
There are Twenty spots open, if you want to be part of the Rp but cannot make the character right now, then let me know and I'll reserve a spot! Also, you MUST be active. I don't want the Rp to die.'

Accepted Members:

@Reyen0804 Lillian Weber, Ian Mcgee

@RedInkKid Reserved spot

@Neon Nyan Christian Ashire, Jax Merolin

@MorticiansDaughter Freyja Gotthard

@Cadell Morde Xander Brooks

Numbers of spots open: 1 spot left!!

* = required

*Name: (First Last)

*Age: (16-23)


*Species: (Arvion, Human, Half-bred)

Picture Appearance: (Anime picture preferred)

*Written Appearance: (Looks, clothes, ect)



Wing Span: (if Arvion)

Occupation: (If any)

*Sexual Orientation: (If Bisexual state preference)



*Likes: (at least 4)

*Dislikes: (At least 4)


*Quirks: (At least 1)


*Weaknesses: (at least 3)

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Man you guys beat me!

@Cyan @EverWinter :( before that Watermelon Unicorns!


Mikhail Sylvester







Picture Appearance:

*Written Appearance:

Mikhail is a 6'11'' white haired arvion. His pale skin complement his quiet face. His wing are 204 Inches wide and his feather were similar to an angel wings although it was based from a hybrid of eagles (father) and dove (mother).

*Height: 6'1''


73 KG

Wing Span:

204 inches wide


Arvion's Secret Agent

*Sexual Orientation:



Mikhail is a quiet Arvion although he is kind to fellow Arvion. Mikhail hates human since his father was killed by them. Mikhail have sharp tongue, he will said what he thought and never laugh at other people jokes unless he known them well. Mikhail is stingy when it comes to smile neither Arvion, Half breed nor Human. Mikhail will be slightly talkative than before once you know him, he began to show emotions from his face.


Mikhail never went through a sweet or happy experience during his life time, ever since he was a child he was being bullied by humans because he lived in the human environment. His father was a normal Arvion but love to stay on the human land, his love were getting stronger for every moment until he was accused as a murderer, Mikhail's family began to be abused, his parent were killed by the humans. Just as he was about to be killed, An arvion called Kristoph stopped them, Kristoph was the government of Arvion and was respected by the 3 races. Mikhail was let go by them and since then he close his heart towards human


Watching his city from above


Playing Saxophone

Dancing Waltz alone

Baked Potato

*Dislikes: (At least 4)



His past

Playful person/arvions/half breeds



"Is that all?"

"What a waste of time"

"..you humans doesn't deserve to live at all"

"An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, thou shall perish into the depth of hell"





Shooting skills

Analyizing skills

Making a hypothesis

Saxophonist expert


He has unstable anger

He have trouble finding friends

His wings weren't as strong as other average Arvion but stronger than half breed


-His name was based on an angel name Michael

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Ayano Akimaya










~Written Appearance~

Ayano has brown hair that ranges form light to dark. She usually wears two red hair clips to hold her hair in place and a similarly colored scarf. Her eye color is probably the most interesting part of her as they appear to change color from a reddish brown to a light gold color in random intervals.



(so pretty small ^ ^


110 pounds


Student/Part Time florist

~Sexual Orientation~

Straight (but can be persuaded :3)


Ayano is a pretty timid individual. She's shy to new company but warms up to them fairly quickly and is bit too trusting for her own good. She puts herself last for the sake of others but can be unintentionally selfish at times. Ayano isn't comfortable with large crowds or tight, crowded spaces. She has always wanted to be able to fly which led to her admiration for the Arvion's and the half breeds. She is also fairly soft spoken and treats all races equally. Ayano is considered very kind and considerate among her peers.


