that's where grow ups go to..well.." She thought about it for a moment. "Hmm. We can just watch cartoons in my room." She finally decided. "Do you like cartoons too?" She asked before she started to walk. Her house wasn't far, as she wasn't allowed to go too far from her house anyway.

"Kate!" Sophia called as she knocked on the door. She was still too young to carry the house-keys by herself. "Kate is my babysitter cause mommy and daddy are at work." She waited patiently..and finally the door opened. The blonde girl was busily talking on the phone while glancing at the girl. She stepped aside and continued the conversation.

Sophia didn't find it strange that Kate didn't paid any attention to Kryn, she was busy afterall. "Kate is probably talking to her boyfriend." She frowned before rushing over to her bed-room. "On my birthday mom and dad got me a TV, so now I can watch cartoons in my room." She explained before sitting down on the soft carpet in the room and turning the TV on.

Cryn followed as fast as he was able, stumbling over his own feet every now and then.

As Sophia went suggesting the different places they could go, he simply nodded or shook his head, in accordance to his new friend's opinion on each matter. When cartoons were suggested, his eyes seemed to brighten. Upon hearing that suggestion, he quietly replied "Yes".

When they reached Sophia's house, Cryn marvelled at the structure, and even more so at the interior. He thought it a bit rude of his friend's guardian to pay no mind to them, but let the matter be, as he didn't want to make a bad first impression on his new friend's guardian.

When they had reached Sophia's room, he didn't sit on the carpet with his friend. It seemed partly because he was waiting to be told he could sit down, and partly because he was marvelling at how cool it was that his friend had a TV, in their room! From the little that he knew, it was known to him that this was something that was not seen in all residences. 'You have a really cool house..' he said in a quiet, dumbfounded tone.
Sophia took one of the dvds in her small collection."Hmm. I don't have any dvd's for boys, but Cinderella has a prince in it, so it kinda is for boys too." She said before taking the dvd out of the case and putting it in the dvd player. "I like Cinderella a lot. She's my favorite princess." She told him. She noticed he was still standing. "You can sit with me!" She motioned for him to sit next to her. "Does your house not look like this?" She became curious about the house Cryn lived in.

Cryn nodded at Sophia's suggesting of Cinderella - he didn't seem to mind, really. Upon being told he could sit, he did exactly so, with a somewhat relieved expression. He sat down next to Sophia, with a bit of distance between them, of course. He wasn't a very touchy person.

When his new friend Sophia asked him where he lived, a confused look invaded his expression. He seemed to be thinking, trying to remember where it was that he lived, or if he actually lived. A long, and considerably awkward silence grew between the two, as Cryn tried to put his finger on it. In the end, he came up with 'I don't think so'. To change the subject, he added 'But come on, put the disk in already..' he quietly, and lazily whined.
"You know, you don't seem to know many things." Sophia shortly commented. "It's okay, though, I don't know many things either." She asssured him with a smile, once again not thinking much of it. She watched as the movie started. Even though she had seen it probably about 100 times already she was excited to watch it every time. She didn't spoke during the movie until a idea popped in her head. "Kryn, if you don't got a house, then you can live with me!" Sophia suddenly said. "Cause..cause..how can you go back home if you don't even know where your home is? So, you can stay here until you remember. I can't let you just sleep on the ground outside!" How terrible that would be! "Then we can watch cartoons everyday!" 

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Cryn shook his head slightly when Sophia stated that he didn't know much, agreeing with said statement. But when she assured him of being no more ignorant than her, he smiled a bit. Though she obviously didn't think much of it herself, it would later on in life become apparent that it meant a good deal to him.

As the movie went on, he payed more and more attention to the details - for some reason or another, he seemed astounded by the "moving pictures", as he personally called them. One could only assume that he'd never seen a "cartoon". But rest assured, he indeed liked it, and was excited every frame of the way. Which is why when Sophia began talking again, he jumped, being taken out of his trance, caused by the movie. It took a second for him to process her words, but when Cryn realized what Sophia was suggesting, his expression became stupidly happy. He nodded his head up and down excitedly; when it was mentioned that, otherwise he'd have to sleep on the ground outside in the big bad world, his happiness was mixed with a good deal of relief. 'R-Really? You'd let me live with you?' he was able to form words after a moment, stuttering most of them out.