Ayano has lived a fairly normal life. She did have her dark patches during the first years of her high school when she was bullied about her belief in race equality. Though that seemed to quickly pass and she was able to make good friends of her own. She never knew who her father had been but her mother had admitted that he had been an Arvion. She never really questioned her mother further about what had happened to him or where he had gone since she believed that her mother would tell her on her own time. The earliest memory she had as a child was actually of him and the soft brush of feathers against her open palm.



Animals (cats mostly :3)


Origami (always seems to be making paper cranes)


Flowers/sweet smelling things (arranging them)



Rude people

Extremely sharp objects

Others getting hurt

Complete darkness


"I want you to be happy. I want you to laugh a lot. I don't know what exactly I'll be able to do for you, but I'll always be by your side"



Too trusting

Easily lead around


Fast Runner

Picture perfect memory

Professional Cooking Skills


(Basically what I put in the quirks ^ ^

Constantly seems to be running into trouble

Randomly clumsy at times


Owns a black and white tabby named Chrome. It constantly runs off but always returns or Ayano finds him first.


The red scarf had belonged to her father and is the only thing he left behind when he had disappeared.

Watermelon unicorns *confused face*

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*Name: Valentin

*Age: 18

*Gender: Female

*Species: (Arvion, Human, Half-bred) Half-bred

Picture Appearance:


*Written Appearance:

Valentin's silver hair is long but is cut in all different lengths. She has somewhat pale skin but mostly her skin color is normal, but never tan. Her wings are white, but are mostly transparent so she tends to hide them. Most of the time she likes to wear thin jackets and shorts.





Wing Span:


She works in demolishing old and rundown buildings.

*Sexual Orientation: Straight

*Personality: Valentin is very quiet and shy but most of the time when she's in public she has to come out of her shell. She is a great worker and loves to help people if she can. She doesn't know how to flirt and is pretty awkward and clumsy around a boy she likes(if she has a crush at all).

*History: Valentin grew up by herself, her parents nervous what would happen to their reputations if they found they had had a daughter. So for her life she ran the streets as a protector of those who couldn't help themselves. When she got older she started to run her demolition business. but every night after work she goes out and flies over the bad parts of town to make sure everything is alright.


Winter days


Quiet places

Sweets of any kind

*Dislikes: (At least 4)

Rude or mean people


Tight or crowded areas

Sitting still with nothing at all to do


"Sometimes a girl has to do what a girl has to do."

"There is no room for trouble here, sir."

"It's alright. I won't let anyone hurt you."

*Quirks: Valentin will do almost anything for sweets, even if it means doing dirty work.


She's very strong

She is smart and quick thinking

She can defeat a grown man with her bare hands

*Weaknesses: (


Thunder and Lightning


Other?: Watermelon

*Name: Angie

*Age: 16

*Gender: Female

*Species: Human

Picture Appearance:


*Written Appearance:

Angie has medium length blonde hair that she keeps in a bun. She prefers her clothing to be stainless and unwrinkled so she always wear very easy to take care of clothes.

*Height: 5'6

*Weight: 108

Wing Span: (if Arvion)

Occupation: She is a waitress at the Valero's Italian Restaurant

*Sexual Orientation: Straight as a line

*Personality: Angie is very outgoing and loves to meet new people. Though she is often also selfish and arrogant. She also loves to flirt and is totally boy-crazy.

*History: Angie grew up in a rich home, her parents taught her very well to be snobby. She is very well-known like her parents and has a whole line of boys trailing behind her. She is very popular in the private school she goes to.


Being active

Dressing up




Sitting still

Plain clothes

Being broke

Having enemies. Or even worse, rivals.


"I dare you to take one more step Sydney."

"Just watch me."

"It's so unfair! Why am I always so lonely!"


She has a craving for cheese(any kind!) in particular and anything yellow for that matter. She also is always feeling alone even around her friends, family, and boyfriend.


She is good at managing money

She is very good at keeping her status high

She is good at washing and doing her own clothing



The color yellow

Feeling alone

Cute objects

Other?: UNICORNS!!!!

Name: Flora Spring

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Species: Arvion

Picture Appearance:

Written Appearance: Flora loves the princess style. She usually wears long dress with lots of ribbon and bows. She very short and slim, flat as a board really. Her hair tumbles all the way to her waist, naturally brunette. Flora has very light gray eyes, curtained by thick layers of eyelashes. A small nose leads to a small mouth, with crooked teeth.

Height: 4'11

Weight: 109

Wing Span: 5''

Occupation: None just a student

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Personality: A polite, respectful, and caring woman, flora kindness and generosity is very out of place in today's world. She genuinely cares for the well-being of others. Because of her gentle nature, she is pushover and many people take advantage of her. She tends to avoid fights but always seems to end up in them anyway.

History: Born in a very poor area, Flora doesn't remember much about her family. Her father was murdered before she was born, and her mother wasted away in her grief while she was at a very young age. She was brought up by her older brother. She was left to live on her own when her brother went to join the army, something he’d always wanted. He was reluctant to leave her care at first, but she convinced him she’d be fine on her own. She hasn't heard from him since.










Fake friends

Loud, obnoxious music (and people)

People that take advantage

bad Chinese food.

Quirks: She can out eat anyone and love to bake

Skills: Due to her small size, Flora is more than fairly fast, she has a very large stamina which makes her very hard to catch. She is pretty bad with hand to hand combat, knowing only random tactics to protect herself. She tends to make friends very easily.

Weaknesses: Although Flora is faster than average, it does not mean she is un-catch-able. She has very low pain tolerance, taking a hard blow could send her down. Although she is fast, her fighting skills are way below average.

Other: Watermelon unicorns is one of her favorite bands
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Lucifer Lockwick

(People he knows well tend to call him by Lucian)

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Species: Arvion


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/Afuro.Terumi.full.1569883.jpg.0c4650f4f0c13f1652749a1d773bd70c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26134" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/Afuro.Terumi.full.1569883.jpg.0c4650f4f0c13f1652749a1d773bd70c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Written appearance: Has long blonde hair and light golden red eyes. He's the very first of his kind who was born with multiple wings like that of a seraph. He usually wears light grey to white colored clothing (the brands he wears are also highly expensive and luxurious). Almost feminine in stature.

Height: 6'0

Weight: 70 pounds

Wingspan: 17 feet is his smallest wings and 20 is his largest.

Occupation: One of the prominent leaders/spokes model of the Arvion race.

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual (prefers any)


Lucifer is the leader type with a kind and gentle voice but carries his point out firmly. He has an authoritative and charismatic air that attracts people to him. Extremely persuasive, even going as far as to be considered manipulative. He makes a point of being truthful and is apprehensive to those who lie. His trust is surprisingly hard to earn and takes a patient, strong willed person to get anywhere close to obtaining it. He is the confident and prideful sort but always remains modest. He can read others like an open book and is able to discern their thoughts with unnatural ease. He has long since learned to see past most and any lies. Able to make difficult decisions quickly and make the best out of any situation. Has a soft spot for anything soft and fluffy. Practically limitless patience. Open minded when it comes to others and their opinions.


With his peculiar wings he had been treated as an outcast among Arvions and humans a like. The only people who seemed to accept him were half breeds which caused a special soft spot for their race. He had been separated from his parents at birth when they had discovered his 'defect' and had been taken to a lab for testing. But before he could be subjected to any experiments, he was taken in by a powerful Arvion leader who raised him as his predecessor. He had just recently taken over the job and is scorned by some of the others due to the jealousy of his ranking when he was young. They felt he didn't deserve the role and Lucifer had to spend a good part of the first year of his succession, avoiding poisoned foods and lethal presents from 'close friends'. He had learned to build a wall around himself to prevent from getting hurt. One exception though was when he had met a half breed who he had willingly let himself trust only to be betrayed in the end. After that, he had completely closed himself off and would always keep others at a comfortable distance. He is still capable of having friends but none that he would ever consider close. His beautiful white wings have also earned him the title 'Seraph' among the Arvion, human, and half breed populous. Lucifer is also pretty popular with the crowd because of his looks and overall personality.