(Sorry about this taking so long. I was in a "writer's block", and, well... Shit's been hitting the fan on this side of the screen, as it tends to do. Also, should probably tell you... You tag someone by doing this "@InKryption". And to get notified with more ease, Follow this thread).

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Ofcourse, the girl should probably ask her parents first before deciding on life-changing things like this..but they wouldn't let the poor boy sleep on the streets by himself, right? "Yeah, you can live with me! We can even go to school together tomorrow, then I will have someone to talk to and play with!" Sophia said excitedly, looking forward to it. "We can have lunch together and and and we will have sleepovers everynight, and we can have breakfast together and we can visit grandma and grandpa." The girl was filled up with ideas. Finally she had a friend, just like the other kids had and she was going to do everything friends did!

After a while the movie ended. "Did you like Cinderella?" Sophia asked, getting up from the carpet when she heard the front door unlock. "Mom is home, we should go and greet her!" She suggested before rushing out of her room. "Mom! Mom!" She called out before she went to hug her mother. "I made a new friend today and-" The mother looked down and smiled at her. "Hi sweetie. That's great, I am going to start on dinner now, you go and play, alright? After dinner you'll have to go straight to bed, it's late." The mother said before moving away from the child and going to the kitchen to quickly cook up a dinner for the family.

Sophia pouted. There was much more that she wanted to tell her mother but it seemed like she was too busy to listen. She saw Kate getting on her bicycle, and she stood at the window, waving her off.

((No problem, i'm not that strict when it comes to posting, and I understand you have some issues in real life, it happens. Thanks a lot for telling me! I didn't know that, haha. I finally figured out how the tagging works..thanks again..))

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Cryn nodded in an excited manor, that seemed to be almost rhythmically matching up with the stupendous ideas Sophia came up with, for the near or far future. When they'd finished talking, Cryn was still processing a bit of their conversation, but soon, he once again became entranced with the visuals of the movie they were watching. It seemed like such a strange subject to his inexperienced, young mind. When the movie had finished, he had to close his eyes for a few seconds - it seemed that he lacked the act of blinking throughout the grand majority of the duration of Cinderella. During parts of panic or distress, he appeared to shrink and sink downwards, towards the carpet. And during parts of calm, romance, and tranquility, his jaw hung from his head.

When asked of his opinion of the movie, he exclaimed "Amazing!", but quickly covered his mouth, and buried himself deep into his shyness, with an expression tinted a faint crimson red.

When Sophia's mom had gotten home, Cryn's embarrassment was replaced with a face that expressed nervousness. When Shophia ran downstairs to talk to her mom, Cryn waited in her bedroom, looking around at all her toys, and interesting possessions. After a bit of exploration, Cryn joined Sophia downstairs, and was just in time to watch the lady called "Kate" be off on her bicycle. It was at that moment that Cryn inquired 'What are we going to do now?' in a confused, expectant voice.
Sophia was dissapointed that she couldn't introduce her friend to her mother, but she would when her mother had more time. "Hmm.." She thought about it for a moment as she rested her finger against her cheek and thought about it as she stared at the floor. "Well, mom doesn't want us to bother her while she's cooking, so I guess we should leave her alone." She started. "Now that you are going to live here with me, I should give you a tour of the house." She stepped towards the kitchen. "This is the kitchen." She said softly, not to disturb her mother. "You can get some food or something to drink whenever you want." She then slid the glass door open and stepped outside to the large backyard. "Here's the backyard, here I got some toys and when it's summer we have a bbq sometimes.." There was even a small pond. "But we can't play too loudly or else the neighbours will get angry." She warned him so he wouldn't get in trouble.

(I apologize for my latent reply. I've been busy bust busy all day, and am only able to write this at 1:30AM.)

Cryn nodded reassuringly, a gesture one would generally accompany with the words "don't worry about it" in this situation. He waited on Sophia as she thought. Cryn seemed to stare at her two miniscule little fingers, which were pressed against her cheek. When a tour was suggested - as per usual - he nodded in accord. He followed her around, and made no sign of too many thoughts on anything. It was at the garden that is eyebrows furrowed. From what one could tell, after having seen inside the house, he didn't have much sympathy left for the cold, unforgiving outside world. But these thoughts would quickly have been forgotten, as a slight rumble erupted from his stomach.
"When it's summer we can play in the pool. I wish it didn't take so long for summer to come.." She pouted before returning into the house. "You should know where to take baths! It's important for when we need to get freshened up after playing or for when we go to school." She explained to him as she walked up the stairs. She briefly showed him the bathroom and hurried to other parts of the house, but paused when her mother called for her. "Oh dinner's ready!" She told her new friend before waving him over and then getting to the living-room. 