The night sky, star gazing


Rainy weather


Resourceful/kind people

Playing the piano


Extremely stubborn people/with no morals

making a mistake


people who interrupt


Bad decisions


Being trapped in any type of enclosure


"Logic will get you from point A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere."

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world"

"The best way to predict the future is to create it"

"Be sure to put your foot on the right place, then stand firm"

"Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves"


Unable to trust others


Extraordinary leadership skills

Quick decision maker

Highly intelligent

Extremely perceptive

quick reflexes and able to hold his own in combat

Tactical thinker (always one step ahead of the 'enemy')


Those he genuinely cares about

The safety of an innocent

things far too much

Distrust of others

Other: Watermelon Unicorns.



  • Afuro.Terumi.full.1569883.jpg
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Ian Alexander McGee

*Age: 20

*Gender: Male

*Species: Arvion

Picture Appearance:


*Written Appearance:

As depicted in the picture above, Ian has light orange hair that falls over his amber colored eyes, He has large black wings, that can easily be around 20 feet in length. He is also fairly skinny, around 120lbs and is around 6'1, so he is very tall.

Clothes wise, he usually wears dark colors, (blacks, greys, browns ect.) and a dark red accent to his clothes. He prefers a punkish goth look, mixed slightly with skater. Though when he dresses up he tends to go with a plain black suit.





Wing Span:

20 feet


Student/animal caretaker (explained in history)

*Sexual Orientation:

Bisexual but has male preference


Ian is a rather cheerful person who loves to flirt with guys and girls, though most of the time he doesn't actually mean it. In fact when he really likes someone he won't be able to talk to them. Even though his is really social, he does keep his distance when it come to talking about himself. He may talk a lot, and get to know his friends, but his friends never really know him.

He believes in the metaphor, "Keep your friends close but your enemies closer," not that he has many enemies to begin with. But the few he does have are pretty close to him, and they are more rivals then anything else. Though there are a lot of girls who hate him for being such a flirtatious individual, but that's mainly a cover-up.

Though it may be rare, Ian can get very angry, you know when this happens when he becomes extremely silent, and he doesn't smile. Once he is angry, you either want to run, or try to calm him down, which can be extremely hard. One sure fire way to make Ian angry is to insult his family, friends, or race. Which a lot of people tend to do.

Ian is also very loyal to his friends and family. He would take a bullet for them, and save them from anything. He believes that if one should be friends with someone they should be able to help each other, even if it means risking your life for it. Though he will not ever do illegal acts for his friends, and as soon as someone asks him to do such a thing, he loses trust for them.


Ian's history is a bit of a mystery for people who weren't directly involved in it. His family were not very well off, though they were happy. His mother, came from a long line of doctors, nurses and lawyers, though she became a veterinarian, working on animals of all kinds, mostly dogs, cats, ect.

His father was from a poor family who were barely able to care for themselves, luckily he somehow figured out how to get to college and get a fairly good paying job.

When Ian was around 12, his mother grew very ill, and his father had to work double-triple and even quadruple hours just to make ends meat. His much older brother, was in college studying to get a computing degree, so he wasn't there to help. Eventually their house got to be a gigantic mess, and Ian became sick himself from not eating, (not being able to cook), and he was taken from his parents for around 3 years.

This experience scared him, the human foster parents always hurt him, plucking his feathers, and other such things, until he was finally returned to his parents 3 years later. He could barely move his wings, as they had little-to-no feathers, and many broken areas. Basically put he was in horrible shape.

It took him 2 years to recover fully, and 1 year after that to learn how to use his wings again. Now he is a student, and an animal caregiver at his mother's facility. He lives on his own, though he visits his parents a lot, (at least once a week).





Playing violin

Taking care of animals


good friends

helping people



Being alone

hurting anyone or anything

rude/inconsiderate people

Racist people


Illegal acts


"Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer,"

"Every living thing deserves a chance, even if they are from a bad seed,"

"Keep your mind at ease, and you are guaranteed a good life,"


He has a strange habit of saying, 'Right' after everything. Making it seem as if he doesn't know when he actually does.



Almost perfect eyesight

Throwing knife skill

*Weaknesses: (at least 3)

A bit dense

Not good at reading moods

And gets nervous easy



Lilliana Weber (Lili)

*Age: 16

*Gender: Female

*Species: Human

Picture Appearance:


*Written Appearance:

Lillian has long light-brown hair that goes to her waist, that she keeps in a high ponytail. She has lightly tanned skin, and redish-brown eyes. She has a very feminine frame, and is around an A-cup.

As for clothes, she usually goes with an over sized shirt, and a simple pair of jeans, and her favorite dark blue converse. When she has to dress nice however she likes to wear a simple black and white knee length dress.

*Height: 5'5

*Weight: 100lbs

Wing Span: None

Occupation: Student

*Sexual Orientation: Straight


Lilliana is fairly shy, not really speaking unless spoken to, and even when she is spoken to she tends to stutter. She isn't really noticed and she usually stays in the background of things. Despite this, she can become angry, and when she does she is the complete opposite of shy and calm. In fact she can be very aggressive. Its one of her many fears is her angry side.

She's also a fairly nervous person, she tends to shake a lot and as said before she stutters as well. Some people find this annoying a bully her, though she tries to ignore it.


Her history was pretty normal, she came from an average family with a mother, father and older brother. Though she was stuck in her brother's shadow most of the time (hence her shy nature) she didn't really mind, because she knew it wasn't his fault. Being ignored was normal for her, so she hadn't really had friends, much less a relationship, though animals seemed to take a liking to her.


Being noticed, having friends, animals, drawing, reading.


Being ignored, being bullied, bullies, her angry side.


"If sprout wings and could fly, what would the others do?"

"Everything has a bright side, so just be optimistic!"


She stutters

shakes a lot

fairly clumsy


Long-ranged combat (Bows, guns ect.)

When in combat she is quick-footed


being silent in a scary situation.



Not being clear

hand-to-hand combat (swords, knives, no weapons)



Other?: N/A
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I was wondering if I could add one more character? ^ ^; (he will mostly be a tag along char. for my main one) 

Chrome (Lockwick)

(lol borrowed your cat's name @EverWinter )

Age: 22 (but looks as though he is only a teenager between the ages of 17-19)

Gender: Male

Species: Arvion



Written appearance: Has white hair, pale, almost papery white skin, pure black wings, and inky black eyes. His nails are usually painted a dark black color. His casual attire is what you see in the above picture. The cross necklace was given to him as a memento from his past best friend and younger brother. The usual cloths he wear would be a special all black instead of the standard white, 'Guardian' uniform.

Height: 6'4

Weight: 94 pounds

Wingspan: 24 feet

Occupation: A Guardian, one of the top best. (previous: Gang Member)

Sexual Orientation: Says he's straight but couldn't care less either way.


Chrome has the inner dotting older brother trait that is very
VERY well hidden but his all to serious and stoic demeanor. He has a strange mix of a strict and laid back personality. He is the protector type, silently looking after those who he cares about or is in the general vicinity of him. He calculates things before ever jumping head first into a situation (though there are some obvious exceptions). Doesn't hate or scorn humans but places them on a lower level than Arvions and half breeds. He prefers to stay in the background and out of the limelight. Doesn't care much for social interaction and absolutely hates physical contact. He usually opts for silence until addressed or provoked. Can be at times, overbearing like a parent constantly looking over their child's shoulder. An extreme worry wart.