"Sophia, darling, can you set the table?" Her mother, Martha, scooped the lasagna dish out of the oven. "Okay." Sophia replied, opening the cupboard and taking three plates out. She decided she could carry the cups and the cutlery while Cryn carried the plates. It felt like it was  a good and solid idea to her. She handed out the stack of ceramic plates to him and loosened her grip.   


((Sorry for my late reply as well. Recovering from a fever..))
((Shit. I forgot I hadn't replied. I'm so very sorry. Between all my schoolwork, and pre-mature exams [due to a two week vacation I'll be having in South Africa], I didn't realize I never finished typing this out)).

At the mention of playing in the pool, he seemed less uptight about the idea of going outside. He nodded, with a bit more feeling this time, at Sophia's comment of impatience. "It will probably come around soon" he tried reassuring his friend, with a timid smile... Taking no more than a glance at the bathrooms, he understood the purpose perfectly - which one could consider strange, seeing as he'd obviously never had a home.

When it had been announced that dinner was ready, Cryn's expression lit up with childish excitement. He raced towards their destination before Sophia would even have a chance to direct him to the specified area.

It took Cryn only a second to understand Sophia's plan. He held out his hands, expectantly. But when the dishes had touched his fingers, he hesitated, and the ceramic came crashing down, in a symphony of simultaneous crashes, and bits of plate spreading across the floor. Cryn covered his mouth in shock, taken aback by what he'd just done. He looked over at Sophia's mother in horror, before running out the room, obviously not willing to stand there and wait to see what would happen to him if he did.
As soon as the plates left her grip, it wouldn't be her responsibility anymore, nor could she do anything if something went wrong. It was going well until Cryn hesistated. She was shocked when suddenly he pulled away and the plates went flying towards the floor. One by one they crashed with a dramatic sound. 

"Oh my goodness!" Martha called out as she jumped from the chair. "What in the world did you just do?!" Obviously, from her perspective, she had not seen the girl's friend and concluded that from what she had seen, her daughter randomly dropped the plates on the floor. Why? She didn't know. "Sophia!" She rushed over and pulled the girl away from the mess. "Why did you do that? We got those in France! They were so expensive too"

Sophia was still in shock. Why did Cryn do that? She was confused. "I didn't do it!" She claimed full of confidence. Ofcourse it wasn't her! Cryn was the one who suddenly let go. It was his fault! Not hers! Her mother should have seen as well, she seen how all of this happened! However, judging from her mother's expression her comment just angered her more.

"Are you kidding me? I saw you dropping it with my own eyes! Do you see anyone else here who could have done it? Okay, enough. You go and eat, and no dessert for you, and I want you to go straight to sleep, young lady!" The woman pushed a plate into the girl's hands. "Go, now."

Sophia wanted to protest against her mother's words but decided it would be foolish to aggravate her mother further so she just nodded and went to the table. However, due to the previous event she didn't felt hungry and left the table after a couple of bites. She knew she should be brushing her teeth now but instead she looked for her friend. It was true that she was mad at him but she wasn't that mad that she would kick him out her house. "Cryn?" She called out softly as she looked into every room of the house.  
As Cryn ran out of the room, he could hear Sophia's mom scolding his new friend. He felt terrible. Like a monster. He was sure he'd lose his new friend after this. At this thought, a tear escaped the prison of his eye - and with the first, came the second, and with the second, the third and fourth. And so on, till a seemingly never ending waterfall plagued his cheeks. He sobbed and sobbed, trying to find a place to hide. When he did, his sobs didn't cease. But he did try to silence them by biting down on his index finger, placed horizontally between his front teeth.

It was there he stayed for many hours, unable to rid himself of the guilt, of knowing what he had just done. Only later, in the time that he presumed Sophia was about to give up, did he flee from his hiding spot, and begin to walk solemnly towards the front door, which he presumed is where he would be sent off anyways if she did find him.

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