History: (wow, really sorry for it being so long ^ ^

Chrome had grown up in an orphanage near the edge of wasteland. His childhood consisted of surviving each passing day. That was until he met a rowdy orphan named Leo who soon became his best friend and had become brothers of sorts. When they grew up, Leo decided to form a gang with the rest of the orphaned boys he and Chrome had befriended to wipe the streets of criminals as he had said. That was at first but slowly as the time went on, they began stealing and tormenting the innocent. Leo had become corrupt with power and some of the gang members soon followed. Though through it all, Chrome stuck by his brother as a loyal protector until the say when had found out that an innocent had been killed. He confronted Leo about it, along with some of the other members who agreed that their leader had stepped out of line. But being blinded by pride, Leo saw Chrome's questioning as a threat and accused him of wanting to become the leader. No matter how many times Chrome denied the fact an all out gang fight erupted. Those who agreed with Leo fought those who agreed with Chrome. It ended with Leo's death and the bloodied hands of Chrome. After a month or so since the scarring event, he was arrested and taken to the high court for judgement. Since he had been part of the gang activities and had been second in command, the two murders of the innocent and Leo was placed on his hands. He was facing either life imprisonment or death but before either could be decided, he was saved by a certain blonde haired Seraph who proposed that he could serve as his Guardian as punishment. There was of course many causalities and complaints about the idea but in the end it was passed by the council. Chrome had been at first enraged at the proposal and refused to wear a uniform, to speak to said Seraph, or to attend the Guardian trainings. That obviously passed though as he now serves Lucifer with unwavering loyalty and would gladly give his life for his. The reason why his surname is Lockwick was because Lucifer insisted on it.


Training/ physical exercise

Good food

Honest people



Loud noises



physical contact of any kind

(exception would be people he trusts and know well. i.e. Lucifer)

Unexpected surprises

Emotional people







can be a bit overbearing

Little brother complex

Skills: Too many to list off. Lets just say he wasn't dubbed the Monochrome Raven for nothing.


Lucifer (though he would literally bite his tongue off before admitting it)

Lack of physical control (sometimes he can't control his strength and unintentionally harms others)

Insensitive to his and others emotions (Chrome is about as sensitive as a sack of rocks -__-)


Unicorn cabbage potato watermelon


Will mercilessly detain anyone he deems a threat to Lucifer (or himself/others).

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Cyan said:
I was wondering if I could add one more character? ^ ^; (he will mostly be a tag along char. for my main one) 

Chrome (Lockwick)

(lol borrowed your cat's name @EverWinter )

Age: 22 (but looks as though he is only a teenager between the ages of 17-19)

Gender: Male

Species: Arvion



Written appearance: Has white hair, pale, almost papery white skin, pure black wings, and inky black eyes. His nails are usually painted a dark black color. His casual attire is what you see in the above picture. The cross necklace was given to him as a memento from his past best friend and younger brother. The usual cloths he wear would be a special all black instead of the standard white, 'Guardian' uniform.

Height: 6'4

Weight: 94 pounds

Wingspan: 24 feet

Occupation: A Guardian, one of the top best. (previous: Gang Member)

Sexual Orientation: Says he's straight but couldn't care less either way.


Chrome has the inner dotting older brother trait that is very
VERY well hidden but his all to serious and stoic demeanor. He has a strange mix of a strict and laid back personality. He is the protector type, silently looking after those who he cares about or is in the general vicinity of him. He calculates things before ever jumping head first into a situation (though there are some obvious exceptions). Doesn't hate or scorn humans but places them on a lower level than Arvions and half breeds. He prefers to stay in the background and out of the limelight. Doesn't care much for social interaction and absolutely hates physical contact. He usually opts for silence until addressed or provoked. Can be at times, overbearing like a parent constantly looking over their child's shoulder. An extreme worry wart.

History: (wow, really sorry for it being so long ^ ^

Chrome had grown up in an orphanage near the edge of wasteland. His childhood consisted of surviving each passing day. That was until he met a rowdy orphan named Leo who soon became his best friend and had become brothers of sorts. When they grew up, Leo decided to form a gang with the rest of the orphaned boys he and Chrome had befriended to wipe the streets of criminals as he had said. That was at first but slowly as the time went on, they began stealing and tormenting the innocent. Leo had become corrupt with power and some of the gang members soon followed. Though through it all, Chrome stuck by his brother as a loyal protector until the say when had found out that an innocent had been killed. He confronted Leo about it, along with some of the other members who agreed that their leader had stepped out of line. But being blinded by pride, Leo saw Chrome's questioning as a threat and accused him of wanting to become the leader. No matter how many times Chrome denied the fact an all out gang fight erupted. Those who agreed with Leo fought those who agreed with Chrome. It ended with Leo's death and the bloodied hands of Chrome. After a month or so since the scarring event, he was arrested and taken to the high court for judgement. Since he had been part of the gang activities and had been second in command, the two murders of the innocent and Leo was placed on his hands. He was facing either life imprisonment or death but before either could be decided, he was saved by a certain blonde haired Seraph who proposed that he could serve as his Guardian as punishment. There was of course many causalities and complaints about the idea but in the end it was passed by the council. Chrome had been at first enraged at the proposal and refused to wear a uniform, to speak to said Seraph, or to attend the Guardian trainings. That obviously passed though as he now serves Lucifer with unwavering loyalty and would gladly give his life for his. The reason why his surname is Lockwick was because Lucifer insisted on it.


Training/ physical exercise

Good food

Honest people



Loud noises



physical contact of any kind

(exception would be people he trusts and know well. i.e. Lucifer)

Unexpected surprises

Emotional people







can be a bit overbearing

Little brother complex

Skills: Too many to list off. Lets just say he wasn't dubbed the Monochrome Raven for nothing.


Lucifer (though he would literally bite his tongue off before admitting it)

Lack of physical control (sometimes he can't control his strength and unintentionally harms others)

Insensitive to his and others emotions (Chrome is about as sensitive as a sack of rocks -__-)


Unicorn cabbage potato watermelon


Will mercilessly detain anyone he deems a threat to Lucifer (or himself/others).

I love the sense of humor you put into the character sheet xD Especially the part saying that he's as sensitive as a sack of rocks xD
Shadiel Novak

"Angel Of Darkness, Angel Of Darkness...The world is in your hand."







Picture Appearance:



*Written Appearance:

Shade as he is commonly known as, has dark green hair that ends at his neck line. HE has deep brown eyes that if first glanced at seem red. He usually wears a sleeveless dark grey hoodie, with a set black pants of any kind. His wings are kind of wispy, and seem like shadows.




126 lb.

Wing Span:

20 feet


Street Performer

*Sexual Orientation:



Shade is quite literally a shadow, silent, and quick he is always modeling himself after others. He has a very quick temper and is easily angered. He has a strange fascination with birds, and humans often blending in with them. He loves to show off his wings to others, and has earned the nickname Angel of Dakness, Luciel. He doesn't get modern slang, considering he was raised in a lab.


Shadiel has an...unusual past. He was literally raised in a lab with no contact outside whatsoever. Reason being, was Shadiel's parents died and he was taken as a prize of some sorts. The men and women who killed his parents were anti-Arvion so they took him in and experimented on him. When people started to accept the Arvion's they forced them to let the 19 year old, who had named himself Shadiel to be set free. So when he was set free, Shade became a street performer.





[]Cosmopolitan Magazines




[]White Coats



"What is the 'dirty bird', I haven't seen any dirty birds around.."








His fear of dogs makes him petrified.

He isn't physically strong

He isn't aware of most dangers.



Please reserve me a spot! Im in the middle of moving so I can't make my char now, but hopefully I can in a day or two.


Christian Ashire






Half Bred

Picture Appearance:



(Dyed his wings as well. )

*Written Appearance:

When you see Christian you will notice he has pale purple eyes. His hair is dark purple at the routes and the color begins to fade as it spreads further out but his hair ends down his neck, becoming a bit pink at the tip. Christian usually wears a light brown sweater vest with virbrant colored shirts and lights jeans.






College student (but barely goes)

Works at a caffe

*Sexual Orientation:

Pansexual. He doesnt really care who he goes out with.


He definitely isnt shy or timid. He will definitely say whats on his mind, even if you're high authority. This tends to get him into a lot of trouble with people including a few fights, with humans and Avrions but he could care less. Even though he seems like a street rat he can be sweet at times though he doesnt like to admit he has a sweet side. It gets him embarrassed. He can be very reliable when you need it and doesnt like to disappoint.


Christians farther was an Avrion and his mother was a human. His mother was very kind and sweet but soon when Christian was five she had left the two. He didnt know why she had left so he assumed it was because all the prejudice that was going on back then. A few years had passed and it was just Christian and his farther. Christian was getting the hang of flying and practicing it everyday, trying to get higher and high but he couldnt go as high as he wanted. Why you ask? Because he has asthma. It sucks! He would have to take medicine and use his inhaler to at least attempt to go higher. When Christian turned sixteen his farther had met another woman and fell in love. The woman also had a sun, Jax and he soon became Christians older stepbrother when their parents had gotten married. They fought a lot but it wasnt because they were different. It was because Jax would just hog up the t.v all the time so they're pretty close other then that. Christians school life is of course filled with ups and downs, detention and suspensions but who's life isnt?


The wasteland










"When life gives you lemons you squirt those lemons into lifes eyes."


Playing with his hair


Good reflexes (still working on it )

Seed spitter champion


*Weaknesses: (at least 3 )

Easily irritated

His asthma



( Place holder for Jax )


Jax Merolin







Picture Appearance:


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[QUOTE="Neon Nyan]


Christian Ashire






Half Bred

Picture Appearance:



(Dyed his wings as well. )

*Written Appearance:

When you see Christian you will notice he has pale purple eyes. His hair is dark purple at the routes and the color begins to fade as it spreads further out but his hair ends down his neck, becoming a bit pink at the tip. Christian usually wears a light brown sweater vest with virbrant colored shirts and lights jeans.






College student (but barely goes)

Works at a caffe

*Sexual Orientation:

Pansexual. He doesnt really care who he goes out with.


He definitely isnt shy or timid. He will definitely say whats on his mind, even if you're high authority. This tends to get him into a lot of trouble with people including a few fights, with humans and Avrions but he could care less. Even though he seems like a street rat he can be sweet at times though he doesnt like to admit he has a sweet side. It gets him embarrassed. He can be very reliable when you need it and doesnt like to disappoint.


Christians farther was an Avrion and his mother was a human. His mother was very kind and sweet but soon when Christian was five she had left the two. He didnt know why she had left so he assumed it was because all the prejudice that was going on back then. A few years had passed and it was just Christian and his farther. Christian was getting the hang of flying and practicing it everyday, trying to get higher and high but he couldnt go as high as he wanted. Why you ask? Because he has asthma. It sucks! He would have to take medicine and use his inhaler to at least attempt to go higher. When Christian turned sixteen his farther had met another woman and fell in love. The woman also had a sun, Jax and he soon became Christians older stepbrother when their parents had gotten married. They fought a lot but it wasnt because they were different. It was because Jax would just hog up the t.v all the time so they're pretty close other then that. Christians school life is of course filled with ups and downs, detention and suspensions but who's life isnt?


The wasteland










"When life gives you lemons you squirt those lemons into lifes eyes."


Playing with his hair


Good reflexes (still working on it )

Seed spitter champion


*Weaknesses: (at least 3 )

Easily irritated

His asthma



( Place holder for Jax )


Jax Merolin







Picture Appearance:



